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This Kundalini Reiki manual is subject to copyright and other terms. Full use and resell copyright 
and terms of this manual can be found at the end of the manual.  
All rights reserved. 
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Kundalini Reiki is one of the simplest healing systems available. Kundalini Reiki is 
straightforward to learn and practice. It allows students to become practitioners and teachers 
within a short period while aiming to provide powerful tools that may assist you in reaching your 
healing, spiritual, and self-development goals.  

At its core Kundalini Reiki opens and strengthens your energy channels within your body, 
making it possible to channel Reiki energy to yourself and others. This healing modality safely 
accesses your kundalini energy and combines it with Reiki energy. The combination of these 
two sources of energy aims to help increase Kundalini Reiki’s effectiveness by bringing balance 
to your energy bodies and opening up your awareness. There are no symbols or complicated 
procedures to learn as Kundalini Reiki is activated and flows just by the power of your i​ ntention​. 

There are no prerequisites to learn Kundalini Reiki.  

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The founder of Kundalini Reiki is ​Ole Gabrielsen​. Ole is from Denmark and has been teaching 
healing techniques and practices worldwide since the beginning of the 90s. He has founded 
many different healing modalities, where ​Kundalini Reiki​, ​New Usui Reiki​, ​Gold Reiki​, and 
Tachyon 2008​ are some of the most well known. 

Ole is known for his meditation skills and practice. Following much time spent meditating on 
and channelling Ascended Master Kuthumi, Kundalini Reiki came into existence. 


An Ascended Master is a spiritually enlightened being who lived on Earth, but through a lot of 
spiritual work, practices, and initiations became enlightened and raised his/her vibration and 
‘ascended’ into a higher dimension.   

Ascended Masters have their spiritual specialities and roles to play in much the same way as 
angels do. Ascended Master Kuthumi comes to those who seek world knowledge in this time of 
change and to use that accumulated knowledge for the good of all.  

Ascended Master Kuthumi has the role of World Teacher and is instrumental in the 
re-emergence of knowledge that has been lost to humankind, encouraging all spiritual seekers 
to open their Heart Chakra to express unconditional love to all. His expressed goal of kundalini 
activation is to lead you to an expanding state of universal consciousness, peace, light, and 


Kundalini is considered to be a part of the subtle body (one of your energy bodies) along with 
chakras (energy centres) and nadis (energy channels). The point to note is that kundalini is a 
part of you and is not external to you, although it can draw in external energies. 

Kundalini energy is the basic life force that is within you and moves up along your spine. 
Kundalini energy has been interpreted depending on the origin or belief system of what kundalini 

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is, how it moves, and what its characteristics are. Most teachings come with warnings of not 
opening the kundalini too fast, and this has brought with it a certain amount of fear. 

While it is important not to work with this energy too fast, and you should feel you are ready to 
do so before working with this energy, the vast majority of us already have kundalini activity. 
This has naturally occurred without any deliberate stimulation while suffering no ill effect. 
Kundalini energy is the basic life force after all so we would not be alive if it were not already 
active. I do not feel it is necessary to 'awaken' the energy, but we can aim to stimulate it. 

You can stimulate the kundalini in many different ways through breath, visualisation, chanting, 
and other physical exercises practised in Yoga and Tantra. Kundalini Reiki aims to stimulate the 
kundalini through the use of attunements. The kundalini energy may then ascend a subtle 
channel along the spine (called Sushumna) to the head with the eventual aim of bringing 

When kundalini energy rises, it moves with the characteristics of a serpent. However, it does not 
just move up along the spine as a single unit. It flows more like many serpents up the spine. 

Gaining more access to the kundalini energy means that certain healing channels and chakras 
have been opened and you have thereby gained more access to this basic life force. The Root 
Chakra, which is the energy centre located near the perineum (located between the anus and the 
genitals), acts as an ‘entrance’ for the energy. After the kundalini has been stimulated, the 
energy runs all the way up through the bodies ‘main energy channel’ and out of the Crown 
Chakra. An open kundalini means that over some time, a complete cleansing of the chakras, the 
body parts, and the energy channels may be obtained.  

Kundalini awakening will take time and practice. Also, it is unlikely that you will achieve full 
kundalini awakening all the time. Kundalini rises and falls naturally. Through the use of Kundalini 
Reiki, you may be able to work more consciously with the movement of the kundalini. 


Reiki is a simple technique that aims to allow you to connect with and use the energy of life to 
relieve suffering and bring about healing (​What Does Healing Really Mean?​) and transformation 
to your life. 

Reiki is a Japanese word made up of two parts; Rei (pronounced 'ray') and Ki (pronounced 'key'). 
The closest translation of 'Rei' would be 'universal wisdom'. 'Ki', translates as 'life force energy' 

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and is very similar to the Chinese word 'Chi'. Ki is the energy of life. The Universal Life Force is 
the energy that sustains all of life. This energy is everywhere and is part of everything around 
you. It is you.  

Anyone can learn to use Reiki; all you need is an open heart and mind. Intellectual capability or 
the level of your spiritual growth does not restrict learning Reiki. Reiki is not a religion and 
requires no particular faith or belief system. It is completely non-denominational. All you need is 
an openness and willingness to grow and ​change​. You can use Reiki in conjunction with any 
religion or belief system. 

