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The importance of watter

Water is an essential element for life on this planet and for this same reason also for
humans. If it don’t existed we couldn’t survive. That’s why its necessary to care for this
With the increase of the world population, water consumption has also grown and
therefore the conservation of all the hydrographic resources of the country and the world
is much more significant. The main problem is that this resources are increasingly being
influenced by pollution, by the use of chemicals or by groundwater pollution. Therefore,
its important that the governments of each country, whether the local, regional or national,
take care of these resources in order to prevent them from being lost.
We have to keep in mind that with industrialization, population growth or cheaper home
appliances, water consumption has increased greatly. This has made governments realize
that water is a scarce resource and that it costs a lot to keep it drinkable. That is why they
are increasingly approving norms and laws that contribute to keep those resources in good
Beyond the resources that the government is responsible of caring for, there are also a lot
of people who are aware that this is a scarce resource and therefore they took all possible
measures to adapt the water consumption to the real needs of their homes or companies.
Its important that that we realize our capacity to save this resource. It is also helpful
sharing all the ideas we have to help to conserve the water resources we have.
Water is the most important element we have and at the same time, that we can lose in an
easier way if the necessary things for its conservation are not done. Each year that passes
its consumption grows, so we have to be aware of how necessary it is for all of us.

Adriana Cores Suárez Inglés II GLE

Word recount: 311

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