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Snakebit by Antifreeze

Sand blew along the dunes with the sun hanging above. Not only did it
illuminate the land, but also heated the surrounding area with its radiation.
Without water for miles because of the topography of the area, the only
source were camels that had reserves attached to their harnesses. Heavily
the supplies stored in jugs, wrapped in linens to prevent the sun from boiling
the water. Stubbornly though they moved at times with thick drool on their
lips while having their riders donning headdress, padding through the sand
in search of a tomb around the area.

The tomb itself was infamous to the locals, along with the entire region
for that matter because of the location of where it was. It had helped
treasure hunters to find the lost empire of Bashir the II. The empire was part
of a long, successful line of emperors along the river delta. Its location and
size should have sustained itself for quite a lengthy period, even though all
empires eventually had to end.

The abrupt nature of why the collapse happened quickly, revealed

itself partially in plague from the mummified remains taken from the site. As
back in those days, the healthcare was arcane and life expectancy wasn‟t up
to par with today‟s stats. When the body of Bashir himself came from his
resting place, the autopsy along with the DNA samples from the bones
showed nothing out of the ordinary; the plague hadn‟t killed him at all for
there were no traces of in his bones or dried flesh. For the most part, he
died a perfectly healthy man in body.

The last emperor of the dynasty never died from injury or anything of
remotely to a disease.

When they had pulled the body out of its resting place though, a small,
black serpentine looked at the raiders before pushing itself into the sand.
Snakes though were nothing new in the area, very common in fact as well to
Snakebit by Antifreeze

the locals with having a few deaths due to their venom. Its movements
showed curiousness but not an ounce of aggression, and a need to report
findings to something larger.

With the discovery and excavation of the lost city, tourism funneled
into the area and brought the economy up with the dollars provided. The
tomb though was left untouched, for reasons well known to the locals.

Previous explorers that traveled to the tomb itself had vanished for the
most part. For the bodies recovered, their deaths other than dehydration
were by other means. Their skin had shown numerous snakebites with the
poison causing the heart to stop, causing it to go into cardiac arrest in the
middle of the desert; fatal with the nearest hospital a day‟s walk. Due to
this, the locals respected the tomb enough to leave it alone, although they
didn‟t mind outsiders taking a risk after spending a few dollars. Repeatedly
they reminded them about the dangers though, issuing a fair warning before
they set off.

Inside this tomb that no one entered, had rumored to hold various
treasures safely tucked away from time itself; kept in pristine nature with
the finest of craftsmanship suited to only the royal family. If left intact for
the raiders, their value alone could fetch millions of dollars. Although they
themselves knew about the history in terms of finding this place, and the
dangers that came with it. For those brave enough to travel so far out in the
desert for them, it was waiting just for them, if they could survive long
enough out in the open. With so much time passing around the area as well,
the structure itself never eroded due to the lack of moisture, but was lost to
the accumulation of sand built up from storms.

One of adventures traveling out this time was Erica McDonald.

Snakebit by Antifreeze

This place was far from a dream to her, as she loved being able to
venture out in the world but was never a fan of the heat. Never did she wear
anything seductive, but instead having the proper attire for the hot climate.
Light tan clothing and a pair of walking boots, along with her passport and
papers for customs to explain her business here. She, along with other
members with an expedition, were here to search for treasure; along with
helping Erica write a book she planned to pen in the years ahead. Never
once did she complain though about the situation, aloud, as this was a new
place for her as she adjusted the glasses on her face.

“This place looks very outdated! I can’t imagine the living conditions
back in the day, so simplistic than today with little technology. All you had
was emperors, servants, citizens, and slaves. Yet amazingly from this place,
the first signs of the present day mathematics and written word came
around this area.” marveling at the simplistic view. Bringing the canteen to
her mouth, purified water ran down Erica‟s throat as she maintained the
pace with her group.

The scenic view in itself was something to behold, nothing but sand for
miles, bringing a sense of helplessness to one‟s mind if they considered how
dire the situation could get. For the group as they traveled to the site, it was
entirely possible, as their ration of water allowed for only a few days before
having to return. They didn‟t factor in for the sandstorms that swept across
the area at times, so there were many other perilous events that could occur
rather than snakebites, dehydration, or heatstroke.

Pockets of sweat developed on Erica‟s clothing while she jotted down

in her journal. With nothing to do but write, it provided the only means of
entertainment until she arrived with the rest. Inside were various notes
detailing her basic day, note that would come to use later for the book. With
Snakebit by Antifreeze

her head down for a second, someone suddenly blurted out to draw her

“There it is, I see the remnants.” one spoke out as Erica closed her
journal, and whipped the reins on the camel to speed its pace up.

The site was nearly a day and half out, and without any roads to help
speed up the travel, camel was the only way. Casually as they traveled
closer to the site, the heat was so intense that the air rippled in distortion.
They had GPS to pinpoint the location instead of a classic treasure map, so
technology was on their side as they were able to reach the site on the first

“We are finally here! However, it seems like sand has covered over the
entire site; I guess the previous explorers never got far in excavating the
site. While the work is going to be harder for sure, I guess we have to start
digging unless there is an entrance already dug up.” Erica watched the group
leader talk to her expedition, as she, along with the others de-mounted their
camels in trying to find any entrance to the tomb.

Only bits and pieces of stone stood out to prove where the tomb was,
and if the previous explorers had made way, it was covered over now by the
sandstorms that swept through the area. There was no use getting around it
for sure, everyone had to pitch in their strength to dig through the sand to
get what they came for.

Moving to the team leader, the sand filled up Erica‟s boots, “Hey boss
is there anything you need for me to do? Sort of don‟t want to be a third
wheel around here?” as she stood next to him. The man turned to Erica as
he handed her a tent, “You can help set up the tents. This place is about to
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heat up even more with no overcast. If you‟re able to later, you can help us
dig later, but right now it‟s vital to set these up.”

Erica along with others began to pitch in the tents to cool the area
where they would dig, while at the same time others began to shovel. As the
group dug their shovels into the sand, they didn‟t know how deep they need
to go or where to dig when they hit stone. The only thing for sure was that
the heat began to rise further, and for some it became intense as two
collapsed and needed treatment. With the sand flung everywhere, slowly but
surely the site began to develop. Along with the digging going down farther,
it allowed more shade and cooling from the hot heat. Within the first few
hours of activity, stone steps unearthed as Erica walked down with a pail to
help, “Bucket coming through! Gloria I‟m here with a bucket.” fixing her
glasses once more as Gloria wiped her brow before dumping sand.

With the trench going deeper though, the sand needed transportation
with buckets in order to clear the way. Repeatedly Erica walked up and down
the steps to fill up her bucket and then having to go back up the steps to
dump. Not only that though, but she had to deal with other people looking to
fill their bucket. The arms strained while sweat poured over her nose to slide
the glasses down. When Erica dumped each bucket of sand, she fixed her
glasses as the sun was in the apex.

“We’re making good progress here with everyone doing their part to
get this place revealed. Maybe we can open up the tomb before nightfall
here, at least get a chance to see what is inside before we go deeper.” Erica
wiped her brow before she jerked her shoe up as she felt something slide
under it.

“Was that a snake? I hate snakes… so scaly and icky!”

Snakebit by Antifreeze

Once more on the other foot, a motion ran under, causing to Erica to
jerk up tightly and drop her glasses into the sand.

“Oh shit, I dropped my glasses! Ooh I don’t hope there isn’t a snake.”
bringing her hands towards the sand, hoping a snake didn‟t pop out to bite
her hand. Quickly she snatched them up before bringing them back to her
face. The fear of snakes was minor to her, but to Erica the knowledge of
their venomous nature was infamous here. Her heart raced feeling a sense
of death for the moment, “Just don’t think about snakes! Yes they are highly
venomous here, but you’re here to do your job!” as she grabbed the bucket
and proceeded to continue dumping sand.

Hours passed by at the site with the stairways leading down further.
As the light narrowed the more they dug, workers began to use electric
lanterns to illuminate through the darkness as they shoveled. The walls
lining the side of the sinking staircases had writing of a pre-Arabic language,
a language lost to time, as Erica wanted to look at it. She didn‟t know any
foreign language but was curious about the writing, knowing that someone
was responsible for carving them in; who were they and what were they
writing about? Putting her fingers into the indentations, Erica began to trace
the tips inside, “ERICA! Get back to work with that bucket. We are almost
through here!” before collecting her bucket after someone yelled at her.

A few minutes later the workers in the pit stopped as they cleared
enough sand to run into a stone door. When Erica came down the steps to
see everyone looking at it, the feet slipped against the steps, as she was

Tumbling against the walls and causing a racket, she brought

unwanted attention as everyone looked at her, with some even laughing a
bit of her own misfortune.
Snakebit by Antifreeze

“Easy on the steps Erica, we wouldn‟t want you breaking your neck…”
one spoke to her before the sounds of hisses poured under the crack of the
door. Immediately everyone ran up the stairs, “ASPS! EVERYONE OUT
NOW!” with Erica having to run out first before catching her foot on the top

Tripping up and knocking her glass over once more, Erica immediately
got up and grabbed them before the stampede ran over her. Everyone
exited out of the pit before the snakes could attack, and when it cleared of
humans, thee sound died down with everyone having a flashlight pointing
downwards. No one could see anything moving nor did the sand have trails
of snakes.

“Whew that was close.” the leader caught his breath while Erica felt
curious in a way, but had her shoulder caught by him before entering,
“Where are you going Erica?” the leader asked her.

Grabbing the hand and prying it off her shoulder, Erica looked
determined in a way, “I‟m going down into the pit. We just arrived here with
a limited supply of water, and food. So I think we should get right too it,
don‟t all of your guys think so?”

Some weren‟t as adventurous as Erica was, and immediately Erica

furrowed her eyebrows to push the glasses forward, “OH COME ON! They are
just snakes. They slither and eat rodents, and at times attack humans.
We‟ve come so far to explore this place and the sun is still up in the sky.
How are we going to know what is inside if we can‟t even open the doors?
Quick question as well, how many of you know how to open these doors?”
pushing the glasses back up the nose.
Snakebit by Antifreeze

No one had an answer in terms of opening the door as Erica had a

point, “Well you know what Erica. There are snakes down there and we
already have 5 people suffering from heat stroke.” one tried to explain as
Erica shrugged and went down into the pit.

