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08-25-2022 – HOUSING

Use of sub-standard materials in construction which is one of the impacts of housing backlogs, it is
known that 110 million of the total population, where only 10% survives. 70 million is living on the sub-
standard housing, where it is known that it will be 130 million by 2030. The problem is the Government
Bureaucracy (Red Tape), going to corruption. The Government is actually helping sometimes to produce
housing, but because of Site Selection, these projects were rarely given considerations. It can be helped
by removing the Red Tape, and help from Government to be given to Developers, and grant them easy
processing of building permits. The Government should produce Livelihood, if not, then there would be
an influx. If Livelihood is improved in the rural areas, then people would not likely go into cities to find
opportunities. Set House Rises, the government should set limitations on BHLs. Housing Spaces go by
8x10m or 7x12m, with a standard pricing of 25,000 Pesos/Sq. m, if a housing unit has a small space area,
then upgrading to two stories should be considered.

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