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Question 2 Explain five (5) achievements of New Economy Policy that was implements from Second Malaysia Plan

to Fifth Malaysia Plan. There are few achievements of New Economy Policy (NEP), firstly it has reduced number of poverty. According to Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Bumiputera community poverty rates are currently 5.1 per cent compared to 23 percent in 1990 and 64.8 percent when the NEP was implemented in 1971. Second the average income of the Bumiputera community has also increased from RM172 in 1970, RM640 (1990) and an average of RM3, 156 at present. Average Bumiputera community living in the city this time was 56.3 percent compared to22.7 percent in 1990. In fact, Bumiputera who worked as an architect this time was 46.2 percent or 536 persons compared to only 4.3 per cent (12 cases) and 23.6 per cent (231 persons), respectively,in 1970 and 1990. For accountants, this number is only 6.8 per cent (40 people) in 1970, but it increased by 11.2 per cent (629 persons) in 1990 and today a total of 5.500 Bumiputera accountants. For example, Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said founder and chairman of theNaza Group, Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin SM Amin is an example the success of the New Economic Policy (NEP). Tan Sri Nasimuddin have unusual approach to developing its business, starting with just selling cars imported from abroad, then marched to cooperate with foreign company to produce the car with its own brand. Fourth, number of poor households in Malaysia has been reduced a lot about 1100000households in 1970 to about 619,400 households in 1990. Lastly, Bumiputera equity ownership shares of the company also increased from 2.4% in 1970to 19.4% in 1988 and subsequently increased to 20.3% in 1990.

Question 3 (b) Explain four (4) policies implemented by the British during Colonization. There are a lot of policies that implemented by the British during colonization. Firstly, British has introduces a Labour policy where they provided the facilities to bring Indians from India and Chinese from China. The Indian workers were employed in the rubber estates and the Chinese were employed in the tin mines. This will lead to all of the foreign workers were involved in the modern sectors. While Bumiputeras left on behind, which work in rural areas with their rice plantations and others crops. Second, The British also introduced the British education system. All the primary and secondary were located in urban areas, which only had Malay primary schools. On the other hand, the Chinese and Indian had opportunities to further their studies in urban areas. During the British administration also, schools in Malaya those day was divided into four streams, namely English School, the School of Malays, Chinese and Tamil schools. Each school has its own language and curriculum content are different from each other. Third, the development of the infrastructure, for example railway and road systems in west Malaya were different from east Malaya. This is due to increase production rubber and tin in west Malaya which contribute a lot of income to British on those day. While in east Malaya were left behind. Lastly, British also set up a fund for expansion rubber plantations and tin mining industries. Which funded by the London Fund Capital. This will provide British more capital in order to expand the rubber plantations and tin mining sectors.

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