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Bicol University

Polangui Campus


Name: Jules Lyndon Oraye

Course/Year/Block: BS ECE3


1. What is Preventing you from taking the steps necessary to accomplish your
- In my growing years, there have been thing I tried to pursue and things that I
had given up a hundred percent already. With the things I gave up, it is all
because I lack the confidence, lack of time, enthusiasm, dedication and idea
on what step should I place myself. With this, I think that as of today I’ve
currently conquered these hindrances slightly better than before but these
matters still remain as matters that prevent me from accomplishing my goals.

2. Are the barriers external, such as lack of knowledge, resources, time, and
- Barriers are not entirely external, thus, a combination of both internal and
external because of some issues I’ve mentioned in my previous answers that
are lack of confidence and time, enthusiasm, dedication and knowledge.

3. Or are they internal barriers such as complacency, fear, or a lack of confidence?

- Internal and external barriers

4. What actions can you start to take today to overcome these barriers?
- First action is to shape my mindset and set an objective that I should aim.
Next is, to find what really is for me, that means to explore and discover
things, such as identifying more capabilities that I can let out of myself. Also is
to not limit myself and imprison in my comfort zone, hence, when exploring it
means that I should also consider staying out of my comfort zone as in that
way I will be able to grow and gain knowledge. Another action is to always
grab every opportunity as it will be a new experience that will contribute to
success and also overcome the negative traits and habits I’ve built and
replace it with characters that will help me to become a more successful

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