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1. Przeczytaj tekst. Spo a ciwe, poprawne

pod wzgl dem gramatycznym i leksykalnym i uzupe
zosta o podanych dodatkowo i nie pasuj do adnej luki.

Dear Max,
for advice. I have been looking for a job for 2 months but
in L.A. It will mean moving far from
know what to do, I need some advice from you as soon as possible.
Please, help me.

2. Podaj odpowiednik angielski podanego s owa w j zyku polskim (ka da kreska

odpowiada jednej literze). W luk wpisz ca e poprawne s owo.

fio ek, violet

stokrotka, daisy
trawnik , lawn
ka , meadow
widelec, fork

3. Przeczytaj tekst. Do ka dego akapitu dopasuj w a ciwy nag F).

e litery). Jeden nag
zosta podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do adnego akapitu. Niepasuj c
odpowied tak e w a ciwie dopasuj.

A. Cleaner
B. Baggage handler
C. Security guard
D. Engineer
E. Terminal duty manager
F. Waiter
I deal with all kinds of things - including passenger complaints, VIP and celebrities

around the airport and talking to people on my mobile.

I have to be really fit doing this job, because I have to carry a lot of bags and suitcases

stand shift work I hate working at nights

There are many different problems I have to manage ventilation, escalators, lifts I
I have to manage a
team of manual workers.
or dangerous as people think. There are many rules and

work can be quite physical sometimes I have to deal with passengers who are drunk

delay and many hungry and thirsty people come over to kill time and their hunger.

4. Wybierz poprawn odpowied do zasugerowanej sytuacji (tylko jedna

odpowied jest prawid owa)

1. Przepro nienie.

2. Jeste z rodzicami u znajomych.

A. Shall we go home now?
B. Can I ask you to me to go home now?
C. Do you think we must to go home now?

3. Dzwonisz do kolegi. Odbiera jego mama, jak zaczniesz rozmow ?

A. Could I speak to Daniel, please?
B. Ask Daniel to speak to me.
C. I want Daniel to speak to me.

4. Chcesz doj na najbli szy przystanek autobusowy. Spytaj o drog .

A. Can you tell me the nearest bus?
B. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest bus?
C. Where I go to the nearest bus?

A. I get up well with my sister.

B. I get in well with my sister.
C. I get on well with my sister.

1. What were you doing when the boss rang you at noon? (ring)
2. When we got to the party, everybody had already left and the place was
completely quiet. (already leave)
3. does not understand
4. Speaking Polish in our Spanish class is strictly forbidden. (speak)
5. I have already had (already have)
6. to drive in England. (drive)
7. Karen hates it when her husband whistles in the shower. (whistle)
8. She has been cleaning
9. oup. It is still being prepared. (prepare)
10. will have finished decorating the Christmas tree by 5p.m. (finish)
11. More and more people are changing their lifestyles, e.g. a lot of my friends have
stopped eating sweets. (change)
12. I wish I had had some rest just after I finished my exams

1. I have some good news for you!

A the
C some

2. Meet Tanya .

B wife
C wife of the brother

3. My best friend Tom is not as tall as me.

A. I
B me
C my

much better, thanks.

A. much better
B. a lot good
C. a lot of better

5. How much coffee does he drink every day?

A. he drinks
B. he drink
C. does he drink

6. Have you finished doing the research yet?

A. yet
B. still
C. so far

7. When she grows up she wants to become a ballet dancer.

A. become
B. becoming
C. to become

8. That new teacher of yours is so funny! He always makes me laugh.

A. me laugh
B. me to laugh
C. my laughing

9. When he realized I was looking at him, he turned away .

A looked, turned away
B was looking, was turning away
C was looking, turned away

10. A few men escaped from prison yesterday after overpowering the guard and using
dynamite to destroy the wall.
A A few, prison
B Few, the prison
C A few, the prison

7. Wstaw wyraz w odpowiedniej formie gramatycznej, np. BIG bigger,

WATCH watched, BEAUTY - beautiful.

1. Honestly

2. suitable for children. SUIT

3. Three priceless paintings were stolen from The National Gallery yesterday.

4. with short hair, I prefer medium length hair. LONG

5. He grew up without parents, it was a difficult childhood. CHILD

6. My cousin Laura is really good at singing. SING

7. sleepless nights recently.


8. Would you believe that wives? WIFE

9. freezing

10. heat, 42 degrees is too much for me. HOT

1. How much was the coat? [B]

2. Are you enjoying yourself? [E]

3. Can I try on this dress? [D]

4. Do you like my new shoes? [F]

5. How was the party? [A]

6. Odpowied [C]

A. It was fantastic!

B. Half price, can you believe it?

C. I bought it yesterday.

D. Of course, changing rooms are over there.

F. Yes, are they Italian?


Come face to face with life size dinosaurs both great and small lurking in the woods
on our Trail. Help our ranger discover how many T-Rex roam the woodland, using
our radio and lookout towers to accomplish your mission. Pretending to be an
archaeologist with brush in hand, enjoy unearthing the dinosaur fossil and discover
which dinosaur you think it is. Have fun climbing, sliding, swinging and scrambling
in our fantastic adventure play area set in parkland. There's plenty for all ages
including our Tiny 'Terror'saurs for the under 5's. For a small additional charge, climb
aboard and get close to our deer herd on our fascinating guided safari (subject to

TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)?

