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1. (3534) Activation Functions | Deep Learning Tutorial 8 (Tensorflow Tutorial, Keras & Python)
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2. Weights and Bias in a Neural Network | Towards Data Science
3. Candidate elimination algm Python Coding
Candidate Elimination Algorithm in Python - VTUPulse

4. Python Implementation of Candidate-Elimination

1.Python Implementation of Candidate-Elimination | Python |

2. (3917) Candidate Elimination Algorithm lab 2 - YouTube

3. (3917) Implementation of Candidate Elimination Algorithm in Python (17CS76) VTU-Lab Program-2

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Face Recognition

Facial recognition is a technology that can recognize a person only by looking at
them. It uses machine learning techniques to identify, collect, store, and evaluate face
characteristics so that they can be matched to photos of people in a database.

1. An Illustrative Example: Face

Recognition-Artificial Neural Network-
Machine Learning-15A05706
(3734) An Illustrative Example: Face Recognition-Artificial Neural Network-Machine Learning-
15A05706 - YouTube( same in our text book)

What is grayscale in images?

In digital images, grayscale means that the value of each pixel represents only
the intensity information of the light. Such images typically display only the
darkest black to the brightest white. In other words, the image contains only black,
white, and gray colors, in which gray has multiple levels.
Why is grayscale used?
The main reason why grayscale representations are often used for extracting
descriptors instead of operating on color images directly is that grayscale simplifies
the algorithm and reduces computational requirements.
What is the difference between RGB and grayscale image?

It is important to distinguish between RGB images and grayscale images. An RGB

image has three color channels: Red channel, Green channel and Blue
channel. However, a grayscale image has just one channel (Gray)
Why do we convert RGB to grayscale?
Because it is a one layer image from 0-255 whereas the RGB have three
different layer image. So that is a reason we prefer grey scale image instead of

How does Facial Recognition Work with Deep Learning?

What is Facial Recognition?
Facial recognition is a method of identifying or verifying a person's
identity by looking at their face. People can be identified in photographs,
films, or in real-time using facial recognition technology.
This technology is used in various fields nowadays, even many
smartphones have this feature where they unlock only when they
recognize the face of their owner. Facial recognition comes under
biometric security. Voice recognition, fingerprint recognition, and ocular
retina or iris identification are all examples of biometric software. 
Although the technology is mostly utilized for security and law
enforcement, there is growing interest in other applications. The facial
recognition technology uses deep learning algorithms to identify and
match the face with a database.
How does Facial Recognition Work?
Due to advancements in AI, machine learning, and deep learning
technologies, the facial recognition business is quickly developing.
Facial recognition is a technology that can recognize a person only by
looking at them. It uses machine learning techniques to identify, collect,
store, and evaluate face characteristics so that they can be matched to
photos of people in a database. 
(Must read: Machine learning Tools)
How facial recognition works is fairly a lot to tell. But to understand the
concept of it, we need to look at some important problems that a
machine needs to solve in order to proceed with it.  They are  Face
detection, face alignment, feature extraction, face recognition, and face
verification techniques. 

