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The Author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this book.
Feng shui Tips for a Better Living
ISBN (13): 978-93-85440-51-9
Feng shui Basics

Chapter 1 Keeping your House Healthy

Chapter 2 Tips to Enhance your Fame & Recognition Sector
Chapter 3 Tips to Enhance Romantic Relationships
Chapter 4 Feng shui Tips for a Healthy Kitchen
Chapter 5 Feng shui for Children’s Study room
Chapter 6 The Sacred Corner – The Pooja Room!
Chapter 7 Tips to Negate Bad Energies from your Toilet or Bathroom
Chapter 8 How to Feng shui a Guest Room
Chapter 9 How to Create a Perfect Feng shui Drawing/Living Room
Chapter 10 Feng shui Tips to have a Wonderful Bedroom
Chapter 11 Feng shui Fertility: Six Ways to Create More “Baby Chi”
Chapter 12 Using Powerful Feng Shui to Enhance your Career
Chapter 13 How to Improve your Work Relationships using Feng Shui
Chapter 14 Get Successful in Business with Feng Shui
Chapter 15 Feng Shui for Entrepreneurs to Get Good Business
Chapter 16 A Dozen Useful Tips to Feng Shui Your Office
Chapter 17 Feng Shui Wealth-Producing Tips for Handbags


“Feng shui” pronounced as “Fung Shway” is an ancient science from China that reveals how to
balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for people inhabiting
“Feng” means wind and “Shui” means water. In Chinese culture wind and water are
associated with good health, thus good Feng shui came to mean good fortune. It draws
knowledge from nature and universal laws in order to produce environments that promote
wealth, health, love & happiness.
Every person in this world has a different perspective; thiso some people understand the
benefits of Feng Shui in a better way than others. People actually don’t know the real meaning of
Feng Shui and how exactly can it help people.
Chi is the energy that connects people with their environment. Chi is present everywhere,
around the earth, in the atmosphere and is present in and around our body. This energy is
constantly in a state of flux. As a result, we are constantly changing, though we are unaware of it.
This change is essential for our mental, physical and spiritual health. When there is no change,
there is stagnation.
When chi in your body is blocked or there is an imbalance of energy, then you may fall sick,
get depressed or experience physical discomfort. When the chi in your environment is out of
balance, it will affect your life. This may cause disturbances in your relationships or difficulties
in business or cause general ill luck.
The concept of Yin and Yang is integral to feng shui. Yin and Yang are considered to be the
way of heaven and earth. The twin forces describe the two basic and interactive forces of nature.
To maintain balance there should be harmony between these two forces. The concept of yin and
yang explains the change in all things. One force cannot exist without the other. We cannot
understand one without the other for example we cannot understand light without darkness or joy
without sorrow. Each force acts on the other force to initiate movement.
Nothing in this world is totally yin or totally yang. According to feng shui we need to
balance the yin and yang in each room of our home. If a room is painted with dark colors, is cold
and has very little sunlight in it, it is considered to be too yin or have stagnant chi. Spending too
much time in a room like this can make a person ill and depressed. In contrast, if a room is
painted with light colors, very bright and very warm, it is considered to have too much yang chi.
Spending too much time in a room like this can make a person ill as a result of loss of energy.
The above knowledge is what I have come across ever since I got to know about this science
and trust me working with these energies has lifted my spirits up to spread this knowledge with
everyone I get to meet. I believe when you involve yourself too much with this science; you can
sense the aura of energies (whether positive or negative) only by entering in that space.
You would agree with me many a times it feels so uncomfortable to sit at a place that you
start feeling suffocated even when the windows are open and there is a proper circulation of air;
it is majorly because of the heaviness of the place or let’s say the energies are stuck or stagnant
there – thus small Feng shui cures help you bring easiness in your life whenever you feel stuck at
a point.

This book is the result of my dedication to my sincere readers. I wish that my readers get lot of
information on the subject and also find answers to their common questions about various
aspects of life. I concentrated on giving easy tips that can be applied on a daily basis to bring
about positive changes in your life.
I would first suggest you to read this book like a story book or a novel so that you observe
that the tips that I have recommended in this book are easy to relate to and of course way more
easy to implement. Once you understand the logic behind these tips you would really find them
useful and begin to make use of them. This book is a handy tool, as I call it, to know what things
should you focus on and what all things should you be alert about when buying things for your
home or before rearranging things around you. I believe, if you have enough information before
hand; the chances to commit an error reduce to quite an extent.
There are numerous books on the subject and after reading a couple of books with some
conflicting views one easily gets mislead and confused. So my advice to my readers is relate
yourself to your energies and start using one tip at a time; once you start experiencing the change
go on to the next one. I am confident enough to announce these tips will really give you a better
living and will help you focus on your priorities even better. If you really think, this is
benefitting you; then feel free to take this as a guidance tool from a friend who advises you each
and every time about what to do and what seriously not to do!
I believe this humble book will help you easily sort out the things. In other words ‘it will
help you gather gold and leave behind the slug’.
I am sure you will enjoy reading this book as much as I did writing and experiencing these
tips in my life and also find it of utmost utility.

– Manisha Koushik
(Your Psychic Guide)

Yin and Yang are the basis of where Feng Shui was established. Depending upon your needs,
Yin and Yang make the balance and harmony in your life. An example of the Yin and Yang can
be not too small and a neither too big cake. It is the coordinated energy in the middle that gives
you the perfect balance and harmony in your life in order to develop yourself and stay fit in life.
Yin involves activities like reading books or listening to music, and on the other hand Yang
energy involves activities such as swimming, cycling, and other activities. These are the best
examples to portray all direct opposites.
Yin energy is known to be from earth while Yang energy came from the heaven. Yin and
Yang can be applied in the clothes that you wear. If you possess a Yang or a strong character,
then you can soften your clothes by wearing clothes with a soft touch. But if your personality is
more of a Yin, then you can strengthen yourself with clothing that contains sharp and edgy
personality. Following these easy clothing rules can make your daily activities flow naturally.
Every day, just remember to wear Yang clothing during a presentation while casual events go
with the Yin clothing.
The environment around us can change the balance of Yin and Yang energies. Say, if there
is a house associated in the dark that represents a strong influence of Yin. The same house in the
presence of excessive number of plants will have a harsh influence. In such an environment, you
might not lead an energetic life. On the other hand, if the house is located among industrial
plants, the influence of Yang increases, hence making your life very active and fast.

If there is excess of Yin in your surroundings, then you can reduce its effect relocating the
front door of your house. Doing this will definitely improve the situation as most of the energy in
the house enters through the main door. If you cannot change the direction of the main door, then
let the front door be lit at all times.
The intense of Yang around you can also be a problem. To overcome this problem, you can
have the front door opposite the Yang direction or in contrary you can have the door painted with
blue color that is not lit brightly.
Both these form of energies, Yin and Yang are present all around us but an excess of either
could be a problem. In order to eliminate the harsh effects of any of the two you can harmonize
its effect by using the representations of the opposite one. Yin and Yang are actually the vice
versa and so to eliminate the excess of either of the two, you can use the opposite one.
You can surely go along a long way by apply Ying the Yin and Yang principles within your
home and personal life without others thinking that you are using Feng Shui. By using Yin and
Yang, you can increase the energy flow all around your house and your own life.
Keep in mind that you must review each room inside your house before you use Yin and
Yang to make balance inside your home. You will hence notice the balanced energy flow that
can direct to a less disturbing environment and an improved you.

The foundation of feng shui is mainly laid upon its elements. It handles five main elements in
order to achieve harmony and balance in your space. These five feng shui elements are: wood,
fire, earth, metal and water. Each one of them has its own characteristics and properties.
The elements of feng shui actually tell you about the right positioning of your furniture so as
to attract more positive energy in your space. You can achieve luck in education, profession and
in your home by the correct use of the five elements. It’s a core concept and should be fully
understood to benefit from its efforts. Each element has specific colors and location in your
home associated with them. By using the elements of feng shui, you can even create a
personalized strategy of your own that will be based on the reflection power of the particular
element in your space.
Wood represents innovation, creativity and birth, and it is a sociable element. Fire
symbolizes and brings activity, enthusiasm and energy to the places where it can be found. Earth
symbolizes stability, patience and honesty. Metal represents success in businesses and
harvesting. Water mainly represents communications and travelling. Usually in the lives of
maximum people, one element dominates and the combination of rest other determines your
personality. The way you use your elements is reflected by your decoration style of your home.
Some of us have the old style as of the past while others are continuously changing with time.
People change their elements and their style only to increase their level of comfort.
To find out your element type; read through the following points that might describe you
based on the respective element:

• Metal: You hate clutter. You always maintain your home neat and clean and you
bring new things in your place only after proper planning.
• Earth: You love all your stuff and don’t want to lose any. Clutter is filled in your
home in such a way that you don’t even get to know when something breaks down.
• Water: You don’t clear up the mess and just put a bed sheet over it. You keep on
redecorating things.
• Wood: You use the decorator to decorate things at your place and never do it
yourself. At the end of the day, you just need a quiet home.
• Fire: You apply feng shui to your house.