As a Reiki practitioner, you act as a facilitator or conduit for the energy. During a treatment, the 
Universal Life Force energy will flow through you and out through your hands. If you are 
receiving healing, all you need to do is be willing to receive the energy. The energy is drawn 
naturally to where it is most needed, once the treatment starts. Reiki is intuitive. This could be 
on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. It is important to note that you can only 
draw in as much Universal Life Force energy as is needed. You will not receive more energy than 
you are unable to handle. 

A Japanese Buddhist called Dr Mikao Usui developed the Reiki system of healing at the turn of 
the twentieth century. Having discovered information in Buddhist Sanskrit texts from Tibet, it is 
clear that Universal Life Force has been used for healing purposes since ancient times. 


The combination of Reiki (Universal Life Force) and kundalini (Basic Life Force within you) aims 
to produce a powerful healing effect on our energy bodies, including your physical body. It 
combines the benefits of Reiki and kundalini energy, allowing for potentially intense healing and 
spiritual awakening within you. In effect, you are receiving and activating energy both from 
within your energy bodies and from the universe. 


Kundalini Reiki has three levels, each with an attunement. The attunements aim to open your 
energy bodies and channels, in particular, the kundalini. The attunements aim to stimulate the 
safe rising of your kundalini. They aim to connect you to Reiki energy which, when combined 

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with your kundalini energy, aims to deliver an effective form of healing and personal and 
spiritual development. 

There are many different ways to stimulate the rising of your kundalini. The benefits of Kundalini 
Reiki are that it aims to do this safely and gently and in a relatively short period. 

Reiki uses the process of a

​ ttunements​ to connect practitioners permanently and profoundly to 
the Universal Life Force (Reiki). A good way of thinking about this is to compare the attunement 
process to tuning in an old-fashioned radio. When you turn the dial, you can hear the static of 
the radio frequencies. When you tune into a specific frequency that is being used to transmit on 
you, then have a clear broadcast, with no static, on that radio channel. In much the same way an 
attunement tunes you into the Universal Life Force. 

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During your Kundalini Reiki level 1 attunement, all of the blockages in your chakras are 
potentially removed, except for the Base Chakra. The Base Chakra is deliberately left uncleared 
during the level 1 attunement. It will be activated in a later attunement to allow for the possible 
rising of the Kundalini. 

Kundalini Reiki level 1 is often felt strongly and may produce sensations within your body and 
the chakras in your hands. You may be able to feel the chakras spinning, energy surges in your 
body and even hear things. These are all completely normal sensations of the experience. 


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Although there are many c

​ hakras​ found throughout your body, we are only concerned with the 
seven main chakras. 

During the first attunement the main energy channel, from the Crown Chakra to the Root Chakra, 
is cleansed and prepared for the potential kundalini awakening which is the focus of Kundalini 
Reiki level 2. 

During the cleansing, the Heart Chakra becomes enlarged, and the energy channels from the 
hands to the Crown Chakra open so that the Reiki energy may flow more strongly.  

The Kundalini Reiki level 1 attunement is often felt quite strong and is said to be the same 
strength and level of a Usui Reiki level 3 Master attunement. If you feel it intensely, it is essential 
to remember that you will only receive the amount of energy you can handle. You will never 
receive too much energy or amounts that you are unable to handle. 

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Before you activate the energies, it is beneficial to prepare yourself and the environment for the 
session. The way you do this will be personal, and I would encourage you to follow what feels 
best for you. However, a structure can be important. You may find the ​How To Structure Energy 
Healing Treatments​ article of interest. It gives guidance on how to create a sacred and safe 
space for your energy healing work. 

To activate the energies following the level 1 attunement while giving yourself or others a 
treatment, use the word '​Reiki​'. This can be said silently in your mind or out loud. Intention and a 
willingness to use Reiki are essential, and the word 'Reiki' is a way to focus your intent. When 
you say the word 'Reiki' and use your intention to use it, the energies will start to flow. A different 
word activates each levels energy. 

In-Person Treatments 

Use your ​intention​ to activate the energies of Kundalini Reiki and focus on the person you are 
attuning. It may be helpful to say something like:  

1. Lay your hands on the receiver’s shoulders. 

2. Clear your thoughts and think to yourself ‘​Reiki​’ to start the energy flow. Just let the energy 
flow. You don’t have to concentrate on keeping the energy flowing; it will flow freely of its own 
accord. Just relax and enjoy the energy. 

3. When 3-5 minutes have passed, you will feel the energy stop, or you may feel a little tired or 

Once the treatment is complete, the healing energy will continue to work in the receiver. 

In this way, the receiver will always receive the correct healing that they need, no matter how 
severe or insignificant the reason for the treatment may be.  

Distant And Self Treatments 

1. Visualise the receiver, or the receiver’s name or names in the palm of your hand (if you prefer 
to write the names on a piece of paper and hold it in your hands). Then place your palms 

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2. Clear your thoughts and think to yourself ‘​Reiki​’ to start the energy flow. Just let the energy 
flow. You don’t have to concentrate on keeping the energy flow coming in; it will flow freely of its 
own accord. Relax and enjoy the energy.   

3. When 3-5 minutes have passed (this can vary from person to person), you will feel the energy 
stop, or you may feel a little tired or drained. That means that you are finished.   

The healing energy will, however, continue to work in the receiver. 

This is the same method that should be used for self-healing. I​ highly recommend that you 
perform a self-healing every day. 

It is essential to gain consent before doing any energy healing. If you can’t obtain direct consent, 
you may find the blog post ​Consent And Distant Energy Healing​ i​ nteresting. 


It is straightforward to cleanse a room or even an entire house of negative and stale energies.   

