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Chapter 20

Hosts & Guests

People are entertained for a number of reasons

„ A new launch

„ Making a business proposal

„ Entering into a business alliance

„ Introducing a senior officer

„ Building a relationship with a prospective client

„ Strengthening relationships with a client

„ Returning hospitality

„ Thanking a person
„ The goal of entertaining or giving a party is
to make others feel good and the result
sought is closer relations and the result
sought is closer elations and more

„ This requires planning and work

„ The purpose of entertaining or being

entertained is to meet new people, to
strengthen old relationships and develop
closer ties with the host of the party

„ The two entities are

z The host- the person who initiates the party
z The guest- the one who is invited to the party
„ A host is a person who entertains guests or
initiates or presides over a gathering.

„ Preside implies a degree of control and of


„ The host must retain control over all

aspects like the captain of a ship

„ A host’s responsibility is to make his guest

feel at ease and as valued as possible in
an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality
„ This cannot be accomplished without
human touch

„ The host should be present and visible

greeting guests and introducing them to
each other and bringing them into groups

„ Guests must feel welcomed and cared for

„ Without the human connection even the

most extravagant event will be stiff and
„ The company party is a business
occasion-an event hosted for clients

„ This is done to entertain them and

get to know them in a better
environment removed from work

„ As a company employee you would

be the host and expected to attend
„ You must ensure to be at the venue
a little before the party begins

„ You must be there to greet your


„ As the host it is your responsibility to

greet those invited and then
introduce them to others in your
company and to other clients.

„ Speak to those invited, ensure that

they are given a drink and served
„ No one expects a host to spend a lot of time with a
guest as he has other guests to meet too.

„ Once a guest has met some one and is in

conversation, excuse yourself and move on to other
guests to ensure their comfort

„ If you see some one who “appears lost” you must

go to him, introduce yourself, speak and try to
introduce him to someone.

„ Conversation is usually general though business

subjects may be broached.

„ The focus at these parties is not business but to get

to know your clients better
„ Wives may be invited to some of the larger

„ In case your wife is invited too then she

becomes the hostess and will be expected
to act as one

„ Company parties may be at a hotel,

restaurant or at a senior executive’s

„ Irrespective of where it is, you are the host

and are expected to be one.
„ You should arrive before your guests and
be there to greet them

„ You should not invite someone you do not

want to invite. The purpose of inviting
someone is mutual enjoyment

„ You should plan your event well. Ensure

that there is enough food and drink

„ You should under dress. Thus if a guest is

underdressed he/she will not feel bad
„ When you are invited to a party, socially or
by business client, you are the guest

„ You may be invited by the host or by a

letter (invitation card)

„ If you are invited by the invitation card,

then you are expected to inform as early
as possible, whether you will be able to
attend or not.

„ The invitation will also normally specify

clothes you are expected to wear and
whether your spouse is invited.

„ If these are unclear ask your host. He will

be happy to let you know
„ On the day of the party or a day before it is
wise to check whether the party is likely to
take place and confirm your attendance

„ The invitation to the party usually specifies

the timing. Assuming that the invite says “6
pm to 9pm”, the best time to arrive would
be between 7.30 pm and 8 pm. If the
dinner invite says 9.00 pm, then you can
arrive the party between 9.45 and 10 pm.

„ This is in tune with the customs in India

when you find that very often the host will
himself not be there on time.
„ On arrival, the host will be there to greet
you and make you feel comfortable

„ If they are not there (this is rude on their

part), you should attempt to find them and
thank them for inviting you

„ Often at large parties, you may be one of

the many standing inline to greet the host.
After you have, you should go to whom you
know and talk

„ Incase, you do not know anyone, instead of

looking “lost”, you should go up to some
you think you can talk to , introduce
yourself mentioning either your company or
your interest – a conversation starter
When should you leave
„ If you have another engagement to attend,
you can excuse yourself after 15 to 30

„ It is best to mention this as soon as your


„ The host will be appreciative that you made

the effort to attend and will be
understanding when you have to leave

„ If a meal is served, then you should leave

after 15 minutes after coffee or the last
dessert is served
„ If you are invited to a person’s house, a
bouquet of flowers or a bottle of wine will
be appreciated and is appropriate

„ If you have been invited for a special

occasion such as a house-warming, a
household item will be appropriate

„ While a gift need not be expensive, it

shouldn't be cheap either

„ It is courteous that you thank your host for

inviting you when you leave
Remember that as guests
„ Should respond to an invitation in a day

„ Must be appropriately dressed. If in doubt

overdress (but be conservative)

„ Should arrive on time

„ Must mingle, circulate and introduce

themselves to other guests

„ Must through their behaviour thank the host for

calling them

„ Should always send a thank you note

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