The door was made of limestone as well and weighed heavily. Even
with the technological advances in terms of hydraulics, the thickness alone
would make it near impossible to lift; that was even if they could fit such a
device. The only way that it opened was from the inside, or by some sort of
device as the door operated by a pulley system. Moreover, any notion of
using dynamite quelled immediately, outlawed by local laws to help preserve
historical significance. Light appeared behind Erica as more people, including
the leader decided to head back down and try to find something to open the

Everyone in the pit tried to find something hidden to open the doors,
but no one could find anything; even searching in the sand from which they
walked on.

“It‟s no use guys, the lever, or whatever device to open the doors is
probably around the wall. We will call it a day…” the leader threw in the
towel, as Erica shook her head, “No! No- no we need to keep searching. Just
15, 30 more minutes and we can find something to open this door!”

“Erica, that‟s enough work for today. Just relax, this site has been
around for thousands of years, and it will stay here for another day.” the
leader placed his hand on Erica‟s shoulder, “Fine, I just want to get inside
the tombs and see what is inside.” making her admit defeat for the day with
her head lowering.
Snakebit by Antifreeze

“Your enthusiasm is great Erica, but you must understand that we

need everyone. This is a team effort, and we will enter it as a team.”
reassuring while Erica didn‟t want to hear anything about it.

Making her way up the steps a whisper of wind tickled the side of her
ear, “Don‟t leave…” hissing into her ear but never looking back. The voice
felt like an earworm, urging her to come back, but never following up.

The sun began to set over the horizon as everyone relaxed with night
coming along. With no humidity in the desert, what once was a hot climate
now became extremely cold as people ate alongside the fire. Erica wanted
nothing but to relax for the next few hours, resting inside her sleeping bag
while setting her glasses aside. The voice was in her head though, and her
eyes couldn‟t close, afraid that a snake would slither around her area.

Moving her head deeper into the bag, the eyes closed but having a
hard time getting a complete rest. Soon though, the entire campsite began
to sleep as well, with the fires still burning to keep people warm. Thinking
she wouldn‟t be able to fall asleep, it started to happen now for Erica‟s as
her heart rate slowed down. Casually in her sleep though, Erica dreamt of
snakes, a nightmare of them crawling over her body that cause Erica in real
life to twist and turn.

“Get off… get off me!” Erica tried to swat them but found her hands
bound, when outside of her dream they trapped inside her beg. Before she
screamed though, the eyes shot open with her chest pounding. Rapidly she
breathed as she found herself awake to calmness and a crackling fire. The
eyes opened wide as the hands of Erica reached for her rimmed glasses.

Fixing them around on her face as she awoke, the frames rested on
the nose once more as Erica looked around to see if others were awake. It
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was very clear though that everyone was still asleep with the howl of the
desert wind floating over the sands.

“What a nightmare that was. I have to stop thinking about snakes in

this area; it‟s starting to affect me mentally. Now I‟m awake though, and I
probably won‟t go back to sleep for hours, shit.”

The journal she carried with her turned over on the cover, with the
pages afterwards following after the wind blew it open. Quickly Erica reached
for it, stopping the wind from damaging any of the journal entries she wrote.
The night itself was still young but without any clock, not knowing what time
it was. With no sun in the air now, it was the perfect time to open the
tombs; but then again no one was awakening, nor was there a lever to open
the door. Regardless though for Erica, she couldn‟t go back to sleep as she
was very anxious to get inside and see what was waiting for them. With the
occasional gust of wind blowing along, it carried with it something else that
tickled Erica‟s ears.

Soft whispers of a female voice traveled, grouping with occasional


“Oh yes… so good.” trailing with the air as Erica looked around,
“Hello?” answering in a light voice to not wake anyone up.

No one answered Erica‟s question, but she could still hear the voice,
which definitely was of a woman. After her moans stopped though, the soft
whispers of hissing followed that made Erica‟s heart jump. Snakes were
around the area now, and immediately Erica thought someone from the
party was in trouble; perhaps they had entered the pit trying to open the
stone door. Quickly she rushed over to a tent in attempt to wake up one of
Snakebit by Antifreeze

the party members, but his breath smelled heavily of alcohol and tried to
grab Erica in a deep kiss.

Pushing off with a slap to follow immediately to the sleeping drunk,

Erica furrowed her brow as she tied the back of her hair and zipped up her
lightweight tan clothing as she crept towards the sound under the clear full
moon. Repeatedly Erica called out for the voice, hoping to find where she
was before she died, but the voice never responded back to her with only
moaning in delight to the hisses. Camels burped as they rested on their front
while nearly making a sound as Erica moved by, “Hush… hush you stupid
camel before your bitten!” urging them nicely in a light meek voice.

The voice continued to grow louder the more Erica made her way
towards the staircase. Erica though became ever hesitant for fear of running
into the snakes herself, wanting not a single venomous bite as she grabbed
a flashlight and turn on to investigate. The footprints that Erica made in the
sand as she walked began to erode, hiding her tracks and never showing the
others when they awoke. Sand filled in the holes with the wind blowing over,
leaving nothing but a smooth surface as she lumbered.

Erica looked around with a flashlight to find any signs of the female
that was moaning, although no one was in the pit when she placed the light
over the area. There had to be someone down there though, breathing
carefully before proceeding down the steps with her feet trembling. The
voice of the female appeared once more, softening along with the hisses, as
it seemed like it was on the move; sounding like it was going inside the

“Erica you should just go back to bed, it‟s not your fault that this girl
went down there. There was a reason why Tom said not to go down there
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alone, but then again…” Erica tried to talk herself out of it before she placed
her first foot on the step.

With her first foot stepping downwards, the planting of the foot
skidded forward with a little amount of sand under to send Erica crashing
down the steps once more. Rapidly her body tumbled over the steps, rolling
over on her side instead of going head over heels to land at the bottom. Her
back was instantly sore, but luckily, nothing was broken because she could
have snapped her neck easily, “Good job Erica you‟re a fucking klutz. Make a
sound why don‟t you. Break your neck even!” she steadied herself quickly
against the walls as she stood up.

Brushing the sand off and checking for cuts, Erica moved afterwards
towards the stone door. Along the way as she walked, Erica could see no
signs of a person on the ground nor was there blood. For a moment, she
stopped in question, wondering if what she heard was just in her head or a
simple illusion. There were no signs of anybody, so Erica began to think of
leaving but her eyes focused on the stone door.

“Seems like no one was down here, and there is no way the door
opened else I would have heard it. Hmm, well I am already up as it is
though. Everyone is asleep and there are no snakes around, so I guess I can
check for a switch for a few more minutes.”

Despite the current situation though, there was no chance that Erica
would go back to sleep, as she was wide-awake. Placing her fingers on the
door once more in an attempt to open, the first idea was to push against in
attempt to find any secret area that sunk in. Touching the rock with the tips
of her fingers, Erica pressed down hard in an attempt to find something
hallow. Minutes passed though as the hands couldn‟t find anything to push
into except hard rock. Even with a hard touch though, the rock would never
Snakebit by Antifreeze

even budge a simple inch to show how heavy it was, providing wonder of
how people could be able to build long ago.

Above the staircase while Erica continued to search for an open, the
sounds of the others continued to sleep to allow Erica all the time she
needed to try various means.

In the sand at the bottom of the staircase while she continued to work,
a mound began to rise from under the ground. The movement slowly
slithered through the sands towards Erica, twisting and turning its body as it
crept in silence with the granular cover.

Subtly Erica felt a twinge of fear rise within as she worked, as if

something was with her now. Turning around in a sense of danger with her
flashlight, the eyes didn‟t see the mound vanish when they glanced.

“This place has to be hiding secrets for sure.” Erica turned back to the
door as the mound of sand continued its journey.

“There is no way to open this door except for explosives! I‟m no

demolition expert though!” Erica punched the door without a thought from
frustration. The knuckles felt pain immediately as Erica moved the hand
back and waving it around, stinging in pain as the nerves were on fire.

From the sand as Erica held her wrist, the head of a serpent began to
rise with its tongue lashing out as it moved towards Erica. With the softness
of the sand, there was no sound whatsoever to cause Erica‟s ears attention
to danger. With the first snake pushing itself outwards, more soon followed
with the scales providing excellent stealth due to the low light in the pit.
Each time the snake exposed its dark tongue, it took in the body heat and
scent of Erica‟s body; providing a waypoint for the snake to follow as its
eyesight was different from a humans.
Snakebit by Antifreeze

Covered in dark black scales along with its soulless black eyes, the
serpents slithered along the sand towards the boots. Inching closer towards
Erica, they provided no way out for her as they blocked the steps. The sand
was crawling alive with snakes, moving over one another as they cornered
Erica. All of them driven as a collective by someone bigger at their ultimate
command, wanting to see Erica herself. They understood that she wanted no
harm, at least fatally, would come to the girl for she wanted to see her alive
and by her side. In terms of how they delivered her though, that was
entirely a different story as their ways were at their disposal.

The first of the snakes wrapped around her legs to draw Erica‟s
attention immediately. Erica instantly jumped in shock from the snakes
coiling around her body, turning around to see the snakes crawling over
each other towards her. The sounds of the hisses grew, along with the
screams coming from Erica‟s mouth. Quickly as she could while the snakes
wrapped tighter around her legs, along with more slithering over her, was
beginning to crawl towards the steps; hoping that they didn‟t bite her before
she made it. Each movement she made though, the snakes countered back
with a counter-movement that made it feel like Erica was going nowhere.

Repeatedly she stumbled around trying to find a proper way to exit the
pit as more snakes swarmed her. One of them even began to erect itself,
launching its head into the cleavage. Feeling the serpent inside her clothing
made Erica stop, sending her backwards while her hands were around the
tail. Looking at the end of the tail there seemed to be no rattler, nor at any
time did she feel fangs biting her.

“These must be garter snakes, still this is disgusting. HEY, ANYBODY

AWAKE! I NEED HELP DOWN HERE!” Erica called out from the pit, hoping
someone was awake or not drunk.
Snakebit by Antifreeze

No one though seemed to respond to Erica‟s calls, leaving her all alone
now. It got worse for Erica as her wrists coiled around, leaving her body
open for the rest of the serpents, and sinking into the pile as the snakes
slithered on.

Although with what little energy she had left, she still fought, knowing
though in a vain attempt as the snakes overpowered her. Her inner thighs
brushed against the creatures, feeling them pushing through the hems of
her shorts, only to crawl around on her panties and navel. Some of them
were even pushing deeper, rubbing their snouts against the edge of the
panties before they licked against the skin.

