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1) Where did Tomas Ybarra Frausto grow up?

He grew up in outside of San Antonio Texas, in a ranch.
2) Where did Frausto bury his umbilical cord?
He buried his umbilical cord in a little box in the middle of the ranch in a tree.
3) What was Frausto’s first grade teacher’s name?
Her name was Marianne
4) What was the job of a language monitor in Fausto’s first grade class?
Her job was to spy on classmates who spoke Spanish.
5) What did Frausto’s dad tell him about people who speak two languages?
His dad told him that people who speak two languages are worth two times.
6) What did Fausto mean when he said “I could feel my ombligo going down the
staircase from my apartment all the way down to that tree.”?

a) He felt sad about living in New York.

b) He remembered his origins.
c) He missed San Antonio.
d) He wanted to speak two languages

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