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Activity 9

1. Discuss the important role of science education in the development of the country.

Most of us know that science and technology play a vital role in the development in
a country, so science education as well. Science education serve as a foundation for
someone to excel in the subject of science and technology. Improving the sector of
science education will result in more individual that are competent and capable of
thinking critically, finding the best solutions for problem in real life situation and
capable of innovating, inventing things out of what they learn. In sum, a better
development of the overall aspect of a country can take place.

2. As a student, what problems have you experienced in Philippine Science Education?

What solution/s can you recommend to address these problems?

I believe I faced several challenges when it came to dealing with science education
during my years in elementary and high school. One of the issues I run into is that, in
my opinion, teachers don't clearly identify and take into account the essence of
science teaching and learning at this level of school. The goal of teaching science is
to develop a competitive individual who is able to reason, think critically, and solve
issues in the actual world so that more people can contribute to the general
advancement of society. My perception of science as a child was influenced by the
teacher's method of instruction. It focuses more on memorization of words I don't
fully comprehend at the moment. taking notes, but there aren't any exciting tasks
with practical application. Lack of resources, such as science equipment and
textbooks, was another issue I ran into. Poor learning standards are caused by these
issues with resources. It may take some time to resolve these issues, but the first step
is to ensure that all schools have the right tools and supplies for science lessons and
activities. This might encourage more students to participate in lessons and increase
their attention to the material. In this case, there is a chance that the student will
pursue science-related courses in the future, which could aid in the scientific
advancement of the country.

3. If you were given a chance to talk with the President of your university, what aspects
of science education would you suggest to change, and why?

Really nothing, because it is everyone's obligation to call out any issues or aspects
that need improvement, not just mine. And sometimes, it was the students or their
study habits that needed to change rather than the education system or the way that
was being taught. A large number of information are now in the fingerprints of
everyone. All we have to do is use these resources to our own advantage.
Additionally, as a student at my university, I am already satisfied with the knowledge
they can offer. 4. How do you differentiate the science courses in high school under
K12 curriculum and the science courses before its implementation? The only
difference that stands out in my observation is that, prior to the implementation of
the new curriculum, students would spend the entire school year studying just one
branch of science. Now, however, students may choose to study several branches of
science, one branch per quarter in junior high school and one branch per semester in
senior high school, or they may use the spiral progression method.

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