1. The Dinosaur Park is only for children above 5 years of age. [F] ___________
2. There are a lot of activities and tasks for children to accomplish. [T]
3. There is a special area with a playground just outside the park. [F]
4. You can go on a guided safari and see a herd of deer for free. [F]
5. The guided safari may not be available if there are too many people signing up
for this activity. [T] ___________

(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports leave no room for doubt: global
warming is a fact. And human activity including the burning of fossil fuels, industrial
emissions, and deforestation are the main cause of climate change and its most
dangerous side effects. The dramatic rise in greenhouse gases over the last 250 years,
particularly carbon dioxide, has caused temperatures to rise across the globe and this
warming is projected to accelerate at an alarming and dangerous pace. Science is a
powerful witness. Our world is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Dangerous
atmospheric changes already observed and measured will continue for decades.

A fragment of - a video
produced by the National Geographic Society.

1. According to the article the warnings presented by top scientists:

a) are exaggerated.
b) should be taken seriously.
c) have been misinterpreted by the media.

2. Climate change has been caused mainly by:

b) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
c) the existence of too many forests.

3. Increased production of greenhouse gasses has resulted in:

a) disappearance of fossil fuels.
b) higher temperatures all over the world.
c) local changes in the amount of carbon dioxide.

4. Scientists predict that the changes in atmosphere:

a) were most dangerous 250 years ago.
b) will take place at a slower rate.
c) will remain a major problem in years to come.
3. Przyjrzyj si obrazkowi poni ej. Uzupe nij opis prawid owymi wyrazami a, b
lub c, tak, aby tekst by gramatyczny i logiczny.

In this photo there are two dogs and a girl playing. The dog [1.] the girl is white and is
wearing a blue [2.]. [3.] dog is black. Neither dog [4.] standing on all four legs. The
dogs are trying to get the stick the girl is holding in [5.] hand.

1. a. next b. close c. nearest

2. a. necklace b. leash c. collar

3. a. The other b. Another c. A

4. a. are b. has been c. is

5. a. the b. her c. a

4. Wstaw JEDEN wyraz w odpowiedniej formie gramatycznej, np. BIG bigger,


1. I try to speak English fluently and build sentences that are grammatically

2. The words in the dictionary are in the alphabetical order.

3. In comparison with Tokyo, life in Warsaw and Prague is cheap.

4. boredom.

5. Paula and Jack have three children. Paula also has a daughter from a previous

6. It is illegal in Poland to sell alcohol to people under 18.

7. downloading films from the Internet is illegal.

8. Mark is very competitive. He wants to be the best at everything.

9. The last Batman movie was so predictable you knew exactly how it was going
to end.

10. You can sweeten you tea with honey instead of sugar.

5. Wybierz

a) red

b) sore

c) sour

d) painful

fe has got two daughters, so I h

a) foster sisters

b) semi-sisters

c) stepsisters

d) in-law sisters
Someone may
steal it.

a) open

b) unattended

c) obvious

d) lonely

a) drop

b) throw

c) spin

d) toss

5. WWW stands for

a) World Wild Web

b) Wide Worldly Web

c) World Wide Web

d) World Web of Words

ouse is perfect for the summer.

a) silk

b) velvet

c) woolen
d) corduroy

7. are large birds with beautiful tail feathers with eye-like patterns.

a) pigeons

b) peacocks

c) hedgehogs

d) hares

a) profiting

b) well-paid

c) good-paid

d) wealthy

a) split off

b) split with

c) split up

d) split on

a) filtering

b) spilling
c) gushing

d) leaking

took his house.

a) mortgage

b) salary

c) taxes

d) rates

12. When , he finally put an end to this

embarrassing performance.

a) fan

b) referee

c) judge

d) trainer

a) filthy

b) humongous

c) tiny

d) moody
14. My dog is

a) line

b) cord

c) rope

d) lead

a) tooth

b) fillings

c) holes

d) gums

6. nawiasach

2. driving

3. laughing.

4. I wish I had -room with

nothing to do.

5. My parents never let me stay out after 10.

6. found

7. I had great difficulty finding a good nanny for my two-year-old.

8. What does he look like? Is he tall?

9. If I had been informed

10. to think about our next move. We need to have a clear plan.
11. Byron is said to have lived on vinegar and potatoes.


a. had fallen / down

b. was falling / of

c. fell / off

a. are too many / them

b. is too many / some

c. is too much / it

a. tomorrow in the morning / the lift

b. tomorrow morning / a lift

a. let me know / will arrive

b. will let me know / arrive

c. let me know / arrive

a. need / on

b. need to / on

c. need to / up

Match the idioms with their meaning. Be careful as there’s one answer to many!

