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Alfredo Luzardo reflection 13th of September

What really connected to my career plan from my traits and skills would be that Mediators really
struggle to find a career path that they are passionate about. This is because Mediators really feel like
the job that they want to do needs to be the job that they are extremely devoted/passionate about and
a job that is fun and want to do for the rest of their lives. So, with my career plan at the moment, I am
considering many options that I enjoy and am passionate about such as computer programming,
concept artist, game developer, and working with 3D. Also, what really connected to me was that I do
not want to be in a work environment that is very stressful, hectic, and stifled by a strict workplace
hierarchy, but instead be in a work environment where everyone is seen as equal and are constantly
helping each other. Since Mediators tend to be big procrastinators because of their constant deep
thinking, creativity and being lost in thought, we prefer to have some structure and oversight in our
work environment to keep ourselves on track and to know exactly what we are doing. This really links up
with becoming a concept artist because I am able to be creative and have deep thoughts about what I
want to do, but also having some structure will keep me from procrastinating. I would say that this is an
extremely accurate description of my personality, almost every little thing that they talk about on the
website is spot on. One of the points that I found were very accurate was the first one that they talked
about, where I am very quiet and unassuming on the outside, but on the inside, I am very deep in
thought and thinking up stories and conversations in my head. Another great point that I found was also
accurate was the fact that mediators tend to be more imaginative and fantasize about their dreams than
take action, so it is very important for me to take steps towards pursuing those dreams instead of
waiting for it happen.

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