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It is comprised of 4 suits:

Suit of Wands (movement)

Suit of Wands is a masculine suit. It is ruled by fire (Saggitarius,Aries,Leo). Fire is hot,
there is passion, vigor, activity. They are associated with the season of spring when
things come alive and direction south. They represent areas of life like commerce,
change, vitality and the begginings of things. They are a life-giving force of the Universe.

Suit of Cups (emotion)

Suit of Cups is a feminine, receptive suit. It is ruled by water (Scropio,Cancer,Pisces).
Cups are associated with the season of summer and direction west. This is a psychic
suit. It deals with emotions, psychic activities, creativity and love.

Suit of Swords (mind)

Suit of Swords is a masculine suit. It is ruled by air(Gemini,Libra,Aquarius) but it is also
the only suit which has a second ruler, spirit. That is because air is closest to spirit and
even in many ancient religions the word breath is often used to refer to spirit. Swords
are a mental suit. They deal with change,spiritual and mental processes and most
importantly thoughts and beliefs about ourselves , our identity. It is often refered to as
»the painful suit«. Indeed the swords out of all the suits deal often with very difficult
situations. This is likely because we as humans have a lot of resistance to change and a
lot of resistance to truth. This might connect to the ideas represented in The Devil or
The Tower too. They are connected to the season autumn and direction east.

Suit of Pentacles (nature)

Suit of Pentacles is a feminine suit. It is ruled by earth (Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn). Pentacles
are all about life on the earth plane and material manifestation. Mostly dealing with
finance, work and career, body and home. It is also recognizing that everything on the
material plane is imbued with spirit. They are associated with the season of winter and
direction north.


The four Aces are a leading card of their each respective suit. They embody the element in its purest form
and are the most powerful cards of Minor Arcana. When you get an Ace in a reading you know that
something very big is happening, a strong force is present and you take them seriously. The Aces belong
to the very top of the Tree of Life (spirit).

Ace of Wands : Upright

General Meaning (Upright)

New beginnings, good news, passion, fun, travel, excitement

Love & Relationships (Upright)

In a relationship it can mean a new chapter: engaged or married, travelling together, a new house, a
baby. This is a fertility card so it’s a great omen to start a family. Overall spontaneity, fun and good times.

If single it means take a chance if there’s a person you like. It should go well with this card on your side.

Money & Career (Upright)

Good news in relation to work. If searching for a job it’s a very optimistic sign. Could signify new job or
career. Or new project, promotion in existing job.

Ace of Wands : Reversed

General Meaning (Reversed)

Delays, disappointing news, lack of energy

Love & Relationships (Reversed)

In a relationship it means loss of spark, boring relationship that needs some revitalizing. Sex life might be
slump too.
If single it means perhaps dates are cancelled and you are stood up. It could also mean something is
blocked in your energy. Either you are too intense and scaring people away or apathetic and you don’t
seem interested.

Money & Career (Reversed)

Dissapointing news in regards to to work, lack of drive and energy.

Ace of Cups : Upright

General Meaning (Upright)

New beginnings, new relationships, love, pregnancy

Love & Relationships (Upright)

If in a relationship opportunity for renewal and fixing problems or conflict. If single great omen for new
romance and love on horizon. Great time to meet new people. Is a signifier of pregnancy, baby showers,
engagements or weddings.

Money & Career (Upright)

Positive omen if one is looking for a job because new opportunities are coming your way.
If you have a job it can indicate promotion and recognition for your hard work.
Good things coming financially.

Ace of Cups : Reversed

General Meaning (Reversed)

Sadness, pain, bad news, breakups, cancelled celebrations and events, pregnancy issues

Love & Relationships (Reversed)

If in a relationship you are not being open or vulnerable, sometimes it means breakup or divorce.
If single it indicates difficulties in finding relationships perhaps because of repressed emotions or waiting
for an unrequited love.

Money & Career (Reversed)

Can feel unfulfilled in career. Uninspired in current position. Bad news in regards to a job application.
Possible bad news financially.
Ace of Swords : Upright

General Meaning (Upright)

Mental clarity, new ideas, intellectual abilities, justice and good news in legal matters

Love & Relationships (Upright)

If in a relationship it can signify a challenge but also mental clarity to illuminate the situation through
communication and honesty. If single it means you could meet someone very soon who you will connect
with on an intellectual level.