1. Jessica has never even imagined she could be working as a/an … for the FBI.
INFORM {informant}

2. Every time my cat breaks something I see this … grin on its mouth - I swear!
DEVIL {devilish}

3. When I asked my dad if I could stay out late on Saturday night his answer was a/an
… ‘no’.
DECIDE {decisive}

4. The tradition of dressing a Christmas Tree … in Germany, right?

ORIGIN {originated}

5. Diane finally found … when she appeared in a film made by a famous Hollywood
FAMOUS {fame}

6. Since flu is so highly … you should get vaccinated.

INFECTION {infectious}

7. Can you please make sure that all the electrical … in the kitchen are turned off?
APPLY {appliances}

8. I’ve never liked carrot cake and I knew it would taste … even before I tried it.
HORROR {horrible}

9. Joe wrote a … essay but the teacher rejected as saying it contained too many details.
LONG {lengthy}

10. The teacher tried really hard but the new students wasn’t very … and didn’t answer
any of the questions. RESPOND {responsive}

słownictwo: test wyboru

Have you ever thought of … your ambition of becoming a translator, Ned?{c}

a. completing b. following c. realising d. imposting

When the competition was over the runners took a lap of… waving to the crowd. {b}
a. victory b. honour c. winning d. success
The local papers … the event well and hundreds of people turned up. {b}
a. forecasted b. publicised c. published d. broadcasted

Harry’s teacher made no … to his misbehaviour during the summer camp and the boy was
truly grateful for it. {a}
a. reference b. gesture c. implication d. menton

…. love is the feeling we usually remember most from our teenage years. {c}
a. misrequited b. disrequited c. unrequited d. irrequited

Having friends depends on … time for them, not money. {c}

a. have you b. that you have c. whether you have d. if have

Have you really bought a/an … boat? But it could have been stolen! {b}
a. nonlicensed b. unlicensed c. illicensed d. dislicensed

The example you gave is a very … one. Could you think of another one, maybe? {a}
a. atypical b. intypical c. mistypical d. nontypical

More and more teachers … smartphones in their lessons. {c}

a. would use b. use c. are using d. will have
been Rusing

And do you know this one about an old man who … to the doctor’s and … ‘Doctor, Doctor’.
a. goes / says b. is going / is saying c. went / have said d. has gone /

You shouldn’t be surprised that I’m limping as I … my ankle in the mountains. I’ll never go
skiing again! {d}
a. used to twist b. had twisted c. twisted d. have

Teenagers caught stealing at school … their deeds by doing 10 hours of voluntary work. {c}
a. have made repaying b. is made to repay c. are made to repay d. make the

My father …. as an excellent science-fiction writer.{b}

a. got to be known b. was known c. had been known d. might
have known

When reading a book I usually jump straight to the first chapter but the … at the beginning of
this book was so interesting that I read it twice! {d}
a. editorial b. output c. summary d. prefacje

My mum used to be a secretary and she knows how to take notes ... {a}
a. in shorthand b.illegibly c. tuning in d. by charakter

Mike … another scholarship recently only because of his high educational achievements. {b}
a. will be awarded b. has been awarded c. would have been awarded d. is

My cousin … the schedule the teacher prepared for him and study hard or he won’t pass his
exams this year. {c}
a. Is to be following b. should have followed c. had better follow d. would
better follow

The manager … for the whole dinner.{a}

a. insisted on paying b. insisted to pay c. has insisted to have paid d. has
insisted on being paid

My aunty from New York came to visit us and I couldn’t believe how many …. with her. {c}
a. presents did she have b. she had presents c. presents she had d.presents
had she

Turn the music down, Len! It’s so loud I can hardly hear what... to me! {a}
a. Greg is saying b. is Greg saying c. does Greg say d. that Greg
is saling

There’s no need to set the date for the meeting, I guess because we … each other in the
gym anyway every weekend.{d}
a. will have seen b. have been seeing c. see d. will be

If I were you I’d consult a/an … before trying to assemble those drawers. {a}
a. manual b. bulletin c. reference book d. index

You … about the accident by now, I assume. {c}

a. aren’t going to read b. won’t read c. won’t have read d.
won’t be Reading

When Jack … in primary school he … his maths homework which made his mum furious as
she was a maths teacher there. {d}
a. has been / has been constantly forgetting b. had been / was
constantly forgetting c. was / constantly forgot d. was / was constantly

I really wanted to pass this exam well so my teacher insisted that … me with preparing for it.
a. she help b. she will help c. she helps d. she did

When my pet rabbit died my older sister told me … sad and promised to get me a new one
for my birthday. {d}
a. not be b.don’t be c. to not be d. not to be

