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Pentru cei interesati, care nu s-au "prins singuri" de chestiile "ascunse", iata ca am gasit un link care poate ajuta.

Doar sa cunoasteti limba engleza sau sa rugati pe cineva care cunoaste sa va traduca... Demersul colegilor nostri a reusit...Am cautat singur pana cand am avut noroc sa gasesc pe cineva care sharuieste... Sper sa nu deranjeze pe nimeni ca v-am dat aceste detalii. La buna citire... Few handy hints here for noobs Copied from the man forums Can't think of any more useful info for newbies than the recent stuff tbh. Following on from Arctrooper's guide to econ farming " There are several different methods for finding under-evaluated players without having to evaluate dozens of players, but Ill let you figure those out on your own. I'll give one big hint would be almost impossible to econ-farm in private league (there's one big difference between Xpert League transfer markets and private league transfer markets)." I'm sure most people have worked out that this relates to being able to view a player's profile in the Xpert leagues. Most people also understand roughly the 'mini change report' that takes place on transfer. Well what are the 2 factors in any change report? Match Experience and average form and we can have a good guess at these 2 very important factors (and slightly more accurately with ME using ). To guess at their average form you can really only go by their few last match performances which if it is at least at their visible skill level probably means they have at least 10-12 av form. If they are (consistently) better than their visible skill then it is likely that they are on higher average form (14+). However their high match performances could simply be down to being greedy or moody so there are no guarantees. If they are a high enough skill to show up on the player stats skill page then check to see if they are high in their skill before the transfer which will increase the chance of a visible increase, but this is unlikely as most undervalues people will buy are going to be quite low skilled. If you tick these important boxes then splash out that 250k on an evaluation and you'll find an undervalued player in no time. Now to those pesky Black-no-link-players, as far as I am aware (in official leagues) these are the remnants of deleted teams I believe so the above rules don;t apply. About 9 times out of 10 they will be over valued or be the correct skill but have a nasty SQ or two. (This is I believe because the majority of active club to active club transfers will not have players visibly decrease upon transfer and the crew want their too be more over valued players on the market to make it a bit more challenging), but is only an educated guess. BUT those other 1 out of 10 will be undervalued and can often be a lot cheaper than conventional blue-linked players as the managers that have worked out the way undervalues work, shy away from them. The private market is a whole other kettle of fish and is, as Arc say's, its much harder to find undervalues. The only thing I have noticed so far about them is that they can show as slightly higher values (than other players the same as them) towards their deadline when other manager's stumble across them and start putting high bids on them. As for finding hard trainers, or any other hidden SQ for that matter, its surprisingly simple. We all

know that a players value is effected by their SQ's and because hard trainers tend to sell for more than the average vanilla player, their value will be slightly higher and so when a manager goes to list him for his default value, it will be slightly higher. Unfortunately you have to have an identical player to find out that specific type of players default value. You can use if you can't be bothered with the maths to see what value they will be on the market. I often find they at the same sort of default price as all round players (if you havent got an identical player to work it out from). Once you have the default price search on the transfer market and sort by price you should be able to locate one or two. (Of course this is reliant on managers listing players at their default value). If you see a player on the market with a visible SQ that shows as slightly more than "identical" players (say about 5 000 econs) it is likely that they have a good hidden SQ compared with the "identical" player (greedy, ht or leader I often find). This technique only works when there are loads of similar players on the market to help filter out the few hard trainers and also not make them too obvious such as 4 skill 18 year olds and would not work on 4 skill 16 year olds particularly as generally managers will list less common players at their own personal values. I don't think I have explained it very well but I'm sure you can work out the gist , if you have any questions you can post them here, or if you think I have wasted a lot of time doing this as you all knew this please tell me . I also realise that telling people how to find undervalues and hard trainers is self defeating as it will make it harder to find as people cotton on to it but oh well, under values are barely a saving now anyway. & Anyhow, just to clarify things, here are some further hints: Start from the basic premise that at the transfer, a change report takes place. What do you need for a good change report? A high average form and match experience as close as possible to 100%. Basically, as I understand it the agent (it has to be an "unreliable" agent) gives you his "current" skill level (BEFORE a transfer) whereas that skill level may change after a transfer takes place, because of the change report. The key is to click through to the player's current club and see how many matches he's played THIS season. If it's 0, then his skill can't be any higher than it currently is (although it can be lower) - you only want to sign players who have played games this season, and the more the better. This doesn't work in private leagues because you can't click through to see who the player plays for currently, and how he's doing. There are a few other things to bear in mind: 1. It's easier with younger players as they tend to increase in skill more quickly. 2. Have a look at the team that the player plays for. What's the current form of the team? If it's high (14+) chances are that the manager looks after his players, and your quarry will hopefully have a high average form. 3. Look back at the player's recent games. Has he been playing above his skill level?

4. Knowing how many games are needed for 100% match experience helps. For teenagers, it's usually about 4 games. 5. Watch out! If the player's current team has just had a change report but the new season hasn't been updated, then he'll appear in the stats as having played 5 games (say) when in fact he'll have already had his update and therefore won't rise again. 6. What skill level was the player when he arrived? If he's already had a change report and DIDN'T go up, then that MIGHT be a good sign as he could well be high in his skill bracket (especially if young). However, it could also be a sign that he doesn't hold form well - eg injuryprone. 7. I never bother evaluating (in fact I don't buy that many players anyway) but I'm not fussed if the player isn't undervalued, after all; because chances are he's high in his skill level and could well be a strong contender for a double jump at your next change report. 8. If you want to be really anal about it, with VIP on the league page of the player concerned, click "player stats" and you'll see a list of the top rated players by skill level in his division. Within "7 bar", for example, you can get a flavour of whether a player is a high or low 7 bar. This only works for players who are older and higher skilled as they are the ones who appear on the "top skilled" page! (And goalkeepers).

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