Money & Career (Upright)

Indicates new job, promotion or project. Lots of new ideas, brainstorming and intellectually stimulating
period. Financially it means to invest with head and not emotions.

Ace of Swords : Reversed

General Meaning (Reversed)

Lack of ideas, memory problems, communication problems, injustice

Love & Relationships (Reversed)

If in a relationship can indicate conflict and miscommuniucation or lack of.

If single it indicates potentially meeting someone who is not on the same page.

Money & Career (Reversed)

Lack of inspiration at job. Bad job interview prospects, communication is blocked. Bad time for new
business ventures.
Ace of Pentacles : Upright

General Meaning (Upright)

Great success, manifestation, prosperity, security, business and money is coming

Love & Relationships (Upright)

If in a relationship it indicates abundance and stability. Excitement about next steps.

If single you may be meeting someone new soon most likely through work or business.

Money & Career (Upright)

Great time for investments, abundance in work and financial area.

Ace of Pentacles : Reversed

General Meaning (Reversed)

Lack of money, instability, lack of control

Love & Relationships (Reversed)

If in a relationship it can represent insecurity and instability. Everything can be on shaky ground. Reasons
could be jealousy, greed or selfishness.
If single it could indicate feeling anxious and vulnerable, don’t miss opportunities.

Money & Career (Reversed)

Bad news for career and finances. At worst it can also signify a job loss, loss of money and shady business
They are associated with the second branch of the Tree of Life which represents Wisdom. They are mostly
associated with choices, duplication and therefore finding harmony. Usually Twos don’t represent events
in life but are an overview of principles.

Two of Wands

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Dominion. Ruled by Mars in Aries. A fiery suit with a
fiery planet in fiery sign of the zodiac.

DESCRIPTION: We see a man overlooking a vast amount of land and sea. He holds the world in his
palm. Therefore it indicates success. But he looks bored and weary. Waite compares his weariness to that
of Alexander, who supposedly wept after he had conquered the known world because he then could think
of nothing else to do with his life (his death shortly afterwards no doubt gave this legend an extra boost).

MEANING: This card generally signifies a choice between two options. Overseas travel, sudden
departures and deciding if one should stay or go are all meanings associated.

Reversal of the card means its energy is somehow blocked or there is fear. Therefore it stands for
indecisiveness, choosing the safe option, staying put and fear of change.

Two of Cups

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Love. Ruled by Venus of Cancer. Cancer is the most
receptive sign of the zodiac and Venus is love.

DESCRIPTION: This is above all a minor version of the Lovers card. It shows us two people coming
together in union, or perhaps a union within ourselves. The caduceus or staff of Hermes represents
healing and wisdom. Lion signifies sexuality and wings Spirit.

MEANING: Beginning of love or friendship or a strong relationship in general.

Reversal can indicate a love affair or a friendship that has gone sour in some way. Maybe because of
jealousy or lack of trust. In general it can mean an end of a relationship with someone.
Two of Swords

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is the The Lord of Peace Restored. Ruled by the Moon in Libra.

DESCRIPTION: We see a woman reminding us greatly of the Justice card. She is poised and the
blindfold on her does not signify blindness but rather the fact that she is using her inner vision. The tides
are low and the rocks behind are showing. The environment is easy to navigate and she can not be
tripped by the unseen. Her inner vision is showing her things clearly.

There is also determination in her demeanor. Things might not be perfect in her life, there might be
problems but she is doing the work to see the truth. She is ready to pierce the fog and clear the way. In a
way she is in her bubble, retreated from the outside world. Her arms are crossed with swords. That covers
her chest, heart and therefore her emotions. Swords are a mental suit so there is a lot of thinking and
processing. She is guarded.

MEANING: Difficult decisions and crossroads. However there is inner vision and this allows her to face
their fears.

Reversal can indicate confusion and looking your truth in the wrong way. There is no inner vision and
perhaps the person in looking for the truth in the outside world. In this case the blindfold can truly mean
someone is blind to some aspect of themselves or situations they are in.

Two of Pentacles

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is the The Lord of Harmonious Change. Ruled by Jupiter in
Capricorn. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Capricorn deals a lot with contraction and coming into
material form so there is a kind of beautiful play of life going on in here.