The weight of the snakes anchored Erica‟s leg down when she tried to
kick off, wanting to launch them off her leg while she fought to grab the
steps, as her head was lost under the snake pile. Crawling on the ground
under the snakes, not even Erica knew where the steps were but she needed
to find them immediately. With her body under so many snakes though, the
movements became constricted and bound while Erica stilled tried to call for
help; still muffled in sounds.

Then she could feel one sliding under the panties to lift, followed by its
snout rubbing against her lips. The sensation of which was highly ticklish,
yet dangerous because Erica knew it was a snake. Her bound hands tried to
do anything to grab the snake, but she didn‟t know which one the snake

Opening its mouth to strike Erica‟s body, the snake launched against
the clit as its snout slammed against the nub. Quickly it wrapped its lips
around the stub before tightening to tease the nerves. The body shook with
a jolt of pleasure as Erica could feel her clit teased, “Oh fuck! This thing is
licking me… HELP ME PLEASE!” Erica glasses slid down the bridge of the
Snakebit by Antifreeze

nose with the snakes pushing against the frames. Her heart paced faster
from the excitement with snakes wiggling on her body, while at the same
time the primary snake curling its tail towards her opening. The hisses of the
small snakes muffled Erica‟s cries for help, but also her moaning when the
tail began to enter the vaginal opening to please.

Each lick felt so good but also very wrong to Erica. Despite knowing to
the best of her knowledge that the snakes weren‟t opting to kill her, it still
didn‟t help Erica that she was underneath the pile. Along with the stimulation
she received, the head filled with the unmistakable voice of the woman that
led her down into the pit. The snakes licked the ears while the woman
laughed, “Let the little ones please you girl. They are not here to kill you.
Moan for them though girl, because they like to hear your appreciation!”
with her voice whispering; tickling the brain.

Inside Erica‟s body while the voice echoed, the clit swelled around the
lips of the snake. The nerve fibers increased while the snake clamped down,
even without any poison or a single bite mark. The most simplistic of nibbles
from the mouth of the snake caused the swelling, along with no pain, as the
pleasure emanating from it was hard to deny. If the snakes were not pilling
on here, Erica would want to thrust a few fingers to caress the clit in order to
sate the sensations. Her brain was even telling her to submit under the
snakes, and just worry about her own body as the ears tickled with the
woman‟s whispers.

“Yes girl… just give in and release yourself to ultimate pleasure. No

one can hear you scream or moan, just give in and release your lust. They
are ready for you, all you have to do is let go!” the voice kept enforcing
while Erica shivered; as she felt her inner thigh muscles tighten, getting
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ready for release as her body tensed. The petals of Erica started drip with
moisture, as her muscles involuntarily seized in pleasure of an orgasm.

Increasingly the clit continued to swell while the rampage of snakes

began to recede. Erica could feel herself freeing, as she was able to move
her body, along with catching some of the snakes returning into the sand. As
for the snake attached to her clit though, it continued to wiggle with the clit
not only swelling but now the labia as well; converting the entire vulva it
seemed without Erica‟s permission.

“So they burrow under the sand, that‟s how the strike at you! HEY GET
OFF ME!” she focused her attention at first on the snakes, before realizing
that the one snake still attached. Instantly Erica pulled at the snake while
feeling her body tugging with it.

The tongue of the snake continued to run under the swollen structure,
teasing the entrance at the vaginal opening. Erica couldn‟t speak properly
now while her hands fumbled around with the snake. The damned thing was
annoying, not wanting to release its hold on Erica. Not even that as well, but
it continued to push Erica near the edge, as she felt ready for another
orgasm. Her hands had to let go though, as she moved her back against the
wall and released once more. Her eyes closed as she leant forward, groaning
in pleasure, but wanting the snake off. When she was able to focus though,
her hands went back around the snake‟s body and began to tug harder.

“Just get off me!” Erica‟s voice quivered with the snake squirming.
Tugging on the snake seemed to work now, as it began to loosen its grip but
still leaving the clit swollen. With the snake finally detached though, it
whipped around in Erica‟s grasp trying to get free as Erica herself fumbled
with the snake, as it almost got loose.
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Immediately when Erica tossed it aside to get rid of, it began to head
towards the sand to vanish; pushing its head first before taking the rest of
its body with it. Quickly no trace of the snake ever existed entirely as the
sand held no prints, leaving Erica to her lonesome with the vaginal muscles
quivering continuously without stopping. Dipping her fingers gently below
the shorts, Erica wanted to touch herself to make sure nothing bled, “I hope
that snake wasn‟t poisonous. The way how my body is reacting though, it
did something with my vagina!” moving down but not calling out for help.
Stroking over the hood as she rubbed in a light massage, her fingers traced
over the swollen, sensitive labia with each touch.

Instead of stopping though, Erica continued to rub the swollen

structure; fingering herself lightly as her voice cooed.

“Mm, yes my good girl. Feel so kind to your own body, and touch
yourself to relief that stress; after all, you travelled such a long distance to
this place.” the strange voice continued to reassure while Erica‟s mind faded
a tad, “Yes… I need some fun.”

As she rubbed around the entrance of her womanhood, the door began
to rise to reveal inner tomb, which got Erica‟s full attention.

“It‟s opening now without a switch! Did I stumble upon something in

the sand when I was attacked?” Erica grabbed her glasses as the sound of
hisses arose once more.

With the sound getting louder, and the sand beginning to rise, Erica
looked at the door. Her eyes could see that it was beginning to close
immediately after opening. Then the snakes came through the sands,
crawling towards Erica for a second time to attack; this time Erica was ready
though, immediately heading for the door as it lowered. Despite her sex
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aching to release, Erica figured to be better inside than getting assault by

those snakes again.

When it shut behind her though to shroud the place in darkness, two
things went through Erica‟s mind: she didn‟t bring a flashlight, and where
was the exit?

“Oh yeah the exit… well it‟s better than getting molested by snakes!”
dusting herself off as Erica looked around.

Despite the tomb shrouded in darkness, there were traces of light as

Erica adjusted her glasses, “I should‟ve brought the damn flashlight. There is
absolutely no way that I can see anything without it!” scolding herself
verbally in the process for not being prepared. After she removed the sand
from the pockets around her body though, a flammable scent hit her nose to
cause her to sniff.

“Is that natural gas? No it‟s not really vaporous.” Erica coughed a bit,
“But that is highly flammable for sure.”

The smell of the chemical liquid flowed around the area, and definitely
one of a flammable nature. Erica though had nothing to ignite neither the
fire nor anything to cause a simple spark. Her slit also still felt swollen with
orgasmic, throbbing pulsations, as the folds were still very moist.

“Welcome to my chamber visitor, it has been quite a while since

foreign feet have stepped into this place.” a voice, similar to the one in
Erica‟s ear, spoke out through the darkness; and with it, hiding a slurring of
the tongue.
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Its voice was welcoming yet evil to its tone, “Hello there, are you with
the team? Or were you that person talking to me outside just now?” Erica
answered, as the voice didn‟t respond

“Hello?” Erica stood up on her feet despite the legs trembling with the
swollen folds, her panties dripping in dew. Using her hands along the walls
as a guide, the feet moved along the sand as Erica made her way. The
silence in the tomb was definitive, no life could be contained within these
walls for a long period; there had to be an exit.

“Hey, you wouldn‟t know of an exit around these parts, would you?”
asking out in one last time, before the voice returned, “Oh there are many
exits within this place, but you have no need to worry about that young
traveler. However, you should stop asking questions and simply come to me,
for I would gladly like to see you in person. To answer your previous
question as well; I was that voice you heard.”

“Oh, where are my manors as well. How can you see in the dark
without some light?” the voice quickly spoke with a small, muffled explosion
travelling through the walls. Heat began to build in the area as the sound
increased, echoing towards Erica. The roar of a beast bounced off the stone,
moving with feverous pace.

“Is that some kind of monster?” Erica thought to herself as she started
to back away slowly with her eyes catching a piercing light.

Heat started to build as a glow appeared towards her eyes. For it was
fire collecting along the walls in a steady pattern, running along a trough
near the ceiling to provide a guiding light for Erica to follow. With a rush of
blazing heat traveling past her, the entire place revealed itself to Erica for
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her to investigate. Although she knew as well, someone wanted to meet her
first before she could.

“Now come towards me, you really have nothing to fear. This place
can be very tricky to navigate without a guide, and luckily, you have one in
me. Please keep walking towards me! It‟s not every day I get to meet
people.” Erica kept hearing the voice, urging with coos as she trudged alone.

As she walked though, her swollen slit grinded against each other
when Erica kept her thighs inwards. Repeatedly during the slow walk, she
had to stop, catching her breath before she climaxed again. The voice as
well didn‟t sound sinister, but it had moans of pleasure that sounded sexual.
She could almost sense that the woman behind the voice was touching
herself; mixing voices of coos, moans, and cries of pleasure.

The first thought that ran through Erica‟s mind was that the person
had met with the snakes as well, and received a proper bite to go with it.
Each inch she moved along the walls, it continuously felt like they were
growing, swelling up, and becoming ever moist. Never before had Erica
experienced this constant arousal, and at the worst time as well.

“If I just sneak my fingers deep inside… a little touch won’t hurt.”
Erica‟s heart raced as she lay against the side of the wall with her lungs
breathing hard.

Pleasure continued to run through the folds with electric impulses

running high, causing the vaginal muscles inside of Erica to nearly spasm
into an orgasmic bliss. Erica meanwhile kept fixing her glasses as she
squirmed against the wall, using her hands as a prop but at the same time
wanting to defile herself with her fingers. Each moment passed more and
more, as Erica couldn‟t think about studying the walls but instead focusing
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on sex. The brain was hotwired for it seemingly as her pussy dripped gently,
smearing the moisture against her panties. Her mouth closed with her teeth
gritting in huffs of madness. Her body was telling her to give in to the
pleasure, and just get on with it.

“Are you lost?” the voice called out with her own moans echoing,
adding amplification to Erica‟s arousal.

“I‟ll be right there… in a second.” Erica‟s voice creaked now as the

brow soaked itself in sweat. Crying out in pleasure with her lungs breathing
rapidly, the hands of Erica began to take off her clothes in haste; doing so
without thought but instead instinct.

Feeling all the clothes around her body with their invasiveness only
made Erica upset, for she needed to be naked before she touched herself.

