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Earl Daniel P.

Tago BS Psy – 1


Content and Context Analysis: "Kill Everyone Over Ten"

The New York Journal's editorial cartoon from May 5, 1902, serves as the source for
this illustration. Political cartoonist Homer Davenport (1867–1912), who worked throughout the
Philippine–American War, produced it.

The illustration depicts the events of the Balangiga Massacre (September 28, 1901).
General Jacob Hurd Smith gave orders to a troop of soldiers to execute every 10-year-old
Filipino. Such a thing was created because, in the opinion of the American general, everybody
over the age of ten was old enough to engage in armed combat with American forces. The
Americans carried out this action in reprisal for the unexpected attack on the island of Samar,
which resulted in the deaths of 40 American soldiers. The illustration was made to expose just
one of the many crimes against humanity committed by American troops during the Philippine-
American War. There were no discrepancies detected in the source material because it accurately
described what took place during the Balangiga Massacre, as demonstrated by General J. H.
Smith's statement that "the more you murder and burn, the better it pleases me."
The primary source informs us of the hardships faced by Filipinos during the
Philippine-American War. To the extent that people who are barely older than 10 would be
executed by firing squad simply because they were old enough to possess firearms. I am now
forced to consider how this information would affect its American audience. Would they
continue to support their armies if all they did was murder large numbers of people? No
questions have yet remained unanswered by the primary source.Additionally, it didn't contradict
the time period from which it originated because there was only a 6-month gap between the time
the event occurred and the publication of the article.

While writing this content and context analysis, I investigated the editorial cartoon's history and
analyzed it. The horrible treatment my forefathers endured during the Philippine-American
conflict made me feel sorrowful. I hope that such an occurrence never occurs again. It also made
me aware of how easy persons in positions of power may mistreat those who lack them. But
should authority be abused to oppress? Or is it to serve as protection?


Digital Library, "Kill everyone over ten." - Gen. Jacob H. Smith,

Jacob Smith, May 22, 2019, National Park Service,

Homer Davenport (1867-1912), Gus Frederick, Sept. 13, 2022, Oregon Encyclopedia,

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