DESCRIPTION: The juggler is carrying his magical emblems within a ribbon of infinity.

MEANING: Juggling life, ups and downs, finding balance and experiencing different ins and outs of life.

Reversal means juggling too many things at once and the balance is lost.

The threes are associated with the third Sefirot of the Tree of Life. It stands for
Understanding. Pythagorreans called number three the first real number because. One is
a point and two is a line. But three is a triangle, the first actual form. Every three shows
its element in maturity.

Three of Wands

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is the The Lord of Established Strength. Ruled by Sun in Aries.

DESCRIPTION: A man overlooks his ships come and go from a high cliff. It is a golden afternoon. The
man looks content and confident in his success and life.

MEANING: Fortune favors the brave is a phrase that truly embodies this card. It represents self-
confidence and belief in oneself. This card also represents travel or moving abroad.

A special meaning of this card is sometimes brought up. For a person who struggles with the past this
card can indicate becoming at peace with their memories. Memories become like boats that are sailing
past to the sea of life. The golden sun lights up the water with warm light. It means acceptance.

Reversed it can mean moving back home, returning from travels. On a more general note because
reversed energy is somehow blocked it can mean self-doubt, failed-long distance relationships etc.

Three of Cups

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Abundance. Ruled by Mercury (the planet of the
Mind) in Cancer (the most receptive of the zodiac signs). Therefore it deals with creativity.

DESCRIPTION: The three Graces are toasting to the joys of life.

MEANING: The card’s main meaning is celebration and happy times. There’s plenty to celebrate in life,
parties, love, a child, etc. It also signifies friendship and support.

Reversed it could indicate a break up of a friend group, or friends not being present when needed most. It
can also mean over-indulgence and disappointment.
Three of Swords

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Sorrow. Ruled by Saturn (planet of Karma) in Libra
(the sing of justice and harmony). Saturn is exalted in Libra.

DESCRIPTION: The card shows a rainy background. In the front a heart is pierced by three swords. It is
sometimes referred in German as “Weltschmerz” or the World sorrow. Sorrow that unites all human
beings. That is why this card also signifies compassion.

MEANING: It can indicate betrayal, heart-break and sorrow these are things closest to this card. It means
a time of depression and trauma but it is not all negative. The most difficult situations in our lives often
teach us the most about who we are and what we are capable of. Much more than the good times. It
signifies compassion towards oneself and staying with the pain until courage and love transform it into an
embracing of life. And a joyful memory.

Reversed it can mean the healing process is blocked. We fight acceptance. One might push the pain away
and not deal with it. We do not transform and release that pain so it stays with us forever. Examples of
this might include not getting over a love or death of a loved one etc. The denial can manifest into a kind
of mental alienation from life itself, a confusion.

Three of Pentacles

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Material Works. Ruled by Mars in Capricorn. Mars
(energy) is also exalted in Capricorn (work).

DESCRIPTION: There is Cathedral being built. On the left there is a work-man. This figure can often
represent ourselves. He is being visited by two very curious people. One is a monk (The Hierophant) and
the other one is The Fool. The Craftsman is visited by the Vision (the fool) and the Voice (the hierophant).
Together the three figures signify that the best work combines both technical skill (Air) and spiritual
understanding (Water) with energy and desire (Fire).

MEANING: It is a very positive card to get in a reading. It signifies studying, apprenticeship and learning.
It also means hard work, determination and commitment to whatever you are pursuing. Giving it a 100%.
Perhaps collaborating with others to achieve and learn.

Reversed the energy is blocked, it could indicate not learning from mistakes, being confused or
overwhelmed with a sense of not knowing what you are doing. Lack of effort and concentration.
The fours are associated with the sephirot of Mercy. It is ruled by Jupiter and is a very
benevolent sephirot. It keeps on giving, no matter of deservingness. Pythagorreans
named number 4 Order. Therefore there is something solid and stable about each suit
of four.

Four of Wands

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Perfected Work. Ruled by Venus in Aires. Venus is
an Empress and Aires is the Emperor. They are a wedded pair. So this can naturally be a marriage card.