Sometimes it is hard to choose one option because many people are combination of these.
You can even take your feedback from your relatives if you do not know yourself much. The
trick is to be aware of what type of space you are really, truly most comfortable in. some more
characteristics of the elements are as follows.
Wood corresponds to the color green and the east direction. By placing this element at a
strategic spot in any space, you would be adding all of which it represents. Fire is a warm
element that must be treated with measure since too much of it can destroy what surrounds it.
Fire is represented by the color red and direction south, and symbolizes the puberty years. Earth
is a methodic element that can also become demanding, and is ideal for everything that is related
with real estate and inheritances. Earth is symbolized by color yellow and is representative of the
early youth years. Metal represents a knife or cutting metal and be destructive through it. White
and gold are the colors that symbolize it, and its direction is west. This feng shui element
symbolizes the adult years of human life. Water is elemental for living, not only for humans but
also animals and plants. It can be quiet or violent. This element is represented by the color black
and direction north, and symbolizes the old human years.
Good understanding of the feng shui elements and how they work will be the key to help
you benefit

from all the great things that feng shui can bring you and your family. Wealth, health and
happiness can soon be all yours when you combine all of your feng shui knowledge to build a
life-time of well being and good fortune.

There are eight sectors in our house that are responsible for all the good’s and bad happening
to us. It is important for us to first determine these eight life aspiration sectors and then activate
or decorate each area by placing items in the corresponding sectors. Once you activate these
sectors, you’ll get all the benefits that you are waiting for.
If you are thinking that it will cost you a lot in order to improve your feng shui, then you
might be wrong. It doesn’t cost you much to improve the feng shui. You probably have all
those things already in your house that are needed to activate the respective sectors. But many
people don’t know where to place them individually. These things when placed in the right
places get you a lot of benefits while placing them in the wrong areas might bring you in danger.
This is the reason why rearrangement has a lot of importance in feng shui because you always
need to move things here and there.
It’s all about colours and how you mix them with your environment. While rearranging your
house, keep a check on the colours that you have decided to use in the respective sectors. Blue
curtains in the northeast sector that fit to your window in the north sector needs to be replaced
with some light brown curtains.
Find some items that will help you, that actually suit your nature. Feng shui is all about
where you place certain objects and also what they are made up of. The colour and the shape of
the object also represent a lot. A picture of waterfall can bring you good benefits especially when
you use it in the north sector.
The north sector of the house is considered as the career sector. Using blue and black colours
in this sector is the best option. Colours must be used in a specific amount and not that they look
overpowering. Having water elements in this area in the form of fountain or a painting has a
very good effect. The northeast sector is responsible for education and self-growth. Using light
brown colours in this area can be good. You can also hang crystals or place a statue of Buddha in
this area.
The east sector governs your family relations and also your health. This is the sector that
most importantly needs to be kept free of clutter. Clutter blocks the flow of energy in your house
and so it is extremely important to clean all that clutter. So spend some time in cleaning all this
clutter. Green and brown colours are good in the east sector and hence should be used. Feng shui
items such as dragons, wooden objects and tortoise can be used in this area to activate it.
The southeast sector symbolizes prosperity and wealth. Using green in good amounts in this
area can bring you good profits. Flowers such as bamboo or orchids can do great in this area.
Avoid the use of dry flowers as they are not considered good in the southeast sector. In case your
bedroom is in this sector, then avoid the use of flowers and plants. Good fortune can come to you
by placing a lucky cat in this sector. You can also keep good luck coins in your wallet to bring
luck to you. The south sector is meant for recognition and fame. Activating this sector is of
utmost importance to bring you reputation and popularity.
The west sector of your house governs your children, their hobbies, and other stages of life.
You can use colours such as yellow, silver, or gold in this area. Avoid placing television or other
electronic objects in this area as they can create harmful effect.
It may be impossible to create an entirely nontoxic environment in your house, however you
must take a few steps to minimize the number of chemical products and the negative energies
you have in your house.
Health and wealth are the two sectors to be taken care of in your house; undoubtedly the
health sector comes before the wealth sector. This is because you can never gain wealth unless
and until you are full on your health sector. The health and wealth sectors of the house are
situated next to one another. True health does not only mean the absence of disease but it
actually is all about robust living along with vitality. A healthy soul also has a healthy functional
mind working for the body. We all know that to keep oneself healthy, it is extremely necessary
to take plenty of rest, eat healthy food and also take out some time for fun and frolic. Many
people follow all these, yet they remain unhealthy and for them Feng Shui comes to the rescue.

Here are some of the feng shui tips that can help improve your house’s health.

ü Cleaning the house is the best remedy to start with. Cleaning can never be done if it is not accompanied by
rearrangement and so you need to rearrange your furniture and other gadgets. Take a look at the kitchen also and then
clean out the refrigerator, oven, and other items. Area under the bed is a poor location for storage and hence should be
taken care of. These few changes will help you attract energy to your house and will then make you move.
ü The line of sight of your house should be clean. You must not find it difficult to search items while you are looking for
something. The room you see first impacts your health the most. If you enter your house and you see a toilet or a sink,
then all your health and wealth is said to drain away.
ü The colour combination of the house should also be taken care of. The house should not be kept dark as it then attracts
a lot of negative energy and you could also suffer from various health problems. Depression is one of the common
problems of keeping your house dark. Don’t keep the house extra bright as it will then make you nervous and angry.
Try to make a proper balance in your house.
ü The east side of the house is the health sector, so try to keep it as clean as possible. If there is a bathroom in this
direction then you place a mirror above it to prevent the energy from draining away. Placing a red light in the bathroom
can also be a good option. You can even use a wind chime over here.
ü No matter how much your house is clean, the yard should also be kept clean. The east corner of the yard should be
checked for the same. Placing plants here like bamboo or bonsai can be a good option. Don’t place any bulky plants
over here.
ü Apply feng shui to your bedroom also as it is one of the most critical areas of the house. The bed in the room should
not be placed while facing the door. Eliminate all views to bathroom or television from your bedroom.
ü Keep some of the health symbols around your house as they promote longevity and good health. They can include
cranes and peaches. Placing pictures of pine trees and bamboos are also considered to be auspicious.

Some of these tips can keep you healthy in your busy work schedule. So don’t be late and
apply these feng shui tips as soon as you want to be healthy.
Fame is a bit complex thing to understand. Some people get it easily without extra efforts while
some don’t get it even after doing hard work. To get ahead in life, you need to get attention from
others. Feng Shui provides you with some tips that can help you gain attention that you actually
deserve. It’s necessary to make a few adjustments in the north and northwest sector of your
house to progress in your life.
The enhancement of the north sector of your house or office can bring you many
opportunities at your work. You can do so by adding water elements in this sector. It’s not only
about the north sector to enhance but it’s about all those important people in your life who can
give you the right advice to succeed in life.
The south sector comes in action when you need someone to help you out. The south
direction is associated with recognition and fame. There are a few elements that must be in
harmony in order to energize the south direction. If this is not done properly, you will suffer
from getting recognition from others. You will find yourself completely lost in this world and
finding someone for your rescue. So this is not the right time if you are new to the business or
are planning to get your book published because you won’t get good admirers unless you
improve the south sector.

You can easily locate the south sector of your house or office using a compass. Here are
some of the tips you can use to enhance the south sector and get the real attention that you
actually deserved from a long time.
ü Paint some portion of the south wall of your living room with red paint and light it
up. Or you may hang up a few pictures with a red painting or a painting with a red
back ground. You can also add candles to this area. Make sure you make this sector
well lighted.
ü Place all your certificates and degrees in the south sector.
ü The numbers three and nine are associated with the south direction. You can make
groups of three or nine of whatever pictures/items you have and then place them in
the south sector. You can place these pictures in red photo frames to add up energy to
ü You must also use complementary elements in this direction. If you are not interested
in using red colour then you can also go for green or brown colour. These colours are
associated with wood which is also associated with the fire element.
ü Place some of the plants, especially with red flowers in the south portion of your
garden. You can then place lights near these plants. Placing plants indoor is also not a
bad option and you can go for it if you don’t have a garden outside your house.
ü Birds are generally used to bring good news and so you can use birds in the south
sector. If not bird’s then even peacock feathers would do. Try placing 9 feathers at a
time in a group.
ü This is the best place to hang bamboo wind chimes as they help the positive energy
enter the house. Make sure the wind chime you use has more than 5 rods and not
exactly 5 rods as the chime with 5 rods presses down the energy.

