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Energy 31 (2006) 3078–3079

Book review

Brian F. Towler, Fundamental Principles of Reservoir Engineering, SPE Textbook Series, vol. 8, Society of
Petroleum Engineers Publications, Richardson, TX, ISBN 1555630928, 2002 (232pp., $84.50).

Petroleum reservoirs are broadly classified as oil or gas reservoirs. Petroleum engineers need to study the
behaviour of reservoir fluids and the characteristics of petroleum reservoirs to decide on the course of future
development to maximise profit. This book provides the fundamentals of petroleum reservoir engineering and
shows practical applications in conducting a comprehensive field study. It outlines the techniques required for
the basic analysis of reservoirs prior to simulation. It reviews rock and fluid properties, reservoir statics,
determination of original oil and gas in place by volumetrics and material balances, evaluation of drive
mechanisms, fluid flow in porous media, aquifer influx, well testing, fluid distribution and displacement, and
decline-curve analysis. The most up-to-date techniques for each of these topics are covered.
Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the history and science of reservoir engineering, a discussion of the
objectives of the book. It is explained that the task of the reservoir engineer is to assess the trapping
mechanisms, the drive mechanisms, how much oil and gas is initially in place, how much of that can be
recovered, and how to enhance the recovery. The principles used to calculate these parameters are:
volumetrics, material balance, fluid flow in porous media theory, decline-curve analysis and reservoir
simulation. Chapter 2 reviews the rock and fluid properties. Under rock properties, the fundamental
definitions of porosity, permeability, relative permeability, capillary pressure, and J functions, concepts that
are fundamental to the theory used in later chapters, are discussed. Under fluid properties, the phase
behaviour of hydrocarbon systems, how to do flash calculations, how to determine formation volume factors,
solution gas–oil ratios, viscosities from direct laboratory measurements or from correlations are detailed.
Chapter 3 presents reservoir statics. In this chapter, it is shown how to calculate the density of reservoir fluids
under pressure, then how to use this to project pressures from any measured point in the reservoir to any other
point. This leads to evaluating possible pressure communication or lack of it between different reservoirs or
parts of the same reservoir. Chapter 4 introduces the determination of original oil or gas in place by the
principles of volumetrics, including the use of the trapezoidal rule, the pyramidal rule, and Simpson’s rule. It is
shown how to create maps and use these to calculate the oil and gas in place. This includes both hand-drawn
maps and computerised mapping programs. Chapter 5 presents the general material balance equation. The
derivation of the general material balance equation is given using the version developed by Mark Walsh (SPE
27684, 27728) which includes a volatile liquid component in the gas phase, Rv. This term is necessary to apply
the equation to gas condensate, and volatile oil reservoirs. A discussion of Havlena-Odeh and other plots
follows. It is also shown how the drive mechanisms can be separated into Pirson’s drive indices. Chapter 6
discusses single-phase fluid flow in porous media under the following headings: derivation of the fundamental
equations for unsteady state single-phase flow of fluids in porous media, discussion of the constant pressure
and constant rate solutions of Hurst and Van Everdingen, and the principle of superposition. Chapter 7
describes oil and gas well testing using the following topics: application of the fluid flow equations to
derivation of well testing methods, discussion of analysis methods for build-up tests, draw down tests, multi
rate tests, variations for fractured reservoirs, and horizontal wells. Chapter 8 presents aquifer influx discussing
calculation of aquifer influx by (a) steady state (Schilthius) method, (b) the unsteady state (Hurst and Van
Everdingen) method, and (c) the pseudo-steady state method (Fetkovitch). The unsteady state method draws
on calculations learnt in Chapter 7. These calculations are necessary for application of the material balance
equation to water drive reservoirs. Chapter 9 illustrates the application of material balance and volumetrics to

Book review / Energy 31 (2006) 3078–3079 3079

single-phase gas reservoirs. This traditionally results in the P/Z plot which shows a straight line for fluid
expansion reservoirs, curves upwards for water drive reservoirs, and curves downwards for over-pressured
compressible formations. However, other more sensitive plots such as the F versus ECARET that have been
discussed by Sills (SPE 28630) or the F/Eg versus time are also necessary to identify water drive reservoirs early
in the life of the reservoir. Examples of such reservoirs are shown and discussed. Chapter 10 describes the
application of material balance and volumetrics to retrograde gas condensate reservoirs. This results in an F
versus ECARET Sills type plot which gives the original gas in place directly and the original liquid from the gas
liquid ratio. To make these plots you require four PVT properties, Bo, Bg, Rs, Rv, where it has been shown how
to obtain these from lab data. Numerous examples of gas condensate reservoirs from the literature are
discussed. Chapter 11 presents the application of material balance and volumetrics to undersaturated oil
reservoirs. This results in an F versus Eo Havlena-Odeh type plot which gives the original oil in place directly
and the original gas from the gas–oil ratio. To make this plot one requires three PVT properties, Bo, Bg, and Rs
for the usual non-volatile reservoir. For volatile undersaturated reservoirs, the four parameters discussed
above are needed but the analysis is the same. Examples of undersaturated reservoirs are discussed. Chapter
12 illustrates the application of material balance and volumetrics to saturated or gas cap reservoirs. This
results in an F/Eo versus Eg/Eo Havlena-Odeh type plot which gives the original oil and original free gas in
place directly and the original solution gas from the gas–oil ratio. Non-volatile and volatile oil reservoirs are
discussed. This plot can be particularly problematic if the PVT data are not sufficiently accurate. Examples of
this and how the problems can be overcome are shown. Chapter 13 discusses fluid distribution and
displacement under the following headings: calculation of initial fluid distribution using the capillary pressure
curve and J function curves. Calculation of fluid distribution during displacement using the Buckley-Leverett
equation for linear one-dimensional reservoirs. Calculation of oil recovery by solution gas drive using methods
of (a) Muskat, (b) Schilthius, and (c) Tarner. Chapter 14 describes decline-curve analysis using the following
topics: forecasting oil and gas rates versus time and cumulative production by the decline-curve equations.
Exponential, hyperbolic and harmonic decline equations. Plots for presenting production data are given, (a)
Log rate V time, (b) Log rate V cumulative, (c) Rate V cumulative. Estimation of decline parameters using
iterative linear regression and non-linear regression and examples for spreadsheet usage are shown.
In general, Fundamental Principles of Reservoir Engineering serves three needs. First, the current material
can be used as a text for a senior-level, petroleum engineering design course on reservoir engineering since it
provides a sound balance between depth and breadth of coverage in all relevant areas. Second, this book
material is used in short courses for engineers working in the field handling of oil and gas reservoirs. Third,
this book serves as a refresher and textbook for all engineers interested in reservoir engineering. The
mathematical background required to use this book has been purposely kept to a minimum so as to make it
easily readable and immediately useful.
As a textbook for classroom use, this book is an excellent resource because it offers many worked examples
and end-of-chapter problems. The author also makes a point of referring readers to numerous sources for
more detailed information on each topic which has been addressed. This book has been also written according
to the standard programme of the ‘‘Reservoir Engineering’’ course for universities. Therefore, it is suggested
that its content should be considered as a curriculum in petroleum engineering programs.

Saeid Mokhatab
Manager of Engineering & Construction Department,
Pars International Pipeline Company, Tehran, Iran
E-mail address:

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