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More access to contraceptives. The Philippines is still a “

conservative” Catholic country. The use of contraceptives are highly
discouraged. I believe a reform in our curriculum regarding sex
education and responsible parenthood should be revised and heavily
explained in our school curriculum. Couples should be given wider
access to contraceptives to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Those who are
poor and illiterate should be taught by government health workers
regarding this matter through public forums and seminars. It should
be mandatory.

Some of the issues that we are facing are: an ever-growing population

( 100+ million and still counting),

If you ask me what are the problems that our country are facing?
Endless I may say. Poverty, An incompetent government? Do we really
have to blame others for our mishaps? Isn’t the answer simple?
Overpopulation. People are poor because they are too many, they are
too many because they don’t use proper birth spacing and
contraceptives. Does this boil down on what the bible says that “go
forth and multiply?” Do you you still follow this verse a midst our
nation’s population reaching almost a hundred million? Where people
who live off packed in homes like sardines and can’t buy enough food
for an average family of 9.

Overpopulation is the root of almost all problems in the Philippines

and for the country to progress, it only needs to solve
overpopulation and everything else will follow. The problem of
overpopulation is one of the factors that causes unemployment. Jobs
are available, however due to lack of educational expertise, which
can also be traced from overpopulation, not many people are qualified
to handle the available jobs.Population growth also
affect education and health in such ways that there are close
birth-spacing, lower levels of nutrition intake, poor nutritional
status, higher infant mortality, smaller per capital health
and food expenditures, poorer access to preventive and curative
medical care, lower schooling expenditures per child, lower grades
for children enrolled in school, lower child intelligence. 

The role of science and technology has some fundamental

role. Improvement of the quality of life is main role of science and
technology in Philippine national building. The real economic growth
and transformation in any society and in wealth creation also the
role in Philippine national building.
This prioritization makes the country competitive in innovation and
self-sustaining development that will allow the economy to lean on
its own production, making international trade an icing on its
economic cake.

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