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The Honorable Vice Chancellor

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University,
Sheringal, Dir (Upper)

Subject: Anticipation of Hegemonic and Opaque Institutional Practices in the Nomination of Faculty
Members for Trainings at the Department of English

Respected Sir!


It is humbly stated that I am working, as a lecturer, at the department of English, from April 2013 to
date. In my tenure till now, the (inter/intra)management of the university has always approved to
opportunities, provided by governmental and non-governmental agencies, aimed at the personal,
academic, and professional development of its faculty members. The faculty has benefited, from such
opportunities, by attending seminars, trainings, workshops, conferences and programs, on both national
and global levels. The selection of faculty, in this regard, requires ethical, professional and transparent
regulations across the board as to discard unfair, nepotistic, despotic and selfish deeds, and to achieve
the desired outcomes qualitatively.


The nomination of faculty members for such an opportunity, however, at the moment in the department
of English, is subject to the butterfly effect of hegemonic and opaque institutional practices.

is carried out in unfair, nepotistic, despotic and self-obsessive manner by the concerned departmental

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