Mary was looking for the post office but didn’t really know … she should ask. {d}
a. which b. whose c. who d. whom

Tony has been thoroughly … in astronomy since the field trip with his class. {a}
a. absorbed b. disappointed c. interested d. occupied

… happened! {b}
a. That we wanted b. What we wanted c. Which we wanted d. What did
we want

… proper education is important. {a}

a. Whether a child gets b. Does a child get c. If a child gets d. Should a
child Get

Jane asked him … being a well-known pianist. {b}

a. if he were enjoying b. whether he enjoyed c. did he enjoy d. of

Mum suggested that he … lemon ice-cream this time. {c}

a. mustn’t try b. tries c. try d. would try

Brendan … too many books to read in the semester. {a}

a. complained of having b. complained to have had c. complained having d.
complained that he have Has

Are you really going to … everything I told you about this school and enroll?{a}
a. disregard b. irregard c. unregard d.ilregard

We … with my brother's family until we … a flat of our own. {b}

a. live / buy b. are living / buy c. are living / will buy d. live / will

… can kill even the strongest feeling, so beware! {b}

a. untrust b.distrust c. iltrust d. intrust

Jackson seems completely .... of working peacefully in a group. {d}

a. discapable b. noncapable c. uncapable d. incapable

Many enemy soldiers got caught and …. {a}

a. disarmed b. unarmed c. misarmed d. illarmed
The building was known … during the last war.{c}
a. to had been damaged b. to being damaged c. to have been damaged d. to be

The love letter is believed … by Shakespeare himself! {a}

a. to have been written b. to write c. being written d. to has
been written

’I honestly don’t need your … advice! Will you please leave me alone?’ {d}
a. desolicited b. irsolicited c. imsolicited d. unsolicited

Our school volunteer club has recently decided to … for animal charity. {b}
a. earn b. raise c. rise d. rose

Those types of phone use an optical zoom … with a 3X5 range. {d}
a. lense b. lenses c. len d. lens

The mechanic reached for a heavy … to undo a really tight fitting nut.{c}
a. pliers b. tongs c. spanner d. screwdriver

Are you completely …!? Stop playing this those matches! {c}.
a. imsane b. non-sane c. insane d. unsane

The ending of her story sounded too … for all of us and we looked at her with mistrust and
disbelief. {d}
a. outproven b. outright c. outlaying d. outlandish

The story of a Loch Ness monster has been a/an … mystery for years now. {b}
a. perilous b. baffling c. unsetting d. trustworthy

The teacher frowned at the … of my email. Well, I had no choice but to rewrite it. {a}
a. layout b. outline c. outlooks d. lookout

When Nick became the … of the zoo his job was to show people around and give talks on
endangered species. {b}
a. guard b. curator c. principal d. exhibitor

After hearing Keith’s … reply I felt sorry for him. The boy needed a teacher, and fast. {b}
a. disarticulate b. inarticulate c. unarticulate d. nonarticulate

1. When your dad was a boy people didn’t use GPS but an old fashioned map and a _
_ m _ _ _ _ to find their way. {compass}

2. During this weekend we can expect over a hundred _ _ h _ _ _ t _ _ _

presenting their products at the book fair in Poznań. {exhibitors}

3. Mum brought dozens of holiday _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ home yesterday and now we

need to choose where to spend our summer vacation. {brochures}

4. This running event is highly popular as it’s open to professionals as well as to _ _ _

t _ u _ _ she had since she was born on her left shoulder. {amateurs}

5. The young guitarist is expecting his first _ _ y _ _ _ y payment as his brand new
CD has just been released. {royalty}

6. When Mary saw the exam results and realised that she failed she was on the _ _ r
_ _ of tears. {verge}

7. I hope that public TV will be able to _ r _ _ _ c _ _ _ the match as I can’t watch

EuroSport channel at home. {broadcast}

8. There are five _ u _ _ e _ _ _ boards on the walls of our school corridor.

Students and teachers put there different information, pictures or posters prepared by
the children. {bulletin}

9. I always check the _ _ n _ _ n _ _ page first. If it says that there are over 10
chapters in a book I don’t read it - it’s too long for me. {contents}

10. Haven’t you got a _ _ c _ _ _ c _ you could take with you at the camp? It would
be more comfortable than a suitcase as you could carry it on your shoulders.
11. ‘You have points taken aways for both _ _ n _ _ u _ t _ _ _ and spelling
mistakes, so if you forget to put a colon you’ll lose priceless points. {punctuation}

12. Carl is a fan of _ _ b _ o _ _ _ . He enjoys reading about scandals and famous

people and detests serious political news. {tabloids}

13. ‘_ _ m _ _ r has it that the vice principal has been sacked!’ ‘I don’t believe it, it’s just
gossip.’ {rumour}

14. ‘To be or not to be, that is the question,’ he _ _ o _ e _ from Shakespeare.


