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Kelas/Semester :
Pendidikan : MANYAR X / Ganjil
Teks transaksional terkait
jati diri dan hubungan 2 X 30 menit
Materi Pokok : Alokasi Waktu:
keluarga (1x Pertemuan)

Kompetensi 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
Dasar interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Indikator 1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan materi
Pencapaian teks transaksional terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga.
Kompetensi 2. Membedakan penggunaan ungkapan dalam teks transaksional terkait jati
(IPK) : diri dan hubungan keluarga dalam kalimat.
3. Menyusun kalimat menggunakan ungkapan dalam teks transaksional
terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga.

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan materi teks transaksional
terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga.
2. Membedakan penggunaan ungkapan dalam teks transaksional terkait jati diri dan
hubungan keluarga dalam kalimat.
3. Menyusun kalimat menggunakan ungkapan dalam teks transaksional terkait jati diri dan
hubungan keluarga.

4. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
a. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan menyapa peserta
b. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik.
c. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan memberikan motivasi kepada
peserta didik selama mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti
a. Peserta didik disajikan teks percakapan terkait materi ungkapan memperkenalkan
jati diri dan hubungan keluarga dan diminta memahaminya.
b. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan, struktur dan ciri 40
kebahasaan dari teks percakapan yang dibaca terkait materi ungkapan
memperkenalkan jati diri dan hubungan keluarga.
c. Peserta didik yang lain menanggapinya dengan dibimbing oleh guru.
d. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang belum
dipahami berkaitan dengan materi yang dipelajari.
e. Peserta didik diberikan beberapa kalimat terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga
dan diminta untuk membedakan penggunaannya didalam kalimat.
f. Peserta didik diminta menyusun sebuah teks menggunakan ungkapan terkait jati
diri dan hubungan keluarga dan mempraktekkannya dalam teks lisan.
Kegiatan Penutup
a. Guru memberikan kesimpulan dari materi yang diberikan.
b. Guru memberikan umpan balik pada pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. 10
c. Guru mengucapkan salam untuk menutup materi.

5. Penilaian:
Sikap : Pengamatan
Pengetahuan : Penugasan
Keterampilan : Unjuk Kerja

Gresik, Juli 2021

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Manyar Guru Kelas/Mapel

Drs. Tohir, MM Umi Faridah, S.S.

NIP. 196512261993031009 NIP. 19740419 2005012 005
Lampiran A. Materi pembelajaran

Sumber : Buku Mandiri English on Target Kelas X Penerbit Erlangga


Introductions are the first phrases we say when we meet someone new.

Introductions include some expressions below:


Hello! • Hello!

Good morning. • Good morning.

Good evening. • Good evening.

How are you? • I’m fine.

How are you doing? • Fine, thanks.
Hello, my name is Susan Hi. Susan. I’m John. How do you
INTRODUCTIONS Brown. do? (It is spoken when you meet
• How do you do? the person for the first time.)
• Hey, how are you? I’m Susan. Hi, I’m John . Nice to you see you,
• Nice to see you. too.
• My name’s John. What’s My name’s Susan. It has been a
yours? plsure meeting you.
INTRODUCING Jack, please meet Nicholas. Hi, Nicholas. I am Rendra. How do
OTHERS Jack, have you met Nicholas? you do? (It is spoken when you
I’d like you to meet Liza. meet the person for the first time.)
I’d like to introduce you to Betty. Hello, Nicholas. I’m Jack.
Leila, this is Barbara. Barbara, I t is pleasure to meet you,
this is Leila. Nicholas.
Rita, I don’t think you’ve met Hi, Betty. I’m Eric. Nice meeting
Ahmad. you.
I don’t think you know Robert.
May I introduce you to Sanny?
Dina, do you know Leo?
ASKING ABOUT Where are you from? I am from Bandung.
ORIGIN AND Where do you come from? Yes, I come from Jakarta.
OCCUPATION Are you from Jakarta? Yes, I am.
What do you do? I am a doctor.
Are you a doctor?
What is your occupation?
Lampiran B ( Lembar Kerja Siswa/ Student Worksheet )

I. Read the statement/the dialogue and complete it with the correct answer.

1. Hello! … I’m from West Java.

A. This is Mila, my sister.

B. I am from Sundanese.
C. This is my father.
D. I am Hadi.
E. She is Anne.

2. Andri : Hi! Are you Jimmy, a High School teacher at SMA Hang Tuah 11?
Jimmy : ……………………

A. Yes, it is.
B. Yes, he is.
C. Yes, I am.
D. No, it isn’t.
E. No, you aren’t.

3. Bonar : Excuse me. Is your name James?

Jamus : …………… My name is Jamus.

A. Yes, it is.
B. Yes, I am.
C. No, I am not.
D. No, it is not.
E. No, he is not.

4. Bari : Hi! Jihan. This is my wife, Shinta.

Jihan : Hello, Shinta. How do you do?
Shinta : ……………………….

A. How are you?

B. How do you do?
C. What is your name?
D. Is your name Shinta?
E. I’m fine, thank you.

5. Helen : Lina, This is Mia, my sister.

Lina : Hi! Mia. How do you do?
Mia : How do you do? ……..

A. I am very well. Thank you.

B. Is your name Mia?
C. I am happy to meet you.
D. Are you Mia?
E. Where are you from?
6. Mrs. Wijaya: Hello! I’m Mrs. Wijaya. I’m the new principal in this school.
The teacher : Hello, Mrs. Wijaya. I’m glad to meet you.
Mrs. Wijaya : …………………………

A. We haven’t met for a long time.

B. I’m very well. Thank you.
C. How do you?
D. How are you?
E. I’m glad to meet you, too.

7.Ronald : Hi, Mary. ………………..

Mary : Hello, Richard. It is nice to meet you.

A. This is Richard, my brother.

B. This is Mary, my sister.
C. My name is Richard.
D. I am Richard.
E. How are you?

8. John : Paula, this is my sister, Christine.

Paula : Hi, Christine. ...................
Christine : I’m happy to meet you, too.

A. I’m happy to meet you, too.

B. I’m happy to meet you.
C. What’s your name?
D. How do you do?
E. How are you?

9. Budi : Are you Anton?

Antoro : …………..

A. No, I’m not. I’m Antoro.

B. No, it is not. I’m Anton.
C. Yes, I am.
D. Yes, it is.
E. No, he is not.

10. Tirta : Hi, my name is Tirta Halim, the new director.

Susan : Hi, I'm Susan Ballie, the store manager. Nice to meet you, Mr Tirta Halim.
Tirta : Susan, please meet Mr Renald Atkin, my assistant.
Susan : How do you do?
Renald : How do you do?

Who is Mr Renal Atkin?

A. Mr. Tirta’s friend
B. The store manager
C. The new director
D. Susan’s assistant
E. The director’s assistant
II. Fill in the table with your own information and create a composition based on it. Then,
demonstrate and record your introduction in a video.


1 Name
2 Place of Birthdate
3 Birthdate
4 Address
5 Phone Number
6 Father’s Name
7 Mother’s name
8 Nationality
9 Hobby
10 Educational Background


I. 1. D
2. C
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. E
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. E

II. Answers are based on studens’ creativity

Lampiran C ( Assessmen )

This text is for questions 1 to 4

Hi, my name’s Brad. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, but my family moved to Los Angeles
when I was two, so I grew up there. I graduated from middle school about three years ago and I
am currently attending a high school in my city. I’m a junior and I am interested in social
science, especially economics. I also take a piano course. My life is really busy, but I enjoy
hiking, reading and hanging out with friends in my free time. I like skateboarding as well. I
always go skateboarding in the park next to the bookstore. When I graduate, I want to work for a
company in this area.

1. Which sentence best describes his studies?

A. He likes economics
B. He studies overseas
C. He is a third-year student
D. He really enjoys his studies
E. He is in the final year of his study

2. Where does the man go skateboarding?

A. Near his house
B. Near his school
C. Near the bookstore
D. Near his piano school
E. Near his father’s company

3. What is one thing the man likes to do in his spare time?

A. Jogging
B. Reading
C. Camping
D. Playing football
E. Listening to music

4. What is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Brad plays piano
B. Brad was born in Boston
C. Brad enjoys skateboarding
D. Brad is interested in economics
E. Brad frequently goes to the bookstore

5. Boy : Excuse me. Are you Chintya, Candra’s cousin?

Girl : Yes. Who are you?
Boy : I’m Arnold, Candra’s friend. He asked me to fetch you here. Have you been
waiting for along time?
Girl : Not yet. My ship just anchored.

Where does the boy meet the girl?

A. At the airport
B. At the harbour
C. At the bus stop
D. At the bus station
E. At the railway station

6. Woman: I’d like to enroll for the seminar.

Man : Okay. May I know your name, please?
Woman: ____

What is the woman’s best response?

A. She is Catherine. She is my sister.
B. The seminar will begin at nine
C. I come here with my friends
D. Please tell me about the seminar
E. Sure. I am Rosita damayanti.

Hi, everyone! My name’s Joe. I’m 15 years old and I’m new at this school. I’m from Canada.
My dad’s Canadian and my mum’s Scottish. I’m in Class X. I love basketball and listening to
music. I’ve got a pet dog called Scruff.

Nice to meet you all.


7. What is Joe fond of?

A. listening to music and training dogs
B. singing songs and keeping pets
C. keeping dogs and playing football
D. playing basketball and listening to music
E. singing songs and playing basketball

Tirta : Hi, my name is Tirta Halim, the new director.

Susan : Hi, I'm Susan Ballie, the store manager. Nice to meet you, Mr Tirta Halim.
Tirta : Susan, please meet Mr Renald Atkin, my assistant.
Susan : How do you do?
Renald : How do you do?

8. Who is Mr Renal Atkin?

A. The director’s assistant
B. The store manager
C. The new director
D. Susan’s assistant
E. Mr. Tirta’s friend

Woman : Brian, let me introduce you to Paul Adam. Paul, this is Mr Brian Terry of
Vodafone in Dublin.
Brian : Pleasure to meet you.
Paul : Good to meet you, too.
Woman : Paul works for our New York Branch. He’s responsible for international
9. What can we infer from the conversation?
A. Brian is the woman’s friend
B. Mr. Brian has met Paul before
C. Three of them work for the same company
D. The woman works on international accounts
E. The company will open a new branch in New York

10. John : Paula, this is my sister, Christine.

Paula : Hi, Christine. ...................
Christine : I’m happy to meet you, too.

The best statement to complete the dialogue is _____

A. I’m happy to meet you, too.
B. I’m happy to meet you.
C. What’s your name?
D. How do you do?
E. How are you?
II. State TRUE or FALSE based on the text given.

This dialogue is for questions 11 and 12

Prof. Brown : Hello, I’m Prof. Brown. How do you do?

Sue Defoe : How do you do? I’m Sue Dafoe.
Prof. Brown : Where are you from?
Sue Defoe : From Canada.
Prof. Brown : I’m glad to meet you.

11. Prof. Brown and Sue Defoe have met before.

A. True
B. False

12. Sue Defoe is a Canadian

A. True
B. False

This text is for questions 13 to 15

I am Hartanto. I was born in Sleman on August 14, 2005. My house is at Jalan Halmahera 11
number 78, Bekasi. The postal code is 17425. I live with my family in this house. My telephone
number is (021) 887 4543. You may call me from 8 to 10 p.m.

13. Hartanto lives in Sleman

A. True
B. False

14. Hartanto is celebrating his 17 birthday in 2022.

A. True
B. False

15. Hartanto is free at 9 p.m.

A. True
B. False
Answer Key :

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. E
5. B
6. E
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. F
12. T
13. F
14. T
15. T
Lampiran D. Rubrik Penilaian (Pengetahuan, Ketrampilan & Sikap)

a. Pengetahuan
- Tertulis : Pilihan Ganda dan Pernyataan Benar atau Salah (Lihat lampiran)

b. Keterampilan
- Penilaian Unjuk Kerja
Contoh instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja dapat dilihat pada instrumen penilaian ujian keterampilan
berbicara sebagai berikut:

Instrumen Penilaian
Sangat Kurang Tidak
No Aspek yang Dinilai Baik Baik Baik
(100) (50) (25)
1 Kesesuaian respon dengan pertanyaan
2 Keserasian pemilihan kata
3 Kesesuaian penggunaan tata bahasa
4 Pelafalan

Kriteria penilaian (skor)

100 = Sangat Baik
75 = Baik
50 = Kurang Baik
25 = Tidak Baik
Cara mencari nilai (N) = Jumalah skor yang diperoleh siswa dibagi jumlah skor maksimal dikali
skor ideal (100)

c. Sikap
- Penilaian Observasi
Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik sehari-hari, baik
terkait dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum. Pengamatan langsung dilakukan oleh
guru. Berikut contoh instrumen penilaian sikap
Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah Skor Kode
No Nama Siswa
BS JJ TJ DS Skor Sikap Nilai

Keterangan :
• BS : Bekerja Sama
• JJ : Jujur
• TJ : Tanggun Jawab
• DS : Disiplin

Catatan :
1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:
100 = Sangat Baik
75 = Baik
50 = Cukup
25 = Kurang
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100 x 4 = 400
3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 275 : 4 = 68,75
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin dinilai

- Penilaian Diri
Seiring dengan bergesernya pusat pembelajaran dari guru kepada peserta didik, maka peserta didik
diberikan kesempatan untuk menilai kemampuan dirinya sendiri. Namun agar penilaian tetap
bersifat objektif, maka guru hendaknya menjelaskan terlebih dahulu tujuan dari penilaian diri ini,
menentukan kompetensi yang akan dinilai, kemudian menentukan kriteria penilaian yang akan
digunakan, dan merumuskan format penilaiannya Jadi, singkatnya format penilaiannya disiapkan
oleh guru terlebih dahulu. Berikut Contoh format penilaian :
Jumlah Skor Kode
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
Selama diskusi, saya ikut serta
1 50
mengusulkan ide/gagasan.
Ketika kami berdiskusi, setiap
2 anggota mendapatkan kesempatan 50
250 62,50 C
untuk berbicara.
Saya ikut serta dalam membuat
3 50
kesimpulan hasil diskusi kelompok.
4 ... 100

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 4 x 100 = 400
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (250 : 400) x 100 = 62,50
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat juga digunakan untuk menilai kompetensi pengetahuan dan keterampilan

- Penilaian Teman Sebaya

Penilaian ini dilakukan dengan meminta peserta didik untuk menilai temannya sendiri. Sama halnya
dengan penilaian hendaknya guru telah menjelaskan maksud dan tujuan penilaian, membuat kriteria
penilaian, dan juga menentukan format penilaiannya. Berikut Contoh format penilaian teman sebaya

Nama yang diamati : ...

