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Word definitions example meaning Resouce

1 shout speak out loud He shouted at me. gritar
2 cook prepare food Did she cook yesterday? cocinar
3 select choose Select the best player. seleccionar
4 build / built construct They built a beautiful house. construir
5 puzzle Confuse Rosa was confused by the lights. Desconcertar, confundir

6 Give a tour show around does the hotel give a tour of the place? mostrar alrededor
The water bottle leaks, it has a hole in it.
7 leak have a hole gotear
She came in and worked during the
8 come in enter weekend entrar
9 fly /flew / flown to move through the air using wings Pilots fly airplanes volar
People at Irtra need to check out when
10 check out the procedure of vacating and paying for one's quarters at a hotel. they leave the hotel. dejar la habitación de un hotel
I replaced a glass because I broke it
11 replace to provide a substitute or equivalent accidentally. reemplazar
Wendy persuaded Tim to ask for a new
12 convince to persuade opportunity. convencer
He burned the documents so nobody
13 burn set a fire would ever see them. quemar

At midnight he came home, changed into

his pajamas and crawled into bed.
14 at midnight the middle of the night; twelve o'clock at night. a medianoche
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument;
He advocated higher salaries for teachers.
15 advocate recommend publicly: defender
16 may-might used to express possibility It may rain. It might rain. podría
partially or wholly lacking or deprived of the sense of hearing; unable
I have a deaf friend.
17 deaf to hear. sordo
18 express sentiments state someone's opinion I tend to express my sentiments. expresar punto de vista
19 keep away to refrain or prevent from coming (near) Keep away from the door. mantenerse alejado
20 shatter to break (something) into pieces, as by a blow. My window was shattered romperse en pedazos
21 basement the lowermost portion of a structure. I live in a basement apartment. sótano

something designed to support a person in a sitting position, as a chair,

bench, or pew; a place on or in which one sits. Someone took my seat.

22 seat asiento, lugar para sentarse

take measures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of
(something), especially before putting it into widespread use or This range has not been tested on animals.
23 test examinar, examinado
24 accept consent to receive (a thing offered). He accepted a pen as a present. aceptar, aceptado
25 listen give one's attention to a sound. Evedently, he was not listening. escuchar

need for a particular purpose. Three patients required operations.

26 require necesitar, requerir

depart, go away from a place I leave tomorrow morning to

27 leave Quetzaltenango. salir, dejar, abandonar un lugar
I am in a hurry because I have to go to the
do things quickly, in a rush bank.
28 hurry darse prisa, apurado
29 lock / locked close, secure something with a key Could you lock the door please? cerrar con llave

to comprehend or understand things; be awared of something I knew the answer to your question.
30 know / knew conocer, saber
I lost my job when the company moved to
be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something). No longer have.
another city.
31 lose/ lost perder / perdió
After working for a month, I got some
succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain.
money to pay my bills.
32 get obtener
We must improve to get the job we
to make or become better in quality.
33 improve deserve. mejorar
to make gifts or presents. She gave me a big box for my birthday.
34 give/gave dar/dió

The plane crashed mysteriously near the

to hit something and is damaged or destroyed.
Atitlan Lake.
35 crash chocar
36 break/broke to separate into parts with suddenness or violence. My little brother broke my gift. romper/rompió
37 put to place in a specified position or relationship Put the gift on the table. colocar, poner
38 meet to come together with especially at a particular time or place I'll meet you at the train station. reunirse

to discover (something or someone) without planning or trying to He found a dollar on the ground
39 find/found encontrar/encontró
It took a long time to wash the mud out of
to clean something by using water, soap or detergent.
40 wash his hair. lavar
to change the position of something (door) so that it no longer covers
a hole or gap. He opens the window and looks out.
41 open abrir
to change the position of something (door) it moves so that a hole,
If you are cold, close the door.
gap, or opening is covered.
42 close cerrar

to sit on and control (bicycle, motorcycle, horse, etc) travels along on it. He rides to work on a bicycle.
43 ride montar

to cook by dry heat especially in an oven Bake the cake for 35 to 50 minutes.
44 bake hornear
to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other in a regular
Rosanna walks to school for ten minutes.
45 walk way. caminar
46 like to enjoy (something) : to get pleasure from (something) My son likes baseball. gustar
47 want to desire or wish for (something) Do you want more coffee? desear, querer

to cause to know how Fernando is teaching me to drive a car.

