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The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 7, No.

2, July – December 2017, pages 191 – 202

The effect of good corporate governance, firm size, leverage and

profitability on accounting conservatism level in banking industry
Dianita Affianti1, Supriyati2
1, 2 STIE Perbanas Surabaya, Wonorejo Utara Street 16, Rungkut, Surabaya, 60296, East Java, Indonesia


Article history: This study aims to examine the effect of good corporate governance, firm size, leverage,
Received 6 July 2017 and profitability on accounting conservatism level. The population used in this study
Revised 4 November 2017 is all banking industry companies, listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) 2008-
Accepted 20 December 2017 2015, which present good corporate governance reports completely. The sampling
technique used in this research is purposive sampling method. There are 18 companies
JEL Classification: qualified as the research sample. Data analysis method used is multiple linier regres-
G14 sion analysis using SPSS 23 for Windows program, with the significance level used is
0.05. The results show that good corporate governance and firm size have no signifi-
Key words: cant effect on accounting conservatism level, while leverage and profitability have
Accounting Conservatism, significant effect on accounting conservatism level.
Good Corporate Governance,
Firm Size, ABSTRAK
Leverage, and
Profitability. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh good corporate governance, ukuran
perusahaan, leverage, dan profitabilitas pada level konservatisme akuntansi. Populasi
DOI: yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan industri perbankan,
10.14414/tiar.v7i2.947 terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) 2008-2015, yang menyajikan laporan tata
kelola perusahaan yang baik sepenuhnya. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah metode purposive sampling. Ada 18 perusahaan yang memenuhi
syarat sebagai sampel penelitian. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis
regresi linier berganda menggunakan program SPSS 23 for Windows, dengan tingkat
signifikansi yang digunakan adalah 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tata
kelola perusahaan yang baik dan ukuran perusahaan tidak berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap tingkat konservatisme akuntansi, sedangkan leverage dan profitabilitas me-
miliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap tingkat konservatisme akuntansi.

1. INTRODUCTION accounting method to be used. Research on conser-

Financial statement is a form of management ac- vatism has been done a lot but the results are still
countability that describes the performance and inconsistent. Therefore, this research is expected to
ability of a company in managing its resources. The provide information and development of the con-
company is said to be successful if it is able to sur- cept of conservatism in the future.
vive and has a good performance. In preparing the The definition of conservatism, based on the
financial statement, the Financial Accounting Stan- glossary in the FASB Statement of Concept No. 2, is
dards (SAK) have provided the company the free- a prudent reaction in the face of uncertainty to en-
dom to choose the method or estimation used in sure that the uncertainty and risk inherent in the
accordance with the conditions of the company business situation have been adequately considered
itself so that it can be more flexible in adjusting to well (Fani and Kusmuriyanto 2015). Conservatism
the economic conditions experienced by the com- in this study is assessed using the ratio of market-
pany. Future economic conditions are full of uncer- to-book value, which is a comparison between the
tainties and risks so that companies are expected to company’s stock market value and the book value,
be more cautious (conservative) in choosing the where the higher the market-to-book value ratio

