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my beloved husband I am sorry for my late information to you, actually i just got a

message from the Delivery agent, and i have to make sure that i complete my work
here so that i will be rest assured that i will be in Indonesia unfailingly this
week, I know you miss me a lot just like i do but its OK my dear, the most
important issue now is for you to receive the money and to make sure that it is
secured in your hand before my arrival soon .

I got a message from the Delivery agent few minutes ago and he informed me that he
has departed Kabul, Afghanistan today and will arrive tomorrow morning Indonesia ,
and he informed me about the procedures of the delivery , and the instructions
which you must follow in other to receive the money safely, it is very important
that you should follow the procedures because this is a huge amount of money and we
can not afford to allow the custom authority in your country to scan and seize it .

Money is not meant to be move around in a physical cash , Because of the security
reasons , but i chose this means to deliver the money to you Because of my position
in the the financial body , and also the amount that is involve; $ 1.million U.S.
dollars is a huge amount of money it is more risk to transfer it through bank
transfer or any other means Because government will ask you where you get the money
. so in this case there are some procedures which must be Followed in other to have
a safe delivery without scanning the package at the airport . this is very simple
and safe so you don't have to worry .

According to the agent , every country 's custom authority have there rules and
once the rules are Followed , everything will be legally done and there will be no
problem, i have paid the sum of $ 50,000 U.S. dollars here in the Kabul,
Afghanistan for the shipment but just now he gave me the information that there
might be a small fee to be paid to the custom authority at arrival in Indonesian
airport for none of inspection of the package, i would have taken care of the
charge but the information came very late and the agent have already left,this
little charges must be paid with Indonesian currency According to the rules of
Indonesian customs authority so my dear i want you to assist me and pay for that
little charge over there since it will be paid with your country's currency, so we
can have a safe delivery of the package to your home address. I would have taken
care of the charge but the information came late and the agent has already left and
also for to be on a safe side like i told you earlier i can't make any bank
transactions till my assignment is over due to my position and the monetary agency
that are monitoring all forms of transaction here..

Darling I tried to verify the actual amount it will cost you over there so i could
inform you, and he Assured me that the charges will be little and it all depends on
the custom on duty, please my dear i want you to help me and make sure that the
charges is paid without any delay if there is any need , remember this is not just
an ordinary item , this is a package that contains a huge amount of money, so you
must make sure that you Followed the custom rule in your country so that everything
will be successful..

The name of the agent is Larry's Villa, when he arrived at the airport , he will
call you in other to get the right clearance at the airport before Proceeds to your
home address.once the clearance is done at the arrival at the airport , he will
take a proceeds to your home address to deliver the package to you . dear, like i
told you Earlier, this issue should be our top secret and no one else should know
about it Because this is an issue that has to do with a huge amount of money , so
my dearest i only have trust in you and i strongly believe that you will not betray
or disappoint me.So what you have to do is to wait for his arrival,once he arrived
in your country 's airport ,he will call you Please read this very careful dear and
make sure that you follow the instructions well..I love you and will always do.

My beloved,
please don't feel nervous about all this, you are part of my life and we have
become very close as one family, i cant involve you in anything that will bring any
problem to you, please don't be scared of anything.

This is a special delivery due to the content of the package which is a very large
amount of money, the delivery is assigned with a special agent who will deliver it
to your home address, this is a very easy and trouble free diplomatic means of
delivering a large amount of money from one country to another without the
involvement of international monetary agencies.

I have paid for the shipment here in Kabul, Afghanistan , and if there should be
any charges over there it should be little and according to the agent the charges
must be paid with Indonesian currency, that is why i want you to help me and take
care of the little charges if the custom in your country demand for that,like i
told you earlier i would have taken care of the charge but the information came
very late and the agent have already left and i can't make any form of bank
transactions. the reason why we must follow the procedures and instructions is
because the package contains a huge amount of money so if we don't follow the
custom rules in your country the package will be scanned and open and once the
custom notice that the package contains a huge amount of money it will bring
problem to us.

You don't have to go to the airport because the service of the delivery agent is to
deliver it to your home address once the package is cleared at airport, that is the
reason why i forwarded your home address to the agent before he departed, all you
have to do is to wait in your home and when the agent arrive he will contact you
before he proceed to your home address. if there is any charges which can be paid
with your country's currency, he will give you the instructions on what to do OK.

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