Pengamat : ...

Jumlah Skor Kode

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
1 Mau menerima pendapat teman. 100
Memberikan solusi terhadap
2 100
Memaksakan pendapat sendiri 450 90,00 SB
3 100
kepada anggota kelompok.
4 Marah saat diberi kritik. 100
5 ... 50

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50 untuk pernyataan yang positif, sedangkan untuk
pernyataan yang negatif, Ya = 50 dan Tidak = 100
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 5 x 100 = 500
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (450 : 500) x 100 = 90,00
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

Mr. Ahmad : Good afternoon, sir. May I introduce myself? My name is Ahmad. I am a
The secretary: Please sit down, what can I do for you, Sir?
Mr. Ahmad : I want to see Mr Rahmat, the mechanic in the workshop. Is he in today?
The secretary: I am sorry, Sir. But Mr Rahmat isn't in today.
Mr Ahmad : I see. Never mind, Sir. Goodbye.
The secretary: Good bye:

1. The people in the dialogue are talking about _____

A. a technician of PT AUTOMOBILE
B. a way of greetings
C. Mr Ahmad and the secretary
D. Mr. Rahmat is in today
E. Mr. Rahmat's attendance

2. Jack : Rita, _____

Rita : I am delighted to meet you.
Doni : I am delighted to meet you, too.

A. Doni is my friend
B. Doni wants to meet you
C. Don't you know Doni is my friend
D. Please introduce yourself
E. I'd like you to meet my friend, Doni.

3. Surya : Lusi, this is my new friend, his name is Doni. He is a company director.
Lusi : Hi Doni.
Doni : Hello, Lusi_____? Nice to meet you.
Lusi : How do you do, Nice to meet you, too.

A. How are things with you

B. What are you.
C. May I help you
D. How do you do
E. How are you

4. Monik is a new member of Rotary Club. She introduces herself.

Monik : Ladies and gentlemen, _____

A. allow me to introduce myself

B. I am happy to meet you
C. It is okay to see you
D. let me introduce you to the audience
E. may I introduce you to the audience

5. Isti wants to introduce Fina to her brother.

Isti : Fina, this is my brother, Anton, and Anton this is Fina.
Anton to Fina : _____.

A. Hi, nice to meet you

B. How is your brother?
C. Are you ready?
D. It is nothing at all
E. How is he

Good morning. I am Handi Suhanda, Please call me Andi. I am an entrepreneur. I live with my
family in Bandung. My phone number is 2948320. I like reading books very much.

6. The statements above describe _____

A. reporting news
B. inviting people
C. introducing oneself
D. asking the name
E. introducing other people

7. X : When you meet people for the first time, what do you usually tell them?
Y : _______
A. How are you?
B. How are things with you?
C. How do you do?
D. Please call me
E. Nice to meet you

8. Ina : "Meti, this is my brother, Santo"

Meti : " ______"
Santo : I am glad to see you, too.

A. Hello. How are you Santo?

B. Hi. My name is Meti.
C. Hello. How do you do Santo?
D. Hi, Santo. I am glad to see you.
E. Santo, I don't think we've met before

9. Mr Handi : Miss Rina, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Dudi.

Miss Rina : How do you do?
Mr. Dudi : ______
Miss Rina : I have heard so much about you.

A. How are you?

B. How do you do?
C. I’m fine
D. Very well
E. It's Ok

10. Serly and her sister, Tanti, were walking in front of bookshop when Daly, Serly's friend,
come. Serly introduced Daly to Tanti.
Serly : _____.
Daly : How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
Tanti : How do you do?

A. How are you?

B. Daly, this is my sister, Tanti.
C. I beg you pardon.
D. How are these things, Daly?
E. Daly, this is my friend, Tanti.

1. E
2. E
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. B


This text is for question 1 to 6

There are a large number of people in Hotel Armico. They are attending the opening
ceremony of One-Day Seminar on Business. They are now at the meeting room. The man at the
podium is the president of the seminar. His name is Mr Doni Juanda. He is from Bandung. The
people beside him are the main speakers who would like to make a speech in the seminar.
At first Mr. Doni says: Ladies and Gentlemen, well, to shorten the time, allow me here to
introduce on my right is Mr. Dadi Permadi, he is an expert in economics, from Jakarta. On my
left is Mr. Darmawan, he is an economics lecturer at the STIE Bandung. From the far right is Mr
Sumantri, he is a skillful and successful-businessman in Indonesia, and from the far letf is Mrs.
Susilawati she is a company director of PT HUTAMA DORAYA in Surabaya. They are all
qualified speakers and good at business.
All of the participants are on their seats. Mrs. Lusi is among them. Her seat is in front of
the podium. On her right side is Mr. Surya. He is from Solo. All the people are silent. They are
paying attention to the speakers concentratedly.

1. What sort of ceremony are they attending?

A. Special meeting
B. General meeting
C. Successful businessman
D. One Day Seminar on Business
E. Flag ceremony

2. The text tells us that the man at the podium is _____

A. the committee of the seminar
B. the expert of economics
C. the president of the seminar
D. the participants of the meeting
E. the speakers of the meeting

3. The main idea of the second paragraph is _____

A. an expert in business
B. introducing other people
C. introducing oneself
D. qualified speakers
E. ladies and gentlemen

4. He is from Bandung (Paragraph 1). The word “He” refers to _____.

A. Mr. Darmawan
B. Mr. Doni Juanda
C. Mr. Surya
D. Mr. Dadi Permadi
E. Mr. Sumantry

5. In accordance with the text above, Mr. Dadi Permadi is a/an _____ in economics.
A. expert
B. customer
C. user
D. lecturer
E. applicant
6. They are all qualified speakers and good at business. The word “qualified” means ____
A. being equipped by training
B. be equipped
C. be qualmed
D. be supplied
E. be applied

This text is for question 7

Woman : Brian, let me introduce you to Paul Adam. Paul, this is Mr Brian Terry of
Vodafone in Dublin.
Brian : Pleasure to meet you.
Paul : Good to meet you, too.
Woman : Paul works for our New York Branch. He’s responsible for international

7. What can we infer from the conversation?

A. Brian is the woman’s friend
B. Mr. Brian has met Paul before
C. Three of them work for the same company
D. The woman works on international accounts
E. The company will open a new branch in New York

This text is for questions 8 to 10

Woman : Welcome to Permata Village. My name is Diana and I am the sales manager. Here, in
Permata Village, we have the best of this area. It has the feel of the convenience of
nearby schools, shopping and places for recreation. We offer Mediteranian style and
modern kitchens in your townhome, as well as great community benefits like tennis
courts and a swimming pool. We offer a variety of floor plans ranging from one
bedroom to four. Prices, of course, range accordingly. You are welcome to visit and
have a look at this two bedrooms townhouse.

8. Who is the woman addressing?

A. School teachers
B. Property designers
C. Marketing managers
D. People looking for a home
E. Residents of Permata Village

9. What is TRUE about Permata Village?

A. It is far away from the noisy shopping centers
B. It has a park on the property
C. It is located in the country
D. It is in the business center
E. It is close to schools

10. What kind of townhouse is not available in Permata Village?

A. One bedroom
B. Two bedrooms
C. Three bedrooms
D. Four bedrooms
E. Five bedrooms
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. E
10. E


Kelas/Semester :
Pendidikan : MANYAR X / Ganjil
Teks interpersonal
memberikan ucapan 2 X 30 menit
Materi Pokok : Alokasi Waktu:
selamat dan memuji (1x Pertemuan)

Kompetensi 3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
Dasar interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), serta
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap
(extended), damenanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
Indikator 1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial materi teks interpersonal memberikan ucapan
Pencapaian selamat dan memuji bersayap.
Kompetensi 2. Menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks interpersonal memberikan
(IPK) : ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap.
3. Menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks interpersonal memberikan
ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap.
4. Menyusun teks interpersonal memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji
bersayap dengan memperhatikan struktur teks secara benar dan sesuai

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan materi teks interpersonal
memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap.
2. Menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks interpersonal memberikan ucapan selamat dan
memuji bersayap.
3. Menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks interpersonal memberikan ucapan selamat dan
memuji bersayap.
4. Menyusun teks interpersonal memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap dengan
memperhatikan struktur teks secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

B. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
a. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan menyapa peserta didik.
b. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik. 10
c. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan memberikan motivasi kepada
peserta didik selama mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti
a. Peserta didik disajikan teks interpersonal memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji
bersayap dan diminta memahaminya.
b. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan, struktur dan ciri
kebahasaan dari teks interpersonal memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji
bersayap yang dibaca.
c. Peserta didik yang lain menanggapinya dengan dibimbing oleh guru.
d. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang belum
dipahami berkaitan dengan materi yang dipelajari.
e. Peserta didik diberikan beberapa pertanyaan terkait teks interpersonal memberikan
ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap dan diminta untuk mengerjakannya.
f. Peserta didik mendiskusikan jawaban yang tepat dengan dibimbing oleh guru.
g. Peserta didik diberikan percakapan rumpang dan diminta melengkapi percakapan
tersebut menggunakan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap yang sesuai.
Kegiatan Penutup
a. Guru memberikan kesimpulan dari materi yang diberikan.
b. Guru memberikan umpan balik pada pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. 10
c. Guru mengucapkan salam untuk menutup materi.

C. Penilaian:
Sikap : Pengamatan
Pengetahuan : Penugasan
Keterampilan : Unjuk Kerja

*Catatan : Komponen lainnya sebagai pelengkap.

Gresik, Juli 2021

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Manyar Guru Kelas/Mapel

Drs. Tohir, MM Umi Faridah, S.S.

NIP. 196512261993031009 NIP. 19740419 2005012 005
Lampiran A. ( Materi Pembelajaran )

Sumber : Buku Mandiri English on Target Kelas X Penerbit Erlangga



We congratulate somebody when something good happens to him/her, like graduating from
school, getting a promotion, getting engaged, having a baby, winning a competition, having a
new house, celebrating wedding anniversary, etc.

Here are some expressions of congratulations and their proper responses:

• I’d be the first to congratulate you on ___
• I’d like to congratulate you on ____
• Please accept my warmest congratulations.
• May I congratulate you on ____
• I must congratulate you. It was great to hear about ____
• Congratulations!
• Congratulations on ___!
• Well done!


• It’s very good of you to say so.

• How nice of you to say so!
• Thank you very much for saying so.
• I’m glad you think so.
• Oh, it’s nothing special actually.
• Oh, I have a lot to learn yet.
• Oh, thanks.
• Oh, nothing to it, actually.

This dialogue is the example of an expression of congratulations.

Father : Mia, how was your English test?

Daughter: It’s great! I got an A, Dad.
Father : Congratulations! You did your best, dear.
Daughter: Thank you, Dad.


Compliment is an expression to appreciate or praise other people.

Compliment is useful to give encouragement so that people will keep on doing their best and
even improve their performance.

When to express compliment:

✓ On daily basis,
✓ When someone has done his/her best,
✓ When you visit someone’s house for the first time,
✓ If you notice something new about someone’s appearance.


• What a nice ___ !

• What a wonderful ____ !
• What expensive bags!
• How pretty you are!
• How smart he is!
• I must express my admiration to you!
• You look gorgeous!

• Thank you
• Thank you very much
• Thanks a lot
• Thanks a lot for your appreciation
• It’s very kind of you
• It’s very kind of you to say so

This dialogue is the example of an expression of compliment.

Fanny: What a beautiful dress!

Suzan: Thank you.
Lampiran B ( Lembar Kerja Siswa/ Student Worksheet )

I. Read the text and select the best answer.

Situation: Nuri has just finished singing. She will sing in the celebration of the Indonesian
Independence Day. Sinta praises her that she sings like a professional singer and she
will get a big applause for that.

Sinta : You sing like a real singer. _______ .

Nuri : Thank you. That’s very nice of you.

1. What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?

A. I’m sure you will get a very big applause
B. I’m sorry
C. You are a good student
D. Congratulation to Nuri
E. I am glad to see you

Situation: Fadel is going to participate in the story telling competition. Dara shows her hope that
Fadel will get a prize.

Fadel : Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition.
Dara : ______. I hope you will win the competition.

2. What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?

A. Thank you very much
B. That’s a very nice of you
C. Sure, Good luck
D. I’m sorry
E. I hope so

Situation: Kevin has just finished drawing a picture of Tina, his best friend. He will present it to
her on her birthday. Nanda praises the picture and she is sure that Tina will like it.

Nanda : Kevin, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tina will like it.
Kevin : _________.

3. What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?

A. Wish me luck
B. Happy birthday
C. Really? I don’t believe it
D. Good luck
E. Thanks. I hope so too

Situation: Rahma is going to hike to the mountain. Her father has given her permission to hike to
the mountain. Paul is happy for her and expresses his hope that she will have a safe
Rahma : Thank God. Finally my father lets me go to the mountain.
Paul : ______. Have a safe trip.

4. What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?

A. I am happy for you
B. I am proud of you
C. Wish me happy
D. Thank you very much
E. I hope so

Dear Kusuma,

Good results are achieved through hard work. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
We are so proud that your dedication led you to accomplish great things. Congratulations on
getting your Bachelor degree!


5. What happened to Kusuma?

A. He has just got a new job
B. He has just got a new project
C. He has just been promoted to a new position
D. He has just accomplished something great at work
E. He has just finished his bachelor study programme

You’ve taken on the most incredible journey, becoming the second officer of this corporation.
Continue to climb and aspire to excellence. With love and pride, we sincerely congratulate you!


Joko Kirmanto

6. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To assign a new military task
B. To advise what to do in the future
C. To congratulate somebody on joining the corporation
D. To congratulate somebody on a new position in the company
E. To congratulate on a promotion in a military career

You have walked a long way toward this goal but you have successfully achieved it. Best wishes
for you on your graduation! An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

7. What is the text about?

A. Advice on an investment
B. A memo about a new position
C. Advice to take a certain project
D. A congratulatory card for a graduation
E. A message to learn more for educational success

Boy : I heard you won the writing competition. Is that true?