Use the remote, long-distance method to get the best results and think about the specific 
room/house, e.g. 'Claire's room/house' etc., and start the energy flow.   

This usually lasts 3-5 minutes. 

You should aim to cleanse your own home at least once every couple of weeks, or as often as 
you feel appropriate. 


There is always a karmic band between those you hold closest and even those you have once 
held close. These bands may sometimes weigh you down and have negative influences. The 
bands may affect your energy and eventually, your physical body. Very often, relationships grow 
stronger when you have healed the karmic band. 

Healing karmic bands is easy using Kundalini Reiki. As an example, if you would like to improve 
the relationship between yourself and your mother, you should write “my relationship with my 
mother” with your finger in the palm of your hand. Place your palms together and start the 
energy flow.   

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If you are healing a relationship for someone else, then you should write ‘Robert’s relationship 
with his mother’ and start the energy flow.  

This procedure usually lasts 3-5 minutes, but sometimes can take a little longer. 

This process may have significant healing effects on both parties involved. I recommend that 
you try and do this treatment as often as you need. I have found you can use this on most types 
of relationships where you feel there may be a bond/connection that needs healing. 

It is essential to gain consent before doing any energy healing. If you can’t obtain direct consent, 
you may find the blog post ​Consent And Distant Energy Healing​ i​ nteresting. 


It may be possible to help heal (​What does healing really mean?​) a situation or a personal 
quality or even a character trait, e.g. jealousy, nervousness, anxiety, toothache, patience, sorrow, 
anger, improving communication, your singing voice, etc.  

Write on the palm of your hand or think, e.g. 'my anger', 'my communication', or for someone 
else 'Kurt's toothache'. 

It is essential to gain consent before doing any energy healing. If you can’t obtain direct consent, 
you may find the blog post ​Consent And Distant Energy Healing​ i​ nteresting. 

Healing can also be used on animals, plants or on any object you wish. If your pet or animal is 
sick or unwell it is important that you seek medical care from a vet before considering energy 
healing. Energy healing does not replace proper care from a veterinarian. 

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Kundalini Reiki level 2 aims to strengthen the previous attunement of Kundalini Reiki level 1 as 
well as open the Root Chakra and enlarges the third eye. As more of the main chakras are being 
opened and strengthened, you will find that your ability to channel energy may increase. Your 
kundalini is stimulated and prepared for a possible kundalini rising following the level 3 

Kundalini Reiki level 2 also teaches you a tremendously beneficial exercise that aims to help 
raise your kundalini safely and effectively while helping to clear your energy bodies. This 
exercise, called the Kundalini Reiki Meditation, should be practised at least once a day to help 
keep open and further expand your energy channels. 


The kundalini is stimulated, and the main energy channel opens wider. The kundalini may reach 
up to the Solar Plexus Chakra. This aims to prepare for the kundalini rising, which may result 
following the Kundalini Reiki level 3.  

You will learn a specific meditation, when performed, increases, for a short time, the power of 
the kundalini which cleanses your energy channels — in this way, cleansing all the chakras and 
energy systems. 

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After your attunement to Kundalini Reiki level 2, you will use the words 'Kundalini Reiki' to 
activate the energies. You can say this silently in your mind or out loud. You use the words 
'​Kundalini Reiki​' in recognition that you are now using both kundalini and Reiki energies. All 
treatments performed after this attunement use your kundalini energy in combination with Reiki 

In-Person Treatments 

The only difference between in-person treatments given in Kundalini Reiki level 1 and level 2 is 
that when activating the energy, you will now think or say '​Kundalini Reiki​'. Other than this, the 
actual process of doing a treatment is the same. The process has been repeated below for ease 
of reference. 

1. Lay your hands on the receiver’s shoulders. 

2. Clear your thoughts and think to yourself ‘Kundalini Reiki’ to start the energy flow. Just let the 
energy flow. You don’t have to concentrate on keeping the energy flowing; it will flow freely of its 
own accord. Just relax and enjoy the energy. 

3. When 3-5 minutes have passed, you will feel the energy stop, or you may feel a little tired or 

Once the treatment is complete, the healing energy will continue to work in the receiver. 

In this way, the receiver will always receive the correct healing that they need, no matter how 
severe or insignificant the ailment may be. The energy will always flow to where it is required. 

Distant And Self Treatments 

The only difference between remote and self-treatments in Kundalini Reiki level 1 and level 2 is 
that when activating the energy, you will now think '​Kundalini Reiki​'. Other than this, the actual 
process of doing a treatment is the same. The process has been repeated below for ease of 

1. Visualise the receiver, or the receiver’s name or names in the palm of your hand (if you prefer 
to try writing the names on a piece of paper and hold between your hands). Then place your 
palms together. 

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2. Clear your thoughts and think to yourself ‘Kundalini Reiki’ to start the energy flow. Just let the 
energy flow. You don’t have to concentrate on keeping the energy flow coming in; it will flow 
freely of its own accord. Just relax and enjoy the energy.   

3. When 3-5 minutes have passed (this can vary from person to person), you will feel the energy 
stop, or you may feel a little tired or drained. That means that you are finished.   

The healing energy will, however, continue to work in the receiver. 

This is the same method that should be used for self-healing. I​ highly recommend that you 
perform a self-healing every day. 

It is essential to gain consent before doing any energy healing. If you can’t obtain direct consent, 
you may find the blog post ​Consent And Distant Energy Healing​ i​ nteresting. 


