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No Question

1 Foreign Key

2 Live Data Table

3 Natural Keys

4 Secure Data Table Columns

5 Primary Key and natural key difference

Confident,Flexible and Responsible.

ability to work under pressure
 Fast Learner,Good Team Player and Organizer.
comprahencive problems solving skills,

Foreign Keys define a relationship between multiple Data Tables ensuring data integrity and
consistency, and reducing the cost of data management and complexity when querying,
usyally,Administrators can define a maximum of five Foreign Keys per child data table, as
there is a limitation of five indexed columns per data table.
Live Data Tables immediately reflect saved changes to table queries without a deploy.
The saved changes are immediately available for queries from SOAP APIs, REST APIs, BML
functions, Export, Bulk Download, and Migration.

Natural Key can be a single column or a combination of several columns that produce a
unique identifier for each record (row)
Natural Keys are supported in: Data Tables, Web Services API, CSV Upload and Bulk Upload.

Secure Data Table Columns provide a method for securely storing confidential credentials in
Secure columns always store the encrypted form of the data in the data table. The only way
to access this data in its original, decrypted form is through BMQL.
result ="";
records= bmql("select Secured from dummyTable");
for record in records{
result= get(record,"Secured");
print result;}
return "";
The primary key is a unique value that identifies each record. ... A natural key is a single
column or set of columns that uniquely identifies a single record in a table,
Relevant Code/Info
S.No Question
1 What are the different file formats in which you can export a proposal?

2 How do we print a Document designer

3 Difference between document designer and engine.

in selection we can call maximum 250 attributes,

we cannot bring the HTML into doc disigner

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

there is several ways which is PDF,DOCX,RTF,XML

1-Create a Document designer Template

2-Create a Printer friendly XSL view and map the document designer in it
3-Create a print or email action and link it to printer friendly XSL view.
whenever we click on the commerce transaction action which we created for the document desiner,
the document is available in front end.

The Document Designer editor’s intuitive user interface and drag and drop functionality makes
document design and maintenance fluid and efficient.
The Document Engine powers the Oracle CPQ Proposal Generator and the Oracle CPQ Contract
Generator.which will work on XSL coding.

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted
S.No Question

1 what is forwarding rules

2 What are timers

3 what is transition rule

4 In how many ways can we send email notifications?

5 what are the sub action of submit action.

6 What are the two approval flows in CPQ?

7 order of operation for submit action.

8 What is serial Approval and parallel Approver

1 Add Submit Button
2 Add Discount Level Approval
3 Add Total Level Approval
4 Add Any Speacial Approval
5 Add Dyanamic approver
6 Add static Approver
7 Trigger all the approvals on the UI

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted


1-Auto-Forwarding enables you to set up collaborative transaction handling

2-Whenever a document moves from one step to another, the system can fire auto-forwarding rules and
distribute transactions to one or more user groups or, to a specific user.
3-The thin line of difference is we are providing access and we are not restricting any access
You can schedule the system to automatically perform a Commerce action by using Timers
for Example-We will pass a timer to make the quote as inactive after 30 days

1-Transition rules we will create for move from one step to an other step when an action is clicked
2-Within transition rules we can also set up email, fax, or XML notification to trigger when an action occurs.
We can send the notifications from the define notications under the transition rule,Timers and dynimically
we can send through approvals
There are 4 sub set actions under the submit action
(request /reject/approve/Revise)
There are two approval flows

Commerce actions trigger events within documents to occur

Bascially submit is set of commerce actions which includes
request for approval, reject, approve, revise.
once we click on submit, first it will check any aprovals are defined on it ,if defined it will go to request for
approval and if no Approvals are there it will be approved.

Parallel-In a Parallel Approver Sequence, both approvers have to approve the quote for it to be considered
"approved" and move to the next Step in the workflow.
This will be done majorly at same level of people EX-Sales Rep
Serial-In a Serial Approver Sequence, the quote must be approved by a first-level approver before moving on
to the next approver.
This will be done at different level of people EX- Sales Rep,Manager,Director

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted


# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

S.No Question

1 how we will get the value from config to commerce

2 Diff between validation rule and constrain rule

3 What are the rule types in commerce?

4 Order of operations in commerce

5 Some Json functions used

6 How we will send the commerce to Config
7 What are the Rule execution

8 What is the difference between commerce and util library

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

9 What is the difference between Before formuales and after formulaes

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted


We are having a function in CPQ called Getconfigattrvalue

String getconfigattrvalue(String documentNumber, String configAttrVarname)
Validation Rule-Rules are linked to an action and only run when a specific action is
clicked by the user.
Constraint Rule-These rules are triggered based on an attribute change (AJAX).

1-Constraint Rule
2-Validation Rule
3-Hiding Rule
4-Filter Rule

The order of operations will be modified and perform as follows:

Simple validations will be evaluated

Simple modifications
Advanced modifications and auto updates will run.
Commerce rules will run (Hiding, then constraints, then validations).
Advanced validations will run. Inactive rules will show up in italics in the left panel
of the rule editor.

jsonremove()-->returns true if it removes key and object
jsonpathgetmultiple-->Returns the value(s)/path(s) from a JSON object
corresponding to a given JSON pa

str = "{\"key1\":90,\"key2\":[{\"key1\":900}],\"key3\":{\"key1\":9000}}";
arrayVals = jsonpathgetmultiple(jsonObj,"$..key1");

//Output: [90,900,9000]
Bmql ( select attr from transaction or trnsactionline)
Commerce rules will run (Hiding, then constraints, then validations).

