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a review of Baez, John C. Division algebras and quantum theory

Article · December 2019


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Hirokazu Nishimura
University of Tsukuba


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Baez, John C. 
Division algebras and quantum theory. (English) Zbl 1259.81023 
Found. Phys. 42, No. 7, 819-855 (2012).

The orthodox approach to quantum mechanics adopts complex numbers as scalars, while the orthodox
one to classical mechanics adopts real numbers as scalars. It is possible to formulate quantum mechanics
using real numbers or quaternions instead of complex numbers to a certain extent, though nonassociative
octonions defy any possibility of formulating quantum mechanics. The pricipal objective in this paper is
to show that the nature or God chooses all the three division algebras (in other words, they are merely
three aspects of a single unified structure), in sharp contrast to the common view that the nature or God
chooses complex numbers in preference to real numbers and quaternions.
The story can be traced back to the early days of group theory, namely, the Frobenius-Schur indicator
(cf. [Berl. Ber. 1906, 186–208 (1906; JFM 37.0161.01)]). It is equal to 1, 0 or −1, which correspond to
the irreducible representation ρ of a compact group G on a complex Hilbert space H being real, complex
or quaternionic, respectively. It is well known that these three cases can be characterized by considering
the dual representation ρ∗ on the dual Hilbert space H ∗ , which Freeman Dyson called “threefold way”
in [F. J. Dyson, J. Math. Phys. 3, 1199–1215 (1962; Zbl 0134.45703)]. The originality of this paper, if
any, lies not in mathematics but in physics, more specifically, in its exhaustive exploration of this familiar
mathematical fact in connection with the very foundations of quantum theory.
Elementary particles are usually described in irreducible unitary representations of compact groups, so
that they appear in three kinds, namely, real, complex and quaternionic. If we take any spin 21 -particle
with rotational symmetries only, then it is described by a unitary representation of SU (2) on C2 , which
is quaternionic. More generally, as far as we are exclusively concerned with representations of SU (2),
particles of half-integer spin are quaternionic, while those of integer spin are real, so that the square of
time reversal is 1 for particles of integer spin, while it is −1 for particles of half-integer spin. One can see
the details of such a story in the paper.
Reviewer: Hirokazu Nishimura (Tsukuba)

81Q05 Closed and approximate solutions to quantum-mechanical equations Cited in 3 Documents
46S10 Functional analysis over fields (not R, C, or H)
81R05 Representations of finite-dimensional groups and algebras in quantum
20C35 Applications of group representations to physics
11R52 Quaternion and other division algebras: arithmetic, zeta functions
16W10 Associative rings with involution, etc.
54F05 Linearly, generalized, and partially ordered topological spaces

division algebra; quantum theory; Jordan algebra; quaternion; octonion; group representation; convex
cone; duality

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