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Sushils marriage

Sushil & I have many long memories of staying together in Delhi. That was the time in 1988 when we were just out of college and came to Delhi for joining out first job. I was in search of a cheap guest house in Paharpur area when I collided with this thin , lean and thick spectacled guy. In the collision his spectacle dropped but before it hit the ground I caught it. Sushil could not help but clapped on my stellar performance. He introduced himself and we became friends. Together we hired a cheap guest house near the Jhande Balan temple area. Sushil became a school teacher while I was a Management trainee in a multinational organization. His school timing was from 9 to 4 whereas my office timing was 9 to 5:30 . So together we used to leave the guest house but our return was different. After couple of weeks I found Sushil used to return at the same time with me. He said that returning an empty home was quite boring so he used to spend the additional two hours in a public library reading books. Sushil was an ideal teacher , He loves reading. In the night before sleep he has to read something lest his eyes do not close. Many times in the night I found him sleeping on the chair while the lights were on. The guest house owner warned us many times not to squander electricity but we were habitual careless. That time the STD rate used to be th after 10 PM but till 11 PM there used to be heavy rush at the STD booths so on Saturday night after 11 PM we would queue up in the STD booth for talking to our homes. Suresh would call his uncles home 10 km away where his mother would come the previous day to talk to him. Next day she would return to her home. When I asked why he gives her mom so much pain ? He says thats the nearest telephone in his village. People queue up there only for receiving call. I was lucky, because our next door neighbor had a telephone where I could talk to my family that time. Also my fianc who later became my wifes had their own telephone at home. As soon as my talk ends and I come out of the tiny cabin, Suresh would always advise me not to spend so much money on talking. Any alternative ? , I asked. Next day Suresh bought me a bunch of Inland letter and told me to use it and he would take care of posting as there is a letter box just outside his school. Since then in the night after dinner while I would write long letters to my future wife , Suresh would hid behind a thick book. We never knew but sometimes ,the whole Saturday night was spent like that. In the Sunday morning when the whole Delhi was still sleeping under the heavy winter and fog we two, wrapped in sweater or shawl would hit the roads around the New Delhi railway station. We stayed in Delhi for two years later I was posted in South India while Suresh got a job in a prestigious Delhi college and the college provided him furnished accommodation.

Our path separated but we continued our friendship for a long time. I got married while Sushil was still considering marriage as an worthless proposition. Our career got us deeply involved in our profession. The next five years we could hardly talk to each other. 5 years later I was in Delhi International airport en route from Frankfurt via Hongkong to Delhi , I meet Suresh at the green channel of the customs. He boarded the same flight from Hong Kong where he is a visiting professor. Together we came outside where his driver was waiting in his car. As we came near the car Suresh introduced me with his wife Shalini, a beautiful tall woman came out of the car. I was surprised but became very happy to know that Suresh got married 7 years ago, within 3 years of my marriage. When I asked him why didnt he call me during his marriage he said that he did not have time to inform. How come no time to inform? Shut up and come home first, you will know everything,Suresh snapped. So I came to his beautiful house at greater Noida. Here I meet Sureshs mother for the first time. But from Suresh she knew so much about me that she could recognize me immediately. Mothers are like that. She even could describe me meticulously how did I save his sons spectacle many years ago. Their 5 year old son , Soham immediately became a fan of mine. While Soham and I was working on a remote toy helicopter , Shalini told us that though Suresh and I have no contact in the last 7 years but they read all my write ups that came up in various journals & papers. Then why didnt you contact me because all my write up carries my email address ? Its because of me !, Shalini answers ruefully. Suresh has changed a lot in this 10 years but his habit dies hard. Before sleep he still reads book while Shalini tells story to their son. But tonight Soham is my audience. After listening enough stories the chap slept on the bench. Now I ask Sushil how was the last 10 years. Cinema , a complete cinema happened in my life !. But it all turned out to be so good for me. Shalini silently came and sat beside Suresh. It was a wintery morning , I was returning home which was a remote village of Bihar. The Thakur and Dalit politics had made enough damages to this once prosperous village of Bihar. I was walking fast the last 5 km on a shortcut bund to my home. Suddenly five people appeared on the road with musket guns in their hands. My heart pounded , they tied my hands , face and mouth and put me in a jeep and fled the spot. After 5 hours of driving on the uneven rickety road they brought me in front of a big villa. The bandits released my bondage and stashed me in a dark room. I was trying to

