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My name is Arthur.

I am hearing I am good at cooking I like to communicate through talking.

my favorite thanksgiving food is ham.

Turn taking
Attention getting
Sometimes you're the talker
Sometimes you're the listener

Interpreting body language cue and HOW TO RESPOND TO CUE

Writing, reading level

Pragmatic checklist
Claire communication profile

Scripts for friends

how we communicate there
who we might talk to

Silly & Serious

Shy & Outgoing
Cooperative & Stubborn
Quiet & Loud


Comfortable vs. Uncomfortable

Tie into communication

Clear Masks


Engage with students

Targets from Expanded Core Ciriculum

Compliment the content!

Brown bear brown bear

Very Hungry Catepillar
Goodnight Gorilla
Pout Pot Fish
Big Red Barn
The Great Gracie Chase
No, David
Uncle Wiggley, The Gentleman Rabbit
Amanda Tiefatiller

Julian -
No speech. Cochlear. Receptive uncertain. Some signs. AAC broken. Loves leaves.
Good art skills.

Angel -
low language. Robotic speech. Repeats. 1 & 2 word phrases. Don't use english at

Aidan. Zeb. -
Spoken language. Mainstreamed. Expanded core ciriculum. Social/emotional skills.

Remy - Hearing aids, seems to hear but with motor planning, older, tuned into
Ling approach for developing speech
Seperate speech production from receptive

Ivan - Spanish speaking, started in March, 3:6, family doesn't speak English, dad
has "difficult" personality, cochlear, possible ASD, compliance issues, only child,
no usable language, MED-EL device, planfulness, not a lot of creativity, pretend
play, spontaneous use, difficulty getting him to eat,

Liam - French, in adjacent pre-school, does teacher use FM effectively, coach

regular ed,

Catalea - at home, digeorge syndrome, cranial facial differences, failure to

thrive, approzimates signs, mobility is an issue, easily fatigued, ECI services,
lots of personality, family would comply with specific action items, difficulty
turning voice on, BAHA, Ling sounds are good,
auditory skill testing, basic language testing
Ability to require receptive language
expressively will need sign
once they start eating are more likely to start talking
motivated to communicate, tuned into immitation, communicating wats & needs,
working language into routines, lots of waiting - don't always keep moving, happy
little girl,

Initiation responding, making wants & needs known, simple signs,

Logan -
Jacks/Jaxon -

Very quiet, one (Jaxon?) seems to be a talker

Don't have a camera there, want to put a camera there
[[What about a FACETIME phone]]

Parent coahcing - technology at home, routines, strategies,

building vocab/sharing stories
something you did together
skip pages/summerize
sitting aside/across
positioning, which book, how did it go,

auditory pattern routine

Log into 2 computers to use

Teachers are still not captioning videos
LOOM lets you put in a bubble for interpreter

Nature of school setting

Go online

Nature of hearing loss

Only right implant in on because can't pay
Better noise and less exhausting w both

Tech she uses

Generate a report

Recommendations for online learning support

Summary of Maggie

Used CAVE as a guide

Specific notes on accomidations she is using
(FM system, captioning, Interpretors)
Challenges to online learning
Incompatibility between systems
Difficult to navigaete nuance without consistency
Written instructions
Missed material because "Oh, next week we're going to"
"Universal design"
Captioning helps everyone
Ramps help everyone
Accomidation, but it also helps other students
Recomendations for teachers and coordinators

Targets for self-advocacy (differnt than face-to-face)


1) Strong in material with written instructions

2) Strong with materials with visual instruction

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