Girl : Yes, it is
Boy : Congratulations! I know you are very good at writing.
Girl : Thank you and thanks for your support too.
Boy : No big deal. I believe you will be a great author
Girl : I hope

8. Why does the boy congratulate the girl?

A. She supported him
B. She won a contest
C. She wrote good articles
D. She published her writing
E. She became a great author

Girl : I watched your show last night. It was awesome. You played the piano very
Boy : ______

9. What is the boy’s best response?

A. You are really talented
B. I can play the piano
C. Thank you
D. That’s very kind of you
E. You should practice more regularly

Boy : How was the result of your chess competition?

Girl : I placed the first
Boy : _____

10. How will the boy likely respond?

A. You’d better practice more frequently
B. That’s really cool. Congratulations!
C. I wish you win the chess competition
D. Never give up! There will be another chance
E. Are you kidding? I don’t believe it

II. Complete the following dialogue with suitable expressions.

Abdel : I’m going to take the driving test tomorrow.

Fuad : (1) __________, Abdel. (2) ___________!
Abdel : (3) __________. By the way, how is your business, Fuad?
Fuad : That’s awesome. I’ve sold 100 items these two days.
Abdel : (4) __________! That’s great news right now.
Fuad : (5) __________.


I. 1. A
2. C
3. E II. Alternative answers
4. A 1. Good luck
5. E 2. I hope you will pass your test
6. D 3. That’s awesome
7. D 4. Congratulations
8. B 5. Thank you
9. C
10. B
Lampiran C ( Asesmen )

I. Read the following text and choose the best answer.

This text is for questions 1 to 3

15 March 2019

Permadi Pradana
Jl. Tambora VI / A

Dear Permadi,

I want to congratulate you for being listed to receive The Best Teacher Award 2019. I heard
about this from Riana Anjarwati. She admires your exciting achievement. So, the Education
Bureau listed you to receive The Best Teacher Award.

They want to see how you teach and handle classes. I hope they observe your lively teaching.
I’m pretty sure they will be enchanted. They will see how you deliver materials effectively and

Once again, congratulations on your nomination. It is a big honor to be a nominee for The Best
Teacher Award. I will keep praying for you until they announce the winner in two months.

Best regards,

Doni Kusuma

1. What is the purpose of the letter?

A. To offer The Best Teacher Award to Permadi.
B. To give information about the short-listed candidates.
C. To inform somebody about the short-listed nominees.
D. To ask a friend to join in the selection of The Best Teacher Award.
E. To congratulate a friend on being nominated to receive The Best Teacher Award.

2. When will the winner of The Best Teacher Award be announced?

A. In August.
B. In July.
C. In June.
D. In May.
E. In April.

3. “I hope they observe your lively teaching.” (Paragraph 2)

What does the word “they” refer to?
A. Students.
B. Teachers.
C. Candidates.
D. Nominators.
E. Members of Education Bureau.
Boy : I can see cheers in your eyes. Any happy news?
Girl : Yes. I will continue my studies in my favourite university.
Boy : So, you passed the entrance test?
Congratulations! It’s one of the best universities in Indonesia.
Girl : Yes. Thank you.

4. Why does the boy congratulate the girl?

A. She passed the examination.
B. She was accepted in the university.
C. She continued her study abroad.
D. She studied in the famous university.
E. She got the best score in her study.

Girl : Where did you have your haircut?

Boy : In Rendra’s barber shop. What do you think?
Girl : ___

5. What is the girl’s best response to the boy’s question?

A. The barber shop is not far from my house.
B. Let’s go to the barber shop this afternoon.
C. Congratulations on your new barber shop!
D. You look more handsome with the hair style!
E. I think you should change your new haircut.

Woman: I saw you buying a cake from the bakery this morning. Who is celebrating a birthday?
Man : It is not for a birthday party, but for my company’s second anniversary’s celebration.
Woman: ____

6. How will the woman probably reply?

A. Thank you for the cake.
B. Happy anniversary! Wish your company every success.
C. Happy birthday! Wish you all the best.
D. Congratulations on your success in running a bakery!
E. What an awesome birthday cake!

Man : The cookies you made taste delicious. I like them very much.
Woman: ____

7. How will the woman respond?

A. Thanks, I’m really satisfied with the result.
B. I don’t really like the cookies you have brought.
C. I am disappointed, the cookies taste a little bitter
D. Yeah, it may be better to make many more cookies
E. I’m glad to hear it. I am very proud of you.

Boy : What a beautiful dance! You danced gracefully.

Girl : ____.

8. What will the girl respond?

A. Are you sure about that?
B. I’m really proud of you
C. Thank you very much
D. You are really talented.
E. I’m disappointed with you.

Woman: Hmm…the meal smells good. It must be delicious.

Man : ____

9. What is the best response for the woman’s compliment?

A. Yes, thank you.
B. Do you want some more?
C. You are really talented.
D. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
E. I’m dissatisfied with it.

Mr Subroto: I’d like to congratulate you on your success with the project. You really did a good
Mr Tanu : _____

10. What is the best response to complete the dialogue?

A. I deserve it
B. I don’t really want it
C. How nice of you to say so!
D. I am so proud of you
E. I did a great job

II. Read the following text and decide if the statement is True (T) or False (F)

March 5, 2015

Mr. Tatsuya Honda

Taka Corporation
Kiyosu, Japan

Dear Mr. Honda,

I was very pleased to read the Asiaweek Magazine report entitled “The Giants of Asia” and find
you named among the top executives leading the best companies in Asia’s New Economy. It
always is gratifying to follow the successful careers of University of Tokyo alumni, particularly
when they are as stellar as you have been. Your accomplishments as chairman of Taka
Corporation – as well as the reputation you have earned as an innovator, visionary, and role
model for new generations – are quite remarkable.

Congratulations on making the Asiaweek Magazine list of Asian leaders at the forefront of
change. Your impressive achievements honor the University of Tokyo and especially the school
of Business administration.

Sincerely yours,

David Clarke
President of the University of Tokyo
11. The sender of the letter congratulates the man because he made an excellent achievement.
A. True
B. False

12. The man will have the new position as the branch director in Bandung.
A. True
B. False

13. The achievement of Mr. Tatsuya Honda also honors University of Tokyo because he is the
founder of School of Business administration, University of Tokyo.
A. True
B. False

14. The purpose of the letter is to congratulate for being top executives in Asia.
A. True
B. False

15. In accordance with the text avove, Mr. Tatsuya Honda was one of the top leaders in Asia’s
New Economy.
A. True
B. False

Answer Key

I. 1. E
2 D.
1. E
2. B
3. D
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. C

II. 11. T
12. F
13. F
14. T
15. T
Lampiran D. Rubrik Penilaian (Pengetahuan, Ketrampilan & Sikap)

a. Pengetahuan
- Tertulis True-False (Benar-Salah), Multiple Choice (Pilihan Ganda),
Matching Test (Menjodohkan) (Lihat lampiran)

b. Keterampilan
- Penilaian Unjuk Kerja
Contoh instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja dapat dilihat pada instrumen penilaian
ujian keterampilan menulis sebagai berikut:

Instrumen Penilaian


Kriteria Skor 4 Skor 3 Skor 2 Skor 1

Ide Penulisan Ide yang dipilih Hanya Hanya Hanya
orisinal, ide memenuhi 3 dari memenuhi 2 dari memenuhi 1
sangat sesuai 4 ketentuan 4 ketentuan atau bahkan
dengan genre yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan tidak memenuhi
yang dipilih, ide sama sekali 4
dikembangkan ketentuan yang
dengan tepat dan telah ditetapkan
Organisasi/Struktur Teks sesuai Hanya Hanya Hanya
Teks dan Isi dengan genre memenuhi 3 dari memenuhi 2 dari memenuhi 1
yang dipilih, 4 ketentuan 4 ketentuan atau bahkan
ketentuan dan yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan tidak memenuhi
ciri-ciri genre semua kriteria
yang dipilih yang ditetapkan
diikuti dengan
sempurna, ide
penulisan dan
informasi yang
disajikan sangat
relevan, isi teks
sangat mudah
Tata Bahasa Tidak ada Ada beberapa Sering Banyak sekali
kesalahan tata kesalahan tata ditemukan kesalahan tata
bahasa yang bahasa namun kesalahan tata bahasa sehingga
signifikan, tidak terlalu bahasa, namun makna dan isi
makna dan isi berpengaruh makna dan isi teks sulit
teks dapat terhadap makna teks masih dapat difahami
difahami dengan kalimat dan isi difahami
jelas teks
Perbendaharaan Kalimat-kalimat Hanya Hanya Hanya
Kata yang digunakan memenuhi 3 dari memenuhi 2 dari memenuhi 1
sangat efektif. 4 ketentuan 4 ketentuan atau bahkan
menggunakan yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan tidak memenuhi
variasi lexical semua kriteria
dengan benar, yang ditetapkan
bentuk kata dan
idiom dengan
benar dan
efektif, istilah-
dengan benar


Perolehan Skor Jumlah

No. Nama Siswa Skor Nilai
Ide Organisasi/Struktur Tata Perbendaaraan
Penulisan Teks dan Isi Bahasa Kata

Rumus perhitungan nilai siswa : Jumlah skor yang diperoleh siswa x 100 = ….
Skor maksimal/ideal

c. Sikap
- Penilaian Observasi
Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik
sehari-hari, baik terkait dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum.
Pengamatan langsung dilakukan oleh guru. Berikut contoh instrumen penilaian
Aspek Perilaku yang
N Jumla Skor Kode
Nama Siswa Dinilai
o h Skor Sikap Nilai

Keterangan :
• BS : Bekerja Sama
• JJ : Jujur
• TJ : Tanggung Jawab
• DS : Disiplin

Catatan :
1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:
100 = Sangat Baik
75 = Baik
50 = Cukup
25 = Kurang
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100 x 4 =
3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 275 : 4 = 68,75
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin dinilai

- Penilaian Diri
Seiring dengan bergesernya pusat pembelajaran dari guru kepada peserta didik,
maka peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menilai kemampuan dirinya
sendiri. Namun agar penilaian tetap bersifat objektif, maka guru hendaknya
menjelaskan terlebih dahulu tujuan dari penilaian diri ini, menentukan kompetensi
yang akan dinilai, kemudian menentukan kriteria penilaian yang akan digunakan,
dan merumuskan format penilaiannya Jadi, singkatnya format penilaiannya
disiapkan oleh guru terlebih dahulu. Berikut Contoh format penilaian :
Jumlah Skor Kode
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
Selama diskusi, saya ikut
1 serta mengusulkan 50
Ketika kami berdiskusi, setiap
2 anggota mendapatkan 50
250 62,50 C
kesempatan untuk berbicara.
Saya ikut serta dalam
3 membuat kesimpulan hasil 50
diskusi kelompok.
4 ... 100

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 4 x 100 = 400
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (250 : 400) x 100
= 62,50
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat juga digunakan untuk menilai kompetensi pengetahuan dan

- Penilaian Teman Sebaya

Penilaian ini dilakukan dengan meminta peserta didik untuk menilai temannya
sendiri. Sama halnya dengan penilaian hendaknya guru telah menjelaskan maksud
dan tujuan penilaian, membuat kriteria penilaian, dan juga menentukan format
penilaiannya. Berikut Contoh format penilaian teman sebaya :
Nama yang diamati : ...
Pengamat : ...

Jumlah Skor Kode

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
Mau menerima pendapat
1 100
Memberikan solusi terhadap
2 100
450 90,00 SB
Memaksakan pendapat sendiri
3 100
kepada anggota kelompok.
4 Marah saat diberi kritik. 100
5 ... 50

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50 untuk pernyataan yang positif,
sedangkan untuk pernyataan yang negatif, Ya = 50 dan Tidak = 100
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 5 x 100 = 500
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (450 : 500) x 100
= 90,00
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
Lampiran E. Program Remedial
This dialogue is for questions 1 to 4

Shinta : “I heard you won the first prize for your short stroy. _____ (1)”
Wulan : “ _____(2).”
Shinta : “As your freind I’m _____(3).”
Wulan : “Thank you.”
Shinta : “You deserve it because it’s a very good story.”
Wulan : “_____(4)”

1. The statement to complete the dialogue is ____

A. Congratulations!
B. Thank you
C. Very proud of you
D. Really!
E. What are you doing?

2. The statement to complete the dialogue is ____

A. I’m really surprised
B. Congratulations
C. That’s a pity
D. Thank you
E. I’m very proud of you

3. The statement to complete the dialogue is ____

A. thanks
B. very proud of you
C. thank you very much
D. really
E. sure

4. The statement to complete the dialogue is ____

A. Really?
B. Of course
C. No problem
D. Sure
E. Thank you

5. The following sentences are expression of congratulation, except ____

A. please accept my warm congratulation
B. I congratulate you on your success
C. I’m sorry to hear that
D. Congratulations!
E. well done, congratulations for you

6. The following sentences are responses of congratulation, except ____

A. thank you
B. thank you very much
C. it was really nothing
D. it’s nice of you to say so
E. no problem
7. Which statement is true?
A. Congratulation is the act of expressing joy or acknowledgement, as for achievement
B. Congratulation is the feeling of being grateful
C. Congratulation is something that you sayor do to greet
D. Congratulation is the feeling of being sorry for somebody
E. Congratulation is an arragement, a promise

8. Thank you so much for helping me. I really... it

A. accept
B. agree
C. appreciate
D. deserve
E. love

9. A thousand thanks for all your hard work. I shall never ____it.
A. Forcast
B. Forget
C. Foretell
D. Forbid
E. Forgive

10. Thank you for all you’ve done from the ____ of my heart.
A. base
B. foundation
C. end
D. bottom
E. inside

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. E
5. C
6. E
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. D
Lampiran F. Program Pengayaan

1. Terry : “Andy, I think you’re the best one.”

Andy : “______”
A. Of course
B. Nevermind
C. I’m sorry
D. You’re kidding me
E. Thank you

2. Jean : “ I won a quiz and got new bicyle.”

Erni : “_____”
A. Of course
B. Congratulations
C. Don’t mention it
D. Thank you
E. You’re welcome

This text is for questions 3 and 4

To : Jack

For being a bright and enthusiastic student in X - Science, your bright smile lights up our
classroom everyday. Great work this year.