Working Steps for  Facial Recognition

1. Face Detection
To begin, the system must find the face in the image or video. Most
cameras now include a built-in facial detection feature. Snapchat,
Facebook, and other social media platforms employ face
identification to let users apply effects to images and videos taken
using their apps. Many apps identify the person in the photo using
this, they can even find a person standing in a crowd with this face
detection technique.
2. Face Alignment
To a computer, faces turned away from the focal point appear
completely different. To normalize the face and make it consistent
with the faces in the database, an algorithm is necessary. Using a
variety of generic face landmarks is one method to do this.
The bottom of the chin, the top of the nose, the outsides of the
eyes, different places surrounding the eyes and lips, and so on are
examples. The next stage is to train a deep learning system to
locate these spots on any face and turn it towards the center. This
makes the face detection process much easier.
(Referred blog: Introduction to Neural Networks in Deep Learning)
3. Face Measurement and Extraction
This phase entails measuring and extracting numerous
characteristics from the face so that the algorithm can compare it
to other faces in its database. However, it was initially unclear
which traits should be collected and extracted until researchers
realized that letting the deep learning system decide which data to
gather for itself was the optimal method. 
Embedding is a technique that employs deep convolutional neural
networks to teach itself to create numerous measurements of a
face, allowing it to differentiate it from other faces.
4. Face recognition
A final deep learning algorithm will compare the measures of each
face to known faces in a database, using the unique measurements
of each face. The match will be whatever face in your database
comes closest to the measurements of the face in question.
5. Face Verification
Now, in the end,  the deep learning algorithms do the final act, which
is, matching the face with other faces in the database. If the face
matches then it is said to be verified, and if it doesn’t it remains
unverified. This step is called face verification. Faces are compared
in it to give the final result of a whole long process. But this step is a
slightly complex one. 
The image can be compared to the database in one of two ways. If
the image obtained and the image in the database are both 3-D, the
matching procedure will go smoothly. However, because most
government offices and other locations use 2-D databases, the
comparison becomes more difficult. 
Before comparing, the 3-D picture must be transformed into a 2-D
image. When compared to a still and stable 2-D image, a 3-D image
will be alive and moving. As a result, when a 3-D picture is captured,
it is transformed to 2-D by obtaining measurements from distinct
places on the face. These measurements will then be translated to
an algorithmic form, and therefore a 2-D picture will be created.
(Most related: Machine learning algorithms)
According to its aim, the comparison may also be divided into two
categories. Verification is one of them, and identity is the other.
 Verification: It is the process of identifying someone who claims
to be an employee of a specific office. This sort of database
comparison will only be carried out in a 1:1 ratio. That is to say,
 Identity: The image obtained will be compared to all of the photos
in the database in a 1: N ratio to identify a thief or a perpetrator.
Take a look at the graphic below to see how the comparing
process works.
In most cases, the comparison is done using three distinct
templates. They are;
 Vector Template: This template is used to do a fast database
search in both 1:1 and 1:N ratios.
 LFA (Local Feature Analysis): This template is based on the vector
template. This is a more difficult search.
 Surface Texture Analysis [STA]: This is the most difficult of the
three search templates. It follows the LFA, and the search is
focused on the image's skin characteristics, which carry the most

When these templates are integrated into face recognition
software, the system can detect and identify the individual even
when his expressions vary, such as smiling, frowning, or blinking.
The software's accuracy is unaffected by the development of a
moustache or beard.
Uses of Facial Recognition
Nowadays, facial recognition is used in many industries across the
globe. Here we are mentioning the 7 best uses of it.
1. Unlock Phones
Face recognition is currently used to unlock a range of phones,
including the newest iPhone. This technology is a strong technique
to secure personal data and ensure that sensitive data is
unavailable to the offender if a phone is stolen.
2. Smarter Advertising
By making informed estimates regarding people's age and gender,
face recognition has the potential to make advertising more
targeted. Companies like Tesco are already planning to put displays
with built-in facial recognition at petrol stations. It'll only be a matter
of time until facial recognition is widely used in advertising. Learn
more about how Tesco uses big data analytics.
3. Find missing people
Face recognition may be used to track missing children and human
trafficking victims. As long as missing people are entered into a
database, law enforcement can be notified if they are identified by
facial recognition in a public place, such as an airport, retail store, or
other public areas. 
4. Protect Law Enforcement
Face recognition applications on mobile phones are already
assisting police officers by allowing them to quickly identify people
in the field from a safe distance. This can assist them by providing
contextual information about who they are working with and
whether they should continue with caution. 
For example, if a police officer pulls over a wanted killer during a
normal traffic stop, the officer will immediately recognize that the
suspect is armed and dangerous, and will call for backup.
5. Identifying People on Social Media
When Facebook members appear in photographs, Facebook utilizes
facial recognition technology to instantly recognize them. This
makes it easier for individuals to discover images in which they
appear, and it also allows them to recommend when certain
persons should be tagged in photographs.
6. Tracking Student Attendance
Face recognition can track kids' attendance in addition to making
schools safer. In the past, attendance slips allowed students to sign
another kid in who was skipping class. 
However, many schools already use facial recognition to guarantee
that pupils do not skip class. Students' faces are scanned with
tablets, and their images are compared to a database to verify their
7. In Forensic Investigations
By automatically detecting persons in surveillance footage or other
recordings, facial recognition can help forensic investigations. Face
recognition software may also be used at crime scenes to identify
people who are dead or asleep. 

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