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Any of a written story can have its adaptation.

A book, a composition, children's

story or even folk tale. We all have read different fork tales in our childhood, but not
everybody has watched its adaptation. I think that all my group mates know about a
folk tale which is called “A little straw bull”. To be honest, I have never watched its
adaptation before, and because of this project I had such an opportunity. And now I
want to compare them and tell you the difference. Firstly, in the folk tale the plot is
based on the life of an old woman and her old husband. But there are only a little girl
and her grandfather in the cartoon. Thus, you can notice the first main difference.
Then in the folk tale a man created a bull, which was made of straw and resin,
because of a woman's desire. And in the cartoon he created it because he wanted to
satisfy her granddaughter. The plot in both stories totally differs. In the cartoon man
caught all the animals at once, while in the fairy tale all the animals were caught one
by one. The ending shows us completely different meanings. In fairy tale the straw
bull performs the role of amulet, brings wealth in the house of spouses. But the
ending of a cartoon teaches us to have a conscience and do something good. So,
because of my researches, I can confidently say that this animated cartoon is a
totally new story, but with the using of the same character - straw bull. I think
director decided to change this story, because he wanted to show children more
worthy values, than it was showed in folk tale: you always have a chance to do
something good or bad, but everything has its consequences. Anyway, in my opinion
animated cartoons has a worse impact on the 21
st century children than ordinary fairy tales. Because when mum reads her child a
fairy tale, she helps him/her to develop a fantasy. But all these children's stories
teach us the only thing: good always fights the evil. And it doesn't matter in which
way they were performed.

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