Try out some of these tips and you will find yourself in the limelight.
Through feng shui one can improve any aspect of one’s life. Similarly this ancient Chinese
traditional science also helps in enriching one’s relationships with other human beings, animals,
plants, and with environment and surroundings as well. The relationship aspect is also ruled by
the far right or the southwest corner of the room. Even the far right area of the backyard of any
home symbolizes relationship. This area improves one’s relationships with others and even
assists in maintaining the quality of those affairs. As it is found that one’s surroundings is the
mirror image of each individual’s personality.
Feng shui deals with all these places which surround individuals and how these affect the
respective relationships with each and all. It involves all feelings and reactions or interaction
with colors, textures, shapes, and fascination towards the structural designs. Even the respect one
has towards one’s home or work place. These relationships also govern the emotional and
physical behavior of an individual. Moreover these feng shui influences could be positive or
negative depending on the impact these have on one’s home and work place. To improve all
these relationships several feng shui objects could be placed in the said areas or feng shui
principles and need to avoid the use of few specific items. A few of such objects and principles

Objects That Can Be Used:

ü Pictures of loved one s – The best place to hang them is the one which catches your
attention as soon as you enter the room. It is considered to be a fruitful tip to enhance
love and unity in the family.
ü Any items in pair, like a pair of candlesticks or matching crystal ball s, etc. This
is a useful tip especially for the homes of the newly married couples as pairs
symbolize togetherness.
ü Wind chimes or bells could be hung but should be careful about the sound effect
as it should have a soft and soothing sound. It helps in redirecting the harmful
energies by creating a softening effect in the aura. They should be hung especially at
the pl aces where there are no physical partitions between the two rooms say the
living and the drawing room or hall and kitchen etc.
ü Strong lights which help in circulating the positive chi. In the modern houses,
people prefer the dim lights to create that ar t effect in the room; though Feng shui
recommends the use of good bright lights at home since it helps the required energy
to freely flow through the house thereby leveraging the energy levels of the people
staying in it.

Objects To Be Avoided:

ü No t elevision or other major electronic items should be placed in the bedroom. It

is believed that electronic items dissipate a lot of negative energy and hence should
be avoided in a place meant for relaxation like the bedroom or Pooja room. If it can’t
be avoided, the best way is to cover them up while not in use.
ü Avoid anything that ticks loud in the house. Many people have the big clocks like
those kuku ones or the ones which give the hourly updates. Such things should be
purely avoided as it creates anx iety and fickle behaviour in the occupants of the
ü Furniture should not be placed near the doorway as it obstructs the free flow of
the chi.

Feng shui principles to Improve Relationships:

ü One needs to protect oneself from unhealthy relationsh ips or feelings

ü Using more humour in one’s life to ward off the negative energies
ü The home should be clutter free always

Through all these remedies human beings try to create an environment that offers comfort
and peace for the body and soul. Even though feng shui is a very strong and potential tool, which
generates a positive shift in every individual’s life but is not capable of solving all problems.
Whereas the general believe is that feng shui can turn the negative energies into positive ones
and everyone hopes and desires for such miracles. Consequently it works wonders only when it
is combined with complimentary remedies like psychotherapy and other healing treatments.
Moreover, personal items are also powerful and if used with proper intention then they too can
enhance one’s relationships.

Kitchen is considered to be the heart of home and so to create a welcome home that looks great,
it’s necessary to makeover your kitchen nicely. Sometimes the need to replace an appliance can
lead to the urge to do a makeover on your kitchen. Some people get inspired by visiting other
peoples’ homes. Others see a picture in a book or on a website and wish that they had kitchens
that looked that nice. Still others simply get bored with their current look and decide that the
entire room needs an overhaul.
There’s not enough counter top area for you to prepare and serve meals so things get piled
on top of each other to create the necessary space; or you may just need to open up the space
that’s already there because it feels tight and cramped to work in your kitchen. The kitchen
definitely needs to be appetizing.

Below are some of the top tips as per Feng Shui for making a perfect kitchen.

1. Cleanliness is the best and so is in the kitchen also. So clean out everything from inside and also from out. It may
include the drawers, cabinets, appliances, paper, or scrubs. Keep a check on all the items and clean them all. Cleaning
from inside needs more input from your side as you need to take out everything from the cabinets and then clean it.
2. Also keep a check on the items placed in your kitchen, frequency of their use. When you remove things from the
cabinet, notice the frequency of the usage of the items and the likelihood of using it. The items that are seldom used
should be kept in less quantity and in deep storages so that the quality does not get hampered.
3. Remove everything from the countertops and clean the counters properly. Before placing the items back to their places,
ask yourself the need of that item in near future. For example, how often do you toast bread? Could you store the
toaster under the counter, bringing it out on the rare occasions when you use it?
4. Put like things together so that it gets easy while you are searching something. Put doubles into a separate place so they
don’t block your path when you’re searching for those elusive caraway seeds!
5. Store items in the shelves so as to utilize the space properly. Adjust the shelves according to your needs and place the
similar items together. Generally tall items must be kept at the back while the shorter ones in the front. Items like tray
racks, utensil holders and stacking shelves don’t cost much, but they can change your life. So organize and place them
as per your need only.
6. Make sure whatever is kept in your kitchen is in working condition. If something is not working or is broken, fix it up
as soon as possible or replace it and get a new one. Sharpen the knives also as they can assist you while cutting
vegetables. In Feng Shui this is a crucial step - things that are well-cared-for signify your intention to take the very best
care of yourself, too!
7. Papers to be used must be kept at a separate place. Countertops should remain clean as they are used mainly for food
preparation. If you have gathered lots of papers in your kitchen then keep them outside. Its your kitchen after all and not
your office. Papers can create confusion for you in the kitchen.
8. Kitchen is incomplete without a stove and is also considered as a powerful symbol of wealth. It is the heart of the
kitchen and thus it is important to keep it in a perfectly working as well as in a hygienically clean condition. So use
them all to bring more healthy energy into your home.
9. Mirrors can also be used in your kitchen as they can help you increase your wealth. The burners on your stove
symbolize wealth coming into your home. You can multiply this by simply placing a mirror behind the stove so that it
reflects the burners.

In feng shui, it is believed, that the more your kitchen is clean, welcoming and warm, the
more well rounded and healthy you are. So follow these steps and plan a perfect makeover for
your kitchen and bring more luck your way.
Children’s study room is an important room in the house for any parents as it is one place where
the apple of their eye sits peacefully and concentrates on studies in order to make their dreams
come true. Thus, this room needs to have a lot of positive energy and emit vibrations such that it
attracts the children to spend good amount of time in it along with good concentration levels.
It has been observed in most of the houses that some children begin to study but are not able
to concentrate for long. Following some below mentioned principles and tips as per Feng shui
actually helps solve such problems and assists in gaining control over the mind in order to
improve concentration and also boosts focus.

Direction of Study Room

The study room should ideally be located in the East, North or the North east directions of the
house as these areas are highly charges with positive energies that enhance greater absorption of
power and knowledge. East, is especially good, since it is the direction of inspiration and
Avoid studying in the room which is situated in the North West as it is likely to make the
students restless, stubborn, and unfocussed and reduces their decision making capabilities.
A study room situated adjacent to the Pooja room is considered to be the most beneficial
one as per the principles of Feng shui.

Placement of Study Table

Placing the study table in the right direction is imperative for good concentration. It should
ideally be placed in the South or West, especially if the table is heavy. However, some suggest it
to be situated in the North-East portion of the room. One can choose any of these directions
provided the student faces East or North while studying.
The study table should be square or rectangular in shape and not too big or too small in size.
A small table can be uncomfortable to work on, while, a big table can adversely affect the
competence of a child.
Neither the study table nor the chair should be placed in a way that it is in front or back of
the door as it makes whatever is learnt, slip out of the door. Also never keep the study table
touching the wall, but it should be placed a few inches away from the wall. This will enhance the
student’s grasp the subject quicker and retain it for long.