Mrs. Joanne

3. What is the text about?

A. A greeting card
B. A student report
C. A letter from a teacher
D. An email
E. An announcement

4. Joanne is Jack’s ____

A. Mom
B. Friend
C. Headmaster
D. Teacher
E. Cousin

Situation: Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia
Independence day. Beni congratulates her.
Beni : “_________.”
Siti : “Thank you.”

5. What does Beni say to congratulate Siti?

A. Sure, Good luck.
B. Congratulate to Siti
C. Congratulations, Siti.
D. Thanks, I will do my best
E. Don’t mention it

6. Dayu :”Who won the football match yesterday?”

Udin :”Our team did. We won two to one.”
Dayu :”Well done. _________.”
Udin :”Thank you.”

What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?

A. That’s too bad.
B. I’m glad to hear that
C. I’m sorry
D. You’re welcome
E. I’m sorry to hear that

7. Edo : Happy birthday, Lia.

Lia : Thank you Edo. You are the first who congratulates me.
Edo : Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.
Lia : Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.

Why does Edo give Lia a present?

A. Because Lia likes a present
B. Because today is Edo’s birthday
C. Beause Edo liker her
D. Because Edo has a lot of money
E. Because Lia is celebrating her birthday today

This text is for questions 8 and 9

Dear Wulan,

Congratulations on your success on the college entrance exam. May today success be just the
beginning of your long life achievement and happiness. Remember the challenge is waiting for
you in the college. Neverthelass, I believe that you can handle it well. Good luck!

Your best friend,


8. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To persuade someone
B. To entertain someone
C. To invite someone
D. To congratulate someone
E. To describe someone

9. What has Wulan done?

A. She won the contest
B. She succeeded in her promotion
C. She passed the college entrance exam
D. She invited Fitri to her celebration day
E. She graduated from university
Situation: Rania has just made a very beautiful handicraft from coconut leaf. Candra praises her
craft and hope that she will win the national competition.
Candra : ______ . I’m sure you will win the national competition
Rania : Thank you. I hope so too.

10. What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?

A. That’s a very beautiful handycraft
B. I’m glad to hear that
C. You are the winner
D. Will you join the competition?
E. Congratulation!


1. E
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. E
8. D
9. C
10. A


Kelas/Semester :
Pendidikan : MANYAR X / Ganjil
Ungkapan niat melakukan 2 X 30 menit
Materi Pokok : suatu kegiatan Alokasi Waktu: (1x Pertemuan)

Kompetensi 3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
Dasar interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.3 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
Indikator 1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial materi teks transaksional tulis memberi dan
Pencapaian meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu kegiatan.
Kompetensi 2. Menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks transaksional tulis memberi dan
(IPK) : meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu kegiatan.
3. Menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks transaksional tulis memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu kegiatan.
4. Menyusun teks transaksional tulis memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait niat melakukan suatu kegiatan.

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan materi teks transaksional
tulis memberi dan meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu kegiatan.
2. Menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks transaksional tulis memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu kegiatan.
3. Menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks transaksional tulis memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait niat melakukan suatu kegiatan.
4. Menyusun teks transaksional tulis memberi dan meminta informasi terkait niat
melakukan suatu kegiatan.

B. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
a. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan menyapa peserta
b. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik.
c. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan memberikan motivasi kepada
peserta didik selama mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti
a. Peserta didik disajikan video terkait niat melakukan suatu kegiatan dan diminta
b. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan dan ciri
kebahasaan dari teks transaksional memberi dan meminta informasi terkait niat
melakukan suatu kegiatan. yang dilihat.
c. Peserta didik yang lain menanggapinya dengan dibimbing oleh guru.
d. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang belum
dipahami berkaitan dengan materi yang dipelajari.
e. Peserta didik diberikan teks percakapan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait niat melakukan suatu kegiatan dan beberapa pertanyaan kemudian
diminta untuk mengerjakannya.
f. Peserta didik mendiskusikan jawaban yang tepat dengan dibimbing oleh guru.
g. Peserta didik diberi beberapa gambar dan diminta menyusun percakapan
transaksional tulis memberi dan meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan
suatu kegiatan berdasarkan gambar yang diberikan.
Kegiatan Penutup
a. Guru memberikan kesimpulan dari materi yang diberikan.
b. Guru memberikan umpan balik pada pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. 10
c. Guru mengucapkan salam untuk menutup materi.

C. Penilaian:
Sikap : Pengamatan
Pengetahuan : Penugasan
Keterampilan : Unjuk Kerja

*Catatan : Komponen lainnya sebagai pelengkap.

Gresik, Juli 2021

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Manyar Guru Kelas/Mapel

Drs. Tohir, MM Umi Faridah, S.S.

NIP. 196512261993031009 NIP. 19740419 2005012 005
Lampiran A. ( Materi Pembelajaran )

Sumber : Buku Mandiri English on Target Kelas X Penerbit Erlangga


There are some ways to talk about intention to do something in the future such as:
✓ Will
‘Will’ is used to express a spontaneous intention made at the moment of speaking. Normally
‘will’ is used to show future facts or prediction.
For example, I’ll phone you back in a minute.

✓ Going to
We use ‘going to’ construction when we have the intention to do something before we speak
or we have already made a decision before speaking.
For example:
• Mark is going to move to Jakarta.
• I am going to buy a new car.
• We are going to go travelling in the spring.

✓ Present Continuous Tense

The Present Continuous Tense is used to express personal arrangements and fixed plans
(especially social and travel arrangements) when the time and place have been decided.
For example, I’m having lunch with Tara tomorrow.

✓ Would like to
‘Would like to’ is used to tell our dream or intention.
For example:
• I would like to arrive at school on time.
• I would like to write a letter to my mother.
• I would like to learn French.

Commons expressions of intention are:

• Our plan is to…
• We’re thinking of …
• What we have in mind is …
• What we plan to do is …
• I’ll tell you what we’ll do.
• What about this for an idea.
• Here’s the plan.
• Why don’t we start by ….

Examples of expressing intention:

• Our plan is to join English debate competition.
• We’re thinking of travelling Asian countries.
• What we have in mind is having breakfast in swimming pool with you.
• What we plan to do is we are going to hike on the mountain.
• I’ll tell you what we’ll do. We would like to order the product via online shop
• What about this for an idea. We will rent a villa for next weekend.
• Here’s the plan. We will go camping next week.
• Why don’t we start by watching Korean films?
To ask about someone’s intention we can say:
• What are you doing tomorrow?
• What’s your plan for tomorrow?
• Are you doing anything tomorrow?
• What’s on the cards for tomorrow?
• Have you got anything on tomorrow?
• Have you got anything planned for tomorrow?
• What’s happening tomorrow?
Lampiran B ( Lembar Kerja Siswa/ Student Worksheet )

I. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)

This text is for questions 1 and 2

Monika Dale
PT Marsoftwares
Jalan Kebangkitan 123

Dear Mr Christian Richfield,

My name is Monika Dale from PT Marsoftwares. We are a small company in Surakarta which
engaged in business of making Android applications. We make official application for National
Championship in 2020, application for Indonesia Book Club (IBC), and many more.
This year, we would like to design an application that reminds mother when to vaccinate their
children. We do not take any material benefits for this social project. In order to cover the
expenses spent during the process of making the application, we need financial help
philanthropists like you who support maternal and infant health.

I enclosed the proposal of this social project. Kindly look into our proposal and support us to
make the application available for all mothers and infant.


Monika Dale
CEO of PT Marsoftwares

1. The purpose of sending this letter is to request sponsor to make new Android application
A. True
B. False

2. The new application will benefit mother and infants the most.
A. True
B. False

This text is for questions 3 to 5

Dear Mr John Brian,

Based on our discussion on Thursday, my business partners and I reviewed and discussed the
situation. We have agreed to purchase your business, Twice over. We will pay your requested
purchase price of $20,000 which includes the business and the equipment necessary to operate it.

We would like to meet you next Tuesday, 26th May, for the final agreement. We intend to bring
all the necessary paperwork and the tender payment. At that meeting, we will also wish to set a
date, which will not exceed thirty days, when we will take over the operation.

Yours sincerely,

Jonas Kerr
3. The letter is about intention to take over the company
A. True
B. False

4. Jonas Kerr will supply the equipment to operate the company on 26th May.
A. True
B. False

5. The word “purchase” has similar meaning with “invest”.

A. True
B. False

II. Read the text and choose the best answer.

Read the dialogue.

Girl : What will you do after graduating from high school? Will you continue your studies at
Boy : I have an idea to work first and collect money to pay for my college tuition.
Girl : Good boy!

6. What is the boy’s plan after graduation?

A. He will earn money for his college tuition.
B. He will run his own business.
C. He will look for a scholarship.
D. He will help his parents at home.
E. He will work for a big company.

Read the dialogue.

Boy : What are you going to do this Saturday night?

Girl : My family and I are going to have dinner at my uncle’s new restaurant. How about you?
Boy : I am going to watch a football match at the stadium.

7. What is the conversation about?

A. Having dinner
B. Visiting uncle’s restaurant
C. Watching a football match
D. Hanging out with the family
E. Planning on Saturday night

Read the dialogue.

Boy : Why are daydreaming?

Girl : I am searching for an idea for my writing
Boy : Do you have a writing assignment?
Girl : No. I am going to participate in a story writing contest conducted by a teen magazine.

8. What is the girl’s plan?

A. Read an amusing story
B. Write an interesting story
C. Work on her writing assignment
D. Search for an idea for her writing
E. Send an article to a magazine

Read the dialogue.

Girl : What are you doing, Peter?

Boy : I am writing a short essay for a scholarship proposal
Girl : That’s cool. Do you want to study abroad?
Boy : Yes. I’m trying my luck. Hopefully my proposal will be accepted
Girl : Good luck!

9. What is he boy’s plan?

A. Write an essay
B. Study together
C. Study overseas
D. Write a proposal
E. Go abroad

Read the dialogue.

Man : I don’t know what to order. I could drink everything on the menu.
Woman: Why don’t you try guava juice, orange juice or ice tea?
Man : Guava juice sounds good.
Woman: I think I’ll have a big glass of cola float

10. What will the woman order?

A. Guava juice
B. Orange juice
C. Ice tea
D. Cola float
E. Mineral water

III. Create a short dialogue based on the picture given.




Answer Key :

I. 1. T
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. F
II. 6. A
7. E
8. B
9. C
10. D

III. The answers are based on the student’s creativity

Lampiran C ( Asesmen )

I. Read the text and select the best answer.

This text is for questions 1 to 3

25 March

Mr Suryatmaja
Head of School Library
Kertajaya High School

Dear Mr Suryatmaja,

I would like to inform you that I have returned all the books that I borrowed from the library
during my studies. I am graduating next month and I would like you to grant me a clearance
statement. I need the statement in order to get my certificate.

If you need any information, you can call me at 081 345 776 or send me an e-mail at Please take a look at the list of the books that I borrowed. Thank you very

Sincerely yours,

Renisyam Putri

1. Why does Renisyam write the letter?

A. To complain that she has not got the certificate
B. To mention the books she has borrowed
C. To recommend books for in the library
D. To request the clearance statement
E. To inquire how to return books

2. What does Renisyam have to do to get her certificate?

A. She has to return the books.
B. She has to talk to the head of the library.
C. She has to write the clearance statement.
D. She has to borrow books from the library.
E. She has to show the clearance statement from the library.

3. What is happening to Renisyam on April?

A. She is sending an e-mail to Mr Suryatmaja
B. She is borrowing books from the library
C. She is finishing her high school studies
D. She is granting the clearance statement
E. She is returning the books
This text is for questions 4 to 6

Dear Mr John Brian,

Based on our discussion on Thursday, my business partners and I reviewed and discussed the
situation. We have agreed to purchase your business, Twice over. We will pay your requested
purchase price of $20,000 which includes the business and the equipment necessary to operate it.

We would like to meet you next Tuesday, 26th May, for the final agreement. We intend to bring
all the necessary paperwork and the tender payment. At that meeting, we will also wish to set a
date, which will not exceed thirty days, when we will take over the operation.

Yours sincerely,

Jonas Kerr

4. What is the letter about?

A. Arrangement for a meeting
B. Intention to take over the company
C. An operational procedure
D. The price of the company
E. A cooperation agreement

5. What will happen on 26th May?

A. They will sign the agreement.
B. John Brian will consider the proposal.
C. Jonas Kerr will take over the operation.
D. They will work together to operate the company.
E. Jonas Kerr will supply the equipment to operate the company.

6. “We have agreed to purchase your business,…” (Paragraph 1)

What does the word “purchase” mean?
A. Join
B. Buy
C. Invest
D. Support
E. Cooperate

This text is for questions 7 and 8

Dear everyone,

I will be taking vacation starting from November 10, 2020 until September 15, 2020.

Should you have something regarding work with me, please contact these persons.

For document processing concerns, please contact Emmett Williams (0271 – 777770110) and for
office concerns please contact Marion George (0271 – 2132098).

For any other concerns, please address your business to our helpdesk at local 10.
I will respond to your messages when I return. Please kindly tag confidential messages as such.

Jimmy Brooks

7. Why did Mr. Brooks write this letter?

A. He is going to have a vacation
B. He is going to give the jobs to his colleagues
C. He is going to process the documents
D. He is going to respond to confidential messages only
E. He is going to quit his job

8. “Please kindly tag confidential messages as such.” (Paragraph 5) The word “confidential”
can be replaced with ____
A. common
B. questionable
C. secret
D. trusted
E. urgent

This text is for questions 9 and 10

Monika Dale
PT Marsoftwares
Jalan Kebangkitan 123

Dear Mr Christian Richfield,

My name is Monika Dale from PT Marsoftwares. We are a small company in Surakarta which
engaged in business of making Android applications. We make official application for National
Championship in 2015, application for Indonesia Book Club (IBC), and many more.
This year, we would like to design an application that reminds mother when to vaccinate their
children. We do not take any material benefits for this social project. In order to cover the
expenses spent during the process of making the application, we need financial help
philanthropists like you who support maternal and infant health.

I enclosed the proposal of this social project. Kindly look into our proposal and support us to
make the application available for all mothers and infant.


