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A79810 Tourism Technology Strategies

Group Project Technology Topic Selection Form

Pick and rank at least 6 topics
1. Chatbot – Restaurant
2. Chatbot – Coffee Shop
3. Chatbot – Hotel
4. Chatbot – Airline
5. Chatbot – Travel Agency
6. Chatbot – Car Rental
7. Argument Reality (AR) Tourism Application
8. 3D Printer
9. RFID and Transponder
10. Internet of Things
11. Self-Service Kiosk
12. Wearable Device
13. Sensors and Beacons
14. Touch Glasses
15. Voice Activated AI Assistant
16. Metaverse & Virtual Reality (VR)
17. Interactive holographic actuation (Holotouch)
18. Drones / Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
19. Gamification
20. Humanoid Robot
21. Industrial Robot
22. Autonomous Device
23. Deepfake
24. Others: Write down the technology you would like to work on :
*Rank the priority of the topics you want to work on and upload this form to
Moodle, first come first serve. If you did not rank 6 topics and topics were chosen
by other teams, your priority to go to the last.
Group Member names and student ID:
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________

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