Placement of Books and book shelves

Books should always be kept enclosed in a cupboard or cabinet in the South-West, South or
West direction of the study room and never in the North East direction. Open book shelves are
not good as they are considered to create too much congestion in the mind. Always have a clutter
free book shelve such that the books are properly arranged in it in order to have a pressure free
study ambience. Avoid placing bookshelf above study table. It may create undue stress for child.

Lights have a very crucial affect on one’s ability to study. The study room should be properly lit.
Dim lights are not favorable for child’s education and focus. Sunlight gives us positive energy
for doing work and therefore, the windows of study room should be in east or north of the room.
A table lamp is another source of proper light, which helps in concentrating on the task. If the
child is using table lamp, it should be placed in south-east of the table.

Tips to enhance productivity while studying in the Study Room

1. Students should always try and face the East or North while studying as it helps in quicker learning and improve
memory, concentration as well as boosts their focus.
2. Placing images of Lord Ganesha and Maa Saraswati in the study room adds on to the positivity in the study room.
3. Place a picture that is symbolic of water behind the chair where the child sits for studying; it helps in increasing the
flow of creative energy.
4. Make sure that there are no mirror reflections in the study room as it may have an effect of doubling their work load.
5. Place a quartz crystal rock in the south west corner of the study room. This helps to further energize the Earth element,
extract the negative energies of the environment and also enhance the positive energy in the study area.
6. Placing an amethyst crystal on the study table helps the child to concentrate better. This crystal is of violet shades.
Deeper shades of violet are suppose to be really good and effective.
7. Place a wind chime either at the door entrance or any of the windows. It helps in making the child alert and attentive
about the surroundings.

The Pooja room is known to be the sacred corner of the house and is a place which energizes the
occupants of the house spiritually as well as mentally. It is considered to be a place of devotion,
trust, hope and truthfulness. Understanding that this place holds immense significance, it is
essential to create a space that embodies the best possible principles of Feng shui such that it
brings in more prosperity for the living beings in the house.
The principles of Feng shui stress on the fact that right areas should be occupied by right
rooms. If puja room is in right place, it helps an individual feel more charged and rejuvenated
after puja or meditation and the mind remains calm without wandering into different places at the
time you sit to worship.

Ideal Directions:

The north-east direction is the best direction for locating the Pooja room. It is believed that
worshipping in this direction helps an individual with increased levels of strength and
concentration. In the modern houses today, at times it is not possible to have a prayer room in
this corner of the house; in that case when no other choice is available, one may opt to position
it in the north east corner of any room. It can be drawing room, dining room, study room or
lobby etc.
People often tend to commit mistakes in the concept of direction of a Pooja room especially
those who cannot have a special Pooja room in the house and opt for the readily available
wooden or metallic temples in the market. Usually they shift those to the North East corner in
such a way, which can act as a blockage. North East corner of the house is considered as the
most divinistic and spiritual place. It should be open so that it can allow cosmic benedictions to
enter the house. A raised platform floor or a wall can act as a blockage too. So always try and
place it in a way that can allow the free flow of cosmic energies throughout the house.
Assure that the Mandir is not placed adjacent to bathroom or any of the bathroom walls as it
brings a lot of negativity. Also, placing it in the master bedroom should also be avoided; since
bedroom is the place to relax and enjoy other pleasures. Though, kid’s room can be used for
positioning it if and only if no other option is available. A Mandir in the store room is also a
complete No!
Avoid building a Mandir underneath the stairs or in the basement as you would end up
symbolically stepping on it.
The idol of God should always be kept at the eye level or above eye level but not below, so
that devotees are seemed to be at a position being blessed and God must be at a position of
showering blessings.
Cupboard for placing things should be in south or west of pooja room. ‘Kalash’ or water
body should be in north or east of the room. ‘Deepak’, lamp and ‘Agni kund’ should be in south-
Ideally, the idols should be placed in such a way that the worshipper faces towards East
while looking at them or praying. Make sure the size of the idols is not too big as the bigger idols
need to undergo a proper Pran Pratishtha ceremony such that they are symbolically filled with
power. As such these bigger idols can be placed only in the cases where one has a separate Pooja
ghar like those in big lavish houses or farm houses.
Feng shui Tips to enhance positivity of the sacred corner

1. The walls of pooja room should be painted in white, light yellow or light blue color.
2. Wood and marble are the best materials to use when constructing a Mandir. Avoid using ply or laminated wood in it.
3. There should not be a door at the back of the devotee while worshipping. If in case, there is no option to remove it, a
mirror can be placed on the top of the door as a remedy such that it makes it virtually absent.
4. The top of the temple can be square, circular or semi circular in shape. It can be of any other regular shape with no
cuts and extensions.
5. Avoid placing too many pictures or symbols of a single God in the Pooja Ghar.
6. Make it a point to light a diya (lamp) or burn incense in the Mnadir every morning and evening.
7. Never place pictures of deceased people or the family Guru in the Mandir. This is because these are human beings and
as such have lower position in comparison to the Almighty and thus cannot be placed at the same levels.
Bathroom is one room in the house that no one actually bothers about apart from making efforts
to keep it clean. But according to the principles of Feng shui, it is the most sensitive zones in a
house or a building. Special care should be taken of these rooms as this is the place we cleanse
ourselves and release all the negative energy. In fact, even scientifically this place if not kept
totally spic and span would attract germs and other bacteria affecting the overall hygiene of the
house as well as the individuals living in it.
Earlier the bathrooms and toilets used to be constructed separately and were positioned
outside the houses in an open area. This helped the negative energies to keep at bay from home;
as a result we can see that the individuals during those times led a much healthier and longer
lives. But in today’s day and age, it forms a part of the inner sanctum of the modern home. Also,
because of the lack of space, both bathroom and toilet are constructed together in one room itself.
Thus, it is imperative to maintain perfect hygiene and cleanliness, not only in terms of physical
world but also in terms of maintaining an optimum energy balance in your area of living such
that it enhances good health and prosperity.

Ideal Directions:

Feng shui are given big credits in deciding everything right from bathroom fittings to suitable
colors and things to be kept in the premises so as to set the aura just right for everyone using this

1. With the modern definitions of bathroom coming in where it is just said to be one place that comprises of both bath as
well as the toilet, if constructing a bathroom, it should always be placed in the North West. This is the direction of the
air element and as a result helps in maintaining the subtle energies at home.
2. Strictly avoid the bathroom in –
The North-east direction as it may give rise to health issues, accidents, problems with progeny and
unnecessary mental tensions.
The South – east direction as this is supposed to be the Agni corner and a wrongly placed bathroom here can
give rise to unexpected losses, legal issues, taxation problems and mishaps.
The South- west direction, as it can result in anxiety, depression amongst the inmates of the house and can
and can also hamper the financial growth as well as the saving in the house.
3. The bathroom should not be visible when entering the house. If this is the case, hand a mirror above its door such that
the negative energies are just reflected back. Also it can be interpreted as if the bathroom is physically absent at that
4. The commode should not be placed in a way that the person’s face is towards east. The ideal direction is such that the
person faces the North, North-west or west while using it.
5. The shower, taps and all the water related apparatus shall be placed on the north wall since the north is the area of the
water element and using water facing the North direction attracts financial prosperity.
6. Mirrors in the bathroom should be installed on the north or east walls.

Tips to enhance prosperity and healthy living

1. You may add some live plants with white or yellow flowers in the bathroom. Plants represent growth and life, so
placing them in the bathroom would encourage growth of a healthy life.
2. Avoid any faucets to drip or leak, as it will inevitable increase the expenditures.
3. Big mirrors increase energy levels as it makes the bathroom appear bigger and more lively thereby adding on to a better
comfort level for the people using it. Also make sure, if placing couple of mirrors in the bathroom, no two mirrors
should be facing each other.
4. Always keep the bathroom space clean, clutter free and free from obstacles of any sort. Make sure the space is open
enough to gather good amount of air and light, which is the foundation of good energy.
5. Hang a glass bell or wind chime between the door and the toilet area in order to hold the positive energy required for
rejuvenation not to flow out of the bathroom too quickly.
6. Avoid decorating the bathroom just too much!
We Indians see the guest as a representative of God and thus love to be as hospitable as possible
to please them. But, many a times we tend to overlook the importance of this room in the house
and let it be as it is without putting in much effort to furnish it like other rooms in the house. But
when we say that a guest is God’s angel who has come to bless us with happiness, it would be
worth in designing his room with the perfect Feng shui principles too.
One will be amazed to know that there are a certain set of Feng shui rules for this room as
well as to where the guest room should be located, how should the furniture be placed? What
should be the colour of the walls? And the reason that why it is important to design the guest
room in accordance with these principles is simple that the host should benefit from the guest’s
stay at their place along with the healthy stay of the guest. Following these rules ensures that
both the host and the guest enjoy each other’s company and that the guest shall return his/her
home with sweet memories of the wonderful stay at the host’s place.