Monika Dale
CEO of PT Marsoftwares

9. What is the purpose of sending this letter?

A. Asking for more money to support PT Marsoftwares business
B. Enclosing social project proposal for Mr. Richfield
C. Inquiring Mr. Richfield to approve the new Android application
D. Maintaining good relationship with Mr. Richfield
E. Requesting sponsor to make new Android application
10. The new application will benefit ___ the most.
A. Philanthropists
B. Monika Dale
C. Christian Richfield
D. Mothers and infants
E. PT Marsoftwares

Answer Key:

1. D
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. E
10. D
Lampiran D. Rubrik Penilaian (Pengetahuan, Ketrampilan & Sikap)

a. Pengetahuan
- Tertulis True-False (Benar-Salah), Multiple Choice (Pilihan Ganda),
Matching Test (Menjodohkan) (Lihat lampiran)

b. Keterampilan
- Penilaian Unjuk Kerja
Contoh instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja dapat dilihat pada instrumen penilaian
ujian keterampilan menulis sebagai berikut:

Instrumen Penilaian


Kriteria Skor 4 Skor 3 Skor 2 Skor 1

Ide Penulisan Ide yang dipilih Hanya Hanya Hanya
orisinal, ide memenuhi 3 dari memenuhi 2 dari memenuhi 1
sangat sesuai 4 ketentuan 4 ketentuan atau bahkan
dengan genre yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan tidak memenuhi
yang dipilih, ide sama sekali 4
dikembangkan ketentuan yang
dengan tepat dan telah ditetapkan
Organisasi/Struktur Teks sesuai Hanya Hanya Hanya
Teks dan Isi dengan genre memenuhi 3 dari memenuhi 2 dari memenuhi 1
yang dipilih, 4 ketentuan 4 ketentuan atau bahkan
ketentuan dan yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan tidak memenuhi
ciri-ciri genre semua kriteria
yang dipilih yang ditetapkan
diikuti dengan
sempurna, ide
penulisan dan
informasi yang
disajikan sangat
relevan, isi teks
sangat mudah
Tata Bahasa Tidak ada Ada beberapa Sering Banyak sekali
kesalahan tata kesalahan tata ditemukan kesalahan tata
bahasa yang bahasa namun kesalahan tata bahasa sehingga
signifikan, tidak terlalu bahasa, namun makna dan isi
makna dan isi berpengaruh makna dan isi teks sulit
teks dapat terhadap makna teks masih dapat difahami
difahami dengan kalimat dan isi difahami
jelas teks
Perbendaharaan Kalimat-kalimat Hanya Hanya Hanya
Kata yang digunakan memenuhi 3 dari memenuhi 2 dari memenuhi 1
sangat efektif. 4 ketentuan 4 ketentuan atau bahkan
menggunakan yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan tidak memenuhi
variasi lexical semua kriteria
dengan benar, yang ditetapkan
bentuk kata dan
idiom dengan
benar dan
efektif, istilah-
dengan benar


Perolehan Skor Jumlah

No. Nama Siswa Skor Nilai
Ide Organisasi/Struktur Tata Perbendaaraan
Penulisan Teks dan Isi Bahasa Kata

Rumus perhitungan nilai siswa : Jumlah skor yang diperoleh siswa x 100 = ….
Skor maksimal/ideal

c. Sikap
- Penilaian Observasi
Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik
sehari-hari, baik terkait dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum.
Pengamatan langsung dilakukan oleh guru. Berikut contoh instrumen penilaian
Aspek Perilaku yang
Jumlah Skor Kode
No Nama Siswa Dinilai
Skor Sikap Nilai

Keterangan :
• BS : Bekerja Sama
• JJ : Jujur
• TJ : Tanggung Jawab
• DS : Disiplin

Catatan :
1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:
100 = Sangat Baik
75 = Baik
50 = Cukup
25 = Kurang
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100 x 4 =
3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 275 : 4 = 68,75
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin dinilai

- Penilaian Diri
Seiring dengan bergesernya pusat pembelajaran dari guru kepada peserta didik,
maka peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menilai kemampuan dirinya
sendiri. Namun agar penilaian tetap bersifat objektif, maka guru hendaknya
menjelaskan terlebih dahulu tujuan dari penilaian diri ini, menentukan kompetensi
yang akan dinilai, kemudian menentukan kriteria penilaian yang akan digunakan,
dan merumuskan format penilaiannya Jadi, singkatnya format penilaiannya
disiapkan oleh guru terlebih dahulu. Berikut Contoh format penilaian :
Jumlah Skor Kode
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
Selama diskusi, saya ikut
1 serta mengusulkan 50
Ketika kami berdiskusi, setiap
2 anggota mendapatkan 50
250 62,50 C
kesempatan untuk berbicara.
Saya ikut serta dalam
3 membuat kesimpulan hasil 50
diskusi kelompok.
4 ... 100

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 4 x 100 = 400
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (250 : 400) x 100
= 62,50
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat juga digunakan untuk menilai kompetensi pengetahuan dan

- Penilaian Teman Sebaya

Penilaian ini dilakukan dengan meminta peserta didik untuk menilai temannya
sendiri. Sama halnya dengan penilaian hendaknya guru telah menjelaskan maksud
dan tujuan penilaian, membuat kriteria penilaian, dan juga menentukan format
penilaiannya. Berikut Contoh format penilaian teman sebaya :
Nama yang diamati : ...
Pengamat : ...

Jumlah Skor Kode

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
Mau menerima pendapat
1 100
Memberikan solusi terhadap
2 100
450 90,00 SB
Memaksakan pendapat sendiri
3 100
kepada anggota kelompok.
4 Marah saat diberi kritik. 100
5 ... 50

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50 untuk pernyataan yang positif,
sedangkan untuk pernyataan yang negatif, Ya = 50 dan Tidak = 100
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 5 x 100 = 500
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (450 : 500) x 100
= 90,00
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
Lampiran E. Program Remedial

1. Read the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the blank.
Adit : I think Heru is the nicest student in our class. What do you think?
Jarwo : _______. He is always helpful
A. I don't think so.
B. I don't agree.
C. Impossible.
D. I think so.
E. I’m not sure.

2. Read the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the blank.
Ghania : Shall we have a picnic to Pangandaran beach this weekend?
Aisyah : ______. It will be fun.
A. Oh, I disagree.
B. I'm sorry I can't.
C. That would be great.
D. What a tiring journey.
E. I don’t think I can.

3. Read the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the blank.
Mr. Mukti : What do you think of our new house, dear?
Ghania : ______. I don't have any place to put my stuff.
A. It is the best place I believe.
B. I think it's too small.
C. It is beautiful I think.
D. I think it is lovely.
E. I can’t believe it

4. Read the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the blank.
Adriano : What do you think of our new classmate, Angga?
Ghania : He is a really _____student
Adriano : I think so. He makes friends easily. Nearly all of our friends know him well
in just a month.
A. sociable
B. shy
C. talkative
D. stubborn
E. generous

5. Read the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the blank.
Nunun : You look very happy, Dini. What's happened?
Dini : Guess what? I got a hundred in the last English test.
Nunun : ______. Congratulations on your achievement.
Dini : Thanks.
A. I don't believe it.
B. What happened?
C. That's too bad.
D. That’s a pity.
E. Fantastic!
6. Read the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete the blank.
Billy : Did you see what the fireman did?
Rafi : Yes. He saved the lady just in time. He climbed the ladder so quickly and
jumped into the fire so bravely. ________ ..
Billy : Yeah! He is a dedicated person.
A. What a careless man!
B. What a brave man he is!
C. What a poor man!
D. How poor!
E. How ridiculous he is!

For questions 7 and 8, complete the dialogue below.

Justine is helping Azkha doing his homework.

Justine : This enzyme helps our body digest food.
Azkha : Mmmm, I don't get it.
Justine : (7) ______
Azkha : Well, I'm not sure I know what you mean.
Justine : (8) ______
Azkha : Yes, please.

7. What is the best expression to complete the dialogue?

A. Do you know what I'm talking about?
B. Can you tell me once again?
C. What do you mean?
D. Do you believe it?
E. Do you need any help?

8. What is the best expression to complete the dialogue?

A. Do you ask me?
B. Can you help me?
C. Do you need any help?
D. Do you want me to repeat my explanation?
E. Do you hear me?

For questions 9 and 10, complete the dialogue below.

Keysa : Listen! I've got news for you.
Belva : (9) _______.
Keysa : Si Bonar is going to come to my neighbourhood.
Belva : No kidding! When?
Keysa : This afternoon.
Belva : (10) _______. Let's go there after school.
9. What is the best expression to complete the dialogue?
A. When?
B. Where?
C. What’s up?
D. Why?
E. How?
10. What is the best expression to complete the dialogue?
A. Good afternoon.
B. It's my house.
C. You are right!
D. Are you kidding?
E. Terrific!

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. E
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. E

Lampiran F. Program Pengayaan

This text is for questions 1 to 5.

Dear Hannah,

Congratulations on your new book. I went to “Can Do” Book Store yesterday and bought one. I
really like it because of your vivid description of all the places. The way you explain how to get
to the places is also interesting. As for me who don't travel a lot and don't know many places, by
reading your book, I feel like I have visited those places. Keep doing the good work, Hannah.

Love you so much.


1. What is Hannah’s job?

A. A book store manager.
B. A tour guide.
C. A teacher.
D. An author.
E. A store keeper

2. What does Rina think about the book?

A. It's thick.
B. It's expensive.
C. It's boring.
D. It's very good.
E. It’s uninteresting

3. From the text, we can conclude that Hannah ______

A. likes travelling very much
B. has many hobbies
C. lives in Jakarta
D. is Rina's sister
E. is a singer

4. What can the readers get from the book?

A. A recipe to prepare instant food.
B. Instructions on how to work hard.
C. Descriptions of places and directions to get to them.
D. The list of things a traveller should bring for his journey.
E. Tips how to tavel on a low budget

5. “I really like it because of your vivid description . . . ." The underlined word has a similar
meaning to . . . .
A. brilliant
B. vogue
C. long
D. dim
E. clear

This text is for questions 6 to 10.

Dear Moza,

I'm happy to know that you are going to have your school vacation next month. I think you
should come here. I'll take you to some interesting places in Medan. You are interested in
historical places, aren't you? There are many amazing places here. We'll go to Maimun Palace,
Shri Mariamman Temple, and the Great Mosque. And I think you should also visit the crocodile
breeding place! You will see crocodiles roaming around a large lake. You will like this place,
Taman Penangkaran Buaya Asam Kumbang. I attach a photo. So, fly to Medan, Moza. I'm

Big hug,


6. Who will have a school vacation next month?

A. Medan students.
B. Teachers.
C. Moza.
D. Ayu.
E. Shri

7. What is Moza interested in?

A. Park.
B. Beaches.
C. Reptiles.
D. Lakes.
E. Old stuff

8. What can the visitors see in Taman Penangkaran Buaya Asam Kumbang?
A. A temple.
B. Old houses.
C. Various fish
D. Photo booths.
E. Crocodiles

9. Why did Ayu attach the photo?

A. To scare Moza with crocodile pictures.
B. To persuade Moza to come to Medan.
C. To show Moza the mosque.
D. To help Moza find the place.
E. To

10. How will Moza probably go to Medan?

A. By private car.
B. By plane.
C. By ship.
D. By bus.
E. By motorcycle

1. D
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. E
8. E
9. B
10. B


Kelas/Semester :
Pendidikan : MANYAR X / Ganjil
2 X 30 menit
Materi Pokok : Teks Deskripsi Alokasi Waktu: (1x Pertemuan)

Kompetensi 3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
Dasar deskriptif lisan dan tulis terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah
4.4 Teks deskriptif
4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan
sederhana terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal.
4.5.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait
tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan
sesuai konteks.
Indikator 1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial materi teks deskriptif.
Pencapaian 2. Menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks deskriptif.
Kompetensi 3. Menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks deskriptif.
(IPK) : 4. Menentukan gagasan utama sebuah paragraf dari teks deskriptif.
5. Menyusun deskriptif tulis dengan memperhatikan struktur teks secara
benar dan sesuai konteks.

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan materi teks deskriptif.
2. Menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks deskriptif.
3. Menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks deskriptif.
4. Menentukan gagasan utama sebuah paragraf dalam teks deskriptif.
5. Menyusun teks deskriptif tulis dengan memperhatikan struktur teks secara benar dan
sesuai konteks.

B. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
a. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan menyapa peserta didik.
b. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik. 10
c. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan memberikan motivasi kepada peserta
didik selama mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti
a. Peserta didik disajikan teks deskriptif tulis terkait tempat wisata yang terkenal dan
diminta memahaminya.
b. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan, struktur dan ciri
kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif tulis yang dibaca.
c. Peserta didik yang lain menanggapinya dengan dibimbing oleh guru.
d. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang belum
dipahami berkaitan dengan materi yang dipelajari.
e. Peserta didik diberikan beberapa pertanyaan terkait teks deskriptif dan diminta
untuk mengerjakannya.
f. Peserta didik mendiskusikan jawaban yang tepat dengan dibimbing oleh guru.
g. Peserta didik diminta menyusun teks deskriptif tentang tempat wisata yang pernah
dikunjungi dengan menggunakan struktur teks deskriptif yang sesuai.
Kegiatan Penutup
a. Guru memberikan kesimpulan dari materi yang diberikan.
b. Guru memberikan umpan balik pada pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. 10
c. Guru mengucapkan salam untuk menutup materi.

C. Penilaian:
Sikap : Pengamatan
Pengetahuan : Penugasan
Keterampilan : Unjuk Kerja

Gresik, Juli 2021

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Manyar Guru Kelas/Mapel

Drs. Tohir, MM Umi Faridah, S.S.

NIP. 196512261993031009 NIP. 19740419 2005012 005

Lampiran A. ( Materi Pembelajaran )

Sumber : Buku Mandiri English on Target Kelas X Penerbit Erlangga.


A description is a text that describes a particular person, animal, place or thing. You write a
description when you want your reader to picture what you’re describing.


The purpose of the text is to describe a particular person, animal, place or thing.


The generic structure of a description is:

• Identification
This part introduces where or who the subject being described is.

• Description
This part shows the detail description of the subject. It may include the information about the
appearance or qualities of the subject, such as: shapes, materials, sizes, feelings, quantities,
colours, qualities, location, and taste.

A description usually:

• uses Simple Present Tense,

• makes use of adjectives such as amazing, noisy, boring, tall, etc.
• makes use of adverbs, namely traditionally, beautifully, peacefully, slowly, etc.
• uses comparative to help picture scenes (something is “like” something else),
• employs the reader’s five senses (how something feels, smells, looks, sounds and tastes).
• uses noun phrases such as a wild animal, an interesting book, this ancient building, three
handsome boys, some unique statues, my amazing hotel, expensive cars, etc.


