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Kenia Yunuen Ramírez Domínguez

Fonética y Fonología del inglés

Sunday, October 8th, 2022.

1.- Why is it important to use phonetic transcription in learning English?

The intention is bring into the intothe foreground of analytic attention comments on phonological
abstration about the utteraces concerned.

The principal reason for using phonetic transcription is easily stated. When we transcribe a word
or an utterance, we give a direct specification of its pronunciation. If ordinary spelling reliably
indicated actual pronunciation, phonetic transcription might be unnecessary; but often it does

2.- What is a Phoneme?

A phoneme, in linguistics, smallest unit of speech distinguishing one Word or Word element
from another. May have one more tan one variant, calle dan allophone which funtions as a
single sound.In some lenguages, where the variant sounds of p can chance meaning, they are
classified as separate phonems.

In other words, phonemes are language-specific that are functionally distinct in English (for
example, /b/ and /p/) may not be so in another language. (Phonemes are customarily written
between slashes, thus /b/ and /p/.) Different languages have different phonemes.

3.- What are “minimal pairs”?

A pair of words that differ in only one speech sound but have distinct meanings, thus
establishing that the speech sounds in question are different phonemes.

Minimal pairs are words that are very similar and only vary by a single sound. are usually
introduced to children when they are in EYLF, or having speech therapy, and will be expanded
upon as they learn more about phonemes and digraphs in their phonics lessons.


In Britain and around de the world, the image of the family continues to change. The traditional
Victorian family, in which the man was the breadwines, the women the homemaker and the
children nomerous and obedient is giving way to new ideas about what the modern family
should look like.

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20reason%20for%20using,but%20often%20it%20does%20not. Placed on the web
2002 02 15. Minor corrections 2005 03 01, 2005 08 04.

• Nordquist, Richard. "What Is a Phoneme?" ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020,

• Author's home page:

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