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7.3| [SOMEBODY'S MOTHER ae SELB (~~ imtroduetion : This is a simple and touch | ye realizes that she ts probably somebod | his absence, Someone like 4g. 1. Read the following proverb ; ‘po unto others as you would have others do unto you.’ Find at least five other axioms/quotations that message. Proverbs/ convey the same treated. (2) Life is an echo-Wwhat you send out comes | back. (3) As you sow, so shall you reap, (4) Love people the way you want to be loved. (5) Love your neighbour like yourself. *g. 2. (a) Arrange the following groups of words in the ascending order : (The answer is given directly.) (a) (1) infant (2) youth (3) adult (4) aged (b) (1) cool (2) chill (3) cold (4) freezing {e) (1) bright (2) intelligent (3) brilliant (4) genius (4) (1) mound (2) hill (3) mountain (4) peak/summit. ») Prepare similar word chains using the following ideas : (The answer is given directly.) (1) rain - (1) drizzle (2) shower (3) downpour (4) deluge (2) wind -— (1) breeze (2) draught (3) gale (4) hurricane (3) sunshine - (1) warm (2) balmy (3) sultry (4) hot (4) waterbody - (1) pool (2) pond (3) lake (4) sea (8) size - (1) big (2) large (3) huge (4) immense (6) size - (1) small (2) little (3) tiny (4) minute (Textbook page 36) 1 ‘ng poem. A young boy helps an old woman to cross the street. ly’s mother. He hopes that when his own mother is in need of help PARAPHRASE | ‘The poet says that the woman was old, with grey | hair, She was wearing torn clothes. Her back was | bent with the cold of the winter's day. Her feet were | slow due to age. The roads were covered with the | || recent fall of snow. Ans. (1) Treat others the way you want to be | who was somebody's son and pride and joy. “The woman waited for a long time at the crowded | crossing, The careless crowd pushed her aside, and | many people passed by, without bothering about | her anxiety. Down the street, laughing and shouting, came group of happy boys. glad that they were free from school. They looked like a flock of sheep. They welcomed the snow which was piled white and deep. ‘They went quickly on thetr way past the old woman. None of the boys offered her a helping hand. She was scared and weak, and afraid to move on the slippery street because of fear that she would be trampled either by the wheels of the carriages or the horses’ feet. | Finally, out of the happy group of children, the gayest boy came out. He paused near her and told her softly that he would help her across the road if she wished to go. She placed her old hand on his strong young arm and he guided her trembling feet along without allowing her to be hurt or harmed. He was happy that his own feet were young and strong. After taking her across he went back to his friends, happy and content with what he had done. He explained to the other boys that the old lady was somebody's mother, after all, even though she was now old and poor and slow. He hoped that someone, some time, may lend a helping hand to his own mother if she became old and poor and grey, and he was far away. In her home that night, the old lady, who was ‘somebody's mother’, bowed her head low and prayed, asking God to be kind to that noble boy VOCABULARY AND | PORTIC DEVicus the (2) The time - the time of the year hair “ny. Ans. It was winter. The time of the day was Probably evening, Q. Read the following extracts carefully and AS. complete the activities ; (A) Adjectives (1) Write four adjectives to describe the woman, [EXTRACT frentbook page 37) Ans. Adjectives: old, ragged, grey, anxious. (2) Fin in the blanks with the correct fatements are True “ectives : At © oF False : Say whether the following oF Falae : Ans, () The crowd was (1) The woman's feet were slow because of the snow (a) the about her (9) ‘The schoolboys were happy, (4) A boy came tmmediat ‘old woman. (2) The crossing was False Ans. (1) The crowd was careless. (2) The crossing was crowded. | (B) Poetic Device ; * People around her did not bother ‘True ely 10 help the “(1) Write at least five rhymes from the extract. Ans. Rhymes : gray —day, snow - slow. long — ee F EXTRACT a | throng, by - eye, shout - out, ‘The woman was old ., (2) From the extract, pick out and explain an Slippery street. | example of ; Glossary : ragged (here) — wearing torn clothes. th oetae fostles~ pushed. unheeding heglecting, throng ~ Ans. ‘Came happy boys, like a flock of sheep.’ “As.

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