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Hi, I had the exact same issue.

(I'm on Windows 10)

The installation went well but every time i get the message "We couldn't verify your activation info..."

Tried everything, uninstall, clean the registry, run as admin, deactivate windows defender, installed the alternate
installer proposed by the skylum bot... all the system requirement were OK...then trying to launch "msinfo32"  (from
Windos +R) I realised that I had a problem with my WMI so here's the things i did :

1) Reboot my computer

2) Clic on Start/Windows button and type "cmd" Then Right Clic on it and Run as administrator
3) type : net stop winmgmt
4) In the Windows explorer, open Windows\system32\wbem.
5) Delete the directory Repository. (don't know why but had to insist and type several times the "net stop winmgmt"
but finally deleted the whole "Repository" directory)
5) Then restart the service typing : net start winmgmt
6) (Still in the cmd windows) type : cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
7) type : for %i in (*.dll) do RegSvr32 -s %i
8) type : for %i in (*.exe) do %i /RegServer

9) Launch Luminar AI and Enjoy ! :-)

It worked for me so hope that could help.

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