15. ‘Do you know the _ _ b _ _ v _ _ _ i _ _ of the phrase ’for example?’ ‘Sure, it’s
e.g.’ {abbreviation}
słownictwo: test wyboru

Harry’s teacher made no … to his misbehaviour during the summer camp and the boy was
truly grateful for it. {a}
a. reference b. gesture c. implication d. menton

The ending of her story sounded too … for all of us and we looked at her with mistrust and
disbelief. {d}
a. outproven b. outright c. outlaying d. outlandish

The story of a Loch Ness monster has been a/an … mystery for years now. {b}
a. perilous b. baffling c. unsetting d. trustworthy

Teenagers caught stealing at school … their deeds by doing 10 hours of voluntary work. {c}
a. have made repaying b. is made to repay c. are made to repay d. make the

The building was known … during the last war.{c}

a. to had been damaged b. to being damaged c. to have been damaged d. to be

My aunty from New York came to visit us and I couldn’t believe how many …. with her. {c}
a. presents did she have b. she had presents c. presents she had d.presents
had she

The love letter is believed … by Shakespeare himself! {a}

a. to have been written b. to write c. being written d. to has
been written

More and more teachers … smartphones in their lessons. {c}

a. would use b. use c. are using d. will have
been Rusing

Mike … another scholarship recently only because of his high educational achievements. {b}
a. will be awarded b. has been awarded c. would have been awarded d. is

You … about the accident by now, I assume. {c}

a. aren’t going to read b. won’t read c. won’t have read d.
won’t be Reading
My cousin … the schedule the teacher prepared for him and study hard or he won’t pass his
exams this year. {c}
a. Is to be following b. should have followed c. had better follow d. would
better follow

We … with my brother's family until we … a flat of our own. {b}

a. live / buy b. are living / buy c. are living / will buy d. live / will

The manager … for the whole dinner.{a}

a. insisted on paying b. insisted to pay c. has insisted to have paid d. has
insisted on being paid

You shouldn’t be surprised that I’m limping as I … my ankle in the mountains. I’ll never go
skiing again! {d}
a. used to twist b. had twisted c. twisted d. have

My father …. as an excellent science-fiction writer.{b}

a. got to be known b. was known c. had been known d. might
have known

Turn the music down, Len! It’s so loud I can hardly hear what... to me! {a}
a. Greg is saying b. is Greg saying c. does Greg say d. that Greg
is saling

Jane asked him … being a well-known pianist. {b}

a. if he were enjoying b. whether he enjoyed c. did he enjoy d. of

I really wanted to pass this exam well so my teacher insisted that … me with preparing for it.
a. she help b. she will help c. she helps d. she did

If I were you I’d consult a/an … before trying to assemble those drawers. {a}
a. manual b. bulletin c. reference book d. index

When my pet rabbit died my older sister told me … sad and promised to get me a new one
for my birthday. {d}
a. not be b.don’t be c. to not be d. not to be

When reading a book I usually jump straight to the first chapter but the … at the beginning of
this book was so interesting that I read it twice! {d}
a. editorial b. output c. summary d. prefacje
Mary was looking for the post office but didn’t really know … she should ask. {d}
a. which b. whose c. who d. whom

There’s no need to set the date for the meeting, I guess because we … each other in the
gym anyway every weekend.{d}
a. will have seen b. have been seeing c. see d. will be

… happened! {b}
a. That we wanted b. What we wanted c. Which we wanted d. What did
we want

Mum suggested that he … lemon ice-cream this time. {c}

a. mustn’t try b. tries c. try d. would try

Are you really going to … everything I told you about this school and enroll?{a}
a. disregard b. irregard c. unregard d.ilregard

Brendan … too many books to read in the semester. {a}

a. complained of having b. complained to have had c. complained having d.
complained that he have Has

The teacher frowned at the … of my email. Well, I had no choice but to rewrite it. {a}
a. layout b. outline c. outlooks d. lookout

My mum used to be a secretary and she knows how to take notes ... {a}
a. in shorthand b.illegibly c. tuning in d. by charakter

… proper education is important. {a}

a. Whether a child gets b. Does a child get c. If a child gets d. Should a
child Get

Jackson seems completely .... of working peacefully in a group. {d}

a. discapable b. noncapable c. uncapable d. incapable

When Jack … in primary school he … his maths homework which made his mum furious as
she was a maths teacher there. {d}
a. has been / has been constantly forgetting b. had been / was
constantly forgetting c. was / constantly forgot d. was / was constantly
Many enemy soldiers got caught and …. {a}
a. disarmed b. unarmed c. misarmed d. illarmed
After hearing Keith’s … reply I felt sorry for him. The boy needed a teacher, and fast. {b}
a. disarticulate b. inarticulate c. unarticulate d. nonarticulate

Having friends depends on … time for them, not money. {c}

a. have you b. that you have c. whether you have d. if have

’I honestly don’t need your … advice! Will you please leave me alone?’ {d}
a. desolicited b. irsolicited c. imsolicited d. unsolicited