Ideal Directions:

The guest room should also be the North-West room of the house. Since the north-west area is
represented by the air element and there is lack of stability in the structure which is set to create a
perfect ambience for the guest room as the guests arrive usually for a short stay and eventually
move back to their own home. Also when a guest is given this area, it ensures that the guest does
not become a permanent member in the family and makes his short stay a long one.
A guest room in the south west should be a complete NO. Since this is the area for a master
bedroom or for the head of the family. A guest putting up in this area will try being bossy and
commanding and will try making his stay a long and a permanent one.
The bed in the guest room should be placed against the south wall of the room. There is no
discrepancy with the idea of one single (double bed) mattress or two individual mattresses for the
bed in this room. One can use either of them as per the convenience.
The ideal colours to paint the walls in the guest room are white, cream, off white and light
blue shades. The bed sheets can be in the shades of violet, greys or blues. The colours of the
curtains should be in the shades of blue or green or purple.
Tips to enhance prosperity with the guest’s stay

1. Place bowl filled with sea salt around the room as this substance has a great power to absorb all the negativity.
2. Do not keep the guest room left untouched; but regularly make use of it by visiting it regularly so that there remains an
active flow of energy throughout the house.
3. Do turn on the lights of the guest room for some time in the evening such that this corner doesn’t stay in dark.
4. Make sure that the belongings or articles of the host are not lying in the guest room.
5. Neither the master bedroom nor the kitchen should be visible from the guestroom. If, that is the case, it can be avoided
by either keeping the door of the guest room half shut while the guests are using that room or make use of curtains to
provide the necessary screening.
6. Place fresh flowers next to the bed to bring living energy into the room such that the guests express beautiful thoughts
like the beautiful flowers.
7. Use lights that can be adjusted for the guest’s needs and that don’t glare at them; especially the lamp shades if kept by
the bedsides should be aptly chosen and well placed.
8. While decorating the walls of the guest room with paintings and other things. Choose art that is soft and pleasing. Busy
or loud art can set a guest’s nerves on end and bring more chaos into your life and their eliminating the medium to
know where the disorder is coming from.
9. Keep clutter to a minimum. Often we use the guestroom to store things that have no permanent place in the home. This
clutter will confuse the energy flow you are trying to create. If they cannot be moved, screen in or cover items not
directly related to your guest’s comfort.
10. Hang a small mirror in the guest room. Feng shui rules indicate that a large mirror attracts super active energy and can
keep a guest awake at night. Hang a curtain or drape over a door mirror or that large dresser mirror.
The Sanskrit adage, “Atithi Devo Bhava,” meaning the guest is truly your god dictates the
respect granted to guests in India. It is for this reason that a drawing or living room is seen as a
place to welcome guests and also known to showcase one’s personality and individuality.
As a tradition, all formal and distinguished guests are invited first to this room and thus
people make it a point to transform their living room into the most beautiful area of the house
since the first impression of the drawing or the living room gives a brief outlook or the
impression of the house and the inmates staying in it.
Whether one is positioning or decorating a drawing / living room; it is important to have an
aura such that the guests feel welcomed at ease in this corner. This can happen only when
sufficient positive energies flow here. So, in addition to well decorating it or enhancing its
beauty, it is important to create a harmonious Feng shui environment such that it becomes a
prosperous room as well.

Ideal Directions:

The ideal directions for locating a drawing or a living room are East, North or North West
directions. It is also important to balance all the corners in this room. Thus concentrating on the
centre of the living room, it will be wise to take care of the further associated directions in it.
The North-east corner of the living room should be kept spacious; so ideally less furniture should
be kept here. Also, the East side of the room should be kept airy and light to attract more energy
in the room as well as the house.
The bigger Sofas or other heavy furniture should be kept next to the walls and on the
southern or the western directions of the room. The seating arrangement should also be in a way
that the occupant of the house should face the East while sitting in the living room.
Do not allow space in between the wall and sofa. Wall is essential for providing security &
protection to the members in the Feng Shui house. Don’t place the sofa in front of a window or
directly opposite the door. Since energy flows between the door & window, it would restrict the
path of your guests.
Presence of water element in the North-east makes the level of positive energy of this
direction even more stronger. One can hang a picture depicting some fountain or waterfall on the
North-east wall or can place an aquarium in this direction. A bowl filled with fresh water and
fresh flowers can also be kept in this corner but make sure they are replaced daily.
Wall clocks and calendars in the living room should not be placed on the South, South-east
or south west walls as they tend to affect the life of the living beings in that house. Also none of
the wall clocks should be placed above any of the doors.

Tips to enhance Prosperity

1. Placing a mirror on the northern wall helps enhance positive energy in the living room.
2. Display the achievements, the medals, photographs, awards or good art pieces on the north, east or north east walls or
3. Place a crystal bowl with metal coins in the north west corner of the living room to enhance wealth prospects. Feng shui
Coins which are circular in shape with square holes are considered to be auspicious to be kept in this corner.
4. Make sure the living room is well lit. Usually, the modern houses prefer a dim light to create an effect in the living
room but dimmer or lesser lights are not considered auspicious as per Feng shui principles. And it is for this reason that
well lighted rooms are said to have a free flow of energy throughout the living place.
5. Use of fresh flowers is also considered quite auspicious. The principles of Feng shui suggest the use of yellow and red
flowers for decorating the drawing room to create a dynamic and prosperous environment. Dead or dried flowers
should be regularly replaced. Artificial flowers should be strictly avoided as they attract negativity.
6. Use of screens & partitions to influence the energy flow is highly recommended. This way the flow of energy can be
directed to another part of the room.
7. Put a dragon tortoise in the northern side of your living room for protection and good fortune. The dragon tortoise
protects and supports your ideas and represents longevity.
8. Placing a laughing Buddha can promote good Feng shui for your home to make you enjoy good wealth & prosperity.
This denotes that all the members living in the family will be happy and in a perpetual good mood.
9. Aromatic fragrances and essential oils with cleansing properties are a good idea for creating a positive environment.
Light and burn them regularly to clear the house of any negative energy.
The bedroom is the ultimate inner sanctum to unwind, relax and rejuvenate oneself. From the
Feng shui point of view, this area needs to have a quiet and peaceful environment such that one
feels calm, protected and is not distracted by any negative influences. Also, at the same time
there needs to be an effective circulation of good energy and plenty of fresh air to recharge the
individuals using that bedroom.
With this room being so important in our lives, it is therefore essential that its location,
placement of furniture and other commodities of use are arranged in such a way that is conducive
to creating a positive, favourable and Feng shui friendly ambience that invites you, lures you in,
excites and calms at the same time.

Ideal Directions:

Ø A bedroom in the North: This is the ideal location for the bedroom of young couples.
Ø A bedroom in the North-East: This is a sacred corner or an ideal place to have a prayer
room. Hence a bedroom in this direction should be strictly avoided.
Ø A bedroom in the East: It is a favourable place to have a bedroom for the unmarried
children in the family.
Ø A bedroom in the South East: South east is known to be the Agni corner, it is for this
reason that bedroom in this quadrant is not recommended since it imparts a hot
temperament to those occupying it. If occupied by couples, it leads to constant quarrels
between the two. If occupied by children, they would be stubborn and do not take interest
in their studies.
Ø A bedroom in the South or South West: This is an ideal direction to be occupied by
the head of the family i.e. the master bedroom should be located in this corner.
Ø A bedroom in the West: This is the best location for the bedroom of the students.
A bedroom in the North – West: This is an ideal location for the newly wed couples as it will
help them increase the love, intimacy and comfort levels with each other.
The positioning of the bed in the bedroom is equally important as is the direction of the
bedroom. The bed should be placed in a way such that it has a solid wall behind it but make sure
there are no windows on that wall as it may lead to instability in the occupant’s life. The bed
should neither point towards the door of the bathroom nor should adjoin the bathroom wall as it
may result in health problems for the occupant because of the negative energies secreted from the
To have a sound sleep, an individual should always have his head in the south direction. It is
observed that those who sleep with their head pointed towards the north usually have either
restless and troubled sleep or may experience frequent headaches or body aches.