* Corresponding author, email address: 1, 2

Dianita Affianti: The effect of good …

(more than 1), the more conservative the company principal, based on a set of contracts, where the
in presenting its financial statements. agent, as a manager, is authorized by the principal,
An increase in stock prices of some banking as the owner of the fund (investor), to run the com-
industries may result in an increase in market-to- pany and make decisions. Through the delegation
book value ratio. The better the performance of a of this task, the relationship between agent and
company, the higher the price of the company’s principal will result in information asymmetry,
stock, and this is evidenced by the increase in cor- where the agent knows more information about the
porate profits. A company with better performance company than the principal.
will attract the attention of investors so that the The agency theory has a key element in which
stock market price of the company is increasing. the principal and the agent have different prefe-
The rising of the stock market price will increase rences or goals. The principal is motivated to pros-
the ratio of market-to-book value. This means that per himself through the profitability of the compa-
the increase in this ratio indicates that the company ny, while the agent is motivated to maximize his
is increasingly conservative in presenting its finan- economic and psychological needs, among others,
cial statements. There are several factors in deter- in terms of obtaining compensation and loans (Fani
mining the manager's decision to be more careful and Kusmuriyanto 2015). These differences may
(conservative) in presenting his financial state- lead to the conflict of interest between the agent
ments. In this study, the factors used to determine and the principal.
the level of accounting conservatism in the compa- Based on the description of the agency theory
ny is good corporate governance (GCG), firm size, above, it can be said that the conservatism in pre-
leverage, and profitability. senting the financial statements applied by the
The indication of good corporate governance management will maintain the relationship be-
(GCG) implementation is that everything related to tween the parties related to the company because
the company is openly expressed in accordance conservatism is able to reduce the agency conflict
with GCG principles, that is, transparent, reasona- which one of them is caused by the presence of
ble and accountable. This can also be interpreted information asymmetry among the parties who
that in preparing financial statements, the man- make transactions with the company.
agement should be more careful (conservative) so
that the information disclosed will always be in Signaling Theory
accordance with the conditions of the company. Signaling theory explains the company's drive to
Another factor that affects accounting conservatism provide financial statement information to external
level is firm size. A large company has more com- parties (Rheny and Denies 2012). According to
plex problems and risks than the smaller one. So, Najmudin (2011: 308), signaling theory is an action
large company will be subjected to high political taken by the company management to provide sig-
costs. And the company's political costs can be re- nal or clue to investors on how they assess the
duced using accounting conservatism (Desak and I prospects of the company. The relationship be-
Gusti 2013). In addition, leverage is also able to tween signaling theory and this research is that this
affect the level of accounting conservatism. The theory gives a signal of manager’s confidence on
company with high leverage level will be less con- the future prospects of the company that can be
servative in presenting its financial statements, be- assessed from the extent to which the manager ap-
cause the company tends to increase its earnings so plies the principles of conservatism by selecting
that the financial conditions look good in the eye of accounting methods applied in the preparation of
creditors. Profitability is also one of the factors that financial statements so that the asset or profit pre-
affect the accounting conservatism level. A compa- sented in the financial statements is not too large
ny with a high profitability will be more conserva- (overstate), and the investors will not expect too
tive in presenting its financial statements. This is large financial compensation from the company.
because conservatism is used by management to
manage earnings to look stable. Stewardship Theory
Stewardship theory is a theory built on human phi-
2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPO- losophical assumptions about human nature that
THESIS human is essentially trustworthy, capable of acting
Agency Theory responsibly, and having integrity and honesty with
According to Jensen and Meckling (1976), agency others (Thomas 2006). This means that stewardship
theory is a relationship between the agent and the theory believes that management is able to act in

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 7, No. 2, July – December 2017, pages 191 – 202

accordance with the interests of the public or stake- increased stock market price will increase the value
holders by creating good corporate governance so of the market-to-book value ratio, which is the proxy
that the company's performance will be improved for measuring accounting conservatism. The in-
by monitoring the performance of management. creased ratio of market-to-book value indicates that
The relationship of stewardship theory with the company is more conservative. Research con-
this research is the management is seen as a trust- ducted by Ni Wayan and Ni Made (2015) shows the
worthy, responsible and integrity party and capa- result that firm size has an effect on accounting con-
ble of implementing good corporate governance as servatism.
well as possible in accordance with the interests of H2: Company Size has an effect on Accounting
the stakeholders and society so that the financial Conservatism.
statements made by the management can provide
quality information for the stakeholders. The Relationship between Leverage and Account-
ing Conservatism
The Relationship between Good Corporate Go- Companies with high leverage levels will have a
vernance and Accounting Conservatism high level of financial risk to creditors and share-
A company that has self-assessment result on good holders. This high risk can make the company’s
GCG implementation in accordance with Circular attractiveness decline in the eyes of potential inves-
Letter of Bank Indonesia No. 9/12/DPNP/2007 of tors. The decline in the attractiveness of society and
less than 1.5 will improve its corporate image so investors to the company will lower the market
that the consumer loyalty to the company will also price of the company's stock. The decline in stock
be higher. Increased consumer loyalty will affect price will lower the market-to-book value ratio
the increase in revenue and profitability of the which is a proxy of conservatism measures. The
company so that when corporate profitability in- decline in market to-book-value ratio indicates that
creases, the company will have an appeal in the the company is becoming less conservative. Re-
eyes of investors. An increase in attractiveness of search conducted by Ni Wayan and Ni Made (2105)
investor will increase the market price of shares states that leverage has an effect on accounting con-
owned by the company so that the market-to-book servatism.
value ratio, which is the ratio between stock market H3: Leverage has an effect on Accounting Conser-
prices and book value, will increase. Market-to- vatism.
book value ratio is a proxy for measuring account-
ing conservatism. The increasing ratio of market-to- The Relationship between Profitability and Ac-
book value indicates that the company is becoming counting Conservatism
more conservative. This statement is supported by The higher the profitability of a company, the
the results of previous research conducted by Da- greater the profit earned by the company. The in-
riush et al. (2013) and Fani and Kusmuriyanto creased company profit will increase the attractive-
(2015) that good corporate governance has an effect ness of the public, especially investors to the com-
on accounting conservatism. pany. The increased attractiveness of the public,
H1: Good Corporate Governance has an effect on especially investors, will increase the company's
Accounting Conservatism. stock market price. The increased stock market
price will increase the value of market-to-book val-
The relationship between Firm Size and Account- ue ratio, which is the proxy of measuring account-
ing Conservatism ing conservatism. So, the increased market-to-book
The larger the size of a company, the greater the value ratio indicates that the company is more con-
burden of welfare transfers (political costs) incurred servative in presenting its financial statements. Re-
by the company. This is because large company will search conducted by Radyasinta and Kusmuriyanto
be subject to higher tax rates and gets more demands (2014) states that profitability has an effect on ac-
from workers. The growing political costs indicate counting conservatism.
that the company has a high profitability. The higher H4: Profitability has an effect on Accounting Con-
the profitability of the company, the bigger the profit servatism.
earned by the company. Increased corporate profits
will increase the attractiveness of the public, espe- 3. RESEARCH METHOD
cially investors to the company. Increased attrac- Research Design
tiveness of the public, especially investors, will in- Based on the type of research, this research is a hy-
crease the stock market price of the company. The pothesis testing research and causal research (Jo-