The Kundalini Reiki Meditation is a specific exercise that helps the rising and cleansing process 
and usually takes between 5 and 15 minutes. The meditation aims to enhance and strengthen 
your kundalini energy and for a short time, open your palm chakras wider.   

By doing this meditation, all of the chakras and the energy channels light up and are ready for 
the cleansing. 

1. Sit or lay down with your eyes closed. 

2. Think or say out loud ‘Kundalini Reiki Meditation’. The process will then start, and will 
automatically stop around 5 to 15 minutes later. Relax and enjoy the energy. 

You should use this meditation every day to progressively increase your vibration and cleanse 
and expand your energy channels. W
​ hen performed regularly, this can be an essential process 
and one that is extremely enjoyable, healing and often revealing.  

When using Kundalini Reiki, you will only ever receive as much energy as you can manage and 
need and no more. This is also the same for the meditation, self-healing, and the healing of 

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The Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher level aims to provide additional types of treatments and 
energy healing tools. You will learn how to attune people, crystals, and other objects to Kundalini 
Reiki. Your energy bodies and channels are strengthened and widened to increase the amount 
of energy you can channel. 


The Throat, Solar Plexus, Hara (the area just below the navel) and Root Chakras are opened 

The kundalini is further strengthened and has the potential of reaching up and out of the Crown 
Chakra. This may take time and practice and tends not to be a permanent occurrence, but 
instead occurs in intervals. 

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Kundalini Reiki level 3 comes with several other types of Reiki or functions. These are all 
included in the single Kundalini Reiki level 3 attunement and do not require further attunements.  

Diamond Reiki 

An etheric diamond is placed in the Crown Chakra. It works so that all the Reiki energy that 
flows through this chakra takes on the diamond's properties. A diamond is strong, powerful, 
and pure. 

This is a strong energy that aims to bring clarity and healing as long as there are no underlying 
unresolved problems. 

Instructions for use: From now on when using this Kundalini Reiki function think '​Diamond Reiki​' 
instead of 'Kundalini Reiki'. This aims to strengthen the Reiki energy significantly. 

Crystalline Reiki 

All over your body, you have small deposits of certain crystals. These are exit points for the 
traumas you may have experienced through life. Every time you put off or postpone dealing with 
a trauma, a crystal may form.   

Trauma can be anything from a broken arm, a sprain, sorrow etc. As an example, if someone 
breaks their arm, a crystal forms to hold the memory of that trauma.   

If there aren't any unresolved problems or feelings behind this trauma, the crystals can be 
dissolved and healed.  

Instructions for use: A complete treatment consists of two healing sessions.   

Each session should last around 15 minutes, and both hands must be touching the receiver. 
Think 'Crystalline Reiki'.  

You are not able to use Crystalline Reiki in long-distance healing. Although, when giving yourself 
a treatment, you should use the long-distance method, as it is yourself, you are healing. 

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DNA Reiki 

DNA Reiki aims to strengthen the ability to heal DNA strands (our blueprint), which may heal and 
remove negative energies associated diseases.   

Instructions for use: You can use this healing for both hands-on and remote, long-distance 

Put your hands together and think 'DNA Reiki'. It is only necessary to give one treatment.   

The healing usually takes 3-5 minutes. 

Birth Trauma Reiki 

The most severe trauma is usually the process of being born.   

To allow the gentlest release from this trauma, you should use a specific type of energy while 

Instructions for use: You can use this healing for both hands-on and remote, long-distance 

Put your hands together and think 'Birth Trauma Reiki'. It is only necessary to give one 

The healing usually takes 3-5 minutes. 

Location Reiki 

Just as there are karmic bands or ties between people, there are also bands and ties between 
places, and even the Earth.   

These bands may weigh you down and sometimes may influence your physical health.  

The energy used here is a little different from that of Diamond Reiki and aims to give optimal 

Instructions for use: You can use this healing for both hands-on and remote, long-distance 

Put your hands together and think 'Location Reiki'. It is only necessary to give one treatment per 

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The healing usually takes 3-5 minutes. 

Past Life Reiki 

You can use Past Life Reiki to heal blockages from your earlier life or lives. 

Instructions for use: You can use this as both hands-on or remote, long-distance healing.   

Put your hands together and think 'Past Life Reiki'.   

There should be three sessions to complete a treatment. 

Balance All Reiki 

Using a specific hand position, you can, within 30 seconds, balance all of the energy systems in 
your body. 

Instructions for use: Hold the tips of your fingers and thumbs against the tips of the 
corresponding fingers and thumb on the opposite hand together for 30 seconds and think, 

You can then let go and do whatever you need to do, as the process is automatic. This then 
starts the balancing of your complete energy system.   

It takes around an hour and is recommended that this should only be done once a day. 

Remember that before you can give any treatment to others, you must first complete a 
self-healing on yourself with a Crystalline, DNA, Location, Past Life, and Birth Trauma Reiki 

It is a good idea before treating with Kundalini Reiki level 3, to first do a situation or qualities 
healing on yourself.   

Then you can go on, as an example, to try Birth Trauma Reiki, Location Reiki, Past life Reiki, and 
then DNA Reiki. If it isn't remote long-distance healing and the receiver can come the next day or 
at a later time, Crystalline healing. 

There is a lot of scope for putting together different treatments or a course of treatments 
utilising the various forms of Reiki. You can also ​use your intuition​ and see what you are led to 
use during each treatment, be open and flexible in your approach. This is often the best way to 
approach a treatment and one I recommend. 