Feng shui Tips to enhance Love and Prosperity

1. Couples should preferably use one double mattress and avoid making use of two separate (single) mattresses on the
bed. This increases the harmony in the relationships.
2. It is advisable that bed sheets and pillow covers should be replaced every six months as they absorb all the negativity
being shed by us while sleeping.
3. Avoid sharp or too vibrant colours in the bedroom. Choose soothing shades of pink, light green, light blue, lavender etc.
White is anytime a good colour for creating a soothing, calm and serene atmosphere in the bedroom.
4. North east corner of the bedroom should be free from any heavy furniture or heavy items. Also make sure this area
remains clutter free always.
5. Make use of pictures/photographs that bring a smile on your face every time you see them. Avoid hanging pictures of
any animals, fire scenes, war scenes, void places, trees devoid of fruits or flowers as it brings in negativity in the room.
6. Do not display pictures of Gods and Goddesses in the bedroom. The reason for this is that the bedroom is a private
place where one sleeps, drinks and enjoys the various pleasures of life. So, being involved in such activities in front of
God is considered disrespectful.
7. Having too many electronic gadgets violates the principles of Feng shui and hampers the peace of mind to a great
extent. In the modern houses, where it is impossible to not to have a television in the bedroom; a tip would be to switch
off the power plug completely when it is not in use. Also place a flower vase with fresh flowers near it and make sure
the flowers are changed as and when they dry up.
8. Avoid installing cash lockers in the bedroom. In case, there is no other option available; a safe can still be kept but only
in the South-west corner of the bedroom such that it opens facing the northern or the eastern directions.
9. Water is an unstable as well as a freely flowing element and thus has no place in the bedroom. Avoid having any
pictures that has flowing water, aquariums or water fountains of any sort in the bedroom as it gives rise to instability in
the relationships or uncontrolled expenditures at home. A water jug/bottle can be placed by the bedside at night if there
is a requirement for it to be consumed.
Feng shui has gained a lot of name and fame in today’s world. It is used everywhere from
arranging office cubicles to gaining more recognition at work. But is it also useful if you want to
conceive a baby? The answer is yes. When you are trying to conceive a baby feng shui can be a
great tool in your fertility arsenal.
Fertility can be affected very easily and so is considered to be a very delicate thing. It is for
this reason we suggest a few Feng shui tips that can help you create a more balanced,
harmonious – and relaxed – environment for conception to occur.
To start from, the first place to be taken care of is your house. It is quite possible that there is
some kind of energy blocked at your home. If in case it is, then the next very important task is to
make that energy freely flow in the house such that it charges and illuminates each corner of
your house with lot more positivity and of course “baby chi” required for a healthy fertility.
There might be a tree in front of your house that could be blocking the positive energy from
entering your house. The door of the main entrance of the house may be hard to open or close or
may give quirking sounds while its in use; the bedroom of the newly weds in the basement or if
the entrance of their bedroom door is not even or a level down then it may also affect the
progeny part of the lady expecting a child in that house. You need to look and concentrate on
these small things as well. Feng shui cant create miracles in fertility but it is able to create the
positive environment in which miracles do happen. Feng shui takes a complete approach so that
nothing is overlooked in the process.

Here are the following six ways of improving feng shui for fertility:

1. The northwest direction is the direction of heaven according to feng shui and so you need to activate it. This is the
direction given to the room for the newly weds too in order to activate the progeny part. Introducing more of metal
element in this area will illuminate the energies on this part.

There is an ancient Chinese belief that the father has more contribution in enhancing the future generations
rather than the mother i.e the father must have what is known as the “descendant’s luck” for him to have generations
that would carry his name forward. Thus, Feng shui practitioners also believe that another way of activating your luck
is by hanging a metal oscillating fan in your bedroom. Placed in the NW corner and turned on during the day, the fan
produces a generous helping of descendant’s luck in the bedroom.
2. You can even use personal feng shui to determine the personal luck direction for yourself. If the northwest luck is not in
your favor then you need to go for personal feng shui to determine your own luck direction and then energize those
directions by using appropriate elements out there.
3. Remove all kinds of blocks from your front door and make sure there is open space out there. The front door is
considered to be the mouth of your house and that all the energy enters from the main door only. Make this area as
beautiful as you can.
4. The west sector is associated with children. So avoid having fire objects there such as candles or lamps or even things
which have colors like red, orange etc. You can enhance his area with metal objects such as fans or other metal items.
Keeping small indoor plant (that has the capability to grow) in this corner and nurturing it daily will also add to a
productive fertility.
5. Bedroom feng shui is extremely important at the time of conceiving. Your bed should never share the same wall as that
of the door. Televisions, mirrors, and plants should also be removed out. Rest and romance should be the only activities
to do in your bedroom.
6. Use fertility symbols and enhancements to enhance your fertility. These can include dragons, small baby elephants,
double fish, and hollow bamboo. Dragons can be placed on the side table of the man’s side of the bed, elephants can be
placed on either side of the bedroom door, fish can be placed in the southwest corner of your bedroom, and bamboo can
be placed in the north sector of your bedroom.

Fortunately, feng shui can make sure that the environment nearby you supports and helps
you bring a new member to your family.
If you are looking not only for the perfect start to your career but also maintaining it later also,
then feng shui is here for your rescue. You can definitely use Feng Shui to give your ambitions a
boost. Good career feng shui usually manifests in the form of increased opportunities.
Boosting your career does not only mean to make more money because money cannot solve
all your life problems. It actually boosts your career in such a way that along with money you
also get satisfaction and enjoyment. There are several areas that need to be energized to let
opportunities knock at your door. You can for example do better in your current job by
energizing your career sector. You might even find some new business opportunity knocking
your door.
In order to enhance your career, there are two critical areas that need to be taken care of.
These two areas are your house and office. Here are some of the possible suggestions for both of
them that you can easily implement.

Step One: Your House

Ø Make sure the north sector of your house is clutter free and is in good order. Activate
this sector if there is a toilet situated there.
Ø If your bedroom is in the north direction, then you can enhance it by using some
metal objects or some other pictures of water.
Ø Try to make the entrance of your house as attractive as possible; this will open the
doors of new opportunities for you. Don’t ever buy welcome mats with your name
inscribed on it because you will never like someone walking on your name.
Ø The south direction represents the fame section, and so you need to take good care of
this sector. Placing a group of nine candles in this sector would be the perfect thing to
do. The light at the entrance of your house should be kept on to make the house look
Ø Try to add something related to water in the front of your house. It might include a
small aquarium or any wall picture. You can also place the water element outside
your house but then do remember to place it in such a way that the side of flowing
water is towards the house and not away from it.

Step two: Your Office

Ø The sitting positions are of equal importance and try not to sit with your back
towards the door. Place your computer is such a way that you can easily see someone
walking by either from left or from right.
Ø If you know your kua number, then choose your personal best direction and sit
Ø If you are getting troubles because of your gossiping habit, then get a statue of a
rooster and place it on your desk.
Ø You always need help from someone in office. If you have a window behind you,
then you will find lack of support and so turn up to have a wall behind you.
Ø The southeast corner is the wealth corner and so you need to activate it by placing
some plants here.
Ø The north corner of the office is the career sector and so do place a tortoise here to
symbolize good support.
Ø Feng Shui career tips or even other aspects of implementing Feng Shui for any area
of our lives should be carefully studied and only then applied to our lives.

It is best to understand the principles and rules of applying Feng Shui before you start to
activate your own career luck with feng shui. Feng Shui can be the key that unlocks the door to
success for you, so grasp this kind of opportunity and get going.

It’s not only about the hard work at your workplace that can increase the productivity but also
the work environment. An unhappy work environment can make you face a terrible experience.
It can block your path of success and can also make you feel uncomfortable.
Self motivation is something that can force you to achieve success in life and some kind
of motivation from your co-workers and bosses can let you grow your business ahead. The
people you work with play a vital role and making good relations with them will also force you
to achieve success else the eight hour experience at office might turn up into a miserable
Feng Shui comes here to our rescue by suggesting some tips and tricks that can help you
improve your work relations and hence making the work environment more harmonious. So if
going to office has become an exercise for you and you want to get rid of it, then you would love
to try some of the following.