Dianita Affianti: The effect of good …

giyanto 2015: 70). Based on the nature and type of leverage is total debt divided by total assets which
data, the data used in this study is included in the refers to the research conducted by Ni Wayan and
metric data with quantitative value in which the Ni Made (2015):
type of scale or type of data value used in this 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡𝑠
𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = . (2)
study is the ratio scale and using secondary data 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠

(Jogiyanto 2015: 81). Secondary data used are the

data obtained from financial statements, annual Profitability
Profitability is the ratio used to assess the compa-
reports, and good corporate governance reports of
ny's ability to generate profits through total assets
banking industry companies listed on the Indone-
owned by the company. In this study, the proxy
sian Stock Exchange period 2008-2015.
used to assess profitability is using ROA (Return on
Research Limitation Asset) that compares between Net Profit and Total
There are several limitations in this study, such as: Asset owned by the company in accordance with
1. This study examines the effect of good corporate the research conducted by Radyasinta and Kusmu-
governance, firm size, leverage, and profitability riyanto (2014):
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡
on the level of accounting conservatism only. 𝑅𝑂𝐴 = . (3)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠
2. The industry used in this research is conven-
tional banking industry only. Population and Sampling Technique
3. The period of research is from 2008 to 2015 only. The population that used in this study is banking
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Variable Identification (BEI) period 2008-2015. The sampling technique
The variable used in this study consists of two va- that used is purposive sampling method. Purposive
riables, namely dependent variable and indepen- sampling is a sampling process that limits the
dent variable. number of samples with the criteria determined by
1. The dependent variable (Y) is Accounting Con- the researcher in order to show better results. Sev-
servatism eral criteria used by the researcher are:
2. The independent variables (X) are Good Corpo- 1. The banking sector companies are listed on the
rate Governance (X1), Firm Size (X2), Leverage Indonesia Stock Exchange respectively during
(X3) and Profitability (X4). the study period 2008-2015.
2. The companies publish the complete financial
Operational Definition and Variable Measure- statements and end on December 31, during the
ment study period 2008-2015.
Accounting Conservatism 3. The companies use IDR currency in the finan-
Conservatism is an attitude or flow to take action or cial statements published.
decision cautiously in the face of risk by being will- 4. The companies report and publish Good Cor-
ing to sacrifice something in order to reduce or porate Governance reports respectively during
eliminate risk (Suwardjono 2013: 245). The conser- the study period 2008-2015.
vatism in this research uses measurement of mar-
ket-to-book value ratio, which refers to the research Data Analysis Technique
conducted by Fani and Kusmuriyanto (2015). This research used descriptive statistical analysis,
multiple regression analysis, classical assumption
Company Size test, and hypothesis test.
Company size is one of indicators that can be used
to determine the size of a company. In this study, Descriptive Statistical Analysis
the size of the company is proxied by the natural According to Imam (2016: 19), descriptive statistical
logarithm of total assets owned by the company, analysis gives descriptions of data seen from the
which refers to the research conducted by Jumratul values of mean, standard deviation, variance, min-
and I Dewa (2014). imum, maximum, sum, range, kurtosis and skew-
SIZE = Ln (Total Assets). (1) ness. This analysis provides an overview of the
distribution and behavior of the sample data.
Leverage is a ratio that shows the extent to which Classical Assumption Test
the company uses debt to finance the company's Normality Test
assets. In this study, the proxy used to measure Normality test is used to test whether in regression