“I got to get these things off of me! I can‟t touch myself properly if
they prevent my hands from doing so!” Erica grunted aloud as she took off
the outer layers first, “Did you say something dear?” before the voice called

“Nothing, I‟m just… I don‟t want to touch your property. If this is your
stuff, I don‟t want to seem like I am here to steal.” having a hard time
talking back to the voice, while now taking off her bra and panties. The
lightly tanned flesh reveled in the warm environment, mixing along with her
natural blemishes, as the flesh was bare. With her body prepped for
hedonistic lust now, Erica knelt in the sand to fondle her breasts. Never
before had she admired her own body, feeling the curvature in her hands
with an occasional tweak of nipples and circling the areolas; while
unknowingly of which they had begun to grow.
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As Erica fondled her body, beginning to move towards the vaginal

entrance, the snakes that had „assaulted‟ her began to rise from the sand
once again. Their interest this time wasn‟t Erica herself, but her clothing,
sinking their mouths to grab and pull under the sand. They did so quietly, for
not to disturb Erica as her mouth showed how much she was having a fun
time. With the fingers moving along the slight fuzz on her body, they began
to dip inside once more to rub around the swollen areas. Erica‟s mouth
opened wide with an inhuman groan, falling back on the sand as she
squirmed. Everything felt moist and fresh, thrusting with her fingers into her
hole as the sounds of wetness came forth.

Never once did she look at her body, for if she did she would have
seen a few subtle changes. Instead, pleasure was on her mind as the hands
caressed her temple, brushing the thick lips of her pussy while massaging
the budding clit. Lightly though the body itched which alleviate quickly by
rolling around in the sand; working two folds as a nice bed to lie on, and a
dermabrasion surface to help peel off dead skin. Lubrication flowed out to
keep Erica perfectly moist while squeezing her thighs together. Her eyes
closed thinking nothing but penetrating herself with her fingers, while the
mouth started to dry due to intense breathing.

Defiling herself never felt so shameful, yet perfect as Erica‟s eyes

closed for a second feeling the climax coming, “Are you lost my good
foreigner, shall I come to you instead?” the voice interrupted though as Erica
wanted to talk back but couldn‟t.

Curling her neither lips open wide into a circle, Erica readied herself as
the muscles spasm once more into an orgasm that seized up inside of her.
Her body jolted severely enough that Erica stopped breathing before
exhaling afterwards into a severe cry of pleasure. Her feet kicked around the
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sand as the muscles contracted tightly, along with the brain feeling a nuclear
input of electric impulse to derive as pleasure and fulfillment.

With the pulse of the orgasm in full force, the surge to Erica felt like
she wanted to push out a child with so much energy built up inside of her.

“No… I‟m not lost. I have to take care of some business, that‟s all; I‟ll
be right with you.” Erica collected herself slowly as she continued to thrust
her fingers inside. With the sensations dying down though and subsiding, it
allowed Erica to concentrate fully to the scene around her as the walls filled
with drawings of a serpent. Immediately she tried to grab her clothes but
unaware of their fate when they went missing, “I just place them here
minutes ago… didn’t I?”

It was clear to Erica‟s eyes that this tomb was a place of worship, once
used long ago to offer a sacrifice to appease a deity. With sacrifices being a
theme though, Erica‟s mind immediately thought about what kind of
sacrifices; it could be treasure or human bodies. The voice continued to call
for her, as Erica got up and slowly walked towards it; wondering more about
this place now that she had a clear head.

While the voice was friendly to Erica, that didn‟t stop the fact that it
was the only one; for surely, if there were people inside this place, there had
to be more than one?

Erica‟s mind raced over this simplistic notion of a kind woman,

wondering why she would be inside such secluded place. Erica stopped
though as she had a bad feeling each time she moved closer to the voice,
“What is the matter? I‟ve sensed that you have stopped in your tracks. Is
there a concern you want to speak about?” the voice sounded like it was
moving closer.
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The heart raced once more in Erica, as it spoke that it could sense her
stopping; no human could sense something that obvious. Her feet began to
walk backwards slowly as Erica swallowed up, beginning to look around for
other passageways rather than meeting up with the voice. Casually as she
did so, she used her nails to scratch the legs as they itched more.

“No, I am still coming to you. I‟m just walking a bit slowly.” Erica
continued to backtrack while her heart paced faster. Casually a shadow
developed up ahead as the woman was traveling towards Erica, forcing Erica
to look around for somewhere to hide. Her head tilted around repeatedly to
find anywhere from the oncoming shadow. Behind her, a junction appeared,
prompting Erica to run with her remaining leg strength as they had yet to
recover from climaxing. They were weak, trembling at the kneecaps while
the sound of sand rustled. At times, she felt like her feet would give out,
tumbling to the ground and becoming a victim to this thing.

Rushing towards the corridor before the woman arrived, Erica quickly
hid behind the corner but snuck her eye just enough to see a monster sliding
against the sands with her scaly body. The creature was a mixture of human
and snake, who tossed her black hair back as her forked red/black tongue
moved from her short snout to taste the air.

“You‟re not here girl; I swore you were though from your scent.
Hmmm… can you please call out to me?” the naga whistled from her lips,
“Can you please call out to me you precious thing?”

Her blue eyes narrowed at the pupils tightly as the scales had patterns
of black/brown/cream coloration.

“You‟re not answering me, or you don‟t want to answer to me… funny
enough your taste is very fresh. You must be close by…” the naga smiled
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quickly with a realization, “You‟re playing a game with me aren‟t you! I love
games; we have so much time to play as well!” ecstatic to find Erica, who
began to run. With the first thump of her foot hitting the sand, it caused the
naga to tilt her head towards it and prompt her to move towards it.

“You were spying on me as well! Just wait until I coil around you with
my body tightly! I simply cannot wait to feel my scales around your flesh,
been a very long time since I‟ve done that.” the naga slid across the sand
with the rest of her tail traveling behind her.

As the naga slid across the sand to track Erica while her thick breasts
standing proud on the body, she could only think of devious thoughts she
wanted to do to her.

“Human… where are you my precious human? Are you here… no

you‟re not. You do know that each little scamper you make only makes my
hunger even more severe. I have longed for human flesh to taste with my
tongue, and I can sense you have quiet the body to suit my fangs.” she
spoke softly as her voice didn‟t sound like a monster. Erica continued to run
wherever she could turn, but hearing the soft sounds from her voice slowly
made her body weaker.

“This demonic snake is making me tired; my feet are starting to falter

from her words.” Erica began to stumble more, along with her body

“You can run all you can from me girl, but I know you something you
don‟t know yet. You had a run in with one of my little precious drones. Don‟t
worry they are not poisonous… when I tell them to be. Your body feels a bit
pleasurable doesn‟t it? What if I told you I can make it even better.” her
mouth showed syringe-quality fangs with two skin sacs of poison located
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behind the fangs on the roof of her mouth. Erica didn‟t scream as she ran in
the tomb, instead focusing on trying to find anyway to exit. When the
builders created it there had to be an emergency exit for them to use, one
that Erica had to find unless she wanted to be in the stomach of the snake

If that wasn‟t bad enough for Erica, her body began to act up once
more with the lips teasing another orgasm, “This is the not the best time to
get aroused!” stopping to catch her breath. Erica could sense the naga was
closing in on her, never looking back for fear of seeing those eyes looking at
her. Repeatedly it taunted that it would find her and that she would only
drain herself by running.

“It‟s gaining on me, and I don‟t have any weapons to fight it. I‟m no
warrior though, just a nerd.” panting in her breath as the legs finally gave
out, tripping onto her chest and sent the glasses off her face. Her vision
went blurry as Erica looked around, extending her hands to find the frames
quickly, “Shit where are you! I should‟ve worn contacts because of my
clumsy ass!” bemoaning as the naga caught the glimpse of her body.

As Erica began to grab the glass with her hands though, a pair of
lightly clawed fingers pulled up the glasses away from her.

“These are what they consider glasses now. Very stylish to say the
least, the technology has improved.” the naga began to place the glasses on
Erica‟s face, “You should be more careful running around these parts
human.” coiling the back of her tail around Erica slowly. Immediately Erica
screamed as she tried to pry herself, while the naga stroked Erica‟s face with
her hands. The muscles squeezed around Erica, caressing her scaled body
against her flesh; a squeeze that was lightly tight.
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“Stop wrapping around me!” Erica‟s fist pounded the scales, which did
nothing to deter the naga, who just found it funny that Erica had fight in her.

“Oh you don‟t have to scream human! No one is going hear you with
all these walls. Your flesh is so amazing, very soft, and well cared for. Not to
mention those cute blemishes on your skin, they only add to your beauty
and allure; makes me want to coil around you even more!”

The underside of the body segmented in scales, seemingly having

individual muscles to move in a cohesive unit. Erica tilted her head
repeatedly in the naga‟s grasp, not wanting to be touched by the demonic
serpent, “And I do really like- love a girl with glasses. They are the best,
because behind those frames of theirs, lies a more aggressive creatures; it‟s
almost like the glasses are a device to hold back something.” tightening the
coil around Erica with a squeeze. With the squeeze, the naga moaned in
victory, along with rubbing her wet sex against Erica‟s body with the coil.
Lightly she grabbed Erica‟s head and hugged her into her own cleavage.

Even Erica‟s body still begged for sex, but now that the naga had
coiled around Erica to prevent her from leaving, she couldn‟t touch herself to
relieve the sensations building up inside her.

“Well I don‟t like being crushed by a tail!” Erica strained while feeling
her body excited, chewing on her lip as the naga watched with intrigue.
Moving her short snout forward, the hands of the naga brushed the hair of
Erica, “Is your body having another episode? My little drones do quite the
work on a human. How did it feel having it nibble on the clit of yours? It‟s a
sensation you can‟t shake and want more of, don‟t you human?” opening the
coil in order for the naga to dip her finger inside Erica‟s petals.
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“OH FUCK! No- no I don‟t exactly want any more of it.” Erica sexually
whined as she felt the naga dig her way in, delighting herself watching Erica
squirm to her touches.

Elevating Erica upwards with her tail, the naga could feel Erica‟s feet
kicking around trying to get loose. The arms while free were powerless to do
anything except pound and punch the body.

