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1015122, 8.48 AM Chapter 12 - Analysis of Variance (Chapter 12 - Analysis of Varance-Kantekarten | Quizlet Chapter 12 - Analysis of Variance “He Die erste Bewertung hinterlassen Begriffe in diesem Lernset (22) levels of the factor symbolized as k are the number of groups or different ways in which an Independent or quastindependent variable is observed analysis of variance (ANOVA) 2 statistical procedure used to test hypotheses for one or more factors concerning the variance among two ro more group means (k> 2), where the variance in one of more populations is unknown one-way between-subjects ANOVA, 2 statistical procedure used to test hypotheses for one factor with two or more levels concerning the variance among group means. this test is used ‘when different participants are observed at each level of a factor and the varlance in any one population Is unknown between-subjects design 1 research design in which we select independent samples, meaning that sifterent participants are observed of each level of a factor between-grouns variation the variation atributed to mean differences between groups source of variation “any variation that can be measured ina study. in the one-way between- subjects ANOVA, there are two sources of variation: varlation attributed to ifterences between group means and varlation altributed to error vwithin-groups variation the variation attributed to mean differences within each group, this source of, variation cannot be atriouted to or caused by having afferent groups and is therefore called error variation F distribution _ positively skewed distribution derived from a sampling distribution of F ratios { statistic (obtained (Fobt) the test stalstic for an ANOVA. Its computed as the mean square (or variance) between groups divided by the mean square (or variance) within ‘groups mean square between groups (MSbq) the variance attributed to differences between group means. the numerator of the tet statistic ‘groups ‘mean square error (MSe) or mean square within the variance attriouted to 2 because multiple comparisons are needed, when k= 2, ‘only one comparison is made because only one palr of group means can be compared 2 statistical comparison forthe difference between two group means. a post pairwise comparison hoc test evaluates all possible palrwise comparisons for an ANOVA with any number of groups cexperimentwise alpha the aggregated alpha level or probabilty of committing a Type | error forall tests, when multiple tests are conducted on the same data sludentized range statistic (@) 4a statistic used to determine ertical valves for compating pals of means ata

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