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Finding the Perfect Bluegrass
Banjo and Getting the Gear You
In This Chapter
Becoming familiar with different kinds of banjos
Discovering the parts of a bluegrass banjo
Selecting a great banjo that’s within your budget
Acquiring essential gear to help you get started

Find a beautiful piece of wood and shape it into something that looks like a
banjo neck. Take some more wood and press it into a hoop and, with
whatever wood is left over, create a shallow bowl. Add assorted metal parts,
some tuning pegs, and a bit of plastic, and throw a drum head on top of the
pile. Fasten it all together with some nuts and bolts, add some strings, and
you’ve got yourself the makings of a bluegrass banjo!
It’s unlikely that such an odd collection of components could be turned into
one of the most beloved instruments in the world, but what makes a great
banjo is how all these parts are put together. Whether you’re in the market for
your first instrument or you already own a bluegrass banjo, this chapter is
your destination for distinguishing among the different kinds of banjos out
there, recognizing what goes into a good banjo, and selecting the best
instrument for your budget and playing style. I also give you a look at some
of the essential gear that will help you hit the ground picking.

Identifying Different Kinds of Banjos

Musicians have loved the bright, unmistakable sound of a banjo so much that
various types of banjos have been created through the years to more
effectively play different styles of music. Irish, Dixieland, and traditional jazz

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