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Please remember that with any Reiki, the flow of the energy gets stronger the more you use it. 

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Using Kundalini Reiki is very easy and requires little or no set hand positions other than placing 
your hands on a recipient's shoulders or placing your hands together. This simplicity is what 
makes Kundalini Reiki so popular. However, if you know traditional Reiki hand positions, you can 
use these with Kundalini Reiki. 


Energetic protection from absorbing cleared negative energy from a client or any 'negative' 
energy from the environment is essential. 

Generally speaking, cleared negative energy during a treatment is transmuted back into positive 
energy. The Reiki energy itself is protective by nature and will do this naturally. But is this 

In short, times have changed since the founding of Reiki. Please do not misunderstand me and 
assume that this statement fear-based. It is quite the opposite. Since the founding of Reiki in 
the early twentieth century, we have witnessed a massive shift in consciousness and a rising of 
energy vibration as a whole. You are now operating at a higher frequency than the world that 
existed when Reiki was founded. It is clear that we have collectively become more aware of 
energy and are starting to operate at a higher frequency. 

With this extremely exciting development in our development, comes the ability to sense 
energies more and also to attract energy. Have you noticed how the ability to manifest the 
things you want in your life seems to be happening much faster? However, if you are operating 
in a fear-based mindset, which can be transient and happen even without you being fully aware 
of it, you are attracting that energy to you. Also, by operating at a higher frequency, you are more 
energetically 'visible' than you were previously.  

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The best way to protect yourself from absorbing any cleared energy from a client or other 
negative sources is to stand in your power. This means that you must remember that you are a 
powerful energy being (we are all energy). You are in control of the treatment or your 
environment. Standing in your power is a great way to prevent fear, and is the first step in all 
types of energy protection. After all, you direct energy healing by your intention, so where you 
focus your intention, energy will flow. 

Intention​, as previously discussed, is an essential aspect of Reiki. This means that your intention 
before doing any energy work is essential. It can bring protection if incorporated into this. A 
simple i​ ntention statement​ used before all treatments and attunements, even when giving 
yourself a self-treatment, is highly beneficial and may make your treatments more effective. 

Before you activate the energies, it is beneficial to prepare yourself and the environment for the 
treatment. The way you do this will be personal, and I would encourage you to follow what feels 
best for you. However, a structure can be important. You may find the ​How To Structure Energy 
Healing Treatments​ article of interest. It gives guidance on how to create a sacred and safe 
space for your energy healing work. 


While you are giving a treatment (both in-person and by distance) or giving an attunement, you 
connect energetically with the client or person. This connection will often happen from your 
Heart Chakra to the recipient's Heart Chakra. This connection or ​etheric cord​ is kept in place 
while you are doing the treatment and it is through this connection that you will often receive 
'information feedback' as to what the recipient may need to work on or any messages in 
general. These messages may come in the form of thoughts, mental images, sensations, 
smells, shapes, colours etc. Stay open and aware of anything that you may receive and be lead 
by them.  

After the completion of treatment or attunement, it is essential to remember to cut or close the 
cord. This is very important as maintaining the cord for any length of time following the 
treatment or attunement; it is possible that you may feel weakened or tired. ​Cutting the cord​ is 
very easy and requires a firm movement of your hand swiped down across your body from your 
neck across the chest (Heart Chakra) and then away from the body. Be firm with the movement 
and do this at least three times on both sides of your body. You can also break the connection 
by using your intention while doing this exercise. 

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Following any energy work (giving and receiving treatments and attunements) it is essential to 
ground yourself​. The bliss feeling you may feel following energy work can feel intoxicating and 
feel like a chore to come back down to earth and have to deal with normal day-to-day issues. 
However, if you stay too long in the bliss, you not only find it difficult to function normally, but 
you run the risk of spiritual burnout and stagnation (​How Do You Know If You Are Ungrounded?​). 
Spiritual stagnation​ means that as you are always in a state of bliss, you are no longer able to 
grow as you have no challenges. If spiritual stagnation sets in, life has a way of bringing growth 
and change to you in forceful ways. It is easy to avoid these possibilities by completing a simple 
grounding exercise following any energy work or when you feel the need. 

There are many different ways to ground yourself through the use of a
​ ttunements​, crystals, 
meditation and visualisations, energy work etc. Choose an option that feels right and works for 


Focus on the chakras in your feet (while standing barefoot on the ground – ideally outside but if 
the weather is bad you can do this inside) and then visualise connecting with the E
​ arth Star 
Chakra​, about 6 inches below your feet. Feel the energy go down from you, into the Earth Star 
Chakra and then back up again to you. Try this for a few minutes and then focus your mind on 
sending the energy down into the core of the earth, and then back up into the Earth Star Chakra 
and then back up into you. It is such a beautiful way to ground and also to connect and 
communicate with mother earth. Often while doing this exercise, you will feel the chakras in 
your feet spinning. 


You may, on occasion, following an attunement or treatment experience 'side effects' known as 
detox symptoms. These detox symptoms are usually very mild and are a direct result of the 
energetic clearing that is occurring within your energy bodies. Any non-serving energies 
(memories, thoughts, attachments etc.) are cleared and replaced with supportive energies. As 
this process takes place, you may feel certain mild symptoms such as: 

Kundalini Reiki  w


● Headaches. 
● Body aches. 
● Flu-like symptoms. 
● Coughs. 
● Muscle twitches and discomfort. 
● Memories of past events. 
● Feeling motional. 
● Crying. 