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 7, No. 2, July – December 2017, pages 191 – 202

Table 1
Results of Descriptive Statistical Analysis
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Conservatism 122 .3029 3.6587 1.381490 .6962065
GCG 122 1.0000 3.0000 1.653238 .4255754
SIZE 122 27.9384 34.4445 31.763050 1.6260520
Leverage 122 .3422 .9398 .873263 .0663636
Profitability 122 .0005 .0446 .019599 .0106733
Explanation The minimum value of GCG variable indicates that the implementation of the eleven
indicators of good corporate governance in banking industry is getting better.
Conversely, the minimum value of GCG variable indicates that the implementation of
eleven indicators of good corporate governance in banking industry is getting worse.
Source: Processed data.

model, the dependent and independent variables test aims to test whether there is a variance inequa-
have normal or abnormal distribution. This model lity of residual from one observation to another in a
is said to be good if the distribution is normal or regression model. A model can be said to be free
close to normal. The statistical test used in this from heteroscedasticity if the β parameter coeffi-
study is Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. Kolmogorov- cient of the regression equation is not statistically
Smirnov Test has certain criteria in the assessment, significant or the probability value of significance is
such as: above 5 percent of confidence level.
1. If the significance is > 5%, then the data is nor-
mally distributed. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
2. If the significance is <5%, then the data is not Regression analysis is performed to measure the
normally distributed. strength of the relationship between two or more
variables. In addition, it also shows the direction of
Multicolinearity Test the relationship between the dependent variable
In a good regression model, there should be no and the independent variables (Imam Ghozali 2011:
correlation between independent variables. This 96). In this study, the researchers tested the influ-
multicollinearity test is used for the research that ence of independent variables on dependent varia-
has more than one independent variable. This can ble using multiple linier regression analysis method
be seen from the value of tolerance and variance with mathematical equation as follows:
inflation factor (VIF). If the tolerance value is > 10% KON_AK = α + β1GCG + β2SIZE + β3LEV + β4ROA +
and VIF value is < 10%, then it can be concluded ε. (3)
that there is no multicollinearity among indepen- Note:
dent variables in the regression model. KON_AK = Accounting Conservatism
GCG = Good Corporate Governance
Autocorrelation Test SIZE = Company Size
According to Imam (2016: 107), autocorrelation test LEV = Leverage
aims to test whether in the linear regression model ROA = Profitability
there is a correlation between the confounding er- α = Constant
ror in period t and the disturbance error in period t1 β1 = Regression Coefficient of GCG
(previously). This study uses Run Test. The hypo- β2 = Regression Coefficient of SIZE
theses used for this test are: β3 = Regression Coefficient of Leverage
1. H0: Residual is random, which means that there β4 = Regression Coefficient of Profitability
is no autocorrelation between residual values ε = error.
2. Ha: Residual is not random, which means that
there is autocorrelation between residual values. 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
The data will be seen at significant value of > Descriptive Statistical Analysis
0.05. If the significance value > 0.05, it can be con- In this study, descriptive statistical analysis will
cluded that in the regression model there is no au- explain and describe the data seen from the mini-
tocorrelation. mum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation
values. The following is the explanation of the de-
Heteroscedasticity Test scriptive analysis from the result of descriptive
According to Imam (2016: 134), heteroscedasticity statistical analysis (see Table 1):

Dianita Affianti: The effect of good …

Accounting Conservatism and Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) in 2014

