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MJUC jr.


11/05/21 version 1.4.0

- native Apple M1 support
- GUI: popup menues and file chooser widgets: stability improvements

06/10/20 version 1.3.0

- GUI performance improvements
- more robust Mac-installer
- updated manual

12/16/19 version 1.2.0

- Automation fixes and improvements to ensure coherent behavior across all plugin
formats and hosts

11/27/19 version 1.1.2

- FIX: VST3 on Windows: when using a Windows scaling factor other than 100% the GUI
had been cropped in some hosts

11/26/19 version 1.1.1

- FIX: freezing of the GUI on Windows systems
- minor performance improvements
- better GUI performance

11/14/19 version 1.1.0

- minor performance improvements
- added VST3 version
- new Mac installer
- compatibility with macOS Catalina (macOS 10.15)
- dropped 32-bit support in order to follow current fulfill security and technical
requirements by the OS vendors

07/30/15 - version 1.0.1

- reduced CPU load when using the plugin's internal bypass
- when used on stereo channels, GR-meter now shows the gain reduction of the stereo
sum instead of left channel only
- FIX: default state gets recalled properly now in ProTools
- FIX: occasional erratic VU-needle-behavior
- FIX: OSX: 64-bit AU didn't pass AU-validation on some systems
- FIX: Windows: overall better compatibility with older Windows versions

07/14/15 - version 1.0.0

- initial release

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