DESCRIPTION: We see people leaving the walled city to celebrate outside. There is some kind of ritual
going on, perhaps it can indicate a festival or a wedding. Everything is joyous and full of spirit. This can
also signify coming from a defensive stance in life to being more open. Furthermore we can contrast this
card with The Tower card. The two figures are dressed in blue and red robes just like the figures falling
from The Tower. The people there allowed situation to build up to an explosion. Here optimism and love
carry the people out of the walled city before it becomes a Tower-like prison.

MEANING: celebrations, reunions, feeling welcome and supported, and is a big self-esteem card.
Finding your place with yourself and others. A lot of validation can be found in this card.

Reversed it could mean low self-esteem, cancelled celebrations, and not feeling welcome or supported.

Four of Cups

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Blended Pleasure. Ruled by the Moon in Cancer.

DESCRIPTION: We see a man looking discontent at three cups on the ground. If only he were to look
up, he would see another cup being offered to him. Much like in Ace of Cups. It’’s a cup of Grace. Look up
could be a good advice for this card.

MEANING: This card could signify missed opportunities or focusing too much on the negative so we
don’t see another opportunity presenting itself to us. We could be in complete apathy or depression,
stagnating and not seeing potential or other options.
Four of Swords

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Rest after Strife. Ruled by Jupiter in Libra. Jupiter
stands for Good-fortune and Libra for balance.

DESCRIPTION: We see almost like a marble figure, a tomb perhaps. This card however does not
represent death but a retreat. The stain glass window behind shows Christ giving a blessing to someone.

MEANING: A retreat after or during times of stress, anxiety and mental strife. It represents retreatment,
sancturary. If this card appears in addition to a strong Death presence it could indicate a physical death
and the mourning period. But the other cards need to indicate that strongly.

A Reversal can indicate coming out of isolation and re-joining the world, society, people. It shows healing
is possible and finding mental strength.

Four of Pentacles

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Earthly Power. Sun in Capricorn.

DESCRIPTION: A person holds the Pentacle as it were a ship’s wheel. This indicates that he is in control
and has power. Power over work, body, finances, earthly pursuits. Capricorn rules these things. However
the man is looking selfish by holding onto pentacles so tightly. He could be paranoid. He covered his
crown chakra, throat and heart chakra and soles of the feet. What he can’t cover is his back, we are always
vulnerable to life in some way.

MEANING: Control, stability but with it selfishness, holding on to possessions or people, keeping to

Reversed it can mean the energy is released. It indicates generosity, letting go but with it possible
recklessness and financial problems if not careful.
The fives belong to the sephirot of Severity. It is harshness and judgment that is
necessary. It’s the number of tough love. In Kabbalistic lore this sephirot is also
sometimes referred to the root of evil. Because evil has to come from somewhere and if
judgment and harshness is unchecked by Mercy (love) we get evil. This is why each card
of Five represents conflict and loss of some kind.

Five of Wands

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: The Lord of Strife. Saturn in Leo.

DESCRIPTION: A group of people are competing. They are fighting but in the most sportsmanlike way.
They are not in it to hurt eachother. One must be fair in a game. Even in opposition one must learn to
jump in and become a player in the game of life.

MEANING: Competition as a way in which people communicate with society and each other. There is
opposition and struggle but things don’t turn nasty.

Reversed the competition can turn cut-throat. Any tactics are possible and one should be careful of it.

Five of Cups

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Loss in Pleasure. Ruled by Mars in Scorpio. It is the
card of desire. Because Mars co-rules Scorpio.

DESCRIPTION: This is a card of sorrow, loss and pain. The background is grey-like which always
signifies wisdom in Tarot. And there is a lot of wisdom to be found in painful moments in life. We notice
that the three cups have been spilled and the figure in a black cloak is looking down upon them. They are
focused on a loss, mourning. And if they only looked behind them they would see that two cups remain.
Also if they looked to their right they would see that there’s a bridge over the river. That there is
transformation possible. There is help, a home on the other side in the form of a castle.

MEANING: Sadness, loss, grief and heartbreak. But it is also an amazing card of wisdom and hope if one
lets it.
Reversed it means letting go of the past. Re-joining the world and a positive step moving forward.
Five of Swords

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: The Lord of Defeat. Ruled by Venus in Aquarius.

