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What were the problems of the society that science and technology wants to
Science and technology have addressed quite plenty of problems, but one of
the of the problems that are still addressing to day is how to prevent death or at
least how to prolong life.

2. What are the significances of these advancements in science and technology?

The significance of these advancement in science and technology is that it
helped to create a better environment for the users as well as improving the
quality of life of a person. Science and technology also provide a more accurate
and precise calculation in different areas that improve the understanding of
scientific body as well as improving the technology.

3. What are the negative impacts of these advancements in science and

technology in the society?
One negative impact of these science and technology is that if it well into the
hands of a relatively bad person, an example is nuclear weapon, with the wrong
hands, it can create significant damage over a large area in a small period of

4. If you are given a chance to change a certain invention, what will be your
suggestion or other idea?
If I were given a chance to change a certain invention, I would probably change
the use of mouse, touch pad, keyboard etc., my suggestion would be rather
creating a linking device to a brain that is wirelessly connected to the
computer, so instead of typing, using keyboard etc., I can just project what’s in
my mind and let the computer do the work.

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