“Just a little exploration of your body, that‟s all it is human! You

entered my tomb, so I figure I might as well enter yours in return! Mm, your
very moist inside and have such a youthful vigor. I can see why you were
wearing those glasses now for sure, you‟re a squirmier; you want to be
touched badly! Be a good human, and scream for me with your voice when I
hit that sensitive spot!” sliding the fingers slowly into Erica. Repeatedly Erica
trembled at the voice, with the pitch rising higher the deeper the naga

“Oh shit, stop… please… oh- oh- OHHHH!” Erica‟s body shuttered as it
felt so good, forcing her to arch her back while the eyes involuntarily closed.
When she fell forward, her face laid into the naga‟s cleavage in an attempt
not to think about the fingers invading her sex. Casually while she didn‟t find
the breasts sexy, she secretly admired their thickness as her glasses slid up
the side of the face.

The cries of ecstasy echoed into the naga‟s ear holes as her eyes saw
in delight how much Erica loved it.

“Should I go deeper into your darker parts?” questioning Erica while

pushing on without permission, “You really don‟t have to do- this.” while
Erica voice trailed off repeatedly from the touches.
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The finger felt more lubrication flowing inside as the naga licked the air
with her tongue, “You‟re such a good girl with so much excitement in you!
You‟re a definitely keeper for sure! I think I am going to keep you around for
a while, like my little toy; you‟re just too much fun to play with.” coiling
specifically around the legs now to bind them.

The skin on Erica‟s legs began to emit a gooey resin from the dead
skin, attaching the two legs together as a sort of glue. As the resin began
taking over the legs and connecting them together, the skin began to show a
light gloss that in time would become more opaque. Movement of the feet
and legs were becoming limited for Erica as she worried more about the
fingers inside of her. The gloss appearing over her legs dripped from her
toes, looking like a freshly made doughnut with hot icing glazed over to drip.

“You should really consider letting me go! I- I‟m not that much of a
good houseguest, and I am far from entertaining!”

Placing the hands on the coiling tail around her torso, Erica grunted as
her labia quivered in its swollen nature.

“Please stop this snake; you‟ve really done enough as it is!” Erica‟s
mouth trembled with the walls ready to climax again, “Please call me Nadira!
Calling me a snake is disheartening to me, you make me seem like some
kind of monster.” digging the finger into the vaginal wall to lightly claw and
force Erica to clench. The whimpers of lust flowed from Erica‟s mouth to
Nadira‟s delight, “Such a very good girl for sure.” uncoiling slowly to let Erica
go to her surprise.

“Thank- thank you. You‟re just letting me go now; you‟re not going to
eat me?” Erica stood in the middle of the uncoiling tail, feeling a bit stiff in
the legs but still able to move slightly. Nadira shook her head, “I have no
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intension of eating you. You‟re too kind to let me touch you, and it‟s been a
while since I‟ve gotten to be so close to a kind human girl. Besides, did you
know that human flesh and muscle really are not that tasty? Contrary to
belief, they are really not that special.” motioning her finger for Erica to
follow; “Now I really know you didn‟t come down here to be my little toy.
I‟m sure you‟ve had other reasons for coming inside, and want to know more
about this place?”

“Actually yes, I… I mean people have heard about a treasure room in

these tombs. Although if you‟re the owner, maybe I shouldn‟t inquire…” Erica
tried to explain until she realized she might upset Nadira, “You have every
right to be shown the treasure room human. It‟s quite big, and I assure you,
it has many priceless items! Although it‟s hard to find it if you‟re not familiar
with this place, follow me human.” Nadira quickly assured and began to
guide Erica. Before she could travel a few feet though, Erica‟s legs began to
stretch the resin between her legs to limit her movement.

Taking one more step with the other leg, the resin kept attached to
both legs, as it wouldn‟t separate, “Can you walk correctly human? If you‟re
too weak to walk, you can ride on the back of my tail. I assure you it‟s
perfectly all right to use me, after all I really want to show you my treasure
room.” Nadira‟s attention focused on Erica as she shook her head.

“No, I think you crushed my… what is this stuff on my legs?” Erica
dipped her fingers towards the resin, “Slime?” investigating as Nadira‟s tail
slid against Erica to disrupt her thinking. Repeatedly Erica wanted to touch
the substance that kept over her flesh, binding it slowly together but Nadira
had other plans. Never once would she let Erica worry about her shift,
wanting all of her attention on her.
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“Just be a good girl, and climb aboard my tail human. Such a weak
little creature like you shouldn‟t suffer when you have someone like me to
help you, and guide you!” Nadira spoke in a friendly tone, as Erica didn‟t
question Nadira, pulling herself up on the scaled limb. Meanwhile her legs
continued to merge, making it harder to move with the resin drying up now.

With Erica atop Nadira‟s tail, the pair moved through the tomb as Erica
felt Nadira‟s muscles pushing along the ground, driving her body in motion.
Despite the legs being nearly unable to move, Erica‟s mind focused on the
treasure room as she crawled along Nadira‟s body.

“So how long have you lived here? Have you spent your entire life in
this place, or is this your newest home?” Erica looked upwards towards
Nadira, while Nadira never turned her head behind, “Oh I don‟t live here
permanently; I just visit this place time to time. A person like me just
cannot stay in one place, when the world is too big not to explore! I stay
here to check on my current cache of treasure, and then I leave to my next
location; I‟m quite nomadic.” Nadira talked while Erica looked for any loose
treasure along the way.

Slowly it was becoming a bit odd that while Nadira had treasure, she
didn‟t have anything of value in other parts of the tomb. Erica figured Nadira
horded it all in one location so no one would be able to steal it.

A room was coming up ahead as Nadira became giddy, “Here you are
human, and the moment you have been waiting for! This is my treasure
room filled to the roof with priceless items!” sliding into a dark room where
white stones laid upon one another. Stopping to allow Erica to slide off, the
legs hit the floor but were petrified for the most part, as Erica had trouble
lifting her legs. Adjusting her glasses once more to look around, the treasure
that the room promised, wasn‟t to be as Erica looked at Nadira, “Where is
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the gold? This is a treasure room right… yet all I see are white rocks. Don‟t
you have jewels, gemstone, or statues?” questioning what kind of a treasure
room had no treasure.

“Oh but this is treasure! Treasure doesn‟t have to have value!”

Nadira slid along the ground to a rock pile, pulling one of them out and
placing it in Erica‟s hands, “This- this is my treasure human. Let your hands
caress it and feel what real treasure is like.” as Nadira moved back. Looking
down at the stone with the light being low, the texture felt familiar to a
degree but not being able to get a good view. The weight though felt heavy
for sure, as it definitely wasn‟t lightweight.

Gently Erica moved the object in her hands side to side; feeling like
something swished around. As her hands traced over the slight bumps of the
object, a though began to arise in Erica‟s mind that this was no ordinary
stone; it was too polished, yet it wasn‟t made of gold.

Suddenly the object began to crack, and the sound coming from it
made Erica realize quickly what exactly she was holding.

Quickly Erica released the egg in her hands as it began to crack,

immediately pieces of the shell were falling around it.

“This is not a stone… this is an egg!” Erica‟s eyes widened as a familiar

black snake began to push through the shell as the egg shattered. The snake
slithered towards Nadira, who simply lent her hand down to pick it up.
Raising the snake towards her lips, Nadira‟s tongue slithered out to lick with
the drone, “Oh my little baby is healthy, give momma a kiss.” giving kissing
sounds. The snake moved its head towards the lips, nuzzling its head
against it before Nadira lowered the snake for its release.
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Taking a quick look at Erica for a second, the tongue slithered from the
drone before it sunk beneath the sand to vanish. After it vanished beneath
the sand, Erica looked back at Nadira, “Your treasure… is eggs? Why- why
are your eggs treasure! That doesn‟t make any sense at all.” in disbelief as
Nadira nodded, “What would a woman like me do with gold? How is that
personal to me? My eggs are my treasure, and you will help me lay them!
After all, what my treasure is now your treasure as well.” pointing to Erica‟s
legs as the resin hardened. Looking down at her legs now, she could barely
see the flesh under the substance, as the legs were stiff.

They could no longer move any more, but now they were beginning
the process of fusing together as the once transparent resin fully became

“I can‟t move my legs! What did you do to them?” Erica tried her best
to do something until she fell onto her chest. Pressure was starting to be felt
as the legs were sandwiching each other, while Nadira kept her palm on
Erica‟s back, “You will move it in time, but right now you must partake in a
great transformation. There is so much I have to teach you, so much that I
have to influence on your body!”

The legs were petrified within the hard resin, unknowing that the skin
of the legs had begun to merge with her thighs joining at the skin and
muscles first. Looking up at Nadira with her mouth opening to show the
fangs, Erica began to panic from what was about to happen, “I thought you-
you weren‟t going to eat me!” managing to get out before Nadira struck with
her snout to pierce the breast tissue with bites. The quickness from Nadira
stunned Erica, not even allowing her brain to comprehend the attack. For
when Nadira lunged at Erica‟s chest, the fangs curled out and planted under
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the layers of skin and muscle, where her venom pushed through the small
hole at the tip.

The shape of the fangs gave a small nip that quickly dulled with the
pumping of her venom into Erica‟s breast tissue; mixing in a coagulant to
prevent bleeding, but also a hormonal cocktail to excite Erica‟s body. Erica‟s
breasts immediately began to feel sore as the skin tightened and firmed up
on the body, while her nipples felt electric as Nadira‟s slight claw traced over

“Just a little bit of some poison, a very sensitive cocktail that helps
renew and rejuvenate the body. It not only reduces the years of aging, but
also helps the body into something more… sexual.” pulling her hand back as
the chest chew out. Erica‟s chest arched forward feeling the weight growing
on the tissue while wobbling more in its size to Nadira‟s delight.

Fumbling with her glasses to get a good view as they increased in size,
the eyes of Erica watched her own chest growing bigger.

“Since when can poison do that, I thought poison was lethal?” Erica
reached for her growing breasts as Nadira placed her hands over, helping
her rub them deeply as they enhanced. Erica‟s mind affected as well by the
poison as it flowed through the bloodstream, as alight haze fell over Erica‟s
mind to cause her attention to lower gently.

The thighs were merging at the bone now, along with the knees as
well, while the shins were beginning to join. Nadira placed aside the hands of
Erica from her chest, so she herself could lick at the breasts, causing Erica to
arch her back, “My poison has special qualities to it as I spoke about. It has
the potency to enhance the female body, increasing your breasts along with
other vitals parts to achieve a godliness one dreams about.” speaking slowly
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before the tongue went to the nipples. Erica‟s hands dug in the sand when
Nadira slid over her body, keeping her down enough to suck on the nipples
after she finished licking. With no legs to kick with and her voice unable to
reach, Erica could only cry in anger and ecstasy to Nadira‟s seduction.