❖ Identification: identifies the thing being described

Republic of Vanuatu is an oceanian island nation, located in South Pacific Ocean. It is only 2
hours flying time from Sydney, but a world away. Here you will find the capital Port Vila and
Bauerfield International Airport. It is consisted of 83 islands. The largest island is Espiritu Santo
and the most populous is Efate island where the capital lays. Aneityum is a tiny forested island
in the farthest south of Vanuatu.

❖ Description : describes the characteristics

From cities to villages, from mountains to beaches, from water sports to wooden artworks,
Vanuatu can give you more adventures and special experiences than you could find almost
anywhere in the world. Whenever you come, wherever you go, you’re sure to see some
unforgettable events. From dances to religious events, it’s not just staged for tourists, it’s still a
part of everyday life in Vanuatu. Don’t miss to visit Iririki Island. It is the most famous tourist
destination in Vanuatu where you will enjoy living in the paradise.
• beautiful
• deserted
• amazing
• crowded
• historical
• picturesque
• stunning
• wild

1. Khatmandu is a beautiful city. We can enjoy a landscape of magnificent mountains.
2. Most part of Saudi Arabia is deserted area.
3. I like going to Ubud for its tradition and picturesque rice field.
Lampiran B ( Lembar Kerja Siswa/ Student Worksheet )

Question: What do you already know about Sydney, Australia?
I. Complete the paragraph on the right with the words on the left.

Sydney, Australia
Hi, my name is Noel, and I’d like to tell you a little bit about

the city where I live – Sydney. Sydney, as you probably already

know, is located in Australia, a country with a (1)

of 23 million people. Sydney isn’t the (2) city

of Australia (that’s Canberra), but it’s the largest city, and it’s

perhaps the most (3) Australian city in other

countries of the world. There are about 4.6 million people who

live in Sydney. I love Sydney because it’s a very modern,

(4) city, with people from all over the world.

There are also many interesting places to (5) ,

like the Sydney Opera House and the Royal Botanic Gardens

where you can see thousands of large bats called ‘flying foxes’.

A art gallery n. In addition, there are many wonderful museums and fantastic

C capital n. (6) s where you can see the works of famous

climate n. artists. If you want to play or watch sports, you can enjoy the

I international adj. Sydney Cricket Ground or the Sydney Football (7) .

P population n. With a great (8) (not too hot, and not too cold),

S stadium n. and a beautiful (9) of the Tasman Sea, it’s not

T tourist n. surprising that this city continues to attract about 2 to 3 million

V view n. international (10) s each year. Now you know

visit n. a little about my city! So tell me, what’s your city like?
W well-known adj.
Vocabulary Practice
II. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

1. attract A. with people from many different countries

2. bat B. known by many people

3. famous C. maybe

4. international D. to cause people to go to a certain place

5. modern E. the number of people who live in a certain place

6. museum F. a building that shows interesting things to people

7. perhaps G. an animal with wings and a hairy body like a mouse

8. population H. using new, not traditional, methods and technology

How Much Do You Understand?

III. Write ‘T’ (True) or ‘F’ (False) next to each statement.

1. The paragraph is about Australia.

2. Twenty-three million people live in Sydney.

3. Sydney is not the capital city of Australia.

4. Noel doesn’t like Sydney because there are too many bats.

5. There are museums, art galleries, and places to watch sports in Sydney.

6. Millions of people visit Sydney every year.

Answer Key: Lembar Kerja Siswa (Student Worksheet)

I. 1. Population
2. Capital
1. Well-known
2. International
3. Visit
4. Art gallery
5. Stadium
6. Climate
7. View
8. Tourist

II. 1. D
2. G
3. B
4. A
5. H
6. F
7. C
8. E

III.1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. T
Lampiran C ( Asesmen )

Read the following texts and select the best answer.

Text 1 is for questions 1 and 2

Yogyakarta is the royal capital of DIY. It is a centre of fine arts and traditional Indonesian culture.
The puppets made from leather are available in the souvenir shops. It is also for silver smithing and Batik
Solo and Pekalongan are also famous for “kain batik”. Most kain is decorated with beautiful colored
designs, which are drawn of hand stamped on the cloths as part of the batik dying process. The batik designs
are one of Indonesia’s most famous handicrafts and have often been limited by western textile designer. The
batik designs of Solo are different from those of Pekalongan, and the “kain batik” of Pekalongan is very
Bamboo and rattan are used to make wicker chairs and other furniture. Cirebon is famous for its
rattan industry. Bamboo and “mending” are also used to make baskets, fans, mats, etc. Tasikmalaya is
famous for this kind of industry.
Bandung, one of the most modern Indonesian cities, is popular resort town. Some people in
Cibaduyut, in the Southern Bandung, make shoes for domestic markets and for export. Making shoes is a
home industry. Puppets made of wood and cloths are also available in the souvenir shops.
In fact there are still many other local handicrafts found in other parts of Indonesia.

1. We know from the text that ____

A. West Java produces the best rattan industry.
B. Good batik and “kain” can also be found in West Java.
C. Indonesia is rich in traditional art products.
D. Central Java in rich in leather products and batik.
E. Indonesia is famous for its batik and leather puppets.

2. “…..which are drawn of hand stamped on the cloth …..” (Paragraph 2)

The word “stamped” is closest in meaning to ____
A. imprinted
B. designed
C. drawn
D. coloured
E. washed

Text 2 is for questions 3 to 7

You probably already know some things about Oxford University, but there is probably a lot you
don’t know. It’s called ‘Oxford University’ because it is located in the town of Oxford, England (about
ninety kilometers outside of London). Classes first began there in 1096, almost a thousand years ago, and
it is one of the best universities in the world. Most colleges and universities are located on just one main
campus, but this university is special. It’s located in many different places around the town of Oxford.
For example, near South Parks Road, you can find the Science Area, while just behind Broad Street you
can listen to music at the Sheldonian Theater. Do you like to read? If If ‘yes’, there are millions of books
at the university’s Bodleian Libraries.
In addition, the university has a large number of parks – there is the Botanic Garden, for example,
on High Street. It has more than 8,000 different kinds of plants. Of course, the students are the most
important part of Oxford University – there are more than 21,000 of them from many countries around
the world. Over the past several hundred years, many famous people have studied there, people such as
William Penn (the founder of the American state of Pennsylvania), the astronomer Edmund Halley and
J.R.R. Tolkien (the author of ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’). Finally, if you’re thinking of
visiting (or studying at) Oxford, there is a gift shop at 106 High Street where you can buy souvenirs to
remember your time at this world-class university.

3. Why is the university called ‘Oxford’? Because ____

A. It is located in England.
B. It has a large number of parks
C. It is located in the town of Oxford
D. It is one of the best university in the world
E. It’s located in many different places around the town of Oxford

4. How old is Oxford University?

A. about ninety years old
B. about a hundred years old
C. about a thousand years old
D. about a hundred six years old
E. about a thousand ninety six years old

5. What can you find at 106 High Street?

A. a book store
B. a restaurant
C. a gift shop
D. a library
E. a park

6. What is most important about Oxford University?

A. its students
B. the famous people
C. its books
D. its main campus
E. its parks

7. “ …- there are more than 21,000 of them…” What does the word ‘them’ refer to?
A. books
B. countries
C. parks
D. students
E. souvenirs

Text 3 is for questions 8 to 10

Standing at 508 meters tall, the Taipei 101 building is located in Taipei, Taiwan, and is one of the
most famous landmarks both in Asia and in the world. In 2004 (when it opened), and for several years after,
it was the tallest building on our planet. It was the first building in the world more than half a kilometer in
height. Sometimes, on rainy days, the top of this skyscraper cannot be seen as it rises high above the gray
The Taipei 101 building (or simply, the ‘101 building’) mixes modern with traditional design. There
are eight main sections, each with eight floors (eight is a lucky number in Chinese). In total, there are 101
floors. The 101 building is very special because it is so tall, and also because it must be very strong and very
safe – there are many earthquakes and strong wind storms called typhoons in Taiwan. For about US $15, in
the lower shopping mall, you can buy a ticket and take the fastest elevator in the world up to the 91st floor.
Then, you can look down on one of the world’s most crowded and exciting cities from the top of one of its
most amazing and extraordinary buildings.

8. What is the text about?

A. Taipei
B. Taiwan
C. Taipei skyscraper
D. The tallest building in the world
E. The Taipei 101 building

9. How many floors are there in the main section of the building?
A. 8
B. 15
C. 64
D. 91
E. 101

10. How much do you pay to get to the 91st floor of the building?
A. US $ 15
B. US $ 64
C. US $ 91
D. US $ 101
E. US $ 508

Answer Key: Asesmen

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. E
9. C
10. A
Lampiran D. Rubrik Penilaian (Pengetahuan, Ketrampilan & Sikap)

a. Pengetahuan
- Tertulis True-False (Benar-Salah), Multiple Choice (Pilihan Ganda), Matching Test
(Menjodohkan) (Lihat lampiran)

b. Keterampilan
- Penilaian Unjuk Kerja
Contoh instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja dapat dilihat pada instrumen penilaian ujian
keterampilan menulis sebagai berikut:

Instrumen Penilaian


Kriteria Skor 4 Skor 3 Skor 2 Skor 1

Ide Penulisan Ide yang dipilih Hanya Hanya Hanya
orisinal, ide memenuhi 3 dari memenuhi 2 dari memenuhi 1
sangat sesuai 4 ketentuan 4 ketentuan atau bahkan
dengan genre yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan tidak memenuhi
yang dipilih, ide sama sekali 4
dikembangkan ketentuan yang
dengan tepat dan telah ditetapkan
Organisasi/Struktur Teks sesuai Hanya Hanya Hanya
Teks dan Isi dengan genre memenuhi 3 dari memenuhi 2 dari memenuhi 1
yang dipilih, 4 ketentuan 4 ketentuan atau bahkan
ketentuan dan yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan tidak memenuhi
ciri-ciri genre semua kriteria
yang dipilih yang ditetapkan
diikuti dengan
sempurna, ide
penulisan dan
informasi yang
disajikan sangat
relevan, isi teks
sangat mudah
Tata Bahasa Tidak ada Ada beberapa Sering Banyak sekali
kesalahan tata kesalahan tata ditemukan kesalahan tata
bahasa yang bahasa namun kesalahan tata bahasa sehingga
signifikan, tidak terlalu bahasa, namun makna dan isi
makna dan isi berpengaruh makna dan isi teks sulit
teks dapat terhadap makna teks masih dapat difahami
difahami dengan kalimat dan isi difahami
jelas teks
Perbendaharaan Kalimat-kalimat Hanya Hanya Hanya
Kata yang digunakan memenuhi 3 dari memenuhi 2 dari memenuhi 1
sangat efektif. 4 ketentuan 4 ketentuan atau bahkan
menggunakan yang ditetapkan yang ditetapkan tidak memenuhi
variasi lexical semua kriteria
dengan benar, yang ditetapkan
bentuk kata dan
idiom dengan
benar dan
efektif, istilah-
dengan benar


Perolehan Skor Jumlah

No. Nama Siswa Skor Nilai
Ide Organisasi/Struktur Tata Perbendaaraan
Penulisan Teks dan Isi Bahasa Kata

Rumus perhitungan nilai siswa : Jumlah skor yang diperoleh siswa x 100 = ….
Skor maksimal/ideal

c. Sikap
- Penilaian Observasi
Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik sehari-hari, baik
terkait dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum. Pengamatan langsung dilakukan
oleh guru. Berikut contoh instrumen penilaian sikap
Aspek Perilaku yang
N Jumla Skor Kode
Nama Siswa Dinilai
o h Skor Sikap Nilai

Keterangan :
• BS : Bekerja Sama
• JJ : Jujur
• TJ : Tanggung Jawab
• DS : Disiplin

Catatan :
1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:
100 = Sangat Baik
75 = Baik
50 = Cukup
25 = Kurang
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100 x 4 = 400
3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 275 : 4 = 68,75
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin dinilai

- Penilaian Diri
Seiring dengan bergesernya pusat pembelajaran dari guru kepada peserta didik, maka peserta
didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menilai kemampuan dirinya sendiri. Namun agar penilaian
tetap bersifat objektif, maka guru hendaknya menjelaskan terlebih dahulu tujuan dari penilaian
diri ini, menentukan kompetensi yang akan dinilai, kemudian menentukan kriteria penilaian
yang akan digunakan, dan merumuskan format penilaiannya Jadi, singkatnya format
penilaiannya disiapkan oleh guru terlebih dahulu. Berikut Contoh format penilaian :

Jumlah Skor Kode

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
Selama diskusi, saya ikut
1 serta mengusulkan 50
Ketika kami berdiskusi, setiap
2 anggota mendapatkan 50
250 62,50 C
kesempatan untuk berbicara.
Saya ikut serta dalam
3 membuat kesimpulan hasil 50
diskusi kelompok.
4 ... 100

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 4 x 100 = 400
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (250 : 400) x 100 = 62,50
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat juga digunakan untuk menilai kompetensi pengetahuan dan

- Penilaian Teman Sebaya

Penilaian ini dilakukan dengan meminta peserta didik untuk menilai temannya sendiri. Sama
halnya dengan penilaian hendaknya guru telah menjelaskan maksud dan tujuan penilaian,
membuat kriteria penilaian, dan juga menentukan format penilaiannya. Berikut Contoh format
penilaian teman sebaya :

Nama yang diamati : ...

Pengamat : ...

Jumlah Skor Kode

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
Mau menerima pendapat
1 100
Memberikan solusi terhadap
2 100
450 90,00 SB
Memaksakan pendapat sendiri
3 100
kepada anggota kelompok.
4 Marah saat diberi kritik. 100
5 ... 50

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50 untuk pernyataan yang positif, sedangkan untuk
pernyataan yang negatif, Ya = 50 dan Tidak = 100
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 5 x 100 = 500
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (450 : 500) x 100 = 90,00
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

Sawarna Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Banten Province. It is about 150 km from
Rangkasbitung. Located by a peaceful little village on the south coast of Java Island, Sawarna Beach offers
a host of natural wonders such as lush forests, rocky hills, caves and many more.

The beauty of Sawarna Beach is truly captivating. Overlooking the vast open Indian Ocean, Sawarna Beach
features crystal clear blue water and stretches of white sandy beaches, shaded by beautiful rows of
sheltering trees.