48 teach/taught enseñar/ enseñó
49 shoot to fire a bullet from a weapon such as a gun. She is not able to shoot straight. disparar

to give a sign of respect, courtesy, or goodwill I stand to attention and salute the colonel.
50 salute saludar (militar)
to make (a picture, image, etc.) by making lines on a surface especially
He draws the maps during the class.
51 draw with a pencil, pen, marker, chalk, etc., dibujar
physical coercion; strenght or power used against someone or
The police forced me to stop the car.
52 force /forced something forzar u obligar
53 surrender to give up; yield to enemy We were forced to surrender. rendirse
to applaud The fans clapped after the concert.
54 clap aplaudir
The investigation into the time of death
to continue to an end or stopping point
55 carry out needed to be carried out. continuar
56 rule out except, eliminated The police ruled out suicide. descartar
The aquifers have been overpumped for
to pump water at a greater rate years.
57 overpump bombear en exceso
58 gamble to play a game for money or property I don't gamble. apostar, jugar

The bank is able to provide video evidence

to furnish, to supply, to make available of who came in and took the money.
59 provide proveer, suplir, dar

Linda´s condition precludes her from

exclude or stop from doing something taking serious exercise training.
60 preclude excluir, impedir, detener
Rain predominates in the tropical regions
of Central America.
61 predominate be dominant, to prevail Predominar, imperar, prevalecer

Please proceed with what you are doing.

62 proceed to continue in a formal way, to act, to develop proceder, seguir, continuar

My grandpa says that boyhood is a time of

having fun before you have to grow up.
63 boyhood The state or period of being a boy. niñez, infancia
No. Word definitions example meaning resource
1 Together With each other They went together to the party. juntos
a food made from milk, or from a milk-like substance taken from plants, that can be
2 Cheese either firm or soft and is usually yellow or white in colour Let´s eat hamburguer with cheese. queso

3 motor an engine, a device that changes energy into mechanical energy to produce motion. I bought this motor for his car. motor
4 tools work device to carry out a particular function. Hand me the carpentry tools please. herramientas
5 back in return Give me my money back. de regreso
6 The best Superlative for good. Larry is the best student of that school. el mejor, lo mejor
7 quiet silent I lived in a quiet city. tranquilo
8 Toothache pain in a tooth My son has a toothache, he is going to the dentist. dolor de diente
9 dentist a person who treats toothaches. If you have a toothache you've better go to the dentist.
10 interior the inside of something The house interior is beutiful interior
11 axle a rod passing through the center of a wheel or group of wheels The axle of my car broke last night eje
12 tire a covering for a wheel. The tire blew out because of the accident. llanta
13 windshield a window at the front of a motor vehicle. I need to change my windshield vidrio frontal del carro
14 hurricane a violent storm The hurricane destroyed the house. Huracan

15 Giant huge You have a giant house. gigante

16 juice the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables Larry bought a bottle of orange juice at the store. jugo

17 statement something that someone says or writes officially, or an action done to express an opinionYour statement is completely false. declaración, afirmación

18 minor having little importance, influence, or effect, especially when compared with other thingsThat's
of thea same
issue; there are more important things to think about. menor, más pequeño
19 damage to harm or spoil something The damage to the truck was extensive daño, perjuicio
20 noticeable easy to see or recognize There was no noticeable change in the weather for the next 3 days. llamativo, notorio
21 speed how fast something moves He was traveling at a speed of 150 kms. velocidad
22 news information or reports about recent events Have you heard the news today? noticias
23 factory a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods are made using machines He was in charge of maintenance at the chocolate factory fábrica
24 shock (the emotional or physical reaction to) a sudden, unexpected, and usually unpleasant event The or
Working experience
shock ofaher
for bigfather's
can really hurtasher.
be good, there are often opportunities for conmoción, choque
25 employer a person or organization that employs people promotion empresa, compañia
26 bleak If a place is bleak, it is empty, and not welcoming or attractive The rooms at this hotel are bleak but cheap. lúgubre, oscuro, sombrío, vacío
27 insurance an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you have anThe accident,
new law injury,
etc everyone to have medical insurance. seguro
28 trade the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries trade has been increasing over the last years
International comercio
29 marsh ground near a lake, a river, or the sea that often floods and is always wet The gobernment drained the marsh near the lake. pantano, ciènaga
30 kite a frame covered with cloth or plastic and joined to a long string, that you fly in the air when the weather
My son liked to gois windy
and fly a kite out in the field cometa, barrilete
31 itch to have or cause an uncomfortable feeling on the skin that makes you want to rub it withKatty yourhad
nailsan itch where the mosquito bit her. picazón
32 dark with little or no light. It´s too dark to see much. oscuro
33 old made or built long ago. The old quater of the town. viejo
34 heavy of great weight; difficult to lift or move. The pan was too heavy for me to carry. pesado
35 small of a size that is less than normal or usual. He`s small for his age. pequeño
36 certain sure of something, undeniable, inevitable I am certain that we have a test tomorrow. cierto, innegable, inevitable
37 lake it is a large area of fresh water, surrounded by land. They can go fishing in the lake. lago
38 ocean it is one of the five very large areas of sea on the Earth's surface. They spent many days cruising the Pacific ocean. océano
40 field it is an area of grass, for example in a park or on a farm. They went for walks together in the fields. campo
41 unwrapped (adj) not yet wrapped or having the wrapping removed.
to ask questions about the place something or someone is in, or is coming from or She saw a mountainous pile of presents still unwrapped. desenvuelto (regalos)
42 where going to. Where is my book? dónde
43 age the time of life at which some particular qualification, power, or capacity arises or rests The voting age is 18. edad
44 drill sergeant a sergeant who trains new soldiers The drill sergeant is responsible of the training in military drill. sargento
45 before preceding in time : earlier than I came home just before noon. antes
46 back door amachine
door atused
the rear of a house, building, etc
in the house to do domestic chores as a refrigerator, stove, washing There is someone at the back door. puerta trasera
47 appliance machine The appliances that I have in my house are stove and washing machine. electrodoméstico
48 barracks building used by military personnel where they can sleep Cadets sleep in the barracks. barraca, módulo
49 lucky having good luck; being fortunate I am lucky because I have my family. afortunado, suertudo
50 straightforward person
is who officer
a military is honest,
whodirect or sincere
has not pursued a commission; officer of a lower rank as a Major Morales is a straightforward person. sincero, honesto, directo
51 non-commitioned offi sergeant My brother is a non-commitioned officer. sargento
52 battle fight between two military forces from different countries The battle of Chalchuapa was in 1885. batalla, enfrentamiento