Util BML Library - The functions in this library can be accessed and called
throughout CPQ.
We can call only system attributes
Commerce Library-The functions in this library can be accessed only in specific
Commerce Process and called throughout CPQ.
We can call only main ,sub document and system attributes as well

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

Before Formulaes- whenever we write the code be
When this option is selected, the advanced modification will be run before the
formulas created in Formula Management are used.
After Formulaes-
When this option is selected, the advanced modification will be run after the
formulas created in Formula Management are used.
Advanced modification is run at the end and therefore can override the value set
by an attribute’s modify tab.

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

json functions: json, jsonput, jsonget, jsonremove, jsonnull, isjsonnull, jsoncopy,
jsonarray, jsonarraytostr, jsonarrayget, jsonarraysize, jsonarrayappend,
jsonarrayremove, jsonarraycopy, jsonarrayrefid, jsonpathgetsingle,
jsonpathgetmultiple, jsonpathcheck, jsonpathset, jsonpathremove

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

whenever we write the code behind the befor and after formulas the code will exicute after formulas only.

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

mulas only.

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

Update Line

Open [sub-
Create [next

Create [sub-
document] *


# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted


Enables users to modify line item data on a main

document and then save changes.

Enables users to remove products.

Enables users to view product details on a sub-

Enables users to move on to the next main document
in the Commerce Process. The Create button
automatically appears with all main documents.
Enables users to change a product's configuration. The
system automatically creates a Reconfigure button
Enables a Configurable Attribute Set (which
user to recalculate pricing is a a pricing
data after
field attribute)
is altered. is added to a main document.
The Recalculate action is generated
automatically when a Price Attribute Set is added to a
Enables users to create another sub-document. The
system automatically creates the Create [sub-
document] action if there is another sub-document
attached to the next main document in order.

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

S.No Question

Order of configuration rules


2 What is the recommended item return format?

3 What are BOM mapping rules?

Why the configuration Flow Rule is used and what are the different Nodes are
4 used in the system

5 General Ways of debugging

6 What is internal contstraint error ?

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

7 What is the pupose of Recommendation and Constraint
8 Contstraint rule

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted


1. Configuration Flow Rules

2. Constraint Rules
3. Recommendation Rules
4. Constraint Rules (again)
5. BOM Mapping Rules
6. Hiding Rules
7. Recommended Item Rules
8. Bill of Materials Rules
The expected return format is:

There are majorly 5 tables

BOM Item Definition Table-The BOM Item Definition Table stores the BOM hierarchical relationships
used in the fulfillment system, along with item variable references, which recursively link child items
to parent items.
BOM Item Mapping Table-The BOM Item Mapping Table associates BOM items to Configuration
BOM Attribute Definition Table-The BOM Attribute Definition Table stores attribute definitions and
attribute effective dates from the fulfillment system.
BOM Attribute Mapping Table-The BOM Attribute Mapping Table stores associations between BOM
attributes, Configuration attributes, Commerce transaction line attributes, and quantity values.
BOM Attribute Translation Table-The BOM Attribute Translation Table associates translations for the
applicable attributes.

Configuration Flows help arrange and organize configuration attributes to make Configuration user-
Start Node: Where the Configuration Flow will begin. You can have more than one start node, so if
you plan on having multiple, this will be what you set your beginning nodes to.
End Node: Final node of the flow. This is where you'll see your action buttons like Add to Quote, as
well as any recommended line items. As with start nodes, you can have multiple end nodes. The
proper end node is set by attributes in the condition.
Start and End Node: Start and End Nodes are combined.
Transition Node: Transitions user from one node to another based on attribute selections.
Primary Start Node: When there is more than one start flow, this lets the application know to start
here first.
Primary Start and End Node: Primary Start and End nodes are combined.

Is the Configuration Cache deployed?

Use the Pipeline Viewer to view attribute values and the rules being fired.
Check Rules using the Debugger or favorite ID
Are all the Condition Attributes present in the Flow?
Is the Rule active? Look at the Overall Status on the Rule List page.
On the same Attribute different rules will be fired
It will happen if constrain and hiding rule on same attribute we need to write an associated
recommendation Rule to mitigate this,
either one of the rule should inactive can also resolve this.

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

Recommendation is used to set the attributes. Constrain is used to restrict the user from selecting
the options.
in the contstraint action we cannot use the sigle select pick list attribute

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted
S.No Question

1 What are the URL Functions

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted


1-makeurlparam-Constructs url param which is used by other url access functions.

Syntax-String makeurlparam({'name':value1, 'name2':value2})
2-urldata-Retrieves data from a URL using HTTP GET or POST or PUT or PATCH depending on the parameter.
Deletes data from URL by invoking a service using DELETE depending on the parameter (see the makeurlparam
function for formatting). Note: If invocation of service is from the same site then Authorization is optional.
Syntax-Dictionary urldata(String url, String httpMethod, [Dictionary headers, [String parameters, [Integer
3-urldatabyget-Retrieves data from a URL using HTTP GET to submit parameters (see the makeurlparam function
for formatting). Note: If invocation of service is from the same site then Authorization is optional.
syntax-String urldatabyget(String url, String parameters, String defaultValue, [Integer timeout, [Dictionary
4-urldatabypost-Retrieves data from a URL using HTTP POST to submit parameters (see the makeurlparam function
for formatting).Note: If invocation of service is from the same site then Authorization is optional.
Syntax-String urldatabypost(String url, String parameters, String defaultValue, [Dictionary headers, [Boolean
returnErrorResponse, [Integer timeout]]])

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

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