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lydy (laidy) for lady, or toime for time (taime).

Norway, on the. 5th of August 1813. His father, a small

that (Esther x. 1) he laid ``a tribute upon the land and upon

Edinburgh, and purchased his ``Siberian Exiles'' and ``Haslan

``Proteus for shapes and Roscius for a tongue.'' Alleyn

when governor, and is now an unusually well built Turkish

autobiography. She died at Nice on the 2nd of August 1890.

Imperial service troops are maintained, consisting of both

Ba-Ngwaketse &c.

to new conditions which were at first injurious, and this is

grown. The castor bean grows wild, the green castor in the

her own interests, but to the surprise and indignation of

fleet under Tourville escaped after the defeat of La Hogue in

century. The Fula (q.v.), who first came into the country

200,000 warriors were at his command. He now prepared to

decease. Though the term Ana is of comparatively modern

and pursued by the Erinyes from place to place. On his

attached to Theodore, having been ordered by his government

three sections--medicine, science and letters. Toulouse also

ill before the wedding took place. The Delphic oracle at last

The first advance was made by C. A. Faure (1881), who greatly

pouring, infusion, used in connexion with the study of the

on the 23rd of January 1689. He wrote an account of printing

distribution among the poor. He had also, by virtue of an

court, has been kept distinct from the prize jurisdiction,

An attempt to develop a powerful air-engine was made in

BIBLIOGRAPHY.--The best sketch of the Alexander romance

Library), 1862; also Max Budinger, Ammianus Marcellinus und

command of the Ashanti expedition 1873-1874, and was made a

day, was indecisive. But even so Haakon's position was

In conclusion, it may be pointed out that the psychological

led to conflicts between the Dutch and British authorities

and people, and, by the advice of Jesuits and other wicked

century, is the author of the most important Arabian work on

the other band, a table of Greek alphabets9 will show how

Ferozkhoi, the Jamshidi and, according to some authorities, the

capita, et in loca ejusdem insignia dissertationes

conquest of South America, the Rio de las Amazonas had no

AGRICOLA, CHRISTOPH LUDWIG (1667-1719), German landscape

on a darker ground. On the other hand, those substances

seat. It may therefore be desirable to sue in one state

considerable extent of land is essential. The land required

the form in the Communion Service is precative, while that

civil wars, under rulers whose authority depended upon their

of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts (vols.

that these symbols must have arisen by differentiation from

with it. With its character largely determined by Jewish

large copper-smelting works established in 1838, acquired

The primary object of the ascents was to determine the temperature

attacked by a fit, the cause or the consequence of a fall

the above drugs is by inhalation, and has to be continued

Anahuac was located on the sea coast. One of the theories

several years before, since the dedication to the elector and

Assuming, however, that the original form of the ``Western''

Cambridge observatory with a fine object-glass of 12 in.

consequently the route from northern Greece to the Hellespont;

home-bred. He wrote a considerable quantity of verse; but

succeeded. On the assassination of Caligula (A.D. 41)

century B.C., 27 1/4 ft. long (including the porch) by 23 1/3

however, powerless against the disaffection due to perennial

higher ground by kampongs full of trees. The river at

the voltage at 100 the filament will be white hot, at over

posterior aspect of the septum to the body wall (fig. 3).

A period of mathematical stagnation then appears to have

defined to be one which deposits electrolytically 0.001118 of

allowed these to communicate in the species of bread only,

50,185. The country is hilly, and many of the inhabitants are

Defence.--The military force constitutes the XIX. army corps of

1900 62 1940 17,933

the Crimea and Circassia, he filled his portfolio with vivid

Elgin Marbles'' is the first of those glimpses of the art-iife

in Wendell's and Trent's Histories, and abundant and minute

Graham's; the Knickerbocker became prominent in New York

to those connected with temperature. (See ENERGETICS.)

into or is used in the composition or preparation of human

the recommendation of the presiding judge and the prosecuting

agreed that a British envoy should reside permanently at his

Parr, Electrical Measuring Instruments (Glasgow, 1903); J.

Bind their resplendent locks.''

under the control of ``the single person,'' and no less

the field, but directed the generals, whom he never trusted,

e.g. in the Dictaean Cavern of Crete. No textiles have survived.

inexorable censorship of poets, &c., so as to make art as far

elliptical areas which mark the site of old plutonic stocks or

on the seals published by the United States Treasury: for

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