DESCRIPTION: One of the most difficult cards in the whole Tarot. Some even say Tarot is too negative
because of it. The swords overall are a painful suit but Five of Swords signifies defeat. An extreme defeat
at that. The victor in the front can mean a person to whom we lost or just an overall feeling of inadequacy
we have inside. It could be inner mental slander. The real point of focus are the two figures in the back.
There is a sense of weakness and humiliation.

MEANING: Defeat, weakness, humiliation. Losing legal matters etc.

With a reversed position the loss remains but the focus shifts more to the aftermath and the despair that
follows. An excess of a sword suit needs more than any other suit to be balanced. Wands and some Major
arcane work best.

Five of Pentacles

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is The Lord of Material Trouble. Mercury in Taurus. Mercury goes
fast and Taurus goes slow. There is an inherent imbalance here.

DESCRIPTION: Poor, ragged people are walking in the snow, not really knowing where to but they are
persevering. They are pushing through. But they do not notice a glass stained window. A church, a
sanctuary. They could get help there but they are not seeing it. In the window art there is an anchor
hidden there. The world wants to help us but we are blocking that help. We are not looking for it or
opening ourselves for it. Many times we need to learn how to ask for help. There could be feelings of
pride or self pity that prevent us from that, but know you are worthy and help is always available in your

MEANING: Material troubles such as poverty or illness. Persevering in pride or pity, not seeing help.

Reversed it could mean the people are not persevering anymore. It could signify real, deep material
trouble and the aftermath of that. People accustomed to suffering, possible collapse can release them.
Positive future can be built, look for other cards.
Sixes belong to the Sephirot of Beauty.

Six of Wands

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: The Lord of Victory. Ruled by Jupiter in Leo. Jupiter is a big planet and Leo
is a big strong sign of heart.

DESCRIPTION: There is a procession going on. It signifies some kind of victory or celebration.

MEANING: It is a minor arcane card of fame, celebrity, victory. You can expect success and being in the

Reversed it represents a distorted image of success. It signifies arrogance, hybris or diva-like behavior.
Weakness and failure is never far behind. There is a sense that certain people might betray us in some
way. This can spur a self-fulfilling prophecy for suspicion can produce betrayal.

Six of Cups

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: The Lord of Pleasure. Ruled by Sun in Scorpio.

DESCRIPTION: We see a child, perhaps a child of The Fool and The Empress giving a gift, sharing it with
someone. The buildings behind indicate home environment.

MEANING: The card represents, childhood memories, innocence and past influences, nostalgia. Perhaps
there is a fixation on the past over present. In such a case we need to reevaluate if we are being immature
or childish. It also means children, having them or working with them.

With some supportive cards (perhaps of the negative Sword suit) this can also indicate being abused or
neglected as a child. Past traumas and fixation on them.

Reversal of this card means action. Moving on from the past, changing your attitude towards the present
and future. Growing up and maturing. In extreme cases with other supporting cards it also can mean a
complete severance from the past, disassociation and alienation from the past.
Six of Swords

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: The Lord of Earned Success. Mercury in Aquarius. It is the planet of the
mind in the mind sign of the mind suit. Apparently the most beautiful of the swords and one of the most
beautiful minor arcane cards.

DESCRIPTION: The card likely depicts a family, a man (ferryman), woman and wisdom child. They are in
a process of a journey. Sailing towards a gray land of wisdom. Everything is quiet and mourning seems to
be present in the air.

MEANING: It means moving, on and moving forward from hardships. Healing and support, a calm after
a storm. There can however be some exhaustion and lethargy if the situation is unfolding recently. In
addition with some other cards it could mean mourning that was never resolved, it does not cause
anymore pain but it is silently ever-present because it was not released. The card also signifies travel,
especially over-seas travel.

Reversed it can mean a difficult situation is likely ahead. One needs to be careful when poking the status
quo. We can agitate the situation especially if everyone just accepted it. By removing the swords from the
boat we can sink the boat because the swords poked in holes. There needs to be some caution in
communication with others.

Six of Pentacles

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: The Lord of Material Success. Ruled by the Moon in Taurus and the Moon is
exalted in Taurus.

DESCRIPTION: We see a noble-man giving wisely to the poor. Above him the six pentacles are
organized so that the scale pulls down towards the beggar man, in need of help. This is a card of balance,
of giving away and keeping for ourselves what we need. But the hierarchy is clear. One person dominates
the other two. And it is instigated by all parties. The noble man gives by calculating what he will not miss.
This can signify a person who connects really well with others but is always holding his deepest feelings to
themselves. The beggars will also only accept limited gifts. Give too much and they will not listen. It is
sometimes important to realize to give people what they are able to receive. And that takes a lot of self-
knowledge and knowledge of the world. Otherwise we are just projecting.

MEANING: Gifts, generosity, kindness and charity. Being payed properly for hard work, don’t forget to
share your good fortunes too! It can refer to money or even time, advice etc.

Reversed it really amplifies the hierarchy. And in a bad way. Abuse of power, lack of generosity, unfair
treatment and payment. Gifts with strings attached. Power plays and power struggles from someone in
position of power. Inequality. Command and execute. Bellitling. Gaslighting. Challenging in order to
control. Manipulations.

Sevens belong to the sephirot of Victory. It is ruled by Venus so Sevens deal with a lot of
desire. 7’s 8’s and 9’s are all more unstable the farther down the tree we go.

Seven of Wands

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: The Lord of Valor. Ruled by Mars in Leo. There is true energy and courage
inbued in this card.

DESCRIPTION: We see a figure ready for a fight. They are determined and ready to stand their ground
and for what they believe in. They are on an awkward hill with moss and they are the only figure in the
whole of Tarot deck that wears two different shoes. Their circumstances are not that great, their footing is
challenging and they are up against 6 others. But they are persevering and that really shows their true
determination and fighting spirit!

MEANING: Standing up for your beliefs, protecting and asserting yourself. It may indicate that life is
challenging and that you are being harassed or scapegoated but you are enduring and resisting!

Reversed it can indicate not standing up for yourself, giving up, and lack of courage.

Seven of Cups

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: Its name is Illusionary Success. Ruled by Venus in Scorpio. Venus does not
do very well in a planet co-rulled by Mars. But both deal with desires.

DESCRIPTION: A person in the picture sees all these desires in front of him. A lot of the things that he
wants for himself. Money, fame, love, victory, wisdom etc.

MEANING: It means having a lot of options open, perhaps too many and you are unable to focus on
what you want to pursue so you procrastinate. The Magician principle is not here. It also indicates
idealizing something perhaps a relationship or situation. Wishful thinking and daydreaming and living in
fantasy world. It’s a nice sentiment but it can really limit ones life and be counter-productive.
Reversed it signifies a reality check, coming back to focus and doing something instead of just dreaming
about it. There is certain clear vision involved. But it can also mean lack of choices or feeling trapped in
some way. Agony of choosing, as soon as we choose we limit ourselves and choose a path. The Fool’s
state is very blissful and confronting a choice can be limiting and agonizing.
Seven of Swords

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: The Lord of Unstable Effort. Ruled by The Moon in Aquarius. Emotions and
Intellect. It does not match too much.

DESCRIPTION: We see a figure sneaking away. He has a smug on his face and carrying many swords
away from the camp. Behind him there is a meeting and so while everyone is busy he takes his chance.

MEANING: It is a card of deception, trickery and lies. Someone may be scheming, manipulating in your
own camp. In love it can easily signify cheating or lack of conscience. Being resourceful or strategic may
be more positive connotations of this card but it is definitely something to look out for!

Reversed it may signify the conscience kicking in and the person is confessing. However it can also signify
actual people who are toxic, malicious, serial cheater and pathological liars. Red alarm right here!

Seven of Pentacles

ALCHEMICAL MEANING: The Lord of Unfulfilled Success. Saturn in Taurus. A heavy combination. A
heavy planet of karma in a fixed earth sign.

DESCRIPTION: We see a man perhaps being jaded or just disappointed. He doesn’t see the rewards
that are sprouting from his hard work. Perhaps he had hoped for something different.

MEANING: Hard-work but not seeing the results or just being disappointed by them. One is not in pain
over it but has silently accepted it for what it is. Perhaps the man has predicted that. Feelings of

Reversed it could indicate procrastination and no work being put into some situation or relationship. Or
perhaps not knowing how to put in the work. Feeling trapped.

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