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An Important Lesson I learned in school

The most important lesson I have learned is to not give up on your hopes and
dreams even though the struggle is hard. It is the most valuable piece of lesson I
have learned throughout my school life. This lesson has also become important
after my school life.

This lesson did not come in as easy as a piece of cake but it only comes with
diligence and hardwork. I had learned this when I had failed my exams before my
SPM final examination. All the four comers of my room face me as I had the
hardest time during my teenager life. My parents expected me to get great marks
for the exam but I did not meet with their expectation. But then, in my heart feels
the heartbeat of strength that took me to another path. I did not stop over there but I
continue my studies for the examination by doubling my efforts and taking more
time for my revisions.As SPM examination was over, I had the highest marks in
my school. This lesson came in handy for me.

Until today, I have not give up on my dreams but I insist in giving more effort to
reach my goal that I had planned.This helped me to score in my college exams and
till today,I have find this lesson to be the most important lesson in my life.In
life,we musn’t fall and cry but when we fall,we must get back up until we reach
our goal.

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