“What if I said I didn‟t want my breasts transformed?” Erica pounded

on Nadira‟s head, having no effect at all, but simply moved her back with a
chuckle. As she moved back, Nadira glided away from Erica with the
attention gazing on the legs; inside the faint sight of the merging seen
through the resin, one part of the transformation that Erica cannot stop. In a
few short moments, she wouldn‟t have legs anymore, and would need to
move around in a more common fashion for her species. In return, she
would take on a form more open to her darker sexual desires, freedom from
the perils of human life.

Nadira cupped her own breasts in a massage as her eyes looked on,
“What if I told you to please me human? I‟ve been so kind to provide you
safe entrance into my tomb, along with showing you wonderful eggs. I think
it‟s only proper that you‟ve give a tribute to me, it seems fitting don‟t you
think so!” rubbing the fingers against her nipples to erect. Nadira looked
ready for Erica to please her, moving closer to intimidate her as the poison
circulated with each pump to send Erica more into a haze.

“What- what- if I don‟t want to do so… now.” Erica‟s words murmured

trying to put together a coherent sentence as Nadira knew it was working.

The brain was flooding with neurotoxins that dulled the inhibitions as
well, “I‟m sure we can come to a mutual understanding Nadira!” Erica‟s voice
hid nervousness as she was able to snap back, but her heart was racing as
well. Nadira‟s lashed out to taste the air around Erica, along with her eyes
sensing a heat spike to show her body working hard.
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“We already have come to a mutual understanding. Be a good girl for

me now, and appease me. I promise if you are a nice girl, I can throw a few
incentives that you would be hard to pass up.” Nadira kept pressuring
herself towards Erica to go through with it. Erica couldn‟t get away with
Nadira‟s chest ready for her, “I- I really shouldn‟t do this.” her voice slurring
as her mouth shivered. Staring at Nadira‟s body turned Erica on, making her
aroused to look upon this monstrous girl when she knew she shouldn‟t. She
knew though Nadira promised not to her hurt or kill her, but the only thing
stopping Erica was what people would say if they found out. Humiliation just
because of one simple act, a simple act though that was becoming easier for
Erica to accept.

“You really shouldn‟t, but yet you should because you‟re a good girl.
You‟re a great pet that only wants to appease her queen. Don‟t you want to
show your admiration to your queen?” Nadira could sense Erica was about to
break, watching her face get closer as she leant towards her, “I- I guess I
can do it for only one time.”

Tilting her body at Erica to break her spirit, Nadira saw Erica‟s lips
move towards her nipples. Softly she licked at the tips appease Nadira
before licking at the areolas. Nadira wrapped a hand around the back of
Erica‟s head to tilt her forward, “Yes, you‟re doing a great job for me. Let my
poison flow through your body. Easing your mind, body, and soul!” slithering
the tongue out to lick Erica‟s forehead. Parts of Erica still fought to stop, but
the toxins kept influencing the brain to give in.

Drool poured over her lips when the brain was mesmerized, “It‟s my
pleasure… my queen. No, you‟re not my queen, I have to stop- but after a
few more licks.” thinking for a second before her mouth sucked on the tips.
She was losing herself to the pent up lust, as her hands cupped the breasts
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of Nadira. Deeply she rubbed into the tissue to feel how far she could push
them in, before she pushed the hands under the breasts to feel Nadira‟s

“A few more licks, then I will stop… my queen.” Erica breathed as she
kissed at the nipples, prompting Nadira to brush Erica‟s head.

“The pleasure is definitely mine.” Nadira pushed Erica‟s face against

her bust one more while Erica‟s bust continued to increase. The weight grew
on Erica‟s body as well, but her mind seduced itself to not care. It focused in
having Nadira smother her face, finding this not only increasingly erotic but
also just as a good stress device. The more Nadira kept Erica against her,
the more it made Erica wanting to stay with Nadira as her eyes rolled. As for
the poison inside Erica, it completely circulated in full to every blood cell and
began to help start the next stages of the transformation.

The thighs had merged along with the knees and shins, fusing the
muscles together along with the surround nerves, veins, and arteries. The
shins were nearly complete with the feet fusing together. Individually each
toe sunk into the foot along with the bones of the toes. Overall the limbs of
the legs fused to start production on Erica‟s back half, as it gave a few
sparks of pain but forgotten because of Nadira‟s sexual advances.

With the eyes of Erica rolling back from the poison, her subconscious
drove herself to not only continue, but also push herself into enjoying it even
more. The teeth chewed on the erected nipples, savoring the simplicity of
the play with each trace of the enamel over the nubs of flesh. The resin
around the leg tightened to form a cocoon, turning darker in color now as
the forming tail end grew in size. Erica rolled her lips over Nadira‟s breast to
trace with, while drool moved around as a form of lubrication. Each touch of
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her mouth over Nadira made Erica savor the moment, while at the same
time Nadira wanted more from her.

Moving Erica‟s head back in order to inject her neck with a bite, the
rush of Nadira‟s cocktail made Erica‟s eyes flutter, along with nearly losing
her glasses from involuntary twitches. For each time she twitched, it made
Nadira‟s muscles pulse to flow the poison from her sac into Erica‟s neck.
With all of the available poison injecting, and corrupting Erica within to shift
her, it was now time for Nadira to enjoy the spoils. The puncture wounds not
only didn‟t bleed, but the skin quickly healed itself merely seconds after the

“I don‟t think you should keep biting me. It‟s making my body feeling
funny.” Erica drunkenly voiced her complaints towards Nadira, but at the
same laughing a bit doing so. Her body was relaxing, along with the body
feeling more at ease with a rush of fluid against her slit. It quivered so badly
enough that it distracted Erica from Nadira, for it glossed in moisture and
begged to service once more.

“You seem to be enjoying this Erica. See what happens if you just give
in, and let yourself go to your desires. Only good things come to those who
stop fighting, and as promised, comes the perks with it; just wait right
here.” Nadira softly kissed Erica before moving back a bit.

For only a moment to grab something, Nadira left to retrieve another

egg while Erica tried to arch her back up to touch her slit, “It‟s only natural
to feel a bit odd, that mean you exploring the boundaries of who you are. At
first, you feel a bit curious, and a tad shameful that you feel this way. After
a while, it not only feels natural, but also it‟s now who you are. Once you
know who you are, then the fun can really begin!” while Erica kept reaching
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to touch herself as Nadira talked; her voice trailing a bit as she grabbed
another egg ready to hatch.

As Nadira brought the egg towards Erica, it began to hatch already in

her hands as the drone‟s head looked directly into Erica‟s eyes.

“Don‟t be afraid of my drones human. There is nothing to fear from

them, they are devious little pets, but merely harmless to… us.” Nadira
watched on as the snake moved from the egg, slithering in procession to
Erica‟s body as it felt ticklish.

Moving towards Erica‟s neck during its journey, the drone began to coil
lightly around Erica‟s arm as the head licked under the chin; teasing Erica‟s
flesh. Initially it was hard for Erica not squirm, as her body was not used to
a snake slithering on her skin. Quickly enough though the snake was tamed,
gliding its head under Erica‟s chin like a playful pet. Extending her arms to
let it explore, the snake traveled around Erica‟s flesh before she lowered her
hand. As the drone slid off onto the surface, it, like the other snakes, sunk
itself into the sand to hide itself.

“They keep going into the sand? Why is that?” Erica kept her focus on
the sand, not paying attention to her breasts.

“As I said before, there are tons of entrances and exits to this tomb.
You have to be a snake in order to use them, unless you are a human,
where only a door is your only chance. Sure you could crawl through the
sand, but the chances are your body would be crushed under the weight of
it.” Nadira caught Erica‟s attention, as she looked to her. It was clear there
was no other way out, “Well… you can open the door to the tomb right?
Without disrespect…” Erica caught herself trying to think but unable to
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question, “I don‟t want to die here. I still have so much to do, so much to
live for…”

“Hush little one, you will be perfectly alright. I ensure that everyone is
taken care of, and not just the drones.” Nadira grasped Erica‟s chin, pulling
her closer as the tongue swept across the face. Comforting in a way to Erica,
she still felt a semblance of worry, as she wanted to trust Nadira. Inside the
cocoon of resin while Erica was distracted, the legs were processing the start
of her scales.

“How can you be so sure, I don‟t know this place?” Erica spoke as she
felt herself propped up under Nadira‟s breasts, following up with her back
resting up against Nadira. The skin began to develop her underside scales
from the chest towards the torso, as the skin molted while underneath the
scales developed. Individually as the scales started to produce, the muscles
cramped lightly as they began to develop as well in order to push along the

Nadira leant her head over as the hair draped against Erica‟s face,
stroking the sensitive breasts in a gentle massage while the skin shifted.

“Would my little pet love to have her sexy body rubbed? I can surely
do so for you, if you will be a good girl for me.” Erica heard Nadira and
watched her finger moving over her swollen chest, biting her lip in
anticipation until they stopped just close. Looking up into Nadira‟s face,
Erica‟s mouth fluttered the words she wanted to hear, “Yes! I- I- I will be a
good girl if you do so. Can you please rub my breasts; they are a bit
bothersome right now?” closing her eyes as the hands began to fondle away.

Slowly with each touch for Nadira over her swollen breasts, Erica lulled
into a state of bliss with her body pushing out.
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“You‟re a good girl… tell me your name human.” Nadira slithered her
tongue above the drooping head of Erica, “My name is Erica…. oh that feels
so good, please continue.” her voice trailed, sounding as if hypnotized when
really the poison was doing all its work. Nadira‟s fingers help moved Erica
along through her changes in comfort, while also pinching the nipples. The
breast and torso covered over in scales now as dead skin molted off,
showing a perfect design for Nadira‟s liking. Moving her snout towards
Erica‟s ears, Nadira watched the shapes starting to shrink slowly into simple
holes on the side of the head, “Erica. such a good name for a good girl. I‟ve
bet you always wanted to seem a bit more sexual?”

“Well, I‟ve always thought that I seem attractive enough. I‟ve really
never had any ideas about enhancements.” Erica squirmed against the
touches to Nadira‟s delight. With the feet merged now for Erica, her backside
sunk in while moving forward; producing her anus under a flap of scales in
the front. With nothing now to hold back her spine from adjusting itself, the
tailbone end snaked its way down to her legs. Nerves connected to each
growing vertebrae forming inside of Erica. Additionally her legs were
stretching outwards now, although in waves as the muscles contracted.