es un auxiliar y debe conjugarse con el verbo (would go

53 would used to express the wish or intention of someone I would go out with you if you ask me. out: saldría)
54 could used to express possibility I could swim if we have a pool. es un auxiliar; pudiera, podría
55 common something frequent, usual or familiar It is common that cadets practice a lot of sports. común, cotidiano
56 strike to be at a disadvantage The new manager has two strikes. sanción
57 against in opposition to She voted against the proposal. en contra
58 speaker a person who speaks He is an excellent public speaker orador (persona que habla en público)
60 death the end of life The family wants to investigate his death. muerte
61 further extending We need a further investigation extensa
62 aquifers ground water Several people became ill after drinking water from the aquifer. acuífero (agua que se encuentra debajo del suelo)
63 steam a vapor arising from a heated substance when the water boils, the steam will cause the kettle to whistle. vapor
64 flooded cover or overfilled with an excess of water The room was flooded inundado
65 invigorated to give life and energy He feels invigorated revitalizado
66 lonesome feeling sad when you separate from others She got lonesome when her father died. solitario
67 boyhood The state or period of being a boy. My grandpa says that boyhood is a time of having fun before you have to grow up. adolescencia, muchachez

68 Although though , even though, despite, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that, Although I've seen this movie several times, I still cry at the end. a pesar de, aunque, aun cuando

it refers to something that happens in a period of time between one day and the next
69 Overnight day. You can stay overnight if you want to. pasar la noche completa, quedarse de un dia a otro
A likeable person is pleasant and easy to like / having qualities that are pleasant and placentero, amigable, de buenas caracteristicas
70 likable friendly. She is a very likeable young woman. agradable
No. expression definitions example meaning Resource

1 give a call to telephone, ring I´ll better give her a call. Llamar
2 have traveled To be able to travel She´s traveled to Ohio. haber viajado
Because of sickness, swallow pills (medicine) on a
3 take drugs medication Due to Covid 19, I´ll have to take all those drugs. tomar medicamento

4 alike The same These T-shirts are alike. se parecen

5 serious mistake big mistake Rosa made a serious mistake. grave error

6 What is going on? what is happening? Capt Rosales wants to know what is going on? Que esta pasando?
7 Just the same anyway You can go dance, just the same. de todos modos

damaged or shabby to the point of being no longer

8 worn-out (adj) usable. I have worn-out shoes. desgastado
9 I'm leaving Physical departure I'm leaving tomorrow to Zacapa voy a salir / voy a irme

10 take your time don't hurry to do things Take your time to do the homework. tomate tu tiempo
I want to be a doctor, so I am planning to be a
11 medical student person planning to be a doctor medical student. estudiante de medicina
12 care for worry about something; like I don't care for eating breakfast. gustar, preocupar
13 kind of group or class or animals, people, objects, etc. The kind of music I like is merengue. tipo o clase de algo

14 however in whatever manner or way that Luis has money. However , he's not happy. sin embargo
We have a procedure to follow, efficiency to
15 procedure to follow steps or ways to follow with a procedure maintain. procedimiento a seguir o que seguir

to give someone enough hope and emotional strength

to continue living and doing things in a bad situation. “Terrorism is like a cancer, and if we do not deal with
16 keep going it, it will keep going. motivar a alguien a seguir adelante.
to provide something good, so that something bad compensar, resarcir, suplir, recuperar
17 made up for seems less important He made up for lost time by running fast.

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