Based on the output of descriptive statistical test, and 2015. The maximum value of 3,000 was ob-
Table 1 shows that there are 122 samples used in tained by Bank Woori Saudara Indonesia 1906 Tbk
this research. The minimum value of accounting (SDRA) in 2011.
conservatism is 0.3029 obtained by Bank Artha The average value of good corporate gover-
Graha International Tbk (INPC) in 2015. In 2015, nance in the banking industry based on Table 1 is
the closing price of the stock of Bank Artha Graha 1.653238. Of the 122 samples studied, 48% of the
International Tbk was IDR 64 and the book value companies have a composite value of GCG below
per share was IDR 211.316, so the ratio of market- the average, while the remaining 52% of the com-
to-book value generated was 0.3029. The minimum panies have a composite value of GCG above the
value of accounting conservatism that is far from 1 average. The standard deviation of good corporate
indicates that Bank Artha Graha International Tbk governance is 0.4255754. The standard deviation
(INPC) tends not to be conservative in its financial value, which is far below the average, indicates that
reporting compared to other banks sampled during the data variations in the study are low.
the period 2008-2015. However, for the entire data processed shows
The maximum value of 3.6587 is obtained by that the average company has a good predicate of
Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) in 2015. The high good corporate governance that can be seen from
value of accounting conservatism is due to the high the result of statistical test with the average compo-
ratio of market-to-book value. The closing price of site value of 1.653238. And the average composite
BCA bank was IDR 13,300, higher than the book value is still in good category because the compo-
value of IDR 3,635.162, resulting in a market-to- site value is still less than 2.5. So, it can be con-
book value ratio of 3.6587. This indicates that the cluded that the average of banking companies that
company has a high level of accounting conservat- have been sampled in this research have good go-
ism in its financial reporting because it means the vernance.
company records its book value lower than the
market value of the company. Standard deviation Firm Size
value of accounting conservatism from is 0.6475693 The minimum value of firm size is 27.9384 derived
with a mean value of 1.381490. The standard devia- from the total logarithm of the total asset of Bank of
tion value of accounting conservatism variable in India (BSWD) in 2008 with total asset of IDR
this research is much smaller than the mean value 1,359,880,323,678. While the maximum value of the
obtained for accounting conservatism variable. This company size is 34.4445 came from the total natural
means that the variation of data in this research is logarithm of the total assets of Bank Mandiri (Per-
considered low or homogeneous, so it can be con- sero) Tbk in 2015 with total assets of IDR
cluded that the data distribution is good. 910.063.409.000.000.
Of the 122 samples studied, 53% of companies Based on Table 1, it can also be seen that the
have accounting conservatism value below the av- mean value of the firm size of 122 samples is
erage during the period 2008-2015 and the remain- 31.763050 with a standard deviation value of
ing 47% of companies have accounting conservat- 0.6475693. The standard deviation value of firm
ism value above average, thus it can be interpreted size in this research is much smaller than the mean
that the average banking company has a low level value obtained for company size variable, which
of accounting conservatism. The lower ratio of means that the data variations in this research are
market-to-book value makes the company recog- low or homogeneous data. So, it can be concluded
nize that the book value is higher than the market that the data distribution is good.
value of the company
Good Corporate Governance The minimum value of leverage is 0.3422 obtained
Based on the output of descriptive statistical test by Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk in 2013 with total debt
(Table 1), there are 122 samples used in this re- of IDR 3,781,586,000,000 and total assets of IDR
search. The minimum value of good corporate go- 11,051,347,000,000. This means that the company's
vernance obtained is 1,000. There are several banks lowest ability to finance its assets using debt is
that obtain composite value of 1,000, such as Bank 34.2%. While the maximum value of 0.9398 was
Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) in 2010, obtained by Bank Artha Graha International Tbk in
Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk in 2013, Bank OCBC NISP 2011 with total debt of IDR 18,031,095,213,642 and
Tbk in 2013, Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) in 2015, total assets of IDR 19,185,436,308,366. This means

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 7, No. 2, July – December 2017, pages 191 – 202