Ø Don’t directly confront your boss. It is always preferable to have your boss sitting behind you so that you can get all
the required support from that person. Check your desk position if it is directly facing your boss. If your boss’s desk is
facing west and yours is facing east, and you could draw an imaginary straight line to his or her desk, then you are in a
confrontational position.
Ø Ground your relationships with a Gold Mountain. Creating your own gold mountain will bring more opportunities for
you and will also create good will with your superiors. The northwest corner of your office can be the best place to
place your mini mountain. Don’t make any guesses to find this position but use a compass for that. Creating a gold
mountain is not a difficult task to do. Take a large round glass candle holder. The plates are those flat glass rounds that
hold candle arrangements. Now arrange a mixture of some small stones along with spray paint on the plate to resemble
a mountain.
Ø Make your relationships with your boss smooth. An arrangement of crystal glass in the centre of your office can be a
good option to smoothen the relationships with your boss as well as with your co-workers. A crystal vase is also a good
option as it is said to collect some relationship energy.
Ø Activating the office according to the gender of the boss. If your boss is an older male then you must activate your
northwest direction and in case of an older female boss, southwest is the position to get activated.
Ø Activating the lucky corner of your office. The corner that is diagonal to the door of your office will be the area to
concentrate upon as it is the lucky corner for you. You can use some plants out there, an aquarium, or a small wind
chime also.

Some of these tips can make you enjoy your office hours along with increasing the

Feng shui principles when applied to homes or business have changed the fortunes of various
people. It signifies the flow of energy around your surroundings. Feng shui can help you a lot if
its principles are applied in business.
The way your office is arranged can greatly affect your overall success in business. By
keeping yourself close to things that motivate you while working in your office, you will be
more productive in the end that will also make you feel happier. The design of your office also
affects your success in business. Try facing one of the positive directions while in office. It will
help you to focus more quickly and also gives you clarity in your thoughts. Do not have your
back to the door, or place yourself in line with the door.
Make sure there is no form of clutter around you. Organize and arrange things properly and
for that a good storage system is also very essential. Whenever you feel overwhelmed with tasks
and deadlines, stop whatever you are doing, and take at least half an hour to tidy up your work
area. You will then be able to go back to your urgent and important priorities with less stress and
mental confusion.
Try putting in some new plants in your office area as they are environmentally calming and
also saves the work area from being too technical. Some paintings or posters of natural scenes
will also do if placing plants in your work area is not possible. You must also have at least one
prosperity symbol in your work area to value your work. The southeast area will act as your
prosperity direction.
The placement of the desk is also an important asset and has huge impact on your business.
The best position to place the desk is diagonally along the door. Avoid placing the desk in the
same line with the door, window or in a corner. Paint the walls of the office such that they make
you feel energetic. Some of the feng shui products that can be used in the growth of your
business are as follows:

ü Dragon fountain: The dragon creates positive energy bringing with them good luck
into your business. The dragon with a fountain is much effective one.
ü Crystal Globe: It is one of the very powerful means used for activating success in
your business. Place a globe on your desk and it will soon bring you success along
with prosperity.
ü Fishes: Placing an aquarium in the north direction of your office is one of the very
effective means to bring success. Goldfishes are one of the best fishes to be used for
this purpose.
ü Amethyst tree: It is used to harmonize your relations with managers, colleagues, and
partners. It also prevents irritation and keep difficulties far away from you.

ü Money frog: It is known by several other names such as three legged toad. It is one of
the symbols used for money making. It also brings wealth and luck in your career. It
can be placed near your working table.
ü Three coins tied with red ribbon: These coins can be placed in your bag or purse.
When you are in a business call then you can attach these coins with the phone as
they will prove you extremely good luck.
ü Wind Chimes can be placed in the north direction. A chime with six tubes can be
used that will activate the energy around your surroundings.

Concentrate more on developing your business skills. Only feng shui won’t be able to help
you if you do not have anything to present out there. If you need to strengthen your business
skills, consider activating the North East ”Wisdom” area, by stocking a few good business
manuals in this area, and remembering to take the time to read them. Good Feng Shui is a
partnership of environment and free will.
The best part of being an entrepreneur is that you are the only boss with all the decisions to take,
but on the same side it also has a disadvantage and that is the risk over the decision. You are the
only one responsible after that decision.
Feng shui uses some basic principles that helps in attracting more clients, creating good
business opportunities, greater freedom, and much more. Here are some of the feng shui ways
that can help you generate more flow in your business and that ultimately means good sales and
more success for you.

Ø Put money first. Money is the thing that tops the list when talking about business
and it is because everything in your business can wait for a limited period of time but
this is not the case with money. Thus generating money as well as saving money
becomes equally important. Tie nine I-ching coins in a red ribbon/thread and place it
in your cash drawer and make sure you daily give it some life using incense sticks to
generate as well as save more wealth in your business.
Ø Water is wealth. Water is considered good for wealth and so try to surround
yourself by the element water as it will help in the smooth flow of finance. Placing a
small fountain in your office can do wonders to your business as it keeps you relax
and also stimulate your business. North direction is considered to be the opportunity
sector and it is also associated with water. You can also use any metal along with
water. If that is not possible; try using some water pictures or water figures in this
Ø Have a vision. If you want to believe then you have to see because seeing is all
about believing. Find a symbol that is meaningful for you and keep it where you can
prominently see it while you work. Like placing a golden star helps you get
highlighted at workplace or place a laughing Buddha with a money bag on your work
desk to remind you of your intention to get more money in your business.
Ø Check your website. You can apply feng shui on your website, its bytes and pixels.
The website leaves a remarkable affect on the client and so it must have some good
colour combinations and animations so that any visitor is forced to visit your website
once more. Feng shui principles can be applied to the color theme, logo, what to be
placed where with the guidance from a Feng shui expert.
Ø Open communication. It is important to understand the customer first and you will
then see your sales graph rising high. For a good business communication, placing 3
quartz crystals together on a red satin cloth near your telephone or laptop on the
work desk are considered auspicious with their effects and results worthwhile.
Ø Beauty pays you. Try to have an inspiring workplace. Put in some money and invest
a bit in your office beauty. Try making it look attractive, well organized, and properly
functional. Beauty always attracts you after all. When you are surrounded by beauty
and inspiring views, objects, or artwork, you are more likely to think creatively, come
up with new approaches to your business, and be more productive. When re-
designing your office, do consider the important areas to focus upon like the wealth
corner, the career corner and the fame corner. Try using appropriate Feng shui
colours and elements in these corners to enhance the productivity of these corners.
Ø One is the number of opportunity and money. It is always about that first product
when you kick off your business and the first amount that you get from the client.
Remember, not to place two things together, it is only required in the relationship
corner. You may also take it as, don’t overcrowd your desk with too many things.
Keep only one single thing for each of your requirements; backups can be placed in
the storage drawers etc.

So, take out chances and get the gear going because when first step comes, others always
follow it.
People who are into various professions spend maximum of their waking times at the workplace,
so it is really imperative to have a well-defined professional environment. Being in a perfectly
Feng Shui-ed location brings in a world of variations as far as productivity and interpersonal
relationships are considered. It allows you enjoy being at work. Peace at office avoids evil
feelings, decreases politicking and avoids gossip – aspects that can result in more unhappy
aspects. Proper feng shui in your personal space supports you in getting recognition and
With all these benefits, can anyone dare NOT to make their workspace feel like not been
properly feng shui-ed?

