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Vanilla GANs has two networks called generator network and a

discriminator network. Both the networks are trained at the same time and
compete or battle against each other in a minimax play.
Un supervised learning approach we won't have any target output.
Second thing from the name generative it's all about creating generating and
producing any sensible data It pits two artificial intelligence model off against
each other.
Adversial means checker investigator it will check what we have creative
whether its fake or real.
Networks is equals to neuro network.

so we start with some input training data and feed that into our model.
A model then make a prediction in the form of output and we can compared
the predicted output with the expected output from the training data set then
based upon that expected output and the predicted output we can figure out
how we should update our model to create better output example of
supervised learning.
Gan is an example of UN supervised learning its effectively supervised itself and
consists of two sub models.
So we have a generator some model and we have a discriminated some model
job is to create fake Input aur fake samples and discriminate job is to take a
given sample and figure out if it is a fake sample or its a real sample from the
domain and their lies the adversible nature of this we have a generator creating
fake samples and discriminated is taking a look at a given sample of figuring out
is this a fake sample from the generator is the real sample from the domain set.
so let's take an example of how this works with let's see a flower so we are
going to train at generator to create really converging fake flowers first of all we
need to train discriminator model recognize what a picture of a flower looks

So our domain is a lot of pictures of flowers will be feeding at this into

discriminator model telling it to look at all of the attributes that make up those
flower images to look at the colours the Shading the shape and the soap what
when are discriminated get goods addiction real flowers then we will feed in
some shapes that are not flowers at work and make sure that it can discriminate
those as being not flowers not this whole time at generator here was frozen it
was not doing anything we are are discriminated gets could enough at
recognising things from are to main then we apply one generator to start
creating fake versions of those things so a generator is going to take a random
input vector so its going to use that to create its own fake flower now this fake
flower image is sent to discriminated not discriminator has a decision to make
is that image of a flower the real thing from the domain or is it a fake from

Now the answer is revealed to both generated and discriminator then the
flower was a fake based upon that generated and discrimaintor will change the
behaviour this is a zero sum game there's always a Winner and Loser the
winner gets to remain blissfully and changed their model does not change at all
where as a loser has to update them model so if the discriminator that
successfully spotted that lead discriminator remains and change but a
generator will need to change its model to generate better fakes.

It composes of many layers of convolution layer batch normalization and

RELU/sigmoid with skip connection. RELU is an activation function. Generator
and discriminator it is like a neural network only but we will define weight in
specific matter.
The generator of the simple GAN is a simple fully connected network. The
generator of the DCGAN uses the transposed convolution technique to perform
up-sampling of 2D image size
The DCGAN or Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network is an
DC GAN extension of the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and is built using the
convolutional and transpose convolution layers.
It uses a couple of guidelines, in particular:
Replacing any pooling layers with strided convolutions (discriminator) and
fractional-strided convolutions (generator).
Using batchnorm in both the generator and the discriminator.
Removing fully connected hidden layers for deeper architectures.
Using ReLU activation in generator for all layers except for the output, which
uses tanh.
Using LeakyReLU activation in the discriminator for all layer.

A deep convolutional generative adversarial network (dcGAN) model was

developed in this study to screen and design target-specific novel compounds
for cannabinoid receptors. In the adversarial process of training, two models,
the discriminator D and the generator G, are iteratively trained. D is trained to
discover the hidden patterns among the input data to have the accurate
discrimination of the authentic compounds and the “fake” compounds
generated by G; G is trained to generate “fake” compounds to fool the well-
trained D by optimizing the weights for matrix multiplication of data sampling.
In order to determine the appropriate architecture and the input data
structure for the involved convolutional neural networks (CNNs), the
combinations of various network architectures and molecular fingerprints
were explored.

This means a DCGAN would likely be more fitting for image/video data,
whereas the general idea of a GAN can be applied to wider domains, as the
model specifics are left open to be addressed by individual model
DCGANs can be customized for different use cases. The various practical
applications of DCGANs include the following: The generation of anime
characters: Currently, animators manually draw characters with computer
software and sometimes on paper as well. This is a manual process that usually
takes a lot of time.
Task of taking image from one domain and transforming them so they have
style of image from another domain discriminator to figure out whether the
input image is a fake or real and generator to generate an image that looks
realistic but it's a fake image.
In addition to our random Latent vector as input basically random latent vector
is an input to generator and generator converts image that latent vector into a
fake image by adding dense player by re-shaping.
In addition to Latent vector we are providing our class label its a dog or a cat
that's the class label . when goes into generator as input is concatenated vector
of random noise plus your class label. In discriminator providing your class
label information and adding your original real image or take input and
discriminator gets trained.


The GAN models have no control over the generated data, especially in cases of
data with more than one labeled class. Therefore, extra information is needed
to guide the direction of the distribution to a specific labeled class in order to
direct the generated results to more than one labeled class. To this end, a
conditional generative adversarial network (CGAN) has been introduced to
control the data generation process in a supervised manner. A CGAN combines
random noise z and y into a joint hidden representation of real data x, along
with conditional variable y; e.g., G (z,y) is used to direct the generated process,
where variable y is an additional parameter.
min maxV(D, G) = ExvPdata(x) [log D(x y)] + ExvPz(x) [log (1 − D(G(z
Conditional variable y could be text or a number that turns the GAN model into
a supervised GAN model. CGAN can be used with images, sequence models, and
other models. CGAN is used to model complex and large-scale datasets that
have different labels by adding conditional information y to both the generator
and discriminator.
The Pix2Pix GAN is a general approach for image-to-image translation. It is
based on the conditional generative adversarial network, where a target image
is generated, conditional on a given input image.