And do you know this one about an old man who … to the doctor’s and … ‘Doctor, Doctor’.
a. goes / says b. is going / is saying c. went / have said d. has gone /

…. love is the feeling we usually remember most from our teenage years. {c}
a. misrequited b. disrequited c. unrequited d. irrequited

Have you really bought a/an … boat? But it could have been stolen! {b}
a. nonlicensed b. unlicensed c. illicensed d. dislicensed

The example you gave is a very … one. Could you think of another one, maybe? {a}
a. atypical b. intypical c. mistypical d. nontypical

… can kill even the strongest feeling, so beware! {b}

a. untrust b.distrust c. iltrust d. intrust

Our school volunteer club has recently decided to … for animal charity. {b}
a. earn b. raise c. rise d. rose

Those types of phone use an optical zoom … with a 3X5 range. {d}
a. lense b. lenses c. len d. lens

Are you completely …!? Stop playing this those matches! {c}.
a. imsane b. non-sane c. insane d. unsane

The mechanic reached for a heavy … to undo a really tight fitting nut.{c}
a. pliers b. tongs c. spanner d. screwdriver

When Nick became the … of the zoo his job was to show people around and give talks on
endangered species. {b}
a. guard b. curator c. principal d. exhibitor
The local papers … the event well and hundreds of people turned up. {b}
a. forecasted b. publicised c. published d. broadcasted

Tony has been thoroughly … in astronomy since the field trip with his class. {a}
a. absorbed b. disappointed c. interested d. occupied

Have you ever thought of … your ambition of becoming a translator, Ned?{c}

a. completing b. following c. realising d. imposting

When the competition was over the runners took a lap of… waving to the crowd. {b}
a. victory b. honour c. winning d. success


Match the idioms with their meaning. Be careful as there’s one answer to many!

1. Joe wrote a … essay but the teacher rejected as saying it contained too many details.
LONG {lengthy}

2. Diane finally found … when she appeared in a film made by a famous Hollywood
FAMOUS {fame}

3. The teacher tried really hard but the new students wasn’t very … and didn’t answer
any of the questions. RESPOND {responsive}

4. Jessica has never even imagined she could be working as a/an … for the FBI.
INFORM {informant}

5. When I asked my dad if I could stay out late on Saturday night his answer was a/an
… ‘no’.
DECIDE {decisive}

6. I’ve never liked carrot cake and I knew it would taste … even before I tried it.
HORROR {horrible}

7. The tradition of dressing a Christmas Tree … in Germany, right?

ORIGIN {originated}

8. Every time my cat breaks something I see this … grin on its mouth - I swear!
DEVIL {devilish}

9. Since flu is so highly … you should get vaccinated.

INFECTION {infectious}
10. Can you please make sure that all the electrical … in the kitchen are turned off?
APPLY {appliances}


1. There are five _ u _ _ e _ _ _ boards on the walls of our school corridor.

Students and teachers put there different information, pictures or posters prepared by
the children. {bulletin}

2. During this weekend we can expect over a hundred _ _ h _ _ _ t _ _ _

presenting their products at the book fair in Poznań. {exhibitors}

3. This running event is highly popular as it’s open to professionals as well as to _ _ _

t _ u _ _ she had since she was born on her left shoulder. {amateurs}

4. I hope that public TV will be able to _ r _ _ _ c _ _ _ the match as I can’t watch

EuroSport channel at home. {broadcast}

5. I always check the _ _ n _ _ n _ _ page first. If it says that there are over 10
chapters in a book I don’t read it - it’s too long for me. {contents}

6. Haven’t you got a _ _ c _ _ _ c _ you could take with you at the camp? It would
be more comfortable than a suitcase as you could carry it on your shoulders.

7. ‘_ _ m _ _ r has it that the vice principal has been sacked!’ ‘I don’t believe it, it’s just
gossip.’ {rumour}

8. ‘You have points taken aways for both _ _ n _ _ u _ t _ _ _ and spelling

mistakes, so if you forget to put a colon you’ll lose priceless points. {punctuation}

9. Mum brought dozens of holiday _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ home yesterday and now we

need to choose where to spend our summer vacation. {brochures}
10. Carl is a fan of _ _ b _ o _ _ _ . He enjoys reading about scandals and famous
people and detests serious political news. {tabloids}

11. When your dad was a boy people didn’t use GPS but an old fashioned map and a _
_ m _ _ _ _ to find their way. {compass}

12. ‘To be or not to be, that is the question,’ he _ _ o _ e _ from Shakespeare.


13. ‘Do you know the _ _ b _ _ v _ _ _ i _ _ of the phrase ’for example?’ ‘Sure, it’s
e.g.’ {abbreviation}

14. When Mary saw the exam results and realised that she failed she was on the _ _ r
_ _ of tears. {verge}

15. The young guitarist is expecting his first _ _ y _ _ _ y payment as his brand new
CD has just been released. {royalty}

Match the idioms with their meaning. Be careful as there’s one answer to many!

