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Love's appreciation @

| just wanted you to know, nobody has ever made me feel

like this in a long time ago. | guess it's been completely a
year I've lost interest in love ® Thanks for choosing me®
@ | wanted to wait till you're asleep so you can wake up
my WhatsApp love Letter @® Baby, no matter what | say
when I'm down justmark my word's and take some words
as serious® ok I'm a attention seeker of urs@ | love if
you notice and remember all the small things and actions
of mine no Matter what it's always gonna be me and
you in the end@& I'm not gonna call me as urs coz we
don't know what will happen in the future® | want to
thank you for loving me endlessly & like nobody have
done this to me® thanks for waited for me for couple of
months ® thank you for being patient with me¥£ thank
you for asking how was my day& that really means alot
& Honey, | want to be the happiest women alive @ | miss
you @ it's been a week we talked on the phone® usually
I'll sleep 1st but nowadays u are sleeping 1st.. even
without telling good night or even texting me® *"it's
kinda hurt's"* but that's ok ik you'll be tired... But let
me know you're gonna sleep or you will sleepy.. like | do
@ cozit's make me to think that *You don't love me
anymore* @ “° | love this *DISTANCE* between us coz
hope you feel the same@@I can say number of times to
remind you that you're closet to my heart & no once can
ever come in between us, even if meet someone else or
someone tries to break our bond | know whatever we have
is so special and rare that we will never get separated.
When | got to know you things were so different, we didn't
get know each other, we were strangers we didn't know
that we will be close to each other later, | once ignored
you® today if somebody would ask me " what | mean to
you?" | still won't have words because from my pain, to my
happiness to my anger to my worst side you have felt it all,
you stayed , loved and cared and all | can say is "| LOVE

eS =)
< 6)

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