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Nama : Muhammad Zaki Almunawwar

Nim : 220201601010
Kelas : 02/B
Prodi : TSBG
Vacation with family
Next Wednesday our family will go to Malino for a vacation, the plan is that we will camp near
the waterfall. Before leaving there are some equipment that we must prepare. My father has
prepared tents, mattresses, backpacks, my sister has prepared snacks or snacks that we will bring,
my mother has prepared food supplies that we will cook after arriving there while myself prepare
for the necessities that will be used such as clothes, sleeping blankets and others. - other. We will
travel for three hours from where we live. There we will build a tent, make a bonfire at night,
cook lunch, bathe in a waterfall and enjoy the view and the cool atmosphere of the mountainous

Topic : Vacation

Title : vacation with family

Main idea : go to malino

Topic sentence : camping near the waterfall

Supporting details 1 : prepare holiday supplies

Supporting details 2 : I prepare the need to be use

Final words : enjoy the view and the atmosphere of the mountains

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