1. Since flu is so highly … you should get vaccinated.

INFECTION {infectious}

2. Every time my cat breaks something I see this … grin on its mouth - I swear!
DEVIL {devilish}

3. Can you please make sure that all the electrical … in the kitchen are turned off?
APPLY {appliances}

4. The teacher tried really hard but the new students wasn’t very … and didn’t answer
any of the questions. RESPOND {responsive}

5. When I asked my dad if I could stay out late on Saturday night his answer was a/an
… ‘no’.
DECIDE {decisive}

6. Diane finally found … when she appeared in a film made by a famous Hollywood
FAMOUS {fame}

7. The tradition of dressing a Christmas Tree … in Germany, right?

ORIGIN {originated}

8. Joe wrote a … essay but the teacher rejected as saying it contained too many details.
LONG {lengthy}

9. I’ve never liked carrot cake and I knew it would taste … even before I tried it.
HORROR {horrible}

10. Jessica has never even imagined she could be working as a/an … for the FBI.
INFORM {informant}

słownictwo: test wyboru

When Jack … in primary school he … his maths homework which made his mum furious as
she was a maths teacher there. {d}
a. has been / has been constantly forgetting b. had been / was
constantly forgetting c. was / constantly forgot d. was / was constantly
If I were you I’d consult a/an … before trying to assemble those drawers. {a}
a. manual b. bulletin c. reference book d. index

We … with my brother's family until we … a flat of our own. {b}

a. live / buy b. are living / buy c. are living / will buy d. live / will

I really wanted to pass this exam well so my teacher insisted that … me with preparing for it.
a. she help b. she will help c. she helps d. she did

My father …. as an excellent science-fiction writer.{b}

a. got to be known b. was known c. had been known d. might

My mum used to be a secretary and she knows how to take notes ... {a}
a. in shorthand b.illegibly c. tuning in d. by charakter
have known

There’s no need to set the date for the meeting, I guess because we … each other in the
gym anyway every weekend.{d}
a. will have seen b. have been seeing c. see d. will be

Jane asked him … being a well-known pianist. {b}

a. if he were enjoying b. whether he enjoyed c. did he enjoy d. of

The building was known … during the last war.{c}

a. to had been damaged b. to being damaged c. to have been damaged d. to be

Teenagers caught stealing at school … their deeds by doing 10 hours of voluntary work. {c}
a. have made repaying b. is made to repay c. are made to repay d. make the

The love letter is believed … by Shakespeare himself! {a}

a. to have been written b. to write c. being written d. to has
been written

You … about the accident by now, I assume. {c}

a. aren’t going to read b. won’t read c. won’t have read d.
won’t be Reading
Mike … another scholarship recently only because of his high educational achievements. {b}
a. will be awarded b. has been awarded c. would have been awarded d. is

More and more teachers … smartphones in their lessons. {c}

a. would use b. use c. are using d. will have
been Rusing

My cousin … the schedule the teacher prepared for him and study hard or he won’t pass his
exams this year. {c}
a. Is to be following b. should have followed c. had better follow d. would
better follow

Mum suggested that he … lemon ice-cream this time. {c}

a. mustn’t try b. tries c. try d. would try

My aunty from New York came to visit us and I couldn’t believe how many …. with her. {c}
a. presents did she have b. she had presents c. presents she had d.presents
had she

The manager … for the whole dinner.{a}

a. insisted on paying b. insisted to pay c. has insisted to have paid d. has
insisted on being paid

Turn the music down, Len! It’s so loud I can hardly hear what... to me! {a}
a. Greg is saying b. is Greg saying c. does Greg say d. that Greg
is saling

When my pet rabbit died my older sister told me … sad and promised to get me a new one
for my birthday. {d}
a. not be b.don’t be c. to not be d. not to be

The mechanic reached for a heavy … to undo a really tight fitting nut.{c}
a. pliers b. tongs c. spanner d. screwdriver

Mary was looking for the post office but didn’t really know … she should ask. {d}
a. which b. whose c. who d. whom

… proper education is important. {a}

a. Whether a child gets b. Does a child get c. If a child gets d. Should a
child Get

Brendan … too many books to read in the semester. {a}

a. complained of having b. complained to have had c. complained having d.
complained that he have Has

Having friends depends on … time for them, not money. {c}

a. have you b. that you have c. whether you have d. if have

… can kill even the strongest feeling, so beware! {b}

a. untrust b.distrust c. iltrust d. intrust

Jackson seems completely .... of working peacefully in a group. {d}

a. discapable b. noncapable c. uncapable d. incapable

Many enemy soldiers got caught and …. {a}

a. disarmed b. unarmed c. misarmed d. illarmed

… happened! {b}
a. That we wanted b. What we wanted c. Which we wanted d. What did
we want