Seeing the growth in Nadira‟s eyes knew Erica was on her way, “There
is always room for improvement. Trust me though, I know that there is
nothing wrong with your body; it‟s perfect as it is, flawless with your scales.
However, wouldn‟t you want a tad bit more, something that really shows
who you are as a person? I know ways to help you ascend your apex form,
into something godlier. Wouldn‟t you want to look like a goddess? Wouldn‟t
the dream be worth it in the end?”

“Well yes… I don‟t want to make you upset. It‟s just I don‟t want to
make my body look fake. Still though in a sense, the idea sounds nice… I
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guess… I guess it would be alright, just as long as it‟s not comical and
destroys who I am inside.” Erica looked up at Nadira as she uncoiled around
her. Moving away slightly to get a good view, “Then you shall turn around
for me Erica. Do as I say; lean forth onto your stomach. Once you do so for
me Erica, crawl for me like if you were a snake.” Nadira‟s finger circled
around while Erica blinked.

“Go on Erica, crawl for me you good girl. You have such a bothersome
cast on your legs, and your arms cannot reach it now. You must shed that
bondage and free yourself from it!” turning herself over while Nadira talked,
before looking behind her body to see the resin. Shaking her legs though,
she found they couldn‟t bend anymore.

“I can‟t shake off my bondage Nadira! How do I get out of it?” Erica
asked as she tried to reach for it as well, but couldn‟t even get a finger from
the growth, “You have to crawl, contract your body, and squeeze yourself
from the binds. You have it in you Erica, and there is no other way! Heed
advice from your friend and you shall be set free!”

With her chest against the sand and having no other way, Erica began
to squeeze her body in order to get free. The sensations felt like her body
was jammed inside a pipe and having to pull herself out. Focusing the
backend inside the cast, the skin compressed itself before pulling forward to
slide a bit out. Nadira could have easily helped but she wanted Erica to
prove herself, “You‟re doing a good job Erica. Following my advice will help
you in the long run.” standing over her in pride.

“I am honored to listen to your- advice. I will get out of this thing, and
you won‟t need to help me” Erica keep squeezing herself while at the same
time keep the glasses from falling off her face. Lightly the cast made
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occasional crinkling sounds, as they were from peeling off the beginning

Erica struggled to break free as each new scale peeled off the exterior
layer holding her in. With each scale that was still forming on Erica, the light
bounced off to show a shine to it; each scale interlocked, while the scales
around the stomach looked segment.

“That‟s it girl, peel yourself out of your old skin!” Nadira clawed Erica‟s
back lightly to urge her, while Erica groaned, “I must do it. There is no other
way!” losing her glasses over her face while she pushed hard. Desperately
she wanted to kick at the hard substance, but forgetting slowly about having
legs but only muscle contractions. The sound though increased and Erica
could feel herself becoming loose from the dead skin.

“Almost there Erica, you‟re pleasing me with your progress. Soon you
will be among the goddesses with your allure.” Nadira grabbed Erica‟s
glasses, holding them for now so they didn‟t break. The scales in a sense
were red for a base with an outline of black border with yellow inside the
diamond configuration. The shell that held Erica fell off completely to show
her new body still in transition. By now the spine had made it towards the
end while Erica slithered around, trying to stand up on her feet that we not
there. The forming tail kicked around sand while the scales bent in severity
depending on the sharpness of the curve.

“Such a beautiful creature you are! If only you could only see yourself
right now.” Nadira moved over Erica‟s back, preventing her from looking at
her back end while the ears nearly sunk in, “Well can you please get off of
me? I would like to see it for myself if you may!”
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“Oh but why take a peek at only one small, simple change Erica!”
Nadira pushed the small tumors that were once her ears, sending them
inside the skull while two ear holes remained. Repeatedly though Erica
slithered as her backend grew while Nadira kept her down, pressing her
chest against Erica‟s back. Erica could feel her arms also wrapping around
her, as Nadira‟s tongue licked against the holes of the ears, “Can‟t I take a
simple look at myself; just one little peek? I promise you that it won‟t spoil
the entire gift you‟re giving me!” pleading to her in order to look over her
own body.

“In due time Erica, just relax along the sand. I want you to not just
relax, but stretch out; feel like your growing larger.” Nadira‟s coos floated
towards Erica‟s ears, pleasing but making Erica anxious to look at herself.
The tail end kept growing; coiling around Nadira‟s own tail while inside of her
body began to feel awkward. During the entire growth of the scales, the slit
of Erica continued to swell in size along with an endless supply of stimulation
it seemed. Nadira handed over Erica‟s specs to her hands, but when Erica
tried to place on the glasses, they kept falling off her face because of her
ears vanishing.

“My glasses keep falling off, and I can‟t see without them clearly!”
Erica‟s voice held sadness until Nadira‟s hands brushed over the forehead.

Already the skin was starting to peel, showing the start of scales all
over Erica‟s face while the tear ducts watered. The strokes of the claw felt
nice from Nadira, helping Erica worry less, “Don‟t worry I shall help you with
your vision Erica. This temple has healing powers that can cure you of your
ailments.” Nadira slithered off Erica and began to lead her. Quickly though
she looked back to see Erica befuddled, “Ailments?” questioning Nadira who
was nodding, “Yes. Your lack of excellent vision is fixable. Just follow me,
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and I‟ll help you have perfect vision as if you were always born with it. It‟s a
fairly simple thing I can do for you.”

Erica wanted to get to her feet, forgetting about looking at herself as

her mind focused on following Nadira. Quickly though she found the issue of
herself moving side to side, smashing into the walls as she left her glasses
behind. Patiently Nadira waited as Erica tried to concept her movement now,
controlling the muscles while the tail end grew.

“Sorry Nadira, I can‟t stop walking sideways. I don‟t recall drinking

anything though before I came here. Did you bite me… no that‟s silly.” Erica
began to get her bearings as the body curled in an S-formation to follow
Nadira while her upper torso curve up. The breasts stood proud while her
sensitive clit and slit rubbed against the soft sand.

“Where exactly is this place you‟re taking me to Nadira, I‟m not

exactly familiar with this tomb.” Erica‟s eyes were adapting more with the
dark, as her pupils tensed a bit to narrow. Quickly though they went back to
normal as the movements became easier, along with the guiding fire as
Nadira led Erica to the sacrificial chamber. Looking around with her blurry
vision for a second, the body went up against Nadira in a collision as she had
stopped, “Sorry about that Nadira, are we in the correct place? If so, what is
the room if I may ask.” looking for an answer. Nadira went to grab a cup to
fill with potable water before she answered, “This is the chamber of
sacrifices. Long before the tombs were closed, humans offered possessions
to me in return for favors. Many came for doses of my poison, claiming for
fertility or simple sex. When the king found out about this place, he ordered
the tomb closed; speaking that my ways was unworldly.”

“So he tried to kill you? Erica received the cup of water from Nadira
who nodded, quickly laughing though. Urging Erica to drink, Nadira pushed
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the cup towards her lips, “Drink Erica... Correct though, he figured that
trapping me inside would kill me. Foolish in a sense that he never expected
that I could exit through the tunnels. Truthfully, though Erica, I never took it
personally that he attempted to kill me. My drones though, that was a
different story; they didn‟t take too kindly.”

“He died?” Erica blinked her eyes as the pupils were narrowing in the
eyes, becoming thinner like a pure serpent while the entire face scaled.
Taking the cup from Erica‟s grasp, Nadira went to retrieve a second helping
for Erica as she scooped the edge into the water, “Yes. In the middle of the
night one of my drone crawled under the sheets. Quickly it snipped a few of
its bites into his flesh, and by the time he awoke from the pain, he felt a
different one; clutching his heart and falling over. Not a single word was
spoken apparently, he just died. Still legend spoke around the area about
me, and I‟ve missed meeting humans.”

Receiving the water from Nadira, the eyes of Erica blinked, “Humans.
That word sounds familiar to me, but I can‟t recall it, what are humans?”
drinking the water once more as Erica‟s mouth began to develop the
poisonous glands that Nadira sported. Gently they felt swollen under the roof
of the mouth, thickening up to hold a batch of the poison that would take
time to replenish.

“How does the water taste to you Erica?” Nadira slithered around to
rub under Erica‟s scaly breasts before dipping a finger into the puffy slit.
Taking a moment to reflect and savor the touch, Erica collected herself with
a smile, “It tastes like water for sure, and it‟s very cool. It‟s very pure as
well with its taste, very crisp and clean.”

“That‟s because the overlaying sands prevents against the trash

humans corrupt the water with. I like things not corrupted by human hands.
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They are treasurable beyond measure. Just like you are…” Erica tensed up
when Nadira plunged a second finger to tease the folds, making the growing
tail squirm on Erica. In an attempt to catch herself before she fell over, Erica
pushed herself against Nadira‟s chest and moaned. Seeing Erica in
satisfaction made Nadira giddy, as she was throwing away her humanity
with the tongue itself shifting. For what once was a normal, meaty tongue
inside Erica‟s mouth now was becoming a lengthy forked object.

The tip of the tongue split down the middle, turning the edges pointed
during the shift. As the tongue stretched out to grow in length, the width
shortened up to allow such slack. If that wasn‟t enough though, the color of
the tongue was becoming blueish in color along with the tongue being able
to smell like a normal snake. Instinctively Erica‟s tongue slithered out to
smell the air with the tips, getting used to her new life that she already
casually accepted with the influence of the poison inside of her.

“It feels like you‟re corrupting me in a way Nadira.” Erica cooed from
her mouth with the walls clenching, triggering an orgasm as the muscles
wrapped around Nadira‟s fingers.

“You can say that in a way Erica, but it‟s a good corruption!” Nadira
tilted Erica‟s chin once more to see the scales taking full. Along the back of
Erica now, the scales grew up to her neck while keeping the head of hair on
her; continuing the diamond formation with the dead skin peeling off. The
figure was curving more on Erica‟s body, taking her place as a new naga for
Nadira‟s delight.

“It feels good to be corrupted; too bad I was never a human.” Erica
chuckled as her human teeth most sunk into the gums except for a few
pairs, mainly the canines. The teeth narrowed in width while lengthening out
to a narrow tip, curving along the way and being able to fold in. At the tips
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of the points when they grew out, the teeth had a small hole for her to sink
in her venom.

“You‟re so poisonous…” Nadira stroked Erica‟s head as she was holding

her own now where she stood. The tail slithered out in full with the length
nearly matching Nadira‟s, “You mean venomous Nadira. I think I prefer that
more than poisonous, it puts me in a bad light.” Erica slithered her tongue
out as the jaw pushed forward into a perfect serpentine snout.

