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Hi all,

Having learned the materials in Session 2, now please

discuss the following questions.
1. Why is it important to use proper grammar,
punctuation and capitalization in English writing? 
2. Find a picture of an office room online. Then, write a
descriptive paragraph consisting 4-5 sentences

o an introductory sentence,
o location of the office,
o interesting features of the office, and
o what you feel about the office.
 Please attach the image after you write the
For question 1, you can answer either in English or
For question 2, you must write in English.
Have a great discussion!
1. Why is it important to use proper grammar, punctuation and capitalization in English
A sentence that use proper grammar will make your writing both grammatically
correct and a joy to read. Punctuation and capitalization are grammar elements.
Punctuation and Capitalization help to make your message meaningful and clear.
They tell the reader how to read your sentences.

2. Descriptive Paragraph
let me introduce my study place.
The picture below is an image where I usually do learning activities. I made a fairly
comfortable place to study by putting some study equipment. On the table there is a laptop,
to the left of my laptop there is a stationery holder, on the wall there is a black board,
pictures, some books, a digital clock, a bed lamp and also a small Teddy bear. Of the several
objects in my study table, the most interesting things are books and laptops because from
those two things I get a lot of knowledge that I can learn. and it makes me happy by doing
activities that can increase my knowledge every day.

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