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Good Morning Everyone. May I request your undivided attention as I present to you my plans as a Team leader on how
the APAC PCC Control Tower Transformation will push through in order to quickly see its significant effect on driving
output efficiency and effectively onboarding customers once launched.


The Agenda of today's discussion include the following:

One, the Opportunity Statement.
Two, Evidences to Support the Launch
Three, The Schematic Diagram for Onboarding Customers for Global Partner, After Office and QSE
Four, The Execution Matrix for APAC PCC Control Tower Transformation in relation to my role as a Team lead
and Five, Schedule of Activities in Relation to Launch and Future Evaluation
and finally, Questions and Suggestions


As for any ABLE project, the need to formulate the opportunity statement is crucial in order to effectively execute the

First, I identified the Current state and categorized them into two. what is present, and absent.
So what is present?
-We have objective data and useful feedback from the Prototyping Step using Pilot Customers (RTX, Analog, and an
additional for QSE, the SG reports)
-we also have the presence of FedEx tools, internal and external reporting platforms, and dashboards that will help with
the different activities under each sub-control tower

Then I identified what is absent?

one, a standardized onboarding procedure for global customers under the APAC PCC Control Tower which include the
(Global Partner, After-Office, and Quality Service Experts)
Two, an overall masterplan that should show the important events and activities such as Onboarding, Process alignment,
Hiring, Training, System Access Acquisition, Hardware, and Facilities that will make the APAC PCC Control tower launch

Given this current state, what is then the Desired State

What is needed includes the following:
-Continuous Data Acquisition for Measuring Effectivity of Support for Customers to be onboarded on APAC PCC Control
-Effective utilization of different tools for supporting activities
-A Standard Matrix for Onboarding, Process alignment, Hiring, Training, System Access Acquisition in line with the APAC
PCC Control Tower

What is the Impact then?

-Differences on level of support handling in absence of SOPs
-Differences on onboarding procedures may lead to -confusion for sales, and local specialists,
-Failure on removing unnecessary work for both reps and -specialists alike, contributing to heavy workload
-FTE utilization may be underestimated
What is The Execution Plan Matrix and Customer Onboarding Matrix for?
Through the Creation and Application of the Execution Plan Matrix and the Customer Onboarding Matrix for the APAC
PCC Control tower, we aim to see significant output on efficiency, and create the velocity needed to effectively handle
future onboarding of customers.

As a QSE and a VCT lead, I was exposed to different activities that lead in acquiring the desired data to prove that the
APAC PCC Control Tower transformation will be effective in supporting our global customers in terms of shipment
handling, investigation, performance analysis, report management and continuous improvement.

I was involved heavily on a Team lead's role on process onboarding in QSE during the creation of the data templates for
specialists which include knowledge acquisition on their report creation, making follow-throughs regarding
improvements on files being tested through UATs, and aligning the new process through demo's via Zoom meetings. It
was also through this that the team was able to get the needed runtime to prove the efficiency of the files QSE had
initiated as reflected by the data on the table. This could also be reflected on the EC Reporting Evaluation process I lead
through the creation of a process flow that involved a standardized procedure of acquiring data through emails,
standardized follow-throughs, the ECR transition process itself, and data analysis needed to employ to evaluate run time
and so on. This lead to the time savings you’re currently seeing on this slide. The reporting activities and presentation of
data is also a part of a team lead's role in providing customized reporting.
was also involved in GP and AO's early stages during the process of redefining their coverage of support that was then
on boarded which helped in arriving with this data as shown.

Through my experiences as a Project Lead, I was able to practice people management, ensuring everyone has assigned
activities, progress is monitored, group discussions are facilitated and wins are celebrated.

My Experience as a Shift lead also improved my multi-tasking abilities and my ability to budget the time for executing
plans and tasks needed on a given shift.

These experiences helped in leading the QSE team in producing data that we never thought will understand.


In relation to the Team lead's role of executing solution logistics, I was able to come up with process flows that deal
mainly with the onboarding of future customers through countless meetings and exposures in process improvement and
creation as a project lead on the PCC247 transformation.

This slide shows you a simple schematic diagram of the onboarding process from the initiation of the request by sales up
to the actual onboarding of a customer in the APAC PCC Control Tower. It involves a twostep screening procedure. First
one involving the local specialist and the second screening involving the GP specialist. I also created a
rejection/acceptance matrix for enrolment for actual utilization during evaluation of customers for the purposes of

Once Approval has been made, necessary alignment calls, drafting of internal agreement, communications with
customer and sales will be made. sending of the welcome letter will be the official step that will confirm that a customer
has been successfully enrolled.

Aside from the aligned transactional tasks from the GP and AO enrollment, the need of the customer for standardized
pro-active notifications of the shipments whereabouts, documentation on preventive actions taken for shipments that
may be forecasted to experience a delay, or reports involving overall service and performance evaluation and billing
data may arise.

In order to onboard these kinds of requests, I created a process flow that will cater on the notification/reporting needs
of the customers based on what FedEx can offer. Self-served reports, automated status notifications, and customized
reports. same as with GP/AO enrollment process flow, it contains decision criteria that will guide a QSE to determine
what reports will be applicable for a said customer. this was made possible through the growing knowledge on different
reporting tools acquired through continuous exploration and testing.


In order to address the need to prepare the PCC24/7 Team on the full APAC PCC Control Tower transformation, I have
created an enhanced execution plan based from the initial suggestions of Sir Vinz and the ideas I shared with Specs Alvin
during our involvement on the first few months of the transformation which dates back in April.
I identified the particular activities under each section of the transformation that I saw as needed. I then listed down
particular processes and events needed to be completed in order to address each activity for each section. I lead my co-
project leads and specialists on how the details of the execution plan should look like, and asking them each time if the
details I write coincide with their idea on how the actual launch will be made.
As a Team Lead,

I will be involved with activities under Procedures, People, Tools, Hardware/tech and Facilities.
Training and development will be part of my role, ensuring all training results will be evaluated and documented
accordingly. I will also get to participate in creating the schedule and assigning people on shift based on knowledge and
competencies, which I was already involved with. It will also be my duty to ensure everyone follows aligned processes
counter check through Email Audits, On the Spot coaching, Mentoring sessions and mini workshops. As the QSE lead, I
will still be involved in report management activities and initiatives, Performance Analysis and RCA/CI. I will also be
involved in access acquisition for FedEx tools, setup of PC's and Phones, and ensuring the PCC Team follows the
necessary protocols on the company premises.

All of these activities will help ensure that the Transformation and launch will run smoothly in order to provide
exceptional service to our customers, the earliest possible time.


An execution plan will not be effective if it doesn't have any target dates. As you can see on this slide, I have included the
start and end dates of each activity in preparation of the launch of the APAC PCC Control Tower. Each functioning team
also maintains a GANTT Chart to keep activities on track

The success of the launch will be further evaluated through the results of FTE utilization savings and progression, the
revenue and volume that will add up through an enhanced service created by the APAC Control Tower and the feedback
and recognition that will result from fulfilling our role in making our customers determine the quality of our service.


That is the end of my presentation. I would appreciate your suggestions/comments and further recommendations.

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