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Tiếng Anh 1 Family and Friends National Lesson Plan

Date of lesson

Culture 1 Birthdays in Canada

Student Book page 52, Workbook page 52

Objectives To learn words associated with birthdays

To learn how birthdays are celebrated in Canada
To make a card
Language Language focus: listening and speaking
Vocabulary: cake, candle, gift, party, happy birthday
Resources and materials Audio Track 89; Flashcards 53–57; Card and colored pencils
Further practice Workbook page 52; Classroom Presentation Tool

Stage Procedure Interaction Time

Warmer  Have the class choose their favorite song or chant and play it. Teacher to whole 5
Encourage children to join in with the words and actions. class
Lead-in • Use the flashcards to teach the new words. Teacher to whole 5
• Have children repeat the words several times then display them class
on the board.
 Ask children to turn around while you remove one of the
• Ask the children to turn back and look at the cards. You ask
What’s missing?
 When the children have identified the missing card, shuffle all
of them and repeat the procedure.
Presentation Exercise 1
• Play the first part of the track for children to listen and point to Teacher to whole 10
the pictures. class
• Play the second part of the track for children to repeat the
• Play several times if necessary.

Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National 1 Lesson Plan  Oxford University Press 2020
Development Exercise 2
• Look at the picture of the birthday card together, and ask What Teacher to whole 5
is it? What country is it from? Whose birthday is it? How old is class
he? Ask what else they can see.
• Write the text from the card on the board. “Let’s have a party!”
and “Happy Birthday, George!” and read these aloud as you
follow the words with your finger. Encourage the children to
copy you.
• In L1, talk about birthdays in Viet Nam and if there are any
similarities or differences between them and birthdays in
Canada. Ask the children if they give gifts or cards, like this one.
Ask them if they have a party for their birthday, and if so who
with and what they do.
Consolidation Exercise 3
• Tell the children that they are going to make a card similar to Teacher to whole 10
the one in the book. class
• They need to decide who the card is for and how old that
person is going to be. Elicit some ideas from the class about
what could be drawn on the card. Especially praise the ideas
said in English, but accept all ideas provided.
• Point to the two sentences on the board which you wrote
during Exercise 2, and suggest that they include these phrases
in their cards. Point out that they need to change the name!
Suggest that they add the age of their friend, too.

Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National 1 Lesson Plan  Oxford University Press 2020

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