You may experience other symptoms that are not listed here that are a sign of what you are 
energetically clearing. It is important to note that some of these symptoms may also be due to 
medical conditions. It is essential to seek medical care if these symptoms persist. 


The most important thing to do is be very gentle with yourself. Take care of yourself and do 
what you feel is best for you.  

Drink lots of water and eat healthily to help remove any toxins from the body. Get plenty of rest 
and remove anything around you that is making the symptoms feel worse.  

Once you feel a little more comfortable, it is essential to mindfully identify what is being cleared, 
not hold on to it, and then release it.  

Remove irritation and anything around you that is bothering or making any symptoms worse 
(​Why Irritation Should Never be Ignored​). 

Pamper yourself by giving yourself a treatment. One of the quickest ways to reduce any 
symptoms is to provide yourself with a treatment using the energy that has stimulated the 

Also, treat yourself to things that give you comfort such as salt baths etc. 

Remember, that ultimately you are in control of any clearing that is taking place. If the 
symptoms feel too intense for you, ask your higher-self to either stop or slow down the rate of 
clearing and symptoms.  

Kundalini Reiki  w


It is through clearing that you grow, heal, and develop along your spiritual paths. The more work 
you do on yourself, the easier the clearings become. 


Kundalini Reiki works very well with other energy healing modalities, especially the many 
different types of Reiki included in level 3. 

When working with other modalities while either giving yourself or someone else a treatment, it 
is essential to remain open to your i​ ntuition​ and any guidance you may receive. If you feel 
guided to use a certain type of Reiki or energy healing modality with Kundalini Reiki, then do so. 
There is no such thing as doing it incorrectly. However, it is often best that you let the energies 
flow first before a
​ ctivating another type of energy healing modality​. When using Kundalini Reiki 
activate the energy with your intention and then move on to another modality you are guided to 

Be as creative as you like and have fun. 

Kundalini Reiki  w



Kundalini Reiki has three attunements. It is usually best to leave 5

​ days​ between accepting each 
attunement. I prepare all three attunements at the same time, allowing you more flexibility to 
accept the attunements when you are ready to do so. 

Accepting your chi ball attunements is a straightforward process that aims to connect you with 
the energies of the attunement. The process requires a few minutes, where you can clear your 
mind, be calm, relax and have no distractions. How you achieve this space will be as unique as 
you are; however, the following suggestions may be useful. 

The first thing to do is to request that I prepare your chi ball attunements. Following your 
request, and once your attunements have been prepared, I will email you confirming the 
attunements are ready for you to accept. 


The attunement process need not be complicated. The most important thing is to set your 
intention​ to accept the attunement and have r​ ealistic expectations​. As long as you 
wholeheartedly want to accept the attunement and follow the intention statement below, you 
will receive your attunement. 

Create Sacred Space 

Creating a calm, peaceful and private space to accept your attunement is recommended to 
allow for clear intention to accept the attunement, but also make the experience as enjoyable as 

Choose a space where you will not be interrupted for about half an hour. Don’t forget to switch 
off any devices that may distract or interrupt you such as mobiles, landlines, computers etc. 

You may want to dim the lights as harsh light may be distracting. If you choose to light candles 
or burn incense, ensure that they are in a safe position. 

You may like to play gentle, relaxing music to add to the ambience and energy of the space. If 
you choose to play music, try and ensure the volume is low and that there are no lyrics. Lyrics 
will pull you out of your relaxed state, which you want to avoid.  

Kundalini Reiki  w


Body Position 

Consider the position your body is in when accepting your attunement. You may like to either be 
seated or lying flat on a bed. 

If you prefer to sit, then ensure you choose a comfortable chair that has good back and neck 
support. You may also like to place your hands on each thigh with your palms facing upwards, 
although always ensure your hands are in the most comfortable position for you. 

If you prefer to lie down on a bed, try and ensure that you support your neck and you are 
comfortable. Don’t worry if you drift off to sleep as long as you have set your intention 
beforehand to accept the attunement. 

It is essential that you are comfortable and relaxed, so the position you are in is a personal 

Accepting Your Attunements 

When you are ready and comfortable, set your intention to accept the attunement (feel like you 
really want to accept the attunement) and please state the following, leaving at least 5 days 
between accepting each attunement: 

Kundalini Reiki level 1 

I will now connect with the Kundalini Reiki level 1 attunement and ask that I will 
receive the strongest energies that I can handle. 


Kundalini Reiki  w


Kundalini Reiki level 2 

I will now connect with the Kundalini Reiki level 2 attunement and ask that I will 
receive the strongest energies that I can handle. 

Kundalini Reiki level 3 

I will now connect with the Kundalini Reiki level 3 attunement and ask that I will 
receive the strongest energies that I can handle. 


Set your intention to accept the attunement and relax and enjoy the experience, which will last 
between 5 - 10 minutes. 

If you are visual, you may like to visualise the energies start to fill your being from the inside out. 
The more you connect with the energies, the brighter your being glows and reaches out of you. 
Picture yourself shining like a star. 

When the attunement is complete, you may feel it come to an end, or you might fall asleep 
during the attunement and wake up later. If your attunement is shorter or longer than this, don’t 
worry and try and go with the experience. The attunement will be what you need at that moment. 

Post Attunement 

You are a unique being, which means that your attunement will be unique to you at that time. 
With this in mind, try not to compare your attunement to others or judge your experience. 
Sensations, energies and experiences are all subjective and unique to your current perspective. 