that the company's highest ability to finance its normally distributed. Since the researchers use
assets is 93.98%. Thus, it can be said that the com- outlier test, the researchers have to re-test the data
panies with high leverage will get more supervi- that is considered outlier. Outlier test in this
sion from creditors than the companies with low research is done 7 times with total outlier data as
leverage. many as 22 data and then generate final sample of
Overall, the mean value of leverage is 0.873263 122 companies during period 2008-2015 with
with a standard deviation value of 0.0663636. Stan- significance value of 0.065 so that the data have
dard deviation value can be used to see how far the normal distribution.
distance between one data and another. The data
variations of the leverage can be said to be low be- Multicolinearity Test
cause the standard deviation is smaller than the The multicollinearity test is used to test whether
mean value of 0.0663636. there is a correlation between independent va-
riables in the regression model (Imam 2016: 103).
Profitability Tolerance value indicates that there is no indepen-
The minimum value of 0.0005 was obtained by dent variable having tolerance value less than 0.1,
Bank QNB Indonesia Tbk in 2011 with net profit which means that there is no correlation between
before tax of IDR 15,550,000,000 and total assets of independent variables whose value is more than
IDR 3,593,817,000,000. This means that the compa- 95%. As for the calculation of Variance Inflation
ny's lowest ability to generate profits through its Factor (VIF) value also shows the same thing that,
assets is 0.05%. from the four independent variables, there is no
While the maximum value of .0446 was ob- single variable that has VIF value more than 10. So
tained by Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in it can be concluded that there is no multicollineari-
2013 with net profit before tax of IDR ty between independent variables in the regression
27,910,000,000,000 and total assets of IDR model.
626,100,633,000,000. This means the company's
highest ability to generate profit through assets Autocorrelation Test
owned by the company is 4.6%. From Table 1, it can Autocorrelation test is used to test whether in the
also be seen that the mean value of profitability is regression model there is a correlation between the
0.019599 with a standard deviation of 0.0106733. confounding error in period t and the disturbance
The standard deviation value which is smaller than error in the previous period (t-1). In this study, the
mean value indicates that the data variations in the researches use Run Test to detect whether there is
study are low or homogeneous data. So, it can be autocorrelation problem in the regression model
concluded that the data distribution is good. used. The results of Run Test table 4.6 show the test
High ROA (Return on Asset) ratio indicates value of -0.05809 with Asymp value. Sig. (2-tailed)
that the level of company's ability to generate prof- of 0.585. It shows that the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-
its derived from the company's assets is getting tailed) is 0.585 greater than the significant coeffi-
better. This means that management is able to op- cient value of 0.05 (0.585 > 0.05). This means the
timize the use and utilization of assets owned by hypothesis is nil and residual data is random, so it
the company. Conversely, low ROA (Return on can be concluded that in the regression model there
Asset) ratio shows that the level of company’s abili- is no autocorrelation.
ty to generate profits derived from company assets
is getting worse. This means that management is Heteroscedasticity Test
not able to optimize the use and utilization of assets Heteroscedasticity test in this research is done us-
owned by the company. ing Glejser test. The results of Glejser test show that
the significance value of GCG variable is 0.252,
Normality Test company size is 0.232, Leverage is 0.749, and prof-
The results of normality calculation by using One- itability is 0.070. The four independent variables
Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test show that the have significance value above 0.05, which the value
initial data with a sample of 144 companies has the of Residual Absolute (AbsUt) of dependent varia-
value of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000. This ble. This means that the significant value statistical-
indicates that the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is ly affects the absolute residual value (AbsUt) of
0.000 smaller than the significant coefficient value dependent variable. So it can be concluded that
of 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). So, it can be concluded that heteroscedasticity does not occur in the regression
the residual data in the regression model is not model of this study.

Dianita Affianti: The effect of good …

Table 2
Results of T Test Analysis
Variable Sig. t hitung t table
GCG .168 -1.387 1.9804
SIZE .301 1.040 1.9804
LEV .000 -3.845 1.9804
ROA .000 6.427 1.9804
Source: Processed SPSS.