It takes your image and typically we use it for segmented segmentation and it
gives you segmented segmentation it takes your image training image and
training mass then you train this unit and generates your semantic segmented

In pix2pix L1 loss is that fake image how different is it from your real image.
Looking at segmented image and comparing it with your actual supposed
sigmented mark.


This loss is the combine loss between your gans loss means absolute error
because you are looking at your real and fake image then differentiating
between them.

it's able to translate images of one kind to another without needing pairs of
In some cases like the one you're seeing here images can be split up into two
domains. Here the domains are satellite images and map images.
Let's say we wanted to make an AI which translates satellite images into map
images. The
simplest approach would be relatively straightforward; we could simply train
autoencoder to translate the photo,then compare the translated photo to its
actual pair. Auto encoder would use some convolution block down sampling
the image a few times then up sampling few times to return the image to its
original size reason to do so is to compress,feature which might be far apart
spartially but they are related in the image.
The auto encoder is a key concept in image to image translation and is used in
CycleGAN as well. It is, on its own,far from the best in terms of paired
translation, but is a relatively simple solution nonetheless.
Got release in 2017 it can perform task of image translation once its train you
can translate any image from one domain to another. first we have trained
GAN on horse then we can convert this image to Zebra this is domain
translation will keep the background same.

Architecture uses two generator and one discriminator two generator often
variations of auto encoders and take an image as input return an image as
Discrimulator take an image as input and output one single number. Main
objective for its main generator and generator
1) Is to ensure that translated image looks like it is infact a zebra
This is trained into a generator using gans.Generator and discriminated train
adversarially .Discriminator goal to classify whether an image is real Zebra or a
fake Zebra made by generator .Generator training alongside discriminator tries
to make image which fool the discriminator into thinking they are
real.Generator must learn to make convincing looking image of zebras.
2) To ensure translated image looks like the original in some way can do this
Using cycle consistency loss and a second generator model.Two generator
works together in this loss one generated translate however it feels necessary
while second generator learns alongside to translate the image back to original.

Both generator are penalized for any difference between the original image
and the image thats been through both generator.Main generator does not
completely disregard its input and using second generator allows for flexibility
in that translation process.
So those are the main concepts behind CycleGAN.

As if in GAN after training discriminator we will train generator with some

noise then we use are trained generator to produce some fake images. This is
entangled representation in this we don't know what is going inside but the
only control we have is random noise Z. It does not give us any info can we add
something to this Z so that we can have some control? Yes we can do by giving
some condition that would be this Tangled representation that would be info
GAN able to learn disentangled representation in and supervised.

Info Gan
The authors of InfoGAN proposed learning the disentangled representations by
maximizing mutual information in an unsupervised manner. In InfoGAN, the
input to the generator is decomposed into two parts: the incompressible noise
vector G(z) and latent variable c. Similar to CGAN, the generator uses latent
code c; however, the latent code c of InfoGAN is unknown and it is to be
discovered Symmetry through training. InfoGAN is implemented by adding a
regularization term to the original GAN’s objective function.
min max VI(D, G) = V(D, G) − λI(c; G(z, c))
where VI(D, G) is the loss function of GAN, λI (c;G(z,c)) is the mutual
information, and Lambda is a constant. InfoGAN maximizes the mutual
information between the generator’s output G(z,c) and latent code c to
discover the meaningful features of the real data distribution. However, mutual
information λI(c; G(z, c)) requires access to the posterior probability p(c|x),
which makes it difficult to directly optimize .Later, other InfoGAN variants
were proposed, such as the semi-supervised InfoGAN (ss-InfoGAN) and the
causal InfoGAN .
How do we get a high resolution (HR) image from just one (LR) lower
resolution image?
Answer: We use super-resolution (SR) techniques.


SRGAN - Generator
● G: generator that takes a low-res image ILR and outputs its high-res
counterpart ISR
● θG : parameters of G, {W1:L, b1:L}
● lSR: loss function measures the difference between the 2 high-res images

SRGAN - Discriminator
● D: discriminator that classifies whether a high-res image is IHR or ISR
● θD : parameters of D

SRGAN - Perceptual Loss Function Loss is calculated as weighted combination

1)SRGAN - Content Loss Instead of MSE, use loss function based on ReLU layers
of pre-trained VGG network. Ensures similarity of content.
● Ḽ i,j : feature map of jth convolution before ith maxpooling
● Wi,j and Hi,j: dimensions of feature maps in the VGG

2)SRGAN - Adversarial Loss:

Encourages network to favour images that reside in manifold of natural

3) SRGAN - Regularization Loss:

Encourages spatially coherent solutions based on total variations.

It would be low to high resolution

Suppose we have an image has low resolution so it will convert to high
resolution for this we have SRGAN.

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