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Go to an Art Museum or Contemporary Art Museum.

( Since this is an Individual ILS, I

am expecting you to do your task on your own. However, going in groups will be
allowed, only if you will guarantee your safety and will be careful during your stay inside
the museum. You can book and reserve group slots for the museums that you are
planning to visit if they have that option.
Fill these details on the top of your submission;
Name of Museum: Pinto Art Museum
Date Visited: June 3,2022
Time visited:
Who are you with: Angeline Tanginan& Summer Angel Tanginan (if you are in
groups specifically if you are with your classmates)
As announced, you have to gather and take pictures of Different Contemporary Arts
( including the short description and title of the art work) under the techniques, styles
and practices that we discussed.
2 artworks per style/technique/practice
Here are the techniques, styles and practices that we,ve discussed in this module.

1. Contemporary Painting
The Style of Objective Accuracy
The Style of Formal Order ( Intellectual and Biomorphic Order)
The Style of Emotion
The Style of Fantasy
2. Contemporary Sculpture
3. Installation Art
4. Contemporary Performing Arts ( you can use google and the internet to find examples
under this form)
Performance Art/ Theater Art
Contemporary Dance ( Disco Dancing and Hip-Hop)
Contemporary Philippine Music
5. Answer this question in 3 to 5 sentences.
What was your significant take away in this activity, describe your experience in a 3 to 5
sentence essay.

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