Multiple Regression Analysis the effect of good corporate governance on account-

In this study, multiple regression analysis is used to ing conservatism. Based on table 8, the t count val-
measure the strength of the relationship between ue is -1.387 with the significance level of 0.168. The
independent variables (good corporate governance, significance level of 0.168 is greater than 0.05 and
firm size, leverage, and profitability) and depen- the t count value of -1.387 is smaller than the t table
dent variable (accounting conservatism) either par- value of 1.9084. It can be concluded that in this
tially or simultaneously. From the results of data study H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected, which
processing, it is obtained multiple regression equa- means that good corporate governance (GCG) has
tion as follows: no effect on accounting conservatism.
KON_AK = 2.339 – 0.181 GCG + 0.036 SIZE – 2.8000 b. The Second Hypothesis Test
LEV + 32.316 ROA + ε. The second hypothesis is conducted to examine
the effect of firm size on accounting conservatism.
Hypothesis Test Based on table 8, the t count value is 1.040 with
F Test the significance level of 0.301. The significance
Fstatistic test is performed to find out whether the level of 0.301 is greater than 0.05 and the t count
regression equation model in this research is fit or value of 1.080 is smaller than the t table value of
not fit. The result indicates the value of F test is 1.9084. It can be concluded that in this study H 0 is
23.310 with a significance value of 0.000 which is accepted and H1 is rejected which means that
much smaller than the level of significance (α) 0.05. company size has no effect on accounting conser-
This means H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. So it vatism.
can be concluded that there is one of the indepen- c. The Third Hypothesis Test
dent variables (good corporate governance varia- The third hypothesis test is conducted to examine
ble, firm size, leverage and profitability) that has an the effect of leverage on accounting conservatism.
effect on accounting conservatism, then the regres- Based on table 8, the t count value is 3.845 with the
sion model is said fit or good. significance level of 0.000. The significance level of
0.000 is smaller than 0.05 and the t count value of
R2 Test 3.854 is greater than t table value of 1.9084. It can be
Determination coefficient (R2) is used to measure concluded that in this study H0 is rejected and H1 is
the ability of the model (the influence of indepen- accepted, which means that leverage has an effect
dent variables) in explaining the variation of the on accounting conservatism.
dependent variable. The results indicate the value d. The Fourth Hypothesis Test
of adjusted R square of 0.424 which means that the The fourth hypothesis is conducted to examine the
variable of accounting conservatism can be ex- effect of profitability on accounting conservatism.
plained by the variables of good corporate gover- Based on table 8, the t count value is 6.427 with the
nance, firm size, leverage, and profitability with the significance level of 0.000. The significance level of
value of 42.2%, while the remaining 57.8% is ex- 0.000 is smaller than 0.05 and the t count value of
plained by other variables that are not investigated 6.427 is greater than t table value of 1.9084. It can be
in this study. concluded that in this study H0 is rejected and H1
is accepted which means that profitability has an
T Test effect on accountancy conservatism.
T statistics test aims to show the influence of one
(each) independent variable partially on the de- Discussion
pendent variable. The results of the t test can be The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Ac-
seen in Table 2. counting Conservatism
a. The First Hypothesis Test Based on the result of t test analysis, it is found that
The first hypothesis test is conducted to examine good corporate governance has no effect on ac-

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 7, No. 2, July – December 2017, pages 191 – 202

Table 3
The Average Value of GCG Based on the Accounting Conservatism Level
Year Number of Observations Average of GCG
Conservative Company (MTB ratio is more than 1) 2008-2015 79 1.5472
Not Conservative Company 2008-2015 43 1.8481
Source: Processed data.

Table 4
The Average Value of Size based on the Accounting Conservatism Level
Year Number of Observation Average of Size
Conservative Company (MTB ratio more than 1) 2008-2015 79 31.2682
Non Conservative Company 2008-2015 43 32.0324
Source: Processed data.

Table 5
The Average Value of Leverage Based on the Accounting Conservatism Level
Year Number of Observations Average of LEV
Conservative Companies (MTB Ratio more than 1) 2008-2015 79 0.8575
Non-Conservative Companies 2008-2015 43 0.9022
Source: Processed data.

Table 6
The Average Value of Profitability Based on Accounting Conservatism Level
Year Number of Observations Average of PROFIT
Conservative Companies (MTB Ratio more than 1) 2008-2015 79 0.0235
Non-Conservative Companies 2008-2015 43 0.0125
Source: Processed data.

counting conservatism. corporate governance will not affect the company

Table 2 shows that the average composite val- stock price. It is because either big or small compo-
ue of good corporate governance in banking com- site value obtained from the report of self assess-
panies that apply accounting conservatism during ment of good corporate governance is not the main
the study period 2008 - 2015 is 1.5472. Meanwhile, focus of the investors. The main focus of investors
the average composite value of good corporate go- is on the company’s financial performance. The
vernance in banking companies that do not apply reason is that with a good financial performance,
accounting conservatism is 1.8481. The results indi- the investors will most likely get bigger dividends
cate that based on the data processed, both con- and returns. Therefore, the composite value has no
servative companies and non-conservative compa- effect on the fluctuation of the stock price causing
nies have good GCG. This can be seen from the the value of the market-to-book ratio, which is the
average composite value obtained from the obser- proxy for the measurement of accounting conser-
vation, that is, from 1.5 to 2.00. In accordance with vatism, also has no effect.
Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. The results of this study are consistent with
09/12/DPNP/2007, companies that have such the research conducted by Mariska Veres (2013)
composite value are companies that implement which can not prove the influence of good corpo-
good GCG. So it can be concluded that the imple- rate governance on accounting conservatism but
mentation of good corporate governance does not different from the results of the research con-
affect the level of accounting conservatism applied ducted by Fani and Kusmuriyanto (2015) that
by the company in the presentation of its financial good corporate governance has an effect on ac-
statements. counting conservatism .
The result of the test which states that there is
no influence of good corporate governance on ac- The Effect of Firm Size on Accounting Conservat-
counting conservatism, when it is related with the ism
measurement of conservatism in this research with Based on the result of t test analysis, it is found that
the ratio of comparison between closing price and company size has no effect on accounting conser-
book value per share, the composite value of good vatism. Table 3 shows that the average value of