Those who enjoy surfing will also find the waves at Sawarna Beach quite challenging. Beneath the surface,
the underwater beauty of Sawarna Beach also makes it a perfect place for snorkeling.

1. What is the text about?

A. A beautiful beach in Banten
B. Caves along the Indian Ocean
C. Underwater beauty of Sawarna Beach
D. The most beautiful beach in Indonesia
E. Challenging experiences in Sawarna Beach

2. Who will find that waves at Sawarna Beach are quite challenging?
A. Divers
B. Surfers
C. Tourists
D. Swimmers
E. Foreigners

Mayura Park is the remains of the once existing Karang Asem Kingdom of Bali. In the middle of a large
pond is a structure called Balai Kambang, which at the time functioned as a legal court of justice as well as
a hall for important meetings. Curiously, its architecture shows both Hindu as well as Islamic influences,
whereas around the place statues made of stone are found in a Moslem hajj form.

Mayura and Bale Kambang was built in 1743 by Balinese Hindu’s Dynasty; Anak Agung Gede
Karangasem. It has now become a recreational park.

3. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To retell an experience when visiting the place
B. To inform a traditional house
C. To persuade people to visit the place
D. To amuse the readers about the place
E. To describe a tourist destination

4. Who is the text useful for?

A. Retailers
B. Observers
C. Gardeners
D. Scientists
E. Travelers
This recreational spot is situated on south of mainland South East Sulawesi. As one of marine national parks
in Indonesia, it is well-known as the world’s best diving site. Its name is an acronym of the four main
Tukangbesi Islands: Wangi-Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia and Binongko. Since 2005 the park has been listed as
a tentative World Heritage Site.

Diving at this place is excellent, with a high diversity of corals and rich marine life. The best diving in
Wakatobi is around Pulau Tomia, although excellent coral diving is also possible around Pulau Hoga, a
small island near Pulau Kaledupa.

5. What is the text about?

A. A historical place
B. A beautiful beach
C. A conservation forest
D. A marine national park
E. A captive breeding spot

6. Who will be more interested in visiting the place?

A. Bikers
B. Divers
C. Drivers
D. Surfers
E. Rowers

This building is a 9th century Hindu temple compound in Central Java, Indonesia. The temple compound, a
UNESCO world heritage site, is the largest temple site in Indonesia and one of the biggest in Southeast
Asia. It is characterized by tall and pointed architecture, and by the towering 47 meters high central building
inside a large complex of individual temples.

7. What is the text about?

A. Pyramid
B. Colosseum
C. Prambanan temple
D. Borobudur temple
E. Observatorium

8. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe a largest temple in indonesia
B. To describe a world heritage site
C. To persuade people to visit the place
D. To amuse the readers about the place
E. To relate an experience when visiting the place

The Ambarawa railway museum is located in Ambarawa in Central Java. The museum focuses on the
collection of steam locomotives. Ambarawa was a military city during the Dutch the government to
transport its troops to Semarang. On May the 21st 1873, the Ambarawa railway station was built on 127,500
m2 land. Back then, it was known as The Willem I Station. The Ambarawa railway museum was
established much later on October 6th 1976 in the Ambarawa Station to preserve the steam locomotives.
They were coming to end of their useful lives when the 3 ft 6 in guard railway of Indonesian State Railway
of Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api was closed. The steam locomotives are parked in the open air next to the
original station.

9. What was the Ambarawa called during the Dutch colonial government?
A. A military city
B. A railway museum
C. A new railway town
D. King Willem I station
E. Steam locomotives station

10. Why was the Ambarawa railway museum established?

A. To build new railway museum
B. To transport government troops
C. To preserve the steam locomotives
D. To build a new government station
E. To park the locomotives at the original station


1. A
2. B
3. E
4. E
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. C

C. Read the article below and then answer the questions.

Oxford University

You probably already know some things about Oxford University,

but there is probably a lot you don’t know. It’s called ‘Oxford
University’ because it is located in the town of Oxford, England
(about ninety kilometers outside of London). Classes first began
there in 1096, almost a thousand years ago, and it is one of the best
universities in the world. Most colleges and universities are located
on just one main campus, but this university is special. It’s located
in many different places around the town of Oxford. For example,
near South Parks Road, you can find the Science Area, while just
behind Broad Street you can listen to music at the Sheldonian
Theater. Do you like to read? If ‘yes’, there are millions of books
at the university’s Bodleian Libraries. In addition, the university
has a large number of parks – there is the Botanic Garden, for
example, on High Street. It has more than 8,000 different kinds of
plants. Of course, the students are the most important part of
Oxford University – there are more than 21,000 of them from
many countries around the world. Over the past several hundred
years, many famous people have studied there, people such as
William Penn (the founder of the American state of Pennsylvania),
the astronomer Edmund Halley and J.R.R. Tolkien (the author of
‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’). Finally, if you’re
thinking of visiting (or studying at) Oxford, there is a gift shop at
106 High Street where you can buy souvenirs to remember your
time at this world-class university.

1. The university is called ‘Oxford’ because it is located in England.

(a) TRUE

2. How old is Oxford University?

(a) about ninety years old
(b) about ninety six years old
(c) about a hundred years old
(d) about a thousand years old
(e) about a thousand and ninety six years ago
3. Where is the Sheldonian Theater located?
(a) behind Broad Street
(b) near South Parks Road
(c) next to High Street
(d) at 106 High Street
(e) in many different places in the town of Oxford
4. How many books are there at the Bodleian Libraries?
(a) 106
(b) 1096
(c) 8,000
(d) 21,000
(e) millions
5. “It has more than 8,000 different kinds of plants.” What does the word ‘It’ refer to?
(a) Oxford University
(b) Science Area
(c) A gift shop
(d) Sheldonian Theater
(e) the Botanic Garden
6. What is most important about Oxford University?
(a) its students
(b) the famous people
(c) its books
(d) its main campus
(e) the library
7. ” - there are more than 21,000 of them from many countries around the world.” What
does the word ‘them’ refer to?
(a) books
(b) students
(c) countries
(d) souvenirs
(e) parks

8. Where did Edmund Halley study?

(a) America
(b) Cambridge
(c) England
(d) Harvard
(e) Pennsylvania
9. Why was J.R.R. Tolkien famous?
(a) he was an astronomer
(b) he was the founder of the America State of Pennsylvania
(c) he was a writer
(d) he studied at Oxford University
(e) he visited Oxford University
10. What can you find at 106 High Street?
(a) a book store
(b) a gift shop
(c) a restaurant
(d) a library
(e) a university


1. B. False
2. D
3. A
4. E
5. E
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. B


Kelas/Semester :
Pendidikan : MANYAR X / Ganjil
Pengumuman 2 X 30 menit
Materi Pokok : (Announcement) Alokasi Waktu: (1x Pertemuan)

Kompetensi 3.5 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
Dasar teks khusus dalam bentuk pemberitahuan (announcement), dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya
4.5.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk pemberitahuan
4.5.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk pemberitahuan (announcement),
lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai
Indikator 1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan materi
Pencapaian teks khusus dalam bentuk pengumuman (announcement).
Kompetensi 2. Menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks khusus berbentuk pengumuman
(IPK) : (announcement).
3. Menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks khusus berbentuk pengumuman
4. Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk pengumuman (announcement)
secara lisan.

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan materi teks khusus dalam
bentuk pengumuman (announcement).
2. Menentukan informasi tersurat dari teks khusus berbentuk pengumuman (announcement).
3. Menentukan informasi tersirat dari teks khusus berbentuk pengumuman (announcement).
4. Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk pengumuman (announcement) secara lisan.

5. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
a. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan menyapa peserta didik.
b. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik. 10
c. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan memberikan motivasi kepada
peserta didik selama mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti
a. Peserta didik disajikan teks pengumuman terkait kegiatan sekolah dan diminta
b. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan, struktur dan ciri 40
kebahasaan dari teks pengumuman yang dibaca terkait kegiatan sekolah.
c. Peserta didik yang lain menanggapinya dengan dibimbing oleh guru.
d. Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang belum
dipahami berkaitan dengan materi yang dipelajari.
e. Peserta didik diberikan beberapa teks pengumuman dan diminta untuk menentukan
informasi tersurat dan tersirat dari teks pengumuman yang diberikan.
f. Peserta didik diberikan beberapa topik dan diminta untuk memilih salah satu topik
tersebut untuk disusun menjadi teks pengumuman lisan terkait topik yang
Kegiatan Penutup
a. Guru memberikan kesimpulan dari materi yang diberikan.
b. Guru memberikan umpan balik pada pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. 10
c. Guru mengucapkan salam untuk menutup materi.

6. Penilaian:
Sikap : Pengamatan
Pengetahuan : Penugasan
Keterampilan : Unjuk Kerja

Gresik, Juli 2021

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Manyar Guru Kelas/Mapel

Drs. Tohir, MM Umi Faridah, S.S.

NIP. 196512261993031009 NIP. 19740419 2005012 005
Lampiran A. ( Materi Pembelajaran )

Sumber : Buku Mandiri English on Target Kelas X Penerbit Erlangga


An announcement is a statement made to the public or to the media which gives information
about something that has happened or will happen.

Parts of announcements are:

• Head (title of type of event)

• Body or content (date, place, programme, etc)
• Closing (For more information, …)

An announcement should be direct and concise. It should be understood easily and quickly by
the listeners or the readers.

People use announcements for many reasons. Some announcements that people write include
public service, school, engagement, wedding, birth, job, promotion, retirement, funeral, etc.

An example of an announcement:



• Registration of new voters

• Reactivation of registration
• Transfer of registration
• Correction of entries or change of name
• Inclusion of registration records
• Reinstatement of name in the list of voters


• 29 February to 2 March
• 8 am to 4 pm


• Municipality where you reside

For more information, please call (021) 456 345 or go to

Lampiran B ( Lembar Kerja Siswa/ Student Worksheet )

I. State True or False from the announcements below

McCaw Corporation announced a plan to double its import and export production over the next
four year. The communications electronics firm said it will expand into Southeast Asian market.
The company plans to manufacture its telephone equipment in Singapore.

1. McCaw Corporation specializes in communications electronics.

A. True
B. False

2. Singapore is mentioned because McCaw will manufacture telephones there.

A. True
B. False

3. Within four year McCaw’s imports will increase by 200 %.

A. True
B. False

A group of four banks led by the City Bank of Chicago will provide $ 104 million to finance
Spacelab Inc. of Miami. The company will build pressurized research modules for space shuttle
flights beginning in 2012.

4. Three banks are financing Spacelab Inc.

A. True
B. False

5. Spacelab Inc. will build research modules.

A. True
B. False

II. Read the following announcement and choose the best answer.

Less than a year after it started operation. Detroit’s giant trash incinerator, the largest in the
nation, was stopped last month. Environmental officials said the huge plant, which changes
waste into energy, was causing unhealthy levels of mercury. Entire neighborhoods are

6. According to the passage, why was the plant shut down?

A. There was too much trash.
B. It was unhealthy.
C. It was unable to convert waste into energy.
D. It could not be regulated.
E. It operated less than a year.

7. In the first sentence, it refers to ….

A. The nation.
B. Detroit.
C. Mercury.
D. The incinerator.
E. Operation.


Notice to members of the English Literary and Debating Society.

Please be informed that the meeting scheduled for 24 October is postponed to 3 November
as Mr Jonas, our teacher advisor, will be away at a seminar.


8. What is the purpose of the announcement?

A. To inform the members of English Literary and Debating Society of the new date for
their next meeting
B. To encourage the members of the society to stay away
C. To announce that their teacher is attending a seminar
D. To ask the pupils to attend the society meeting
E. To promote a debating seminar

9. What is TRUE about the announcement?

A. The society members will meet on 3 November
B. All members should join the seminar
C. The announcement is for Mr Jonas
D. The seminar will be on 3 November
E. Ahmadi will be at a seminar

Health Network Inc. of Melbourne and Futura Computing of Amboy Perth agreed to develop
hand-held, computerized products to help the elderly monitor their health.

10. Who would most likely read this announcement?

Health care professionals.
Word processors.

11. Which of the following could be one of the products?

Blood pressure monitors.
All-weather gloves.

Read the following announcement and choose the best answer.

Aeronautic system, Inc., the Atlanta-based company also known as AeroSys, has an
agreement with three major airlines to provide a satellite system for voice and data
communications, a company spokesperson announced last week.
The agreement with America, Northwest, and United Airlines will provide
communications between aircraft and on-ground system for operational control and air traffic

12. According to the passage, what will be provided by the agreement?

A satellite system.
On-ground system.
Air traffic services.

13. Where is AeroSys based?

In London.
In New York.
In Atlanta.
In Tokyo.
In Washington.

14. When was the announcement delivered?

Last week
Last month
Last year
A month ago
A week ago

15. What is NOT a part or this agreement?

A satellite system.
Communication between aircraft.
A system of voice and data communication.
Communication of air traffic services.
Ticketing service.

III. Write an announcement about school event in your own school. Your composition should be
written more or less 150 words.

1. T
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. Doctors and Health Care Professional
11. Blood pressure monitors
12. A satellite system
13. In Atlanta
14. Last week
15. Ticketing service
Lampiran C ( Assessmen )

Read the following announcement and choose the best answer.

Spirit Program at San Juan High

When students at San Juan High Academy fall behind their classmates in reading and
mathematics, school officials send a computer to their homes.
For nine weeks, the students get a personal computer with a printer and software. They
can work and play with the computer whenever they like and as they like. Their families too, are
encouraged to get into the act.

1. Which of the following is NOT part of the program?

(A) Software programs.
(B) A printer.
(C) A personal computer.
(D) Textbooks.
(E) A computer.

2. In the last sentences, what does the word to get into the act mean?
(A) To become involved.
(B) To be actors.
(C) To drive away.
(D) To nag the students.
(E) To ban.

3. When can students use the computers?

(A) Only during the school time.
(B) On weekend only.
(C) At lunch break.
(D) In the morning.
(E) Anytime they wish.

Read the following announcement and choose the best answer.

Color Crown Inc. of Chicago, a company that makes four-color separations for printing,
announces plans to merge with Graphics IV of Evansich. The company will be known a Crown

Color Crown said the merger will enable the company to include desktop publishing support for
Apple and IBM computers.

