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My favorite day

Edwin, Mechanical Engineer I work

in Arequipa I am from Tacna

M y favorite day of the week is Sunday the second

day of the week.
During the week I work from 8:00 pm to 5:00 pm and on Saturday from 8:30 am to 1:00
pm, in the afternoon I study English and Sunday is free, I get up early I go running and I
do a little exercise, then I come back, take a shower and go to the English course until
2:00 pm and go out to do the weekly shopping for the week's food, since I am in
Mollendo and we have a kitchen assigned. So on the weekend I prepare food.

We almost always go out with my friends to play sports in the afternoons, usually with
co-workers, often we always talk about work and plan before starting the week, then I
return to the room where I stay.

At night, already in the kitchen of the room where I stay, we talk with the manager of
the premises until late at night, before sleeping during the conversation we often play
cards, we almost always retire to our room before 11:00 p.m

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