You may have felt subtle vibrations, warmth and possibly heard ringing in your ears, while some 
will have perceived nothing at all. This is entirely normal, and your attunement will be what is 

Kundalini Reiki  w

right for you, so if you don’t experience anything, please don’t worry. How do I know if my 
attunement worked? 

Remember, an attunement is only the first step. It is now essential that you activate and use 
the energies as often as you can, at least daily or as instructed in the manual, in the beginning. 

If you have any doubts if you accepted the attunement correctly, you may be interested in 
reading H
​ ow Do I Know If My Attunement Worked​? 

You may also find the ​10 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Distant Attunements​ of interest. 

If you have purchased multiple attunements, it ​usually is best to leave at least a day or so 
between accepting each attunement​. 

Kundalini Reiki  w




This attunement can be passed to others using intention alone. The following method can be 
used both in-person and by distance. Please feel free to use any form or style of passing 

Distant Attunement 

Use your intention to activate the energies and then focus on the person you are attuning. It may 
be helpful to say something like:  

‘I ask that [NAME OF PERSON] be able to connect with the energies of Kundalini 
Reiki [LEVEL].’  

Try and hold the intention. This will last for around 5-10 mins. 

In-person Attunement 

Use your intention to activate the energies of this attunement and then place your hands just 
over the shoulders or Crown Chakra and focus on the person you are attuning. Then repeat the 
following either internally or out loud:  


‘I ask that [NAME OF PERSON] be able to connect with the energies of Kundalini 
Reiki [LEVEL].’  

Hold the position for about 5-10 mins. 

Kundalini Reiki  w


Attuning Objects 

Crystals, trees, and other objects can be attuned to the Reiki energy. You can, for example, 
attune a piece of jewellery that you are wearing to become a Reiki channel. From then on, it will 
carry the Reiki energy for whenever you need a boost.   

The object will only need to be attuned once.  

Example of attunement: 


‘I ask that this [OBJECT] be attuned as a Reiki channel.’  

After approximately 30 seconds, the process is complete. 

Use your creativity and have fun. Try attuning your food or vitamin supplements, which will 
infuse them with Reiki energy. Also, try attuning your bed and pillow which may assist in a 
restful night's sleep. 

Kundalini Reiki  w



Attunements are wonderful, energetic tools that may help you discover, heal and move forward. 
However, the journey doesn’t end here. It is important to keep questioning, discovering and 
moving forward as you grow.  


Subscribe to our newsletter​ for informative, thought stimulating healing and self-development 
articles, support, and encouragement. Join our international community who question, discover, 
and grow. 


Blissful Light’s blog​ i​s packed with blog posts and articles about energy healing, 
self-development, and learning to create the life you want. The blog contains articles that cater 
for complete beginners right up to advanced practitioners. To help you get started, I have 
highlighted some of the most popular blog posts below.  

Energy Healing: Expectations Vs Reality 

How To Choose A Distant Attunement 

What Are Maintenance Attunements? 

Top 10 Tarot Decks 

10 Ways To Cut Etheric Cords And Prevent Them From Returning 

Symbols In Energy Healing And Reiki 

What Are The Solfeggio Frequencies? 

Forgiveness And The Thymus Chakra 

10 Reasons Why Kundalini Reiki Is So Popular 

Kundalini Reiki  w


10 Attunements For Professional Energy Healers 

Are Attunements Permanent? 

What Is 999 Frequency Energy? 

How To Use Multiple Attunements In A Treatment 

What Is Spiritual Stagnation? 

10 Ways To Increase Your Vitality Now! 

7 Ways To Keep Your Home Energetically Clear 

3 Questions To Ask For Powerful Self Reflection 

5 Unexpected Attunements For Spiritual Growth 

3 Healing Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started 

How Do You Know If You Are Ungrounded? 

A Lightworkers Role In Uncertain Times 


Kundalini Seichim​ is a perfect way to expand upon your Kundalini Reiki experience and energy 
work. Seichim compliments and adds upon Reiki energy, expanding the energy range. It also 
aims to strengthen further and amplify the kundalini energy. Kundalini Seichim is a perfect 
addition to Kundalini Reiki. 

All the attunements that I create raise your vibration to boost vitality and well-being. Additional 
functions are added to this to focus on a specific goal or purpose. 

Free self-attunements: 

Balance, Calm, And Focus Empowerment 

Compassion Activation Empowerment 

Energetic Protection Now Empowerment 

Kundalini Reiki  w


Negative Energy Clear And Cleanse Empowerment 

Maintenance Attunement Series: 