4. What does Color Crown specialize in?

(A) Selling computers.
(B) Making four-color separations.
(C) Producing magazines.
(D) Designing furniture.
(E) Manufacturing monitors.
5. What is happening to the two companies?
(A) They are merging.
(B) They are competing.
(C) They are dissolving.
(D) They are separating.
(E) They are developing.

6. Four-color separations are used for….

(A) Computing
(B) Merging
(C) Printing
(D) Dying
(E) Publishing

Upcoming for Tuesday, May 15, SIGMET presents:

Mr. Sven Anderson, Technical Operations Director.
CD ROM Division, Cirrius Information Systems

Mr. Anderson will give a layman’s introduction to CD ROM. If you are unsure what CD ROM
is, how it works, what it costs, or what it can do – come and learn from one of the leaders in the

Seating is limited to 30 people, so call 555-3487 for an advance reservation.

7. What will take place on Tuesday?

A. A price cut.
B. A lecture.
C. A lunch.
D. A sales presentation.
E. A trainning.

8. In the second paragraph, what does the word it refer to?

A. The industry.
B. The introduction.
C. One of the leaders in the industry.
E. The cost.

9. How many people can attend?

A. Less than thirty.
B. More than thirty.
C. Thirty.
D. Anyone with an interest.
E. Anyone with a chair.

As a national leader with over forty years of experience providing TV, radio, and marketing
services. Abington can offer you outstanding career opportunities.
We are currently seeking applications for Computer Programmers and Analysis.

Please visit our booth at the National Career Center’s Job Fair on October 13.

10. What type of announcement is this?

A. A government proclamation.
B. A job announcement.
C. A television listing.
D. A career promotion.
E. Publicity for the opening of a National career Center.

11. Which of the following would be most interested in this announcement?

A. A communication major.
B. A retired radio announcer.
C. A production manager.
D. A computer specialist.
E. A TV reporter.

Less than a year after it started operation. Detroit’s giant trash incinerator, the largest in the
nation, was stopped last month. Environmental officials said the huge plant, which changes
waste into energy, was causing unhealthy levels of mercury. Entire neighborhoods are

12. According to the passage, why was the plant shut down?
A. There was too much trash.
B. It was unhealthy.
C. It was unable to convert waste into energy.
D. It could not be regulated.
E. It operated less than a year.

13. In the first sentence, it refers to ….

A. The nation.
B. Detroit.
C. Mercury.
D. The incinerator.
E. Operation.


Notice to members of the English Literary and Debating Society.

Please be informed that the meeting scheduled for 24 October is postponed to 3 November
as Mr Jonas, our teacher advisor, will be away at a seminar.

14. What is the purpose of the announcement?
A. To inform the members of English Literary and Debating Society of the new date for
their next meeting
B. To encourage the members of the society to stay away
C. To announce that their teacher is attending a seminar
D. To ask the pupils to attend the society meeting
E. To promote a debating seminar

15. What is TRUE about the announcement?

A. The society members will meet on 3 November
B. All members should join the seminar
C. The announcement is for Mr Jonas
D. The seminar will be on 3 November
E. Ahmadi will be at a seminar

Answer Key:

1. D
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. E
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. A
15. A
Lampiran D. Rubrik Penilaian (Pengetahuan, Ketrampilan & Sikap)

a. Pengetahuan
- Tertulis Pilihan Ganda (Lihat lampiran)

b. Keterampilan
- Penilaian Unjuk Kerja
Contoh instrumen penilaian unjuk kerja dapat dilihat pada instrumen penilaian ujian keterampilan
berbicara sebagai berikut:

Instrumen Penilaian
Sangat Kurang Tidak
No Aspek yang Dinilai Baik Baik Baik
(100) (50) (25)
1 Kesesuaian respon dengan pertanyaan
2 Keserasian pemilihan kata
3 Kesesuaian penggunaan tata bahasa
4 Pelafalan

Kriteria penilaian (skor)

100 = Sangat Baik
75 = Baik
50 = Kurang Baik
25 = Tidak Baik
Cara mencari nilai (N) = Jumalah skor yang diperoleh siswa dibagi jumlah skor maksimal dikali
skor ideal (100)

c. Sikap
- Penilaian Observasi
Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik sehari-hari, baik
terkait dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum. Pengamatan langsung dilakukan oleh
guru. Berikut contoh instrumen penilaian sikap
Aspek Perilaku yang Dinilai Jumlah Skor Kode
No Nama Siswa
BS JJ TJ DS Skor Sikap Nilai

Keterangan :
• BS : Bekerja Sama
• JJ : Jujur
• TJ : Tanggun Jawab
• DS : Disiplin

Catatan :
1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:
100 = Sangat Baik
75 = Baik
50 = Cukup
25 = Kurang
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100 x 4 = 400
3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 275 : 4 = 68,75
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin dinilai

- Penilaian Diri
Seiring dengan bergesernya pusat pembelajaran dari guru kepada peserta didik, maka peserta didik
diberikan kesempatan untuk menilai kemampuan dirinya sendiri. Namun agar penilaian tetap
bersifat objektif, maka guru hendaknya menjelaskan terlebih dahulu tujuan dari penilaian diri ini,
menentukan kompetensi yang akan dinilai, kemudian menentukan kriteria penilaian yang akan
digunakan, dan merumuskan format penilaiannya Jadi, singkatnya format penilaiannya disiapkan
oleh guru terlebih dahulu. Berikut Contoh format penilaian :
Jumlah Skor Kode
No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
Selama diskusi, saya ikut serta
1 50
mengusulkan ide/gagasan.
Ketika kami berdiskusi, setiap
2 anggota mendapatkan kesempatan 50
250 62,50 C
untuk berbicara.
Saya ikut serta dalam membuat
3 50
kesimpulan hasil diskusi kelompok.
4 ... 100

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 4 x 100 = 400
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (250 : 400) x 100 = 62,50
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat juga digunakan untuk menilai kompetensi pengetahuan dan keterampilan

- Penilaian Teman Sebaya

Penilaian ini dilakukan dengan meminta peserta didik untuk menilai temannya sendiri. Sama halnya
dengan penilaian hendaknya guru telah menjelaskan maksud dan tujuan penilaian, membuat kriteria
penilaian, dan juga menentukan format penilaiannya. Berikut Contoh format penilaian teman sebaya

Nama yang diamati : ...

Pengamat : ...

Jumlah Skor Kode

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak
Skor Sikap Nilai
1 Mau menerima pendapat teman. 100
Memberikan solusi terhadap
2 100
Memaksakan pendapat sendiri 450 90,00 SB
3 100
kepada anggota kelompok.
4 Marah saat diberi kritik. 100
5 ... 50

Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50 untuk pernyataan yang positif, sedangkan untuk
pernyataan yang negatif, Ya = 50 dan Tidak = 100
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 5 x 100 = 500
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (450 : 500) x 100 = 90,00
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
Lampiran D. Program Remidial

Text 1 is for questions 1 and 2

To: All employees

Dear employees of PT Neptune Industries

The director would like to say Happy New Year and Happy Holiday to all staffs. We are pleased
to offer you the endorsed Holiday Bonus.

You can take the bonus at the HRD office this evening.

Thank you,

HRD Staff

1. What is the announcement about?

A. Holiday bonus
B. New regulation from HRD
C. Annual meeting
D. New employee recruitment
E. Meeting with staffs

2. How can the employees get their bonus?

A. It will be transferred to their bank accounts
B. They have to ask their superior
C. They have to come to the HRD office
D. It will be added to the next month’s salary
E. It will be selected by the director

Text 2 is for questions 3 and 4

Student Camp

A camp will be organized by ACD Language Centre on 20 October. The main aim is to help
raise the standard of English among pupils.

Participants will spend an exciting and fun-filled weekend at Tana Hill. Activities include
quizzes, a treasure hunt, telematches and talent time. For further inquiries, call Miss Tiara at
0858 3768 7455.

3. What is the main purpose of organizing the student camp?

A. To encourage the pupils to go for a treasure hunt
B. To help the children improve their English
C. To take the pupils for a picnic at Tana Hill
D. To promote ACD language Centre
E. To raise funds for poor children
4. “For further inquiries, call Miss Tiara at 0858 3768 7455.” What is the meaning of the word
A. Involvement
B. Cooperation
C. Condition
D. Questions
E. Provision

Text 3 is for questions 5 and 6


Bandung, November 1st, 2020

Mr. Arif Hidayat will be the head of branch office of our firm here. He has been successfully
handling the finance in the head office of our firm in Jakarta. He is extremely knowledgeable in
the field of accounting. He has been scheduled to come to our office on November 2nd, 2020,
accompanied by Mr. Prabowo, the marketing manager. He will start working on the next day.

H.R Manager


5. Who announces the finance in the head office?

A. The director
B. Arif Hidayat
C. The secretary
D. Natharisyah
E. Prabowo

6. “He is extremely knowledgeable…” The word “knowledgeable” is closest in meaning to ___

A. truthful
B. meaningful
C. explainable
D. well-informed
E. useful

Text 4 is for questions 7 and 8


Free conversational English classes start at Chermside library: Hamilton Road Chermside
on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 4 p.m. and ends at 5;30 p.m.
People from all language levels are welcome.
Please call Steve on 0411 025 125 or Judy at 0434 525 382 for further information

7. The free conversational English classes is offered to ____

A. every student in the school.
B. student with limited English.
C. student with good English.
D. student who is good at speaking.
E. student who wants to improve their English.

8. “For further information” The word “further” is closest in meaning to ____

A. good
B. long
C. more
D. distant
E. additional

Text 5 is for questions 9 and 10



Announcement is hereby made to the shareholders of the Company that an Extraordianary

General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will be convened in Jakarta on
Wednesday, June 17, 2020.

Pursuant to Article 21 paragraph 3 of the Articles of Association of the Company, Notice for the
meeting will be given by placing an advertisement of May 28, 2020 in 3 (three) daily newspaper
published in Indonesia, two of which shall in Indonesian language and have national circulation
and the other shall be in English.

Shareholders of the Company entitled to be represented at the meeting shall be those whose
names are registered in the Register of Shareholders of the Company as of May 25, 2020 at
16.00 West Indonesian Time.

Jakarta, May 14, 2020


9. Who are invited to the meeting?

A. Board of directors.
B. The company and associates.
C. The registered shareholders of the company.
D. The managers of the company domiciled in Jakarta.
E. The shareholders of the company around Indonesia.

10. When will the meeting be held?

A. On May 14, 2020
B. On May 16, 2020
C. On May 25, 2020
D. On May 28, 2020
E. On June 17, 2020
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. D
7. E
8. E
9. C
10. E
Lampiran E. Program Pengayaan

Read the following announcement and select the best answer.

Text 1 is for questions 1 and 2

We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even closer
together. Effective as of 5th December 2020, our official name will be:


The substitution of “West” in our name-replacing “Cianjur” – is the result of an agreement we

reached with Cianjur Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of
“Cianjur” in our name.

We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this represents a
change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer to
our consumers.

1. Who issues the announcement?

A. Green Miles West Company
B. Green Miles West Customers
C. The co-worker of Green Miles West
D. The partnership of Green Miles West
E. The loyal customers of Green Miles West

2. “The substitution of “West” in our name...”. The word “substitution” is closest in meaning
to ____
A. merger
B. replacement
C. development
D. insertion
E. improvement

Text 2 is for questions 3 and 4



a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) of Java Gas invites qualified bidders to participate in our
Bid Number: 055/WE/LTA/MAY-13

Qualification : Large Working Capital

Activities Section : Oil & Gas Geothermal
Group : Well casing, tubing and accessories
Local Content Commitment: Minimum 15% for tubing casing and minimum 5% for accessories
The scope of work is to supply casing tubing and tubular goods, 13-3/8” casing and smaller
required to support the COMPANY’s drilling. For a period of 24 months commencing 1 Quarter

Detailed information can be obtained at PT. MOJO Tender Board. Locket No. 3, 5th Floor,
MOJO Tower Building jalan T.B Simatupang Kav 99, Jakarta 12520
during office hour or at MOJO website: and Java Gas website: Registration period is from September 9-11, 2020 during office hour.

Any information regarding this tender may be requested from the following address:

Attention: Procurement Committee

MOJO Tower Building 16-20 Floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 108. Jakarta 12520 Indonesia
Telephone No. 6221 29125100/
Facsimile No. 6221 2954123187

3. Which company announces the bidding invitation?

B. A drilling company
C. Java Gas
D. A casting company
E. Oil and gas company

4. “The scope of work is to supply casing tubing and tubular goods.” The underlined word is
closest in meaning to _____
A. things
B. activities
C. tasks
D. services
E. object

Text 3 is for questions 5 and 6

PAIDI, Inc., which operates the Paidi Kiddie City toy chain, said it was considering acquiring
Mondo di Bambini, an Italian toy retailer with 175 stores.

5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the announcement?

(A) Mondo di Bambini may be bought by PAIDI, Inc.
(B) PAIDI, Inc. acquired Mondo di Bambini.
(C) PAIDI, Inc. operates Mondo di Bambini.
(D) PAIDI, Inc. bought an Italian toy retailer.
(E) Paidi Kiddie City toy chain is operated by PAIDI, Inc.

6. What does it refer to?

(A) Paidi Kiddie City.
(B) Mondo di Bambini.
(C) An Italian retailer.
(D) PAIDI, Inc.
(E) Toy chain.

Text 4 is for questions 7 and 8

RPM’s Aircraft Products Group (APG) plans to eliminate 1,000 jobs, almost 10 percent of its
Des Moines, Iowa, work force, by the end of next year. APG anticipates reductions in military
spending and wishes to streamline its operations.

7. What is the main topic of the passage?

(A) Work force reduction.
(B) Increasing the work force.
(C) Job openings.
(D) Year-end spending.
(E) APG anticipation.

8. Approximately how many people does the APG currently employ?

(A) 100
(B) 1,000
(C) 9,000
(D) 10,000
(E) 100,000

Text 5 is for questions 9 and 10

As a national leader with over forty years of experience providing TV, radio, and marketing
services, Abington can offer you outstanding career opportunities.

We are currently seeking applications for Computer Programmers and Analysis.

Please visit our booth at the National Career Center’s Job Fair on October 13.

9. What type of announcement is this?

A. A government proclamation.
B. A job announcement.
C. A television listing.
D. A career promotion.
E. Publicity for the opening of a National career Center.

10. Which of the following would be most interested in this announcement?

A. A communication major.
B. A retired radio announcer.
C. A production manager.
D. A computer specialist.
E. A TV reporter.

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. D

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