1. Notice Your Back –

People who want to harm you will find it simple to easily creep up on you when you are not
viewing and beat you from behind. Hence, it makes sense when feng shui greatly
admonishes you to watch your back. Make sure you have proper back support where you sit.
If you are in a position working at the desk, make sure the back of your chair is against a
solid wall after you. Remember that you sit with your back facing to the door is entirely bad
news. Moreover, a window directly behind you can be even bad to a further extent. Keep
closed such windows with thick blinds and place support symbols representing career success
behind you.
Ideally, these are the dragon tortoise, the turtle, or a painting of a mountain. Include one
of them that does not have water element contained in the painting in any way.
2. Refrain from Sitting with Face towards Wall
A desk that is positioned facing a wall proves to be a hindrance when promotion is
considered. If you fail to relocate your desk, place a beautiful picture of scenery with an open
field to reflect your own personal “bright hall”. Or, hang on image of a phoenix on the wall
before you to reflect being faced with several opportunities. This will ensure in countering
the negative effects of facing a wall, and will result in the cause for you to change desk to
one with proper feng shui.
3. Place A Rooster
The rooster is the ideal symbol to have so that you can counter office politics. If you are
consistently dodging underhanded tactics from colleagues, include a rooster with a noticeable
beak and comb to shun away at useless politics. Another great symbol to use is the jade
cicada, ideally worn as a bracelet.
4. Include A Crystal Sphere To Contain Negative Chi
Nothing ensures harmony and more efficiently than crystal spheres. Position six in different
sizes in the space you have reliably defined as your own. This will make sure your hours
spent at work are perfect and profitable. Crystal spheres have absolute, affirmative power in
this period of 8.
5. Refrain from being in a Confrontational Seating Pattern
Place your work desk so you are not totally in line with any other aspects. It is necessary to
have your back to some object than to be had against another person in direct
confrontation. This is because being face to face with someone constantly will result in
conflicting energies to make up between you and that person. Also, if you work for someone
and cannot alter the layout of the whole office, try to ensure that at least your personal desk is
placed to contain this.
6. Prefer The Right Chair
The chair in which you sit in at work will reflect the fact that how perfectly you do in your
career. This is because you need to sit in it for prolonged periods at a time, mostly in a desk
job, have a chair that is designed to avoid back and neck pains. Rely upon Herman Miller
chairs that are perfect office chairs as they are uniquely designed to contain aches and strains,
making sure you to sit at length without getting tired or feeling uneasy. Chairs dedicated for
visitors on the other hand do not need to be entirely comfortable because they stay for more
periods. When choosing sofa sets and settees for confrontation areas, go with something not
too luxurious, for the same reasons. Stern sofa sets also result in a more dynamic type of chi
energy aptly suited to the office.
7. Never Sit Too Close To The Door
Avoid sitting too near the door, especially near the front door in an open plan workplace. It is
an unsafe and exposed location to occupy. If the work location lay- out is such that people
have to be nearer the door than others, and that someone appears to be you, prefer to sit such
that you avoid having your back to the door. Assure yourself that you can see the door at all
times, so you have a sighting of people nearing. Make totally sure you have the proper
support symbols with you to avoid the negative effects of such a desk location. If you have
the next opportunity to relocate desk, do the same!
8. Clear Up The Clutter
A cluttered desk is the perfect way to realize your efficiency factor in retrospect. Consider it
as a point each morning to spend just 10 minutes cleaning your office. Do not let dailies,
books and stationery occupy your space. People who say they choose an “organized mess”
have not concentrated upon the joys of a neat desk and will excel at how effective they can
become if they work in a less featured manner.
9. Be Wary Of Hidden Storage
While you clean up your desk, it is simple to remove unnecessary documents and papers
untidily into drawers and cabinets where they cannot be seen. As this enhances the external
appearance of your table, over time, this can accumulate into stagnant energy that affects
your success badly at work unseen. Do not refrain from your drawers and filing cabinets.
Ensure that every now and then you go through and make your drawers better. Remove all
that what you don’t need.
10. Detest from Sharp Edges
Make it a point that you don’t have pointed edges that orient directly towards where you sit.
Sharp edges are lethal arrows that result in harmful shar chi or killing breath towards you.
The killing energy sent your way will not just affect your career success but also could be the
reason for you falling ill, get deceived or get blamed for all issues.
11. With Good Lighting
A perfectly-designed office is one where lighting is properly planned. Natural lighting is
ideal, so have maximum windows as possible. Moreover, half windows are necessary than
full-length ones for working areas located with desks. Full-length windows offer you with
too much yang energy, resulting in a difficult situation to focus and creates a feeling of
exposure. Basement offices with few or no windows are rarely prosperous. To add up with
natural light, the best way is to use full spectrum lighting, which results in natural daylight
bringing perfect visibility standards, health and efficiency. Another ideal way to characterize
light is white against yellow light. White light is crucial for workplaces as the increasingly
cosy ambience created by yellow light decreases productivity levels.
12. Be in Place with Your Sheng Chi
The chosen direction to have career and business success is to enhance your Sheng Chi by
sitting with face in that direction. Choose your sheng chi from your Kua number with the
Eight Mansions formula. If you fail to tap your Sheng Chi, try and sit facing one of your
other three auspicious regions. It is surely a MUST to have a handy compass always so when
you attend meetings away from the convenience zone of your desk, you can prove your point
to sit facing an eventful direction. This will offer you an edge when you discuss with people.
Turn this into a life long habit.

How to Calculate Your Kua Number

For Male

Include the last two digits of your year of birth and add them together. Keep adding till you get a
single number. Deduct this from 10 if you were born before 2000, and from 9 for those born in
the year 2000 or later. This gives your Kua number.
For Female

Have the last two digits of your year of birth and add both of them. Continue adding till you get
a single number. Add 5 to this number if you were born before 2000, add 6 for those born in the
year 2000 or later. If the result is a two- digit number, keep adding till get a single number. This
is your Kua number.
A woman’s handbag is considered to be her best friend. It is a thing that accompanies them
everywhere they go, shopping, partying, and even for work. Handbag is one of the items that
remain with women for the maximum amount of time. It is also a place where they carry wealth
and all the financial powers. Apart from only the utility concern; many women are seen to be
fond of having a collection of handbags, probably a different one for different occasions or else
something matching with their attire.
Many fashion designers stress on the fact that ‘a purse reflects your personality’; even the
feng shui experts would agree to it to an extent. Where the designers feel, what you carry reflects
your taste, dressing sense and brand awareness; Feng shui experts believe that ‘a good purse
makes you feel confident while a purse with negative energy will have the reverse effect’. A
good feng shui can make you keep well organized and with all the resources at their proper
place. Here are some of the tips that can help you in arranging in your purse properly and also
help you in attracting wealth.

ü Elevate your purse. If you observe a man with his wallet, you’ll always notice that
he will never place it on the floor and on the other side women generally place their
purse or handbags on the floor all the time, whether they are in a restroom, a restraint,
or at work. Always try to keep your purse a bit elevated and at a distance from the
floor. Placing the purse on the floor of the restroom is the worst thing that you can do
with it and so avoid it. You can go for a purse hanger instead as it will let you keep
your purse away from the floor.
ü Keep it clean. Don’t just pick up things and keep them in your purse. Women
generally forget about the things after placing them in your purse which is a very bad
habit. You actually trash in the same place where you are carrying all your wealth.
Garbage suits in a trashcan and not in your purse.
ü Mind the change. Try not to throw all the small coins into your purse as they will
then go deep into your purse which is then a disrespect of money. You can buy a coin
purse if you really want to carry some change with you. It will be convenient also
with a coin purse in keeping the changing and taking out of it.
ü Be prepared in case of emergency. Things such as a notepad, pen, handkerchief, etc
should always be kept in your hand bag as you never know when these necessary
items come to your rescue. These little but important items will make you love your
purse more. Avoid keeping any sharp edged things in your purse like a safety pin, a
knife etc. These things attract negativity.
ü Activate your purse. Try to keep some of the good luck charms in your purse as well
as it will attract all the positive energy. Feng shui products are good for the same
purpose. You can always hang an evil eye, some I-ching coins, bells etc. or other
good luck items with the chain or at other places.
ü Buy thoughtfully. Never buy a purse by going in its looks. Make sure it fits on your
shoulder very comfortably and then stays there. Get a purse with good number of
apartments to keep all the small items individually. It should also be secure for
security purposes. Arrange your purse in such a way that you can easily find the
things that you are looking after. This is called ‘balancing’ of an area in Feng shui
which enhances the productivity of the space.
ü Avoid clutter. Don’t put all the clutter in your purse and keep only those things that
are necessary for you. Do not throw your money in your bag but properly arrange it
in such a fashion that it doesn’t get spoiled. Like it says what goes around, comes
around. So, more you value money, more results you see in your wealth aspect. Don’t
keep many cards in your purse as they actually become a financial trap that later on
run after you.
ü Buy a purse with your personal wealth colour. Buy a purse with colour so that it
stimulates your wealth and gives you some good opportunities. Green is a good
colour when talking about bags. Blue is an evergreen colour for bags. Brown is the
earth colour which helps in generating more wealth. Though black is fashionable but
then it also absorbs all negativity too; avoid it if possible. Red constitutes the fire
element and hence should be avoided as who wishes to carry something fiery on her

In the end just remember not to buy any bag unless you fall in love with it.

Manisha Koushik is the talented daughter and an associate of the world renowned celebrity
astrologer Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma ( Blessed with the gift of
clairvoyance she practices various field of occult sciences such as Astro-Tarot, Numerology,
Vastu, Fengshui, Name Therapy and Color Therapy.
An engineer in Electronics & Communication Engineering and went on to pursue a
Management degree in Integrated Marketing & Communications from The University of
Sheffield, UK.
She regularly contributes for the daily forecast column in the prestigious newspaper
“Mail Today”. She also writes for “Indian Weekender”, a New Zealand based newspaper. Her
Bimonthly Tarot Forecast appears in “Gladrags”, A Fashion Magazine. She contributes Daily
Astrology and Panchang along with her father Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma on News18 India,
Formerly IBN7.

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