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GOD WILL PROVIDE God reached down from above and

1ST STANZA: SOLO (FEMALE) covered us

Isaac walked up the mountain his father With Christ's atoning blood

by his side No matter what your needings God will

Never realizing he would be the sacrifice always meet us

And when Abraham raised up his hands to I know His grace will always be enough

take his child's life

In his heart he must have wondered why CHORUS: CHOIR

Sometimes God will take us to unexpected God will provide, beyond what we imagine

places So much more than we can fathom

But in every situation we will find He will supply, God will provide
When we trust in Him completely

CHORUS: CHOIR And take each step believing like a child

God will provide, beyond what we imagine

So much more than we can fathom God will provide, beyond what we imagine

He will supply, God will provide So much more than we can fathom

When we trust in Him completely He will supply, God will provide

And take each step believing like a child When we trust in Him completely

God will provide And take each step believing like a child
God will provide

2ND STANZA: SOLO (MALE) He will provide

On another hill called Calvary a father's I know my God will provide

only son
Was offered as a priceless gift of
faithfulness and love
Amidst the cry of all mankind

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