locate the place as on that rough terrain they could not have taken me more than 80 / 100 kms away from my home. A big mustached man appeared at the door & shouted , If you want to live a long life do as you are told else your hands and legs will be separated from your body . Who are you and why did you bring me here ? The giant looking man laughed, Your will come to know about it soon. The door slammed behind him. In the semi dark room I waited patiently to get more clue to this abduction. Soon I was led to an altar where many men and women were waiting. A group of people were playing a shoddy orchestra. A horse was standing nearby with full decoration. The group of women started laughing when they saw me coming. Immediately I understood this was marriage on gun point. A clumsy plump looking woman was standing on the alter . Another bunch of girls were holding her in barricade. All seem to be waiting for a signal from the big mustache to start the festivity. I was pushed to the alter near the prospective bride by a musket man. Somebody came and gave a huge garland in my hand and a purohit instructed me to put it on the woman's r neck. Another man was waiting nearby with a thick registrar, seem to be a marriage registrar. Quite a few photographers were waiting to capture the right moment. Other musket carriers were waiting little afar with all the guns pointing towards sky. Me , Suresh Singhania who wants to remain unmarried all life is now abducted and going to marry an ugly looking unknown woman under gun point. I never imagined such anti-climax in my life. The musket man pushed me from back. The bride is now only a few feet from me. I scanned the entire women area. All the village women were invited for the feast. Someone prompted me holding my hand to put the garland on her neck. I found a tall elegant looking girl standing little away watching the whole drama. She seem to be barely 20 /21 years of age , quite different and unmarried. I pulled myself free and ran towards this tall looking woman and put the garland on her neck. I thought that was the only best thing I could salvage from this otherwise hopeless situation. If I have to marry at all I must marry a tall beautiful looking girl not this thick ugly potato . Immediately a huge commotion followed. The woman with my garland fled away fast and I was stashed & pulled on ground by a mascot man. Later I was dragged to the dark room again. The commotion soared to a high point. My sudden act caused a huge family feud in the villa. The big mustache appeared soon. You have foiled all my efforts to get my daughter married to you, Instead you put the garland on the poor headmasters daughters neck. Now either you or the poor master have to pay for it. The big mustache had lost the battle it seems but the drama continued. I suddenly realized that except few glasses of water I have not eaten anything since last night. A old man appeared in the doorway. Knowingly or unknowingly you have put the garland on my daughters neck in presence of the whole village, He looked to be composed . Now I have no other way but to marry her off with you , do you accept her ? , he continued.

What is the alternative ?, I shouted back. The old man continued, Im a retired school master. I have given enough education to my daughter to understand what is a dignified marriage and what is not. Also by throwing a garland marriage does not happen. But this is village and if you dont accept they will kill you in no time. Better accept it as gods decision. You can always change it later, The feeble headmaster left the doorway. But how do you know who am I ?, I tried to retort. Thakur Harinath is searching for a suitable groom for his daughter for quite sometime, He cannot make mistake in finding you , The headmaster left. I could not think anymore and I must have fainted and slept for a long time. When I got up it was quite late in the evening. Immediately my hands were tied and led to the alter. In the dim light of petromax I find the tall girl was standing there with face down & covered with a beetle leaf. The horse disappeared and my hands were made free. A different purohit pushed me to take a garland and put it on her neck. A mascot man shouted from behind. I took a garland and put it on her neck. Immediately the group of women shouted and the musket men fired shots in the sky. The cameras flashed and the headmaster came forward and congratulated me for marrying his only daughter, Shalini. Next day I was sent off with Shalini in my toes. The headmaster came along to meet my mom . When I reached home mom was surprised but after knowing everything she was happy that I was alive. A year into my marriage and Shalini proved to be a boon for my life. Initially I neglected her a lot later I learned that she is really a jewel in my life. She became my inspiration for all my achievements. I can never have a better wife then Shalini. I don't believe in god but that day what turned the course was not god send but it was a sheer power of my subconscious mind which searched for a way out and that came thru' Shalini. I reached him out to make my life. Then who sent Shalini to that function when she was supposed to remain at home and study !, I interjected. Your god , Was Suresh's answer. Why didn't you call us when you had my email address , I complained I thought that many times , Mom and Shalini also told me many times but I just let it left like that. Perhaps a sense of hollow pride stopped me doing that. But now after knowing everything I know your column will soon be garnished with our marriage, Isn't that ? , Suresh probed. Who knows may be ... , I said before entering their guest room for sleep.

S. Bera Powai

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