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As a result, smaller shippers and cargo with low payoffs may have trouble securing service contracts and

may see their margins shrink.It is expected that freight rates will remain high.There is a lot of demand,
and there is more and more uncertainty about the supply, including worries about how well transport
systems and port operations work.When it comes to setting rates, fees, and surcharges, it is becoming
increasingly important to keep an eye on market behavior and ensure transparency in the face of these
cost pressures and persistent market disruption.There have been calls for governments to step in and
address unfair market practices, as well as for regulators to exercise greater oversight.The current rise in
container freight rates will significantly raise import and consumer prices if it continues.According to
UNCTAD's simulation model, freight rate increases will result in an average increase of 11% in import
prices worldwide (figure 2).

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