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Blog topic ideas

What does success really mean to you?

Nonattachment ( niyama )

My favorite yoga music

What is your mission?

The universe has a plan for you

How a daily meditation practice can change your life

How to meditate

Four ways to stop anxiety immediately

Self-care MUSTS for empaths

Why is journaling necessary?

How I journal

How to create healthy eating habits and ditch your diet

Why is spending time alone necessary?

Yoga poses for back pain

Lets talk about art therapy

Everything happens for a reason

10 signs you’re a free spirit


Best night routines that will make you sleep better

Best morning routines to start your day refreshed

How to stop comparing yourself to others

Why struggles in life are important

Embrace the darkness!

Kundalini yoga for spiritual awareness

Four ways to declutter your mind

How to have more energy to work out

Why astrology is so important

5 tips for beginners starting yoga

Best stretches to get more hip flexibility

5 reasons that meditation will make you better at yoga

Why living a life with intention is important

Positive self talk

Listen to your body!

4 ways to move your yoga practice off your matt and into your life

Why yoga and meditation should be taught in schools

Why you must create a regular yin practice

4 ways to stop caring what other people think

4 tips to help you stay focused during a power vinyasa

3 easy steps that will bring your mindfulness everyday

How to ground yourself

3 simple tips to help you heal (body scanning)

Why the world needs more creatives

Why yoga is an art and science

The importance of traveling and how it gives new perspectives

4 ways to be more independent

The ikagai Japanese philosophy and how it will transform your life

Why yoga philosophy is important to understand

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