Dianita Affianti: The effect of good …

company size in banking companies that apply Based on these results, it can be concluded that
accounting conservatism during the study period leverage has an effect on the level of accounting
2008 - 2015 is 31.2682, while in banking companies conservatism. So the theory in this study which
that do not apply accounting conservatism has an states that the higher the leverage of companies the
average value of 32.0324. more not conservative the company in presenting
These results indicate that from the data its financial statements. The results of this study are
processed, both conservative and non conservative consistent with the research conducted by Ni
companies have almost the same company size. Wayan and Ni Made (2015) which states that leve-
This can be seen from the difference in the average rage has an effect on accounting conservatism but
value of natural logarithm of total assets between different from the results of the research conducted
companies that implement accounting conservat- by Dini Prastiwi (2013) that leverage has no effect
ism and companies that do not apply accounting on accounting conservatism.
conservatism, which is not too large. So, it can be
concluded that company size does not affect the The Effect of Profitability on Accounting Conser-
level of accounting conservatism. vatism
If it is related to the measurement of conservat- Based on the result of t test analysis, it is found that
ism in this study, which is the ratio between the profitability has an effect on accountancy conser-
closing price and the book value per share, the vatism. Table 5 shows that the average value of
company size will not affect the company stock profitability in banking companies that apply ac-
price because generally the main orientation of the counting conservatism during the study period
investor is on dividend and return. Meanwhile, the 2008-2015 is 0.0235. While the average value of
size of company (big or small) will not necessarily profitability in banking companies that do not ap-
benefit investors, because there is possibility that ply accounting conservatism is 0.015.
the profit earned by the company will be reinvested These results indicate that, from the data
to the company for the purpose of business expan- processed, conservative companies have an average
sion. So it can be concluded that the size (big or value of profitability of 0.0235 or 2.35% which is
small) of companies will not affect the fluctuation higher than non conservative companies that have
of stock prices so that the value of the ratio of mar- an average value of profitability of 0.0125 or 1.25%.
ket-to-book value, which is the proxy for measure- So, based on these data, it can also be proven that
ment of accounting conservatism, will also has no profitability has an effect on accounting conservat-
effect. ism.
The results of this study are consistent with the This means that high level of profitability will
results of the research conducted by Mochammad bring a high tendency for companies to apply the
and Darsono (2015) which can not prove the effect principles of conservatism because the companies
of firm size on accounting conservatism, but not with high profitability try hard to keep the profit
consistent with the research conducted by Ni obtained does not look fluctuating. The results of
Wayan and Ni Made (2015) which indicates that this study are consistent with research conducted
firm size has an effect on accounting conservatism. by Radyasinta and Kusmuriyanto (2014) that prof-
itability has an effect on accounting conservatism,
The Effect of Leverage on Accounting Conservat- but the results of this study differ from the research
ism conducted by Ika and Fachrurrozie (2015) which
Based on the results of t test analysis, it is found states that profitability has no effect on accounting
that the leverage has an effect on accounting con- conservatism.
servatism. Table 4 shows that the average value of
leverage in banking companies that apply account- 5. CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, SUGGES-
ing conservatism during the study period 2008 - TION, AND LIMITATIONS
2015 is 0.8575. While in banking companies that do This study aims to find out the effect of indepen-
not apply accounting conservatism have an average dent variables on accounting conservatism in bank-
leverage value of 0.9022. ing companies. The data observed during 2008-2015
The results indicate that, from the processed indicates that profitability variable and leverage
data, conservative companies have an average val- variable have an effect on accounting conservatism.
ue of leverage of 0.8575 (85.75%) which is lower The large or small composite value obtained from
than the non-conservative companies which have the GCG self assessment report is not the main fo-
an average value of leverage of 0.9022 (90.22%). cus of the investors. The main focus of the investors

The Indonesian Accounting Review Vol. 7, No. 2, July – December 2017, pages 191 – 202

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