Abundance Maintenance Attunement 

Akashic Records Maintenance Attunement 

Ancestral Clearing Maintenance Attunement 

Archangel Michael Connection Maintenance Attunement 

Archangel Raguel Connection Maintenance Attunement 

Attunement Lineage Clearing Maintenance Attunement 

Aura Maintenance Attunement 

Blockages Clearing Maintenance Attunement 

Chakra Maintenance Attunement 

Divine Cosmic Womb Unity Maintenance Attunement 

Earth Star Chakra Activation Maintenance Attunement 

Energy Channel Expansion Maintenance Attunement 

Energy Vampire Protection Maintenance Attunement 

Entity Clearing Maintenance Attunement 

Etheric Cord Maintenance Attunement 

Etheric Libraries Maintenance Attunement 

Golden Ray Of Transmutation Connection Maintenance Attunement 

Grounding Maintenance Attunement 

High Vibration Maintenance Attunement 

Imprint Removal Maintenance Attunement 

Karma Clearing Maintenance Attunement 

Kundalini Reiki  w


Kundalini Maintenance Attunement 

Magic Spell Removal Maintenance Attunement 

Mental Maintenance Attunement 

Meridian Maintenance Attunement 

Negative Energy Clearing Maintenance Attunement 

Negative Frequencies Protection Maintenance Attunement 

Negative Intentions Maintenance Attunement 

Past Events Maintenance Attunement 

Past Life Clearing Maintenance Attunement 

Protective Concealment Maintenance Attunement 

Protective Shield Maintenance Attunement 

Remote Viewing Protection Maintenance Attunement 

Ritual Reversal Maintenance Attunement 

Soul Family Connection Maintenance Attunement 

Soul Retrieval Maintenance Attunement 

Spiritual Name Maintenance Attunement 

Starseed Lineage Maintenance Attunement 

Stellar Gateway Maintenance Attunement 

Subconscious Clearing Maintenance Attunement 

Trauma Clearing Maintenance Attunement 

Other Attunements: 

999 DNA Activation 

999 Seichim 

Kundalini Reiki  w


Apollo Seichim 

Arcturian Third Eye Activation Attunement 

Blissful Light Reiki 

Blissful Light Seichim 

Bumblebee Jasper Inspiration Empowerment 

Dragon Sekhem 

Kundalini Seichim 

Quan Yin 999 

Quantum Quattro Realignment Empowerment 

Rock Of Gibraltar Empowerment 

Shamballa 396 

Shamballa 528 

Shamballa 721 

Shamballa 999 

Shamballa Earth Star Chakra 

Shamballa Third Eye Activation 

Siri Nyoka Renewal Empowerment 

Violet Flame Opal Transmutation Empowerment 

Kundalini Reiki  w



Blissful Light specialises in supporting your self-empowerment and personal development 

goals. I provide courses and energy healing tools such as attunements to assist and support 
you as you develop, grow, and seek wholeness in a welcoming and caring environment. 

Whether you are on an accelerated path of spiritual discovery or are curious or just starting, I 
know how challenging each step can be. You may have lots of questions, be confused over what 
steps to take or are overcoming personal hurdles. While I believe all change occurs due to the 
hard work you put in, I am here to support you as you learn, grow, and discover. All products, 
services, and support are offered in a welcoming and encouraging environment. 

If you haven’t done so already don’t forget to ​sign up to my newsletter​ ​which aims to assist your 
healing and self-development by providing relevant and unique blog posts, subscriber-only 
sales, and access to a supportive international community. 

Blissful Light’s e
​ nergy healing blog​ is packed full of unique and supportive content specifically 
written to assist you in your healing and self-development journeys. I don’t believe in just 
repeating the same old tired and unhelpful information but instead write from my own 
experiences and perceptions to help you to discover, grow, and question. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me directly: ​​. 

I wish you many discoveries. 

Craig MacLennan 

Founder of Blissful Light 

Energy Healing Blog​ ​| ​ A

​ bout Craig​ ​| A
​ ttunements​ | ​Attunement Packages 

Kundalini Reiki  w



This Kundalini Reiki manual is subject to copyright and other terms.  

● This Kundalini Reiki manual is copyright protected, and failure to follow these terms is 
copyright infringement. 

● The manual may be given freely to anyone who you pass the attunement on to, but must 
not be amended in any way and must remain fully intact. 

● The manual ​may not be translated​ without first gaining consent from Craig MacLennan. 

● You may not sell, post or publish the manual both offline and online in any way. 

● No part of the manual may be reproduced unless it is in strict adherence to free use. 
This means that any reference to content, no more than 50 words, must be fully 
referenced by including ‘Craig MacLennan, w
​​’. Please ensure that 
the web address is hyperlinked to ​​. 

Full disclaimer and terms​ which this attunement and manual are covered can be found on our 
disclaimer and terms page​. However, the summary is as follows. 

As with all complementary and alternative therapies, none of the courses, attunements, 
treatments, teachings or products listed on or detailed in any 
communication or this manual is meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, 
treatment or care from your Doctor. 

Blissful Light and Craig MacLennan do not diagnose conditions, prescribe medication or 
interfere with a Doctor’s treatment. If you are currently taking medication prescribed by your 
Doctor/Medical Professional, do not stop taking it without your Doctor’s/Medical Professional's 
advice. If you have any concerns regarding your medical condition, please speak with your 
Doctor. Blissful Light and Craig MacLennan does not accept responsibility if you choose to treat 
yourself using any information on, this manual or any communications. 

Blissful Light and Craig MacLennan accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages caused 
as a direct or indirect result of the use or misuse of any information contained on, this manual, email communications or through courses, attunements, 
treatments, teachings, and products. Any health-related information contained on 

Kundalini Reiki  w
​, this manual or in any communication is provided for general information 
only and are not intended as a substitute for professional medical or healthcare advice. All 
products are sold as curios and for entertainment. Energy healing does not guarantee any 
outcome and results may vary. 

Healing, which may be referred to on, this manual, communications etc., 

means the process of trying to bring back one’s energies and energy bodies into alignment with 
one’s truth (​What Does Healing Really Mean?​). It does not promise or allude to any immediate or 
possible healing in the sense of a miracle. Healing may require change, growth, and alignment, 
both in one’s inner and outer worlds, which may require considerable time, commitment and 
focus and still does not guarantee any outcome.  



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