After hearing Keith’s … reply I felt sorry for him. The boy needed a teacher, and fast. {b}
a. disarticulate b. inarticulate c. unarticulate d. nonarticulate

’I honestly don’t need your … advice! Will you please leave me alone?’ {d}
a. desolicited b. irsolicited c. imsolicited d. unsolicited

…. love is the feeling we usually remember most from our teenage years. {c}
a. misrequited b. disrequited c. unrequited d. irrequited

Are you completely …!? Stop playing this those matches! {c}.
a. imsane b. non-sane c. insane d. unsane

Have you really bought a/an … boat? But it could have been stolen! {b}
a. nonlicensed b. unlicensed c. illicensed d. dislicensed

The example you gave is a very … one. Could you think of another one, maybe? {a}
a. atypical b. intypical c. mistypical d. nontypical

Tony has been thoroughly … in astronomy since the field trip with his class. {a}
a. absorbed b. disappointed c. interested d. occupied

Our school volunteer club has recently decided to … for animal charity. {b}
a. earn b. raise c. rise d. rose

Those types of phone use an optical zoom … with a 3X5 range. {d}
a. lense b. lenses c. len d. lens

When Nick became the … of the zoo his job was to show people around and give talks on
endangered species. {b}
a. guard b. curator c. principal d. exhibitor
Have you ever thought of … your ambition of becoming a translator, Ned?{c}
a. completing b. following c. realising d. imposting

The story of a Loch Ness monster has been a/an … mystery for years now. {b}
a. perilous b. baffling c. unsetting d. trustworthy

When the competition was over the runners took a lap of… waving to the crowd. {b}
a. victory b. honour c. winning d. success

Harry’s teacher made no … to his misbehaviour during the summer camp and the boy was
truly grateful for it. {a}
a. reference b. gesture c. implication d. menton

The local papers … the event well and hundreds of people turned up. {b}
a. forecasted b. publicised c. published d. broadcasted

The ending of her story sounded too … for all of us and we looked at her with mistrust and
disbelief. {d}
a. outproven b. outright c. outlaying d. outlandish

The teacher frowned at the … of my email. Well, I had no choice but to rewrite it. {a}
a. layout b. outline c. outlooks d. lookout

Are you really going to … everything I told you about this school and enroll?{a}
a. disregard b. irregard c. unregard d.ilregard

When reading a book I usually jump straight to the first chapter but the … at the beginning of
this book was so interesting that I read it twice! {d}
a. editorial b. output c. summary d. prefacje

And do you know this one about an old man who … to the doctor’s and … ‘Doctor, Doctor’.
a. goes / says b. is going / is saying c. went / have said d. has gone /

You shouldn’t be surprised that I’m limping as I … my ankle in the mountains. I’ll never go
skiing again! {d}
a. used to twist b. had twisted c. twisted d. have
ZESTAW 1 - wisielec

1. ‘Do you know the _ _ b _ _ v _ _ _ i _ _ of the phrase ’for example?’ ‘Sure, it’s
e.g.’ {abbreviation}

2. This running event is highly popular as it’s open to professionals as well as to _ _ _

t _ u _ _ she had since she was born on her left shoulder. {amateurs}

3. Haven’t you got a _ _ c _ _ _ c _ you could take with you at the camp? It would
be more comfortable than a suitcase as you could carry it on your shoulders.

4. The young guitarist is expecting his first _ _ y _ _ _ y payment as his brand new
CD has just been released. {royalty}

5. I hope that public TV will be able to _ r _ _ _ c _ _ _ the match as I can’t watch

EuroSport channel at home. {broadcast}

6. ‘_ _ m _ _ r has it that the vice principal has been sacked!’ ‘I don’t believe it, it’s just
gossip.’ {rumour}

7. I always check the _ _ n _ _ n _ _ page first. If it says that there are over 10
chapters in a book I don’t read it - it’s too long for me. {contents}

8. When your dad was a boy people didn’t use GPS but an old fashioned map and a _
_ m _ _ _ _ to find their way. {compass}

9. There are five _ u _ _ e _ _ _ boards on the walls of our school corridor.

Students and teachers put there different information, pictures or posters prepared by
the children. {bulletin}
10. ‘You have points taken aways for both _ _ n _ _ u _ t _ _ _ and spelling
mistakes, so if you forget to put a colon you’ll lose priceless points. {punctuation}

11. When Mary saw the exam results and realised that she failed she was on the _ _ r
_ _ of tears. {verge}

12. Mum brought dozens of holiday _ r _ _ _ _ r _ _ home yesterday and now we

need to choose where to spend our summer vacation. {brochures}

13. During this weekend we can expect over a hundred _ _ h _ _ _ t _ _ _

presenting their products at the book fair in Poznań. {exhibitors}

14. Carl is a fan of _ _ b _ o _ _ _ . He enjoys reading about scandals and famous

people and detests serious political news. {tabloids}

15. ‘To be or not to be, that is the question,’ he _ _ o _ e _ from Shakespeare.


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