Moving her hands over her chest and torso, as she became a new
naga, Erica wiped her hair back as she felt liberated. Feeling changes as well
happening around the wrists, Erica brought her hand towards her face. The
nails on the scaling skin pushed forward into slight claws as Erica grinned.

“I think I have to shed some skin.” Nadira watched on as Erica talked

while moving her slit against hers. Nadira wanted this as well though,
moving her hands over Erica‟s shoulders in order to lean in, “Didn‟t you
already shed your skin? Or do you have more than you need to get rid of?”
narrowing her eyes.

Curling the tail towards Erica‟s own, Nadira overlapped it as she pulled
Erica down.

“Yes, I defiantly have some left over. Do you mind helping me with it?”
Erica pushed her hips against Nadira, rubbing their vaginal lips together
before the clits touched. In response to Erica‟s touch, Nadira leant down to
push her breasts against Erica‟s body before she covered over the body.
With the tails curled now, the two girls began to grind as Nadira pushed
against Erica‟s sex.

Curling her fingers in the sand, hisses emitted from both girls as Erica
gave in to her desires. Stimulation of her organs never felt so good to Erica,
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opening her mouth to let out grunts with the hiss, as the inside of the mouth
was darker than the tongue. In response, she tightened the coil with the slit
becoming moist after each stroke, “Ooh. Nadira your a naughty snake.”
pounding the fists as the breasts swelled and tightened.

Dipping her snout down towards the chest to help Erica, Nadira slid
her tongue between the breasts to make Erica squirm.

“Snake… please Erica. A snake is hideous, and demonic. I… we are

nagas.” Nadira spoke in a whispering voice, “Say it with me Erica. Nagas, we
are nagas.” trailing off while Erica grinned.

“Nagas…” Erica cooed as her walls clenched once more, giving an

orgasm as drones began to poke their head through the sand. Moving to the
side in bliss, the tongue of Erica slithered out as she laid her hand, “Aw! It‟s
one of your…” looking at Nadira who nodded, “Our drones…”

The drone slide along the hand followed by Erica‟s arm, as its scales
moved along Erica.

“Come here cutie… yes, slide up my arm.” Erica loved feeling the cute
drone curling around her. Instead of showing any form of aggression or
killing prowess, it seemed to not only respect her but also treat her like its
master along with Nadira. No longer did Erica find the drone ugly, or
monstrous just for being a snake but now a part of who she was.

Gladly Erica extended her tongue to lick with the snake‟s own. Dipping
a claw under the chin to pet, Erica moved the snake towards her chest
where it began to move towards Nadira.
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“Why don‟t you have fun with it Erica?” Nadira coerced the snake
towards Erica‟s slit as Erica smiled, “You want it to please me?” moving to
her side while the snake kept moving.

“Yes. Drones aside from providing vital information also love to please
their masters. They live to serve like little minions, as they want to be as
close to us.”

Slithering to the folds of Erica, Erica herself fondly recalled something

familiar about the snake sliding towards her sweet spot. Despite the
similarities though, the recall was hazy at best and very quickly discarded in
return for fun. Nadira moved back from Erica, having instincts running over
her as she could feel a batch of eggs ready to develop.

“If you pardon me for a bit Erica, I must head to the treasure room. I
have a couple of more prize possessions to store; you have fun with the
drone. When you‟re ready, you can visit me and I‟ll show you the proper way
nagas deliver eggs.” Nadira headed out of the room while the drone
circulated itself around the vulva of Erica. Giving a quick wave to Nadira, the
eyes of Erica focused on the drone as she hissed, “What are you waiting for
you cute thing. Please your sexy naga my pet.” while spreading her slit for
the drone.

Crawling inside to brush its head under the clit before pushing the
snout against the vaginal opening, the drone breach inside as it squirmed
instinctively to pleasure Erica. With its scales and moistness inside the
vagina, the drone could easily move in and out to mimic a thick cock. Unlike
a dick though, the drone could extend its tongue while inside to give Erica
the deepest penetration with a tongue that could be achieved.
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Bucking her hips to go with the rhythm, Erica‟s tail slid around in the
sand while the drone burrowed. Contracting the diamond configuration on
her body, the nerves tingled and shuddered until the contractions became
severely intense. Immediately the snake squirmed out to send Erica into
autopilot, forcing her to hiss as she came once more.

“Very good, you pleased me greatly you nasty little thing.” Erica licked
under the chin of the drone while it began to coil around her neck, looking
like a decorative necklace as other drones started to pop up under the sand.

“You‟ve brought the others along, didn‟t you?” The drones hissed as
they began to swarm Erica‟s body. Feeling each individual drone coming
upon her began to tell her information, along with each one welcoming her
as she was in love. All were under her control just like with Nadira, who
meanwhile was in the chambers getting ready to lay her eggs.

Quietly she felt the thick object inside of her beginning to push, an
action that was always welcoming to her desires as she breathed easily. The
egg was like any normal egg, having a textured shell for her vaginal walls to
push off against in order to breach. In the hallways as she breathed deeply,
pushing the egg slowly out, the voice of Erica traveled as she was having fun
with the drones. The contractions grew as the egg entered the vaginal walls,
pushing the head of the egg first with the width widening.

With more of the egg pushing out towards the opening, the lips of the
vulva spreaded wide to allow part of the vaginal opening to extend as the
egg could be seen pushing through the labia until it laid flat across the sand.
The egg covered over in fluid from the slit while inside a drone developed.
Taking a few minutes to relax with the egg outside of her body, Nadira
picked the egg up to place upon the layers of eggs. Despite her own body
Snakebit by Antifreeze

laying the eggs herself, the time to hatch each drone was completely
independent of her desires.

Coming through the doorway with some of the drones draped around
her body, Erica looked upon Nadira who seemed to be finished.

“Did I miss you pushing out an egg?” Erica laid down her hand to allow
some of the drones to slither to Nadira, moving over her glasses as Erica
looked down to see her old specs. Taking them in her hands, she looked
through the frames and it distorted her vision. With a slight claw, she
pushed each one out and began to try to apply it to her face; sliding down
naturally but Erica was interested in keeping the trinket as a sort of beauty

“Unfortunately so Erica, I can show you it if you want to see it. That is
unless of course you want to push one out yourself. I must say though, for
as long as I have known you Erica, I have yet to see you push out an egg;
don‟t tell me that you‟re shy!” Nadira teased as Erica thought about it for a
second, thinking that she had laid an egg before. She was a naga after all,
and all snakes lay eggs, so she had to have at some point.

“Is that a challenge you‟re laying down on me Nadira.” Erica slithered

around Nadira, fixing her eyes on her body to look over. Feeling the slit on
her body tense, the sensation of wanting to lay some eggs overcame Erica.

“Well it‟s only fair that if you want to see me lay some eggs, that I see
some from you.” Nadira stroked against Erica with coos, prompting Erica to
stroke back. Inside Erica canal, the first egg attached to her wall and grew.
The size grew against the connective uteral wall while her body prepped, “I
can feel it beginning to grow an egg for you now. So I don‟t want to hear a
peep out of you Nadira.” Erica chuckled as Nadira leant over. Her snout
Snakebit by Antifreeze

nosed against the clit, tensing Erica to produce the egg, as she was needy it

“Well hurry up with it Erica, the wait is killing me.” Nadira spoke for a
second before licking against the walls.

The simplistic pleasures easily excited Erica with her new form, loving
this playfulness from Nadira. The muscles clenched inside her body, as the
egg finally detached from the walls inside and began to push its head
against the vaginal opening. Its first pushes against the hole to force her slit
to spread wide felt insane.

“Breathe slowly Erica. Deep, slow breaths.” Nadira assured Erica as

Erica nodded, feeling the contractions becoming more severe with more of
the egg pushing through. Erica madly hissed, feeling the pressure mixing
with orgasmic delights, “Yes~ I must push though, I have to keep pushing.
Just focus your body; it‟s only natural as a naga.”

“You want me to hold onto your glasses…“ Nadira tried to reach for
them until Erica swatted them away, “They are my~ glasses. You can get
your own, for these are mine.” speaking as the first egg breached the canal
and was sliding out. Erica hisses loudly in pride along with Nadira‟s delight,
as the egg covered in Erica‟s dew. Lightly it bedded the sand with a light
thump along with a bit of excess traveling out. When the first egg began to
slide out though, a second egg detached to start the process immediately.
Consecutively Erica became a factory for eggs, enjoying each one sliding out
of her body like a used sex toy.

“Feels so good to push these things, it‟s been a long while.” Erica
licked the air while a light, muffled sound, mixed with each egg pushing.
Stacking up over each other when they came out, Erica blissfully smiled as
Snakebit by Antifreeze

she tossed her hair back. She felt so much like a goddess while her tail
moved around, “We should get going soon though Erica.” Nadira stroked
under her chin in an attempt to stop. Holding up a finger though, Erica kept
pushing more eggs out with lubrication flowing.

“Don‟t you see though that I still have some in me? What is the rush
though Nadira, it‟s not as if we need to go anywhere? Do we?” Erica stopped
with her collection of eggs dripping of excess. Brushing her petals as she
followed Nadira when she moved, Erica looked to her eggs while finding a
suitable position to keep her glasses on straight for now. In a sandy pit for
the two of them, Nadira motioned her hand downwards, “Well as I said
before, we have multiple sites to visit around the area. Eggs need delivering
and each tomb is different, so we just use these convenient tunnels to
access it. If you‟re suited to this tomb though, we can always come back

“Well I would… you said about corrupting human‟s right? I fondly

remember before entering that they had arrived above ground, trying to get
inside…” Erica looked unsure before Nadira kissed her snout, “We can always
come back later, and naga‟s like us shouldn‟t stay in one place. I‟m sure
they will be here when we come back, now let‟s get going. Oh, and do you
want me to hold on to your glasses?”

Without even answering though, Erica placed the frames into her
mouth and dived below the sand where her body slid against a hard compact
tube. When her entire body was inside, the strong muscles pushed against
the walls to drive Erica‟s body under the tomb while the sun began to rise
over the horizon. Taking a moment to reflect, a drone interrupted Nadira to
tell her about the morning come up and the humans awakening. Giving a
Snakebit by Antifreeze

small pet in return, Nadira kissed the drone and left the tomb to follow Erica,
surely wanting to come back herself later in the day.


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