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Adjectives – Adverbs Second Tasks:

August 09, 2022


Tambahan Pemahaman:
Adjective memodifikasi kata benda (NOUN) atau kata ganti benda (PRONOUN: I you, he, she, they, we,
Menjawab pertanyaan:
What kind?
Andy bought new shoes.
What kind of shoes? NEW shoes.
How many?
Lina has two kittens.
How many cats? FOUR cats.
Which thing?
This Park is BEAUTIFUL.
Which park? THIS park.
How’s (your) feeling?
She feels SAD.

Choose and connect each word in two boxes to make Adverbial phrases/Noun phrases.
For example: surprisingly well
1. well 8. calmly 15. frustrated
2. good 9. skillful 16. frustrating
3. careful 10. skillfully 17. frustratingly
4. carefully 11. beautiful 18. easily
5. quickly 12. beautifully 19. easy
6. quick 13. slow 20. healthy
7. calm 14. slowly 21. healthily

access difficult problem

arranged done progresses
artist eating stated
body identify surprisingly
